Doubt in ID Note 1373350.1

In the note what does this point mean? and how do I check it?
4) SCAN should have the netmask already used by public interface.Should it be possible to ping the VIP also?
Please explain.

929789 wrote:
In the note what does this point mean? and how do I check it?
4) SCAN should have the netmask already used by public interface.Should it be possible to ping the VIP also?
Please explain.So, you are reading a doc in MOS, my question is why? what is broke that you think you need to be looking at that document. What problem are you trying to solve?
If your cluster is functioning properly you should have already configured this before you started your installation. As you may have determined, you will not be able to ping the VIP until you have configured it and it has been added to the public interface.
eth0:0 public-ip-address
eth0:1 vip-ip-address
eth0:2 scan-ip-address (if it is running on this node)
eth{n} interconnect-ip-address (Note: that the device names should be the SAME device on all nodes for both public and private interfaces - see the docs)
Start here:
It might also be very helpful if you were to take a System/Network Admin class so you can start to see how things work together. If you can't take a class, buy a book and start reading and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing and testing. If you completely destroy/break it, erase, re-install and start again. This is the BEST way to learn. Don't skip steps in the installation, Don't try to "do it better". Do what the instructions say.
BTW, it is about time that you started actually reading the documentation - quit "doubting" and just do what the docs say. I have noticed that you have been posting daily using the forum to teach you what you should be learning on your own - like the rest of us did when we first started out. We cannot always be your baby-sitter. You may think this to be harsh, but, in the end, you will see that this is the best approach for you to get the knowledge necessary to get and keep a DBA job without destroying your client/employers databases.

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    Hi Smitha,
    <i>1. what are fault message types and how do we catch any exceptions in file to proxy scenario , can any one give simple example</i>
    Fault Message are Msg type that provided whenever u create a namespace..they are usually used to get the exception or error mapped which has occured while execution of Application at the sender/receiver end....
    One scenario where i had used it from Soap to RFC where i defined the exception in rfc source code at r/3 end...I mapped that exception to Fault msg type that i created of my own type(didnt used the default)..
    Refer this for Fault msg usage in Asynch scenarios.
    Refer this for Fault msg usage in Synch scenarios.
    Refer this for Handling Exceptions
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    For this you have to define the 3rd Party TS & BS in sld.
    Have a look at the following links...
    <b>** REward POints if found useful **</b>

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    The original poster is the only one that can award you points, and it seems that in both your examples the original posters clicked the "Answered" button but didn't think it was worth assigning points to you.
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    And Nokia is supposed to be "Connecting People"! Hah! So ironic!
    Note! One very important thing that must be underlined here is that this bad relation thing, and Nokia not replying on e-mails only and surely applies to Nokia Sweden. Nokia UK for instance has always replied to what ever the question I had in mind. So for every time Nokia Sweden didn't reply to me, I translated the message to English and asked Nokia UK and I always got a sattisfying answer. Many thanks to you guys! You're the best! This positive and good reception may be a reason enough for me to move to England! Seriously!
    Initially I just wanted to ask the questions I have below. But I felt like this post needed to be expanded little bit to give you a short flashback or foreword and to share my experience with you. Feel free to comment if you have had any bad experience with either Nokia Sweden or other Nokia support or customer care or so called "Nokia Care" depertments.
    Now to my initial questions.
    1. What is Club Nokia?
    2. What's the difference between Club Nokia and My Nokia? If My Nokia is just a new name for Club Nokia, then what else has changed except the name?
    3. Is it true that one can get a personal Club Nokia card by mail after registering for Club Nokia?
    4. What is the Club Nokia card used for?
    5. Is it a condition that must be fulfilled that one registers the purchased phone and shows the Club Nokia card in order to get warranty service at an authorized Nokia service shop? If it's not a condition for warranty service to have the Club Nokia card, can it still be used for those purposes (i.e. verifying the date of purchase) instead of showing the purchase receive?
    Thanks in advance!

    And if you need to contact them in your own language, you could maybe use the contact form on pages:
    after doing a quick google around the subject it seems pretty clear that there is no club nokia anymore but rather MyNokia. They do have swedish site:click here
    Message Edited by erga on 05-Feb-2009 03:25 PM

  • JRE classpath not pointing to System classpath

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    If I store the requested class into D:\Archivos de programa\Java\jre1.6.0\classes then the applet launched through JRE founds the class without any inconvenience ... but, of course, neither me nor the clients want to store it there.
    Here follows the piece of code that loads the class and calls a testing method.
    ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
    Class clase = loader.loadClass("ImpresionSab");
    Constructor constructor = clase.getConstructor( new Class[] {} );
    Object impresionSab = constructor.newInstance( new Object[] {} );
    Method metodo = clase.getMethod("decirHola", null);
    Object respuesta = metodo.invoke(impresionSab, null);
    if (respuesta instanceof String) {
    System.out.println("Respuesta: " + (String)respuesta);
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    There is no problem at all with URLClassLoader, of course ... and YES is the response: I have heard about it, and even used.
    Stupid questions, and mine was due to my ignorance -nowadays I know why JRE classpath differs from the System classpath- are supposed to be posted here in order to be answered properly ... I mean with kindness and clarifying a reasonable doubt.
    It would have help too much, and I am responsible of such confussion, to say that the applet was not mine and can not be changed at all, so this kind of tricky was needed ... but a polite response would have been much appreciated, even if it had not solved my problem.
    However, small divinities should keep appart from human doubts, and should not humiliate themselves answering such stupidities ... because that was not only my case, but also the case of some other users in the forum. The aliases translation of this goodness clarifies itself its behave.
    Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?
    But, more important, for users of JRE 1.4.2, the right syntax will be something like

  • Have doubt?? Can any one clear it

    Hi guys i have doubt.It will be nice if
    some one clears it
    when making a connection to the database using
    ConnectionPooling should we close
    connection,statementobject and resultSet.
    like this(this is the way i am doing too.)
    ---opening a connection,rs,stmt
    other code
    }catch() {
    Is it not Sufficient to close the connection.Can any one
    explain in detail why resultset and statment should be

    From my understanding, close releases resources on the object, so I would suspect that each DB driver implements their resources independently. It would be DB driver specific if closing the connection would cascade the resource cleanup to any objects that were created within that connection. I perform the same logic you do at the end of my DB calls. I have each in a try/catch since close throws SQLException, and I would prefer if each got the chance to execute. I don't do anything with an exception if close fails, because there really isn't anything you can do.
    try {
          ...something to DB
       try {
           if(rs != null )
       }catch(Exception e){}
       try {
           if(cursor != null )
       }catch(Exception e){}
       try {
           if(conn != null )
       }catch(Exception e){}

  • Memory upgrade on HP HDX18t.

    Hello all,
    I recently bought 2x4GB memory modules for my HP HDX18T-1200 laptop.  I purchased DDR3-1066(PC3-8500) from Crucial.  When I installed this memory, I do not see anything on the screen.  I doubt BIOS is not recognizing this memory.  The memory which came with the laptop is DDR3-1066(PC3-8500).  Did anyone see this issue?  I appreciate your help in fixing this issue.
    Thank you.

    Try installing one memory at a time and see if the boot is successful.
    Good luck!

  • Pls help me writing logic:iterate tag in jsp page

    Hey guys , I am struck in retriving string p1,p2,p3 in the jsp page
    Pls have a look ata the code
    In DAO class:-
    Public arrayList getPFP()
    ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
         columnsVO colVO = new columnsVO;
         colVO.setProduct(rset.getString(1));//will store in String colProduct
         colVO.setFamily(rset.getString(2));//will store in String colFamily
    colVO.setPrice(rset.getString(3));//will store in String colPrice
    return a;
    In Action Class:-
    ArrayList final = null;
    StdprdDAO DAO = new stdprdDAO();
    final = DAO.getPFP();
    For(int i = 0; final !=null && i<final.size() ; i++)
         columnsVO VO = null;
         VO = (columnsVO)final.get(i);
         String p1 = (String) VO.getProduct();
         String p2 = (String) VO.getFamily();
         String p3 = (String) VO.getPrice();
    In JSP PAGE:-
    id = “columnsVO”>
    <bean:write name = “columnsVO” property=”final” id=”p1”>
    but still I am doubting my above sentences in jsp page ,so pls correct them if possible.
    Instead of l;ogic:iterate can I use directly getattribute(“p1”)? <logic:iterate
    Still I m doubting I can not utilize columnsVO file in logic:iterate, I can utilize only formbean file.
    So pls help me with this.

    May I ask why have you done it?
    If it is related to printing of the list then it is of no use.But it IS of use. The objects compEmployees is in scope.
    It has the list we want to print out.
    With logic:iterate:
         <logic:iterate name="compEmployees" property="totalEmps" id="emp">
                  <bean:write name="emp" property="empNo"/>
                  <bean:write name="emp" property="empName"/>
    </table>or alternatively with JSTL and c:forEach
         <c:forEach items="${compEmployees.totalEmps}" var="emp">
                  <c:out value="${emp.empNo}"/>
                  <c:out value="${emp.empName}"/>

  • Apple TV + HDTV Problem

    Hello all,
    I'm having an issue w/ our Apple TV and I'd like to see if anyone else can help.
    We have a 40GB Apple TV w/ the current firmware 2.4.
    We had a Samsung 42" Plasma 1080i/720p HDTV for a little over two years. We bought the Apple TV 6 months ago and every couple of days, the TV would fail to recognize the Apple TV--it would just sit there w/ a black screen, dead, and no picture. Rebooting would help for a little while but the only sure-fire fix was to unplug it, and plug it back in. This issue happened on average once a week. I had done 2 factory restores on the unit and it made no difference.
    Our Samsung TV XY panel died so we were able to get it replaced under the insurance plan we had on it, and went with a JVC 42" LCD 1080p HDTV. Coincidentally, this TV has an iPod dock in the front of it as well, and works great w/ our 5th gen iPod nano (as well as iPhones)
    The same issue that affected the Samsung Plasma also happens on the JVC (even after a 3rd factory restore). However, on this TV set, if I change source (ie. HDMI1, HDMI2, HDMI3) or turn the TV off/on, the TV cannot recognize the Apple TV at all. I took it to the Apple Store @ Brea Mall, and they said they had seen this before, and offered to replace it. A few days later, I picked up the replacement Apple TV, took it home an hooked it up. Sure enough, same issue.
    I have two different brands of HDMI cable (Philips and Pure|AV), as well as 3 other HDMI devices (PS3, Scientific Atlanta HD DVR, Xbox 360) that each work/worked fine with both the previous TV (Samsung) and the current TV (JVC). The only one that has an issue is the Apple TV.
    I contacted AppleCare and they said to take it back to the store and ask them to test it w/ their TV set on TV (a Pioneer). The repair tech at the Brea store tested it and sure enough, it had the exact same issue on their TV that it did on mine--when he changed/cycled the sources, the Apple TV (the 2nd one) would not show a picture when put back on the same port. The repair tech offered to replace it but I asked that he just document it and I will contact AppleCare (that's what the rep @ Applecare told me to do).
    AppleCare sent me out a 3rd unit (which I currently have) and it is also having the same issue as the previous two, except this one has a very-VERY-very dim LED light on the front (almost not on). We did try the 2nd one on Component (1080i) and it worked fine, however, I cannot use it on HDMI with any of them.
    According to AppleCare, they are "looking into it" but I have absolutely no idea what that means. This issue is going from weeks to months now and I wish I had never bought this thing, but my wife loves it and wants to get it to work. I'd use Component but it does not output at 1080p as advertised.
    Does anyone have any experience with issues like this? Any suggestions? Thank you (in advance)
    El Oso

    Thanks everyone for your responses.... in an effort to reply to all of you at once, here goes...
    Winston Churchill wrote:
    Have you looked in your manual to see if a particular port needs setting up correctly (i.e renamed from HDM 1 to PC for example)
    I just looked through the JVC manual, it mentions no such port--it appears they're all the same. I've tried changing the identifier both as PVR, Bluray Disc, Cable, etc., and no setting makes any difference (I believe it's a simple naming scheme).
    Stork wrote:
    I found this thread in the Mac Mini (early 2009) discussion group.
    Although the symtoms may not be the same, the solution may point to the same problem with some sets HDMI circuitry. The $17 Monoprice adapter solution might be a cheap solution to your problem with the JCV's HMDI circuitry.
    Thanks but I'm afraid it's not the same issue I am having; I'm getting no video or audio after I switch source or turn off the TV. If I turn the Apple TV on while the TV is already on, it works until I change the source or power off the TV set. When I power the TV set back on, same issue all over again.
    capaho wrote:
    I think there is a fundamental problem with the way an ATV handles HDMI, as this is an issue that often comes up here, and whether any given owner experiences it appears to depend on the specific hardware they're using.
    Definitely, it has happened on both TV sets yet seems more prevalent on the newer JVC vs. the older Samsung (which we no longer have)
    Based on various other reports posted in the forum here, such problems appear to occur more often with certain brands of TVs and amps than others, but, based on my own experiences, I'd have to say the problem rests with the ATV. Otherwise, it wouldn't be the only device that so many people have been having problems when everything else works.
    You wouldn't believe how much angst I've gone through w/ "Apple care" over this. The product specialist I spoke to first said it had to be the TV set (even after I explained it happened on both TVs). When I took it to the store (2nd time) and they replicated it, he finally capitulated that there is definitely a problem w/ the unit.
    In your case, if you have an HDMI switch or an A/V amp with HDMI ports, you might try connecting it through that rather than directly to the TV and see if it makes a difference. Given the consistency of your problems, that may be the only way to salvage the situation for the sake of your wife.
    Ya no doubt, she's not exactly happy about it not working, and we have a dozen or so iTunes movies we cannot watch on our TV set. I can hook it up via component but it's not what it was billed as (1080p w/ digital HDMI signal). Plus, I have a PS3 which has not had one single problem w/ either TV set (Samsung or JVC)--the 360 hasn't had any issues, nor has our Cable TV DVR box.

Maybe you are looking for

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