Doubt on implicit enhance ment.

HI experts,
I got requirement regarding enhancements.all available are already used. so i go for implicit enhancement to add custom code,in that also already add custom code. here my doubt is can i add my code again , is it possible,if possible what type of issues will come. plz guide me.

You mean to say, already you guys implemented an enhancement & wants to place your code in the existing enhancement code. could you elaborate your req? it is always possible to implement implicit enhancements but you need to be careful while implementing them.
the implicit enhancement will gets called every time when that transaction runs or any related transactions which triggers that code . Validations accordingly will make you implement imp. ehhancements smoothly.

Similar Messages

  • Error in creating implicit enhancement

    Hi Experts,
    I want to create an implicit enhancement in a standard program. I went to Edit -> show implicit enhancements
    and right clicked at the yellow lines and clicked create .
    it asked for the enhancement name. after giving name and pressed ok , it is showing error 'Error in creating enhancement'
    why is this error coming?
    Thanks in advance

    hi vijaya
    well let me take an example
    suppose u r requiremwnt is to disable an field in an XYZ transaction
    And let the Enhancemant for this
    now when u go to CMOD and create
    an project as
    and when u go to enhancement Assingment
    here u give the enhance ment number which in our case is
    now if u save it . It will not get saved and show and error message which says
    this enhancemanet is alreay is being used
    in another project
    this is because u can one enhancement can only be used in one project only .
    Hope it have cleared ur problem .

  • Doubt with Implicit Enhacement in SAP ABAP

    I have the following doubt with the Implicit Enhacement in SAP ABAP created by me in several applications standard-
    If I Create an Implicit Enhacement in SAP ABAP for a function module or program standard , when the team basis is doing an upgrade the code abap created in the Implicit Enhacement not is deleted?
    I have created several Implicit Enhacement for Applications WD ABAP and FM, but I have this doubt.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Carmen G.

    you code will be retain after upgrade. If you have done implicit enhancements doesnt mean your code would get deleted after upgrades.
    In some cases you might have to activate your enhancments using SPAU.

  • Implicit enhancement vs explicit enhancement

    Can any body tell me the difference between implicit enhancement and explicit enhancement?
    My mail ID is [email protected]

    customer enhancements ECC
    SAP Upgrade questions - Please give feedback (Functional prespective) --> mySAP Business Suite Applications --> mySAP ERP --> mySAP ERP 2005 --> Upgrade
    For Functionality Differences pls refer to the below site -
    Exits are basically the hooks whcih SAP has provided to add your own code. There are two types of Exits:
    1. Customer exits: Implemented as Function Modules within z includes. Anybody can change it and no access key is required.
    2. User Exit: Implemented as subroutines within includes (any include except y or z includes). You need access for the specific include and then you can any subroutine (user exit) within that Include.
    BADIs are the enhanced version of user exits where the same logic is implemented via classes and object (OOP)
    Enchancement point is the latest once introduces with ECC6.0 . Not very sure about that but you can change it without any access key.
    Please go through the following link which will help you understand the exits in a much better way:
    User Exits.
    customer exits
    Menu Exit.
    Rewards if useful...................

  • Difference between implicit enhancement and explicit enhancement

    What is the difference between implicit enhancement and explicit enhancement .

    Hi Peters,
    Implicit enhancement option
    Throughout the ABAP system, enhancement options are automatically available at certain pre-defined places. Some of the implicit options are:
    u2022 At the end of all the programs (Includes, Reports, Function pool, Module pool, etc.), after the last statement
    u2022 At the beginning and end of all FORM subroutines
    u2022 At the end of all Function Modules
    u2022 At the end of all visibility areas (public, protected and private) of local class
    To view all the implicit options available in a source code, choose u2018Edit -> Enhancement Operations -> Show Implicit Enhancement Optionsu2019 from the editor.
    Befor that you click on the spiral icon button in the application toolbar
    Explicit enhancement option
    The Implicit enhancement options are provided at specific source code places explicitly by SAP (Note that these enhancement definitions can also be created by partners and customers in their code).
    There are two types of Explicit Enhancement options available. One which can be provided at a specific place - called Enhancement Point, and another which can be used to replace a set of statements u2013 called Enhancement Section. For this, we now have two new ABAP statements, viz.
    When the Enhancement-Section is implemented, only the implementation gets executed and the original code doesnu2019t get executed. This is a new technique, which didnu2019t exist previously in any of the old ways of enhancing, to exclude any standard SAP code from execution. Because of this, there can be only one active implementation of an Enhancement-Section. On the other hand, there can be multiple active implementations of an Enhancement-Point, in which case all the implementations will be executed with no guarantee in the order of execution.
    For more information check the following link

  • Implicit enhancement and explicit enhancement

    Hi Experts,
    I have implemented one requirement using implicit enhancement but i want to check whethere there is any explicit nhancement or not. Please let me know if any one of you have idea on that in VF02 transaction to do changes in pricing details.

    For VF02 Programe Name SAPMV60A goto this programe in this we have somany explisit Enhanacement spots, just click Binacular Icon(Find button) and paste Enhancement Spot it will disply list of explisit enhancement spots, select your spot and just right click and create spot and do changes according to your requirement.
    Sanjay Gogikar.

  • What is Implicit Enhancement and what is explicit enhancement.

    I am new to Enhancements.
    What is implicit enhancement and what is explicit enhancement.
    where exactly we have to create those.
    Thanks and regards,
    Moderator message - Please search before asking - post locked
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Oct 26, 2009 9:43 AM

    Hi Swaminath ,
    Go through the following Blogs  on enhancement Frame work. It will help u in understanding This concept in detail.

  • Implicit enhancement to a standard function module.

    Hi everybody.
    I used an Implicit Enhancement to a Standard function module Customized_Message, at the starting of function module.
    ENHANCEMENT 1  ZFK01_ENHANCEMENT4.    "active version
    If sy-tcode = 'FK01' and sy-CPROG = 'SAPMF02K' AND I_MSGNR = '230' AND i_arbgb = 'F2' AND I_DTYPE = 'I'.
    The above is working fine, to the condition what i had given above code.
    But my question is, can i use a implicit enchancement to a Standard function module(Customized_message).

    Yes, but you should also be aware that 'F2' is a configurable message class in the IMG.  You should attempt to solve your issue in that manner first.

  • While Creating Implicit enhancement system is giving dump

    Hello All,
    I am enhanceing standard code with the help of implicit enhancement.. I have done successfully in one system but when i try to do it in other system it is giving me short dump.. And the dump also didn't give any information..
    I am working on ECC 6.0 and i assume we can use implicit enhancement points...
    Kindly let me know why i am getting dump..
    This is what dump says..
    The exception 'CX_SY_MESSAGE_ILLEGAL_TEXT' was raised, but it was not caught
    anywhere along
    the call hierarchy.
    What happened?
    Since exceptions represent error situations and this error was not
    adequately responded to, the running ABAP program
    'CL_MESSAGE_HELPER=============CP' has to be
    Error analysis
    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
    The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_MESSAGE_ILLEGAL_TEXT', was not
    caught in
    procedure "ACTION" "(FORM)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.
    Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
    exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
    The reason for the exception is:
    The text parameter in MESSAGE  cannot be an initial reference
    METHOD set_msg_vars_for_if_t100_msg.
      IF text IS INITIAL.
        RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sy_message_illegal_text
            EXPORTING textid = cx_sy_message_illegal_text=>initial_ref.
    Thanks all for your help.

    This is for SE16N transaction code.. Even i tried in SE38 for a custom program but still giving dump..
    So this is not an issue with particular transaction but somehow getting dump ..I doono if there is any OSS notes to be implemented...

  • Implicit enhancement for report painter reports(For GRR3 and CJE3)

    We have a client requirement to add 5 fields (In selection screen) to report painter reports ( Reports of CJE3 and GRR3 ).We created Z reports as a copy of standard reports, added required 5 fields by implementing SAP notes and other settings.We have also done implicit enhancement for all these reports to make change in the behaviour of new fields.This is working fine in the development client but the problem is once we transport this to other client new reports get generated( With new name ) and implicit enhancement will be lost.
    For eg:in development client for CJE1/CJE2 report the program name will be "GPAVPSATWFP4NN0YRDBIQBHI8MQ"
    but when we transport it to other client new program "GP8O1UCNZTJYY5LTO8GN0UW2GQB" is generated in which implicit enhancements are not found.
    Can you please suggest how to handle implicit enhancement in such cases? Or what is the correct way to transport it.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the quick reply..
    I have already done implicit enhancement as you said ,my problem is to transport it to another client.
    I have implemented implicit enhancement for one report lets say it as "ABC", and i transport it to another client with all the enhancement. But in another client new program "XYZ" is getting generated for same report( dynamic programs ), so my implicit enhancement is present but its applicable to "ABC" program but not for "XYZ".
    Can you please suggest how can i handle this??
    thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Accgreeshma on Jan 23, 2012 3:04 PM

  • Implicit enhancement for report painter (CJE2 & GRR3 reports)

    We have a client requirement to add 5 fields (In selection screen) to report painter reports ( Reports of CJE3 and GRR3 ).We created Z reports as a copy of standard reports, added required 5 fields by implementing SAP notes and other settings.We have also done implicit enhancement for all these reports to make change in the behaviour of new fields.This is working fine in the development client but the problem is once we transport this to other client new reports get generated( With new name ) and implicit enhancement will be lost.
    For eg:in development client for CJE1/CJE2 report the program name will be "GPAVPSATWFP4NN0YRDBIQBHI8MQ"
    but when we transport it to other client new program "GP8O1UCNZTJYY5LTO8GN0UW2GQB" is generated in which implicit enhancements are not found.
    Can you please suggest how to handle implicit enhancement in such cases? Or what is the correct way to transport it.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the quick reply..
    I have already done implicit enhancement as you said ,my problem is to transport it to another client.
    I have implemented implicit enhancement for one report lets say it as "ABC", and i transport it to another client with all the enhancement. But in another client new program "XYZ" is getting generated for same report( dynamic programs ), so my implicit enhancement is present but its applicable to "ABC" program but not for "XYZ".
    Can you please suggest how can i handle this??
    thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Accgreeshma on Jan 23, 2012 3:04 PM

  • "Statement not accessible" error in Implicit enhancement - SAPMF05A

      I am trying to implement Implicit Enhancement in program SAPMF05A, in module transaktions_init. When I click on Edit -> Enhancement Option -> Show implicit enhancement, it displays implicit enhancement at end of module ( after ENDMODULE) statement. When I click " Enhancement" icon, write code and it gives error statement not accessible.
    Please suggest.

    You will have to put the code in a module and then call that module.

  • Statement not accessible error in Implicit Enhancement of  SAPMPE03

    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$\SE:(1 ) Include MPMKMO00, End                                                                                S
    *$*$-Start: (1)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------$*$*
    MESSAGE 'hi' TYPE 'I'.
    *$*$-End:   (1)
    As shown above i added a line MESSAGE 'Hi' Type 'I' in the implicit enhancement portion. But it gives me error "Statement not accessible"

    Hi Amber,
    just in case you have to do something similar again: ABAP Code must always be between MODULE ... ENDMODULE or FORM ... ENDFORM. In the example in this post the statement
    MESSAGE 'hi' TYPE 'I'.
    is just after an ENDMODULE. statement and so this code can never be reached (or is not accessible ). The implicit enhancement option outside the existing modularization units is used to define completely new MODULEs or FORMs.
    Hope this helps!

  • Query on Implicit Enhancement

    Hello experts,
    I have a query related to enhancing a function module. I am doing phase confirmation of process orders using the BAPI 'BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TT' in a module pool program(Z program). I have added few z fields to AFRU. Now i need to enhance the bapi 'BAPI_PROCORDCONF_CREATE_TT' so that the z fields are updated in AFRU. In this bapi i see a function module MAP2I_PI_TIMETICKET_TO_AFRUD in which the z fields can be moved to afrud using an implicit enhancement. But the problem is that the function module MAP2I_PI_TIMETICKET_TO_AFRUD is auto generated and there is a comment in the fm saying 'Dont Change it Manually!!'. Now i need to know how is this function module generated or is there any other way to do phase confirmation of process orders. Pls Help.
    Ramanan R.S.

    Hi Ramanan R.S.,
    Function modules MAP2I* and MAP2E* are generated via BDBS transaction.
    As your function module is named MAP2I_PI_TIMETICKET_TO_AFRUD, it means that there's a transfer from external to internal (because of MAP2I), and from PI_TIMETICKET structure to AFRUD structure.
    But I don't recommend that you work with this one. Create your own MAP2I function module. From BAPIRET2 to BAPIRETURN for instance if you're lazy like me. Store it in your own Z function group, local package.
    Before regenerating, you have to look at what was the initial mapping, as it is not stored in a database table, only in the source code. Moreover, it's possible that there were some manual changes before, so they have to be applied manually, so that means a modification of standard if you had worked on a standard one. Copying the MAP2I function module to a Z one before deleting is a very good idea!
    - Create your implicit enhancement. Test it.
    - In BDBS, you enter transfer from external to internal, plus these 2 names in BDBS, click Generate button.
    - It says "already exists", so you have to click the Delete button
    - There could be a popup "is still used", click Delete to confirm
    - It proposes a default mapping between fields, that can be different from what was previously done.
    - That will regenerate the function module (you can make sure by looking at its timestamp).
    - Test it again, you'll see that your implicit enhancement is still there.
    I admit it doesn't test the situation of a true upgrade, and I don't know any documentation that confirms that the deletion of generated repository object doesn't impact its implicit enhancement. Feedbacks welcome...

  • Adding a field to a structure in an implicit enhancement option

    I'm just trying to append a field to this internal table:
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_outtab OCCURS 0.
    DATA: knumv         LIKE ekbe-knumv.
    DATA: srvpos        LIKE ekbe-srvpos.
    DATA: ktext1        LIKE ml_esll-ktext1.
    INCLUDE             STRUCTURE mmhipo_mainlist.
    """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$\SE:(4 ) Estr. GT_OUTTAB, Final                                                                                S
    DATA: END OF gt_outtab.
    DATA: gs_outtab              LIKE LINE OF gt_outtab.
    The point is that I don't know how to use the editor to write the new field on the implicit enhancement.
    Thanks guys!!

    After going to the particular program which you want to enhance, just click on enhancement button. (spiral one) and then take the menu path EDIT -> enhancements-> show implicit enhancements.
    Now you can see the available implicit enhancements highlighted with dark orange color.
    Right click on the one you want and select the enhancement -> create.
    Enter the implementation name and the description which you want and click on ok button.
    Now you can see the inserted implementation in your standard program.
    And in between the inserted lines you write your code and activate it.
    Reward points if you find it helpful.

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