I have the below code, where the commit work is after the loop.
LOOP AT itab INTO str.
  UPDATE dtab FROM str.
As per my understanding an update work process will be created after the COMMIT WORK. Is this can be viewed in SM50 ?
In case the work process created is not processed and ON HOLD. If i try to update the dtab table again, is there is a possibility I can get a lock error since the last work process in not processed.

Hi Thanga,
If you are not using update task ( CALL FUNCTION IN UPDATE TASK ) / background tasks(CALL FUNCTION IN BACKGROUND TASK ), then commit work statement is optional. System will do implicit commit after the program ends. However to be on the safer side, you should explicitly code it.
Please note that - If you are directly updating the table in your program without using update task, no entry exists in SM13-  Monitor Update task.

Similar Messages

  • Reg. commit work in a follow-up action

       i am using the following approach to solve a requirement which is posted in this thread..How to send a mail after a usage decision is made in QA11?
    got a nice reply too
      i have defined a follow-up action and assigned a customized mail-sending fm to doubts are, i am on able to send the mail to an internal id, but the problem is without using commit work and submit rsconn01 commands, am failing in doing the same...i have read in a thread that commit work or submit (if the called program uses commit work) will cause data inconsistencies and will trigger locks if it's used in any user-exit or badi...but in my case, when will a follow-up action actually take place? will it happen after all the database commits? if so, then i believe that even i use commit work and submit commands in my z mail sending fm, it wouldn't cause any just sort of afraid whether this approach is the correct one? or triggering the mail code from the last user exit or badi itself will solve the purpose? i believe not..please guide me on this friends...helpful replies will be appreciated and awarded..thanks in advance
    Sathish. R

    less views and no answers:-(

  • Commit work sets sy-subrc 0

    Commit work sets sy-subrc always to zero.
    In this case how can we know if commit work fails.
    Please provide more details and efficient usage of commit statements in a report

    Usage of commit statements is as follows:
    u2026 AND WAIT
    Executes a database commit and thus closes a logical processing unit or Logical Unit of Work ( LUW ) (see also Transaction processing ). This means that
    all database changes are made irrevocable and cannot be reversed with ROLLBACK WORK and
    all database locks are released.
    COMMIT WORK also
    calls the subroutines specified by PERFORM u2026 ON COMMIT ,
    executes asynchronously any update requests (see CALL FUNCTION u2026 IN UPDATE TASK ) specified in these subroutines or started just before,
    processes the function modules specified in CALL FUNCTION u2026 IN BACKGROUND TASK ,
    cancels all existing locks (see SAP locking concept ) if no update requests exist,
    closes all open database cursors (see OPEN CURSOR ) and
    resets the time slice counter to 0.
    COMMIT WORK belongs to the Open SQL command set.
    Return code value
    The SY-SUBRC is set to 0.
    All subroutines called with PERFORM u2026 ON COMMIT are processed in the LUW concluded by the COMMIT WORK command. All V1 update requests specified in CALL FUNCTION u2026 IN UPDATE TASK are also executed in one LUW . When all V1 update requests have been successfully concluded, the V2 update requests (u201Dupdate with start delayedu201D) are processed, each in one LUW . Parallel to this, the function modules specified in CALL FUNCTION u2026 IN BACKGROUND TASK are each executed in one LUW per destination.
    COMMIT WORK commands processed within CALL DIALOG processing
    - execute a database commit (see above),
    - close all open database cursors,
    - reset the time slice counter and
    - call the function modules specified by CALL FUNCTION IN
    BACKGROUND TASK in the CALL DIALOG processing.
    However, subroutines and function modules called with PERFORM u2026 ON COMMIT or CALL FUNCTION u2026 IN UPDATE TASK in the CALL DIALOG processing are not executed in the calling transaction until a COMMIT WORK occurs.
    Since COMMIT WORK closes all open database cursors, any attempt to continue a SELECT loop after a COMMIT WORK results in a runtime error. For the same reason, a FETCH after a COMMIT WORK on the now closed cursors also produces a runtime error. You must therefore ensure that any open cursors are no longer used after the COMMIT WORK .
    With batch input and CALL TRANSACTION u2026 USING , COMMIT WORK successfully concludes the processing.
    u2026 AND WAIT
    The addition u2026 AND WAIT makes the program wait until the type V1 updates have been completed.
    The return code value is set as follows:
    SY-SUBRC = 0 The update was successfully performed.
    SY-SUBRC <> 0 The update could not be successfully performed.
    Runtime errors
    COMMIT_IN_PERFORM_ON_COMMIT : COMMIT WORK is not allowed in a FORM callled with PERFORM u2026 ON COMMIT .
    COMMIT_IN_POSTING : COMMIT WORK is not allowed in the update task.
    Hope it will help you.
    Feel free to ask any doubt.

  • CO54: Message is not sent to any destination: Commit Work is getting failed

    While processing the Messages from XFP to SAP Update is getting terminated due to the use of Commit Work. SAP Note 147467 - Update termination when sending process messages has been referred which is for 4.6C, but we are in ECC6.0.
    While processing the message in second iteration Commit Work triggres and Update happens in the data base.
    Following Issue is only concerned with Nested HUs
    T-Code used CO54
    Following are the analysis:
    it looks like u201CCreate and Post a Physical Inventory Docu201D is failing in the initial processing because the inventory doc is created when the Transfer Order to the PSA (or the TO from the PSA) is not yet completed (quant is still locked somehow).
    CO54, process message category=ZHU_CONS: HU to be consumed is a nested pallet (unpacking/ repacking and TOs to/from) and qty to consume is greater that HU qty in SAP (creation of a physical inventory doc is required).
    1. The error occurs while clearing the inventory posting for the physical inventory document.
    2. The surprising factor is the u201CProcess Messageu201D is not processed correctly for the first time.
    3. Indeed it is successfully processed without any error if you do process it second time.
    Error Log from C054 T-Code.
    02.08.2010                                         Dynamic List Display                                                1
    Message text
    Message category: ZHU_CONS ---    Process message: 100000000000000621   "Send to All Destinations" Is Active
    Message to be sent to destination:
    ZHGI ZPP_0285_XFP_GOODSISSUE Individual Processing Is Active
    => Message will be sent to destination (check log for destination)
    Message category: ZHU_CONS ---    Process message: 100000000000000621   "Send to All Destinations" Is Active
    Message destination ZPP_0285_XFP_GOODSISSUE triggered COMMIT WORK
    Input parameters OK, passed to source field structure
    Step 0: Now checking if scenario with HU
    Step 2: Scenario with HU, Now checking if HU nested
    Step 3: HU nested, checking if HU in repack area
    Step 4: HU not in repack area, moving it to repack area
    HU moved to repack area, TO number 0000000873
    Step 5: Depacking nested HU...
    Nested HU depacked, HU pallet n°: 00176127111000461994
    Steps 6-7: Moving back HUs to supply storage type / bin...
    HU 00376127111000462001 moved back to original area with TO number 0000000875
    Steps 6-7: Moving back HUs to supply storage type / bin...
    No need to move back HU 00176127111000461994 (not in table LEIN)
    Step 8: Checking if HU fully used and quantity matches HU system quantity
    HU not fully used but picked quantity > HU quantity: inventory necessary
    Step 9: Inventory needed, creating physical inventory document...
    Physical inventory document 0000000126 created
    Step 10: Adding weighted quantity on inventory document...
    Weighted quantity entered in document 0000000126
    Step 11: Posting rectification in inventory document 0000000126...
    Physical inventory document 0000000126 rectified
    Error: rectification for doc 0000000126 not updated in DB!
    => Destination ZHGI ZPP_0285_XFP_GOODSISSUE can currently not process the message
    => Message is not sent to any destination
    The errors in SM13 for this contain the program SAPLZPP_0285_HUINV_ENH (creating/changing the HUM physical inventory doc). WM Function module L_LK01_VERARBEITEN is also involved.
    From SM13, it displays the following piece of code in include LL03TF2M (read the LEIN table=Storage Units table):
           IF (LEIN-LGTYP = LK01-NLTYP AND         
                 LEIN-LGPLA = LK01-NLPLA) OR
                  NOT P_LEDUM IS INITIAL.
    Das ist der Fall einer TA-Quittierung wo Von-Hu = Nach-HU ist und sofort die WA-Buchung erfolgt. Dann steht die HU noch auf dem Von-Platz, daher darf hier kein Fehler kommen, sondern es wird ein. Flag gesetzt, daß verhindert daß die LE fortgeschrieben wird.
             FLG_NO_LE_UPDATE = CON_X.
            MESSAGE A558 WITH P_LENUM.
    Translation in English of the German text via Google:
    "This is the case where confirmation of a TO source-HU = destination-HU, and now the WA (Good Issue?)- made book. Then, the HU is still on the From-space may therefore come here not a mistake, but it sets a flag that prevents that the LE is updated."
    Thanks and Regards,
    Prabhjot Singh
    Edited by: Prabhjot  Singh on Aug 2, 2010 4:39 PM

    Hope you have carried out following things in Production ( Please refer to SAP help before actually doing it in production).
    1. Transport the predefined characteristics from the SAP reference client (000) to your logon client.
    2. Adopt Predefined Message Categories - In this step, you copy the process message categories supplied by SAP from internal tables as Customizing settings in your plants.

  • How to execute Update Module FM after final commit work for a T-code.

    Hello Folks,
    I have a bit complex issue with my current object.
    We have modified MM41/MM42 transactions and added a subscreen to fulfill the requirement.
    We have designed the subscreen and embedded the same to MM41/MM42 through SPRO configuration.
    Now for update business logic,i am trying to execute one Function module(Update Module) in update that it will be executed once after the final commit work will be done for MM41/MM42.
    But its not executing.
    To fulfill my requirement i need to execute the FM only after Final Commit work for MM41/MM42.
    Please suggest in this regard.
    Even i can see few BADI's which are triggering through MM01/MM02 but not through MM41/MM42.
    Code with which i am trying is given below.
    After PAI event of the subscreen---
    1:        MODULE USER_COMMAND_9001.
    2:       MODULE user_command_9001 INPUT.
                        PERFORM sub_save_mara ON COMMIT.
    3:       FORM sub_save_mara.
                                                 materialno = gv_matnr
                                                 appendmara = ty_zzmara.
             ENDFORM.                    "sub_save_mara
    4:                FUNCTION zmmupdate_mara_append_struct.
                      ""Update Function Module:
                       ""Local Interface:
                      *"  IMPORTING
                   *"     VALUE(MATERIALNO) TYPE  MATNR
                   *"     VALUE(APPENDMARA) TYPE  ZZMARA
    Data Declaration for Local use
      DATA : w_mara TYPE mara.
    Selecting the latest values for the material.
      SELECT SINGLE * FROM mara INTO w_mara WHERE matnr = materialno.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
      Move the ZZMARA values to structure MARA
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING appendmara TO w_mara.
      Update the values in table MARA.
        MODIFY mara FROM w_mara.
    Kindly suggest.Thanks in advance.

    The code given by me will work fine provided the Final commit should happen.
    Because to execute FM with update task,final commit work should happen which is mandatory and after that it will call the update task.
    In my case final commit work was not happeneing because..SAP standard program was not able to detect wether there is any change in my sub-screen or not as the standard program & my custom program,subscreens are different.
    As it was not able to detect the change,so final commit was not happening and hence update task also.
    To provide the reference of change in my subscreen to standard program ,i set a flag as per the change in the subscreen
    And exported the same to memory.
    Then Implemented one enhacement spot in MATERIAL_CHANGE_CHECK_RETAIL Fm where i have Imported the flag value.
    Based on my custom flag value,i have set one standard flag FLG_AENDERUNG_GES which tells SAP standard program for MM42 wether any change has happened or not.
    The above solved my purpose.

  • SO_OBJECT_SEND function does not work without an explicit COMMIT WORK

    We have used this Function module (SO_OBJECT_SEND) inside a custom BAdI Implementation , which sends e-mails when some of the fields inside an infotype are modified using transaction PA30 (HR-Maintain master data).
    After the system was upgraded to BASIS version 7.0 , as per SAP note 489286 ,the calling program of the send interface must execute an explicit COMMIT WORK.But inside an update , COMMIT WORK should not be executed.
    So we did not execute explicit COMMIT WORK  inside BAdI.
    But after this upgrade, the emails are not sent out of R/3 , and the status message 672 (Still no entry in queue) is displayed on the program 'Administration of External Send Processes' - Transaction SOST.
    Can anyone suggest a solution , if you have used this Function module (SO_OBJECT_SEND) inside a BAdI during update?

    Hi Kiran,
    create one remote enable function module, write your required logic in this remote enableD function module.
    Now call this function module in Badi as below,
    eg. suppose Remote enable function module created is 'ztest'.
    In BadI write logic,
    EXPORTING ......
    also inside this function module
    call function 'SO_OBJECT_SEND' separate task 'T'
    after doing this what will happen is your mail logic will be in saperate session, so your current program will pass the data and execution of this RFC and Program having BADI, will be in two saperate sessions, so although you are using committ work standred program will not get affected.
    This will improve performance too...:)
    Please Give points if it is going to help you.

  • COMMIT WORK AND WAIT does not work

    I know this question has been asked many times in various forums. But the fact remains that there is no definitive solution found for this problem which does not involve WAIT UP TO n SECONDS or SELECT until the DB commit has been completed.
    We have an IDoc based inbound interface for creating Project Defintion and WBS Elements. Here is how the code looks like in the processing function module:
    * Create Project Defintion
        project_definition_stru = lwa_proj_bapi
        e_message_table         = lt_messages.
    * If no errors
        wait = 'X'.
    * Other code
    * Create WBS Element (BAPI could not be used because not all fields are allowed to be updated)
    Now while creating the WBS Element, transaction CJ11 returns an error that 'Project does not exist'. This is not correct because the same Project was successfully created in the previous step.
    It is clear that the problem is because of the delay in database commits.
    This happens only with few IDoc's and not all of them. And of course, the problem does not occur if I induce WAIT UP TO n SECONDS after BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT. But this is not the best practice.
    The question is why BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT does not wait even though we are forcing it to?
    Thanks in advance
    Sagar Acharya

    Suhas wrote:
    But i am baffled that although the COMMIT has happened earlier why is the data not updated in the DB ?
    Well, it's just a [COMMIT WORK|] and not a [COMMIT WORK AND WAIT|]. Let me quote the ABAP help:
    If you do not specify the addition AND WAIT, the program does not wait until the update work process has executed it (asynchronous updating), but instead is resumed immediately after COMMIT WORK. However, if the addition AND WAIT is specified, program processing after COMMIT WORK will not continue until the update work process has executed the high-priority update function modules (synchronous updating).
    @Sagar Acharya: Well, I thought you were looking for an explanation why sometimes the project isn't created (and you only had posted coding that showed details for step 1) - I'm trying hard, but my mind reading skills are rather limited yet...
    So let's think about step 2 and 3: I assume that you made sure that your coding always references the correct WBS element. Again the commit (without wait) is done already via CJ11 (e.g. check form BUCHEN in SAPLCJWB). I'd expect though that the synchronous update mode should make this work. Since it doesn't, I'd try local update mode, which is what I'd choose in your case anyhow.
    Apart from that my mind is pretty blank, except for the usual silly things to check. E.g. are you sure you're coding is correct, you are handling all return messages and log them for inspection later (e.g. application log), you are certain that the WBS was actually created by the same IDoc that throws the fit (and IDoc was not reprocessed), etc.
    So maybe somebody else has better ideas...

  • Lock and Commit work in INBOUND IDOC

    Hi Experts,
    Problem is about lock and commit work
    i need to receive idoc for Good receipt for purchase order.
    For one Purchase Order i can receive many good receipt Idoc at the same time and when first came in Lock the Purchase Order and further idoc came after give Errors becouse purchase Order is lock.
    Problem is not the serialization (the sequence is correct), but is the lock.
    Any idea on how to fix this issue? (maybe there is some std settings??)

    Hello Guys
    the packetsize is already set to 1 but the problem still again..... and where i can find this setting   "in Customizing choose Engineering Change Management ® Define statuses for master record". ?
    Any way i try in function module in inbound to check the lock object with this sample code:
          DO 30 TIMES.
               mode_ekko            = 'S'
               mandt                = sy-mandt
               ebeln                = goodsmvt_item-po_number
               _scope               = '2'
               foreign_lock         = 1
               system_failure       = 2
               OTHERS               = 3.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
              WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS.
    but also with this....problem syill again...

  • Commit work statement creating problem in CALL TRANSACTION

    Hi Friends,
    we are facing a problem where we need to call a standard program from a  Zprogram.
    we have tried the following ways.
    1. Using SUBMIT statement , we are sending the parameters to the standard program, but when the standard program gives a  
        dump our program cannot process further records. we are calling the submit statment in a loop. As because the standard
        program is giving dump our program is not able to process the next record in the loop and this should not be the case.
        To avoid this we have used the second method.
    2. we used a CALL transaction, we have created a Tcode for the standard program and called this transaction in the calling
        program. We are passing the parameters for the  standard program via BDC table. this works fine even when  the standard
        program gives a dump but when ever the control   comes across a Commit work statement the the control comes back to our
       calling program with out executing the rest of the   statments after the commit.
    now our concern is even though there is an commit work statement , statements after the commit work should also get executed in call transaction. Is thee any way?

    Hi All,
    I got the solution
    DATA: ctu_parameters TYPE ctu_params.
    ctu_parameters-dismode = 'E'.
    ctu_parameters-updmode = 'A'.
    ctu_parameters-racommit = 'X'. "No abortion by COMMIT WORK
    CALL TRANSACTION USING itab_bdcdata OPTIONS FROM ctu_parameters.
    the above code will work even if there is an commit work . This might help some others.

  • Need help: Sending mail to internet address without commit work statement

    Dear Experts,
            I have a problem in sending mails from sap to internet address.Am using the function module
    SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 and am passing parameters like,
              DOCUMENT_TYPE  = 'RAW'
              DOCUMENT_DATA  = DOC_CHNG
              PUT_IN_OUTBOX  = 'X'
              RECEIVERS      = RECLIST
              TOO_MANY_RECEIVERS         = 1
              DOCUMENT_NOT_SENT          = 2
              OTHERS                     = 99.
    submit rsconn01 with mode = 'INT'
                        with output = 'X'
                        and return.
    My problem here is,with the commit work statement after FM, the mail is triggering correctly.but if, am not using the commit work statement,at the very first time of execution mail is not triggering, and the second time of execution first mail is triggering like wise it is going.The status of the message is waiting in queue.
    i have refresh receiver's list also.I want to use this concept in badi.So anyone can pls help me,how to send a mail without commit work statement.
    Thanks in advance.

    There is a parameter Commit_Work pass it as 'X'
    commit_work = 'X'
    OTHERS = 99.
    submit rsconn01 with mode = 'INT'
    with output = 'X'
    and return.
    Edited by: Saravanan Ramasamy on Nov 11, 2009 1:31 PM

  • Continue behind COMMIT WORK.

    Hi all,
    I am facing problem with COMMIT WORK in my STANDARD SAP modification for executing ABAP Proxy. The problem is that the program doesnt continue after COMMIT WORK (messages, screens), but return to the initial screen.
    Is there any way to commit data sent via proxy and then continue (with next proxy calling, processing screens etc)?
    Thank you very much.
    Frantisek Holas, CZ

    I solved the problem myself.
    The point of solve the problem is place certain statements following with commit into standalone report, that you can call with SUBMIT command, passing value from ABAP memory or via select-option, as explained in documentation for SUBMIT STATEMENT.
    The trick of this solution is that calling new report via submit creates new SAP LUW, which can contain COMMIT WORK, that commit ONLY SAP LUW of the called report. When the report finishes and you return to the calling report/fm/trasaction/..., the SAP LUW of the calling rept/fm/transaction/... continue not affected by this COMMIT.
    It helped me to solve my problem.

  • ABAP Dump on "COMMIT WORK"

    The abap dump is occured in function module when the COMMIT WORK statement is executed.
    This function module updates a custom table.
    When creating a invoice through VF01 transaction this abap dump is occured.
    But for the next time the invoice is created successfully.
    What is the reason behind this.

    Kiran Sure

  • Issue on Commit work

    Hi Friends ,
    I am calling function module  where I have created Background Job and Submitted it . In Submit call I am updating the database table . In a LOOP am updating service entry sheets of one Purchase order . (1 PO consists of More than 1 Service entry sheets)
    Here I am able to update only First SES when it is processing the Second Service Entry sheet the PO get Locked.
    I have used the COMMIT and WAIT command after the updating the Service entry sheet.
    Here I am getting PO LOCK error by Same USER.
    Can u suggest me in this Scenario.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for information .
    Even i have coded  as follows .
    ITAB records as follows
    S1 - Servcice Sheet
    P1 PO
    X - other flds
    S1   P1  X   X  X
    S2   P1  X  X   X
    S3   p1 X  X    X
    Loop at ITAB to WA.
    UPDATE  <ZTABLE> with .......
    commit work and wait.
    Error Message  : PO is already in process by XXXX.
    - This program runs in Background .My problem is  I can't test this prg in dev .
    Could you please explain the situation u faced so that i can validate it . Thx in advance.


    I am designing a WebDynpro Java application.  It makes an update call followed immediately by a display call which should return the data that was just updated.  However, it appears that there is some DB latency involved and the data takes a few seconds to update.  The application displays old data if the display call is performed too quickly after the update call.
    All suggestions I could find point to having a Thread sleep on the Java side for a few seconds or have a WAIT FOR n SECONDS and/or COMMIT WORK AND WAIT statement in the ABAP function module.  Neither of these solutions is acceptable in a company-wide application where database latency could vary significantly based on traffic.
    I tried all kinds of functions (i.e. BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT) as well as various forms of COMMIT WORK... nothing except a WAIT works correctly.  There must be a statement out there that waits for the database write to be complete!  How is this solved without picking an arbitrary WAIT time?  What am I missing?
    Thanks in advance!

    You can write the other way.
    declare one variable
    data : wa_try type i.
    wa_try = 10. -> set as 10 ,even you do not get value ,keep on incresing.
    after BAPI FM
    you can call comitt fm.
    just use simple logic.
    do wa_try.
    select * from table into table
                                  where record = bapi fm record ( You get in RET2 Message).
    if sy-subrc eq 0.

  • COMMIT WORK - performance problem

    Dear Fellow SDNers,
    I seek your help on the following problem:
    Scenario : Inbound idoc which updates an Outbound delivery with Picked quantity, posts the goods issue and then creates billing document
    Approach : I am using the function module SD_DELIVERY_UPDATE_PICKING to update the delivery from the idoc data and to post goods issue. Thereafter, i use BAPI_BILLINGDOC_CREATEMULTIPLE to create the billing document. Before calling this BAPI, I use a COMMIT WORK statement to update the relevant tables so as to enable invoice creation properly.
    Problem: The COMMIT WORK statement takes a lot of time to execute (I have no update tasks that could lead to this), so much that the idoc (probably) has a timeout and ends up in status 64. As a result, the succeeding part of the code (after COMMIT WORK) is not executed and the billing document is not created.
    When I debug this, the COMMIT WORK statement leads to a strange screen (which looks like a blank report output screen, with its title as "UPDATE CONTROL". However (of course), there is no timeout while debugging and the billing document is successfully created.
    Could anyone provide some pointers to solve this problem?

    i have a custom function module Y_IDOC_INPUT_WMSPICK001 which is responsible for idoc inbound processing. SAP PI sends the inbound data to ECC and once this is done, this function module is executed.
    This FM has the following code sequence inside it...
    Step1 is successfully executed,  the step 2 takes a long time, and after that, the step 3 is not executed at all and the idoc ends up with a yellow light (status 64).
    hope it clarifies what I am doing

Maybe you are looking for