Downlaoding ipod music to itunes

I tried to save memory on my computer so i set my ipod udating for manual. then i'd down laod a song put it on my ipod and delete it from itunes. is there any way to transfer it back?

You can use YamiPod.
Please see this:
Why do I need to back up my music library?

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    This is the Pages forum but I believe you need iTunes.

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    Are you saying that before the music was on your iPod and not in yur iTunes library on yr computer and now it is in neither place?
    If so then
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store         
    you will have to get other music from where yo obtained them before.
    The problem was that you synced the iPod to other than the one syncing computer/library y can have.

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    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news (having had a look back at your weekend's postings ;~| ).
    iTunes to iPod is designed to be a one-way transfer only. Apple has implemented this limitation as part of their Digital Rights Management (DRM) and their contracts with the Record Companies. To that end you have to use a third party application which is unfortunate because this is inevitable more complicated then if Apple had implemented it.
    This post by Zevoneer has a good list.
    kind regards

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    Recover media from iPod
    See this post from forum regular Zevoneer for options on moving your iPod data back to your computer.

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    Zevoneer wrote:
    If you want to play iPod songs through iTunes you need to change the setting in the iPod's Summary tab to "manually manage songs and videos": Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone
    Thanks. I'm not sure how that relates. For example, I just plugged my iPhone into my PC that has never seen this iPhone before and the iPhone's music is all grayed out. The "Manually manage.." check is not checked on the PC, where it is checked on my Mac.
    Then I plugged my daughter's Touch into the same PC (which also have never been connected) and I can access the music. The "manually manage..." check IS checked... What gives?

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    your ipod preferences are probably set to automatic.
    you would be unable to delete selelctions directly from ipod list if it was seet to automatic.

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    1). Connect your iPod to your computer. If it is set to update automatically you'll get a message that it is linked to a different library and asking if you want to link to this one and replace all your songs etc, press "Cancel". Pressing "Erase and Sync" will irretrievably remove all the songs from your iPod.
    2). When your iPod appears in the iTunes source list change the update setting to manual, that will let you use your iPod without the risk of accidentally erasing it. Check the "manually manage music and videos" box in Summary then press the Apply button. Also when using most of the utilities listed below your iPod needs to be enabled for disc use, changing to manual update will do this by default: Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone
    3). Once you are safely connected there are a few things you can do to restore your iTunes from the iPod. If you only want to copy your purchases to the computer that can be done using iTunes, you'll find details in this article: Copying iTunes Store purchases from your iPod or iPhone to a computer
    For everything else (including purchases) there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod. You'll find that they have varying degrees of functionality and some will transfer movies, videos, photos, podcasts and games as well. You can read reviews and comparisons of some of them here:
    Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    Comparison of iPod managers
    A selection of iPod to iTunes utilities:
    TuneJack Windows Only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    SharePod Windows Only (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows
    iPod Music Liberator Mac & Windows
    Floola Mac & Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iGadget Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iRepo Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    iPod Access Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    TouchCopy Mac & Windows (iPhone and iPod Touch compatible)
    There's also a manual method of copying songs from your iPod to a Mac or PC. The procedure is a bit involved and won't recover playlists but if you're interested it's available on page 2 at this link: Copying Content from your iPod to your Computer - The Definitive Guide
    4). Whichever of these retrieval methods you choose, keep your iPod in manual mode until you have reloaded your iTunes and you are happy with your playlists etc then it will be safe to return it auto-sync.
    5). I would also advise that you get yourself an external hard drive and back your stuff up, relying on an iPod as your sole backup is not a good idea and external drives are comparatively inexpensive these days, you can get loads of storage for a reasonable outlay: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive

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    Your iPod is probably set to sync music automatically from your library. If you want to play the iPod songs through iTunes, delete songs from the iPod, drag songs from iTunes, add playlists to the iPod etc. you need to change the update setting to "manually manage songs and videos". The song list on the iPod Classic will change from grey to black and everything will be directly accessible through iTunes:
    Managing content manually on iPod and iPhone
    Syncing Music to iPod
    Something to remember about using an iPod Classic in manual mode is that the "Do Not Disconnect" message will remain on the display until you physically eject the device: Safely Disconnect IPod

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    Syncing between iTunes and iPod is intended to be one-way: from iTunes to iPod. The exception, with recent versions of iTunes, is that content purchased from the iTMS can be copied from iPod back to iTunes.
    There are (nearly) countless third-party utilities for recovering music and other content from iPods, however, so perhaps you should have a look around the Internet for something that meets your needs.

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    Syncing between iTunes and iPod is intended to be one-way: from iTunes to iPod. The exception, with recent versions of iTunes, is that content purchased from the iTMS can be copied from iPod back to iTunes.
    There are (nearly) countless third-party utilities for recovering music and other content from iPods, however, so perhaps you should have a look around the Internet for something that meets your needs.

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    I can understand how that would be frustrating. If you created a brand new Apple ID for her, your Apple ID should not have been affected any more than anyone else's. They are as separate from one another as your Apple ID is from mine.
    Since you just bought your MacBook Air, you can certainly contact AppleCare for this, and I encourage you to do so. They will straighten it out.
    Until then, if you want to troubleshoot this on your own, sign in to your Apple ID here:
    Click the blue "Manage your Apple ID" button. If it says it no longer exists or gives you other hassles, it's probably not worth your effort to pursue. Have Apple fix it.
    Contact Apple starting with this link - never Google it:
    Navigate the pages as follows:
    Under "Contact Us" click the blue "Contact Support" link
    Click the blue "Get Started" button
    Click "More Products & Services"
    Click "Apple ID"
    Click "iTunes Store, App Store or Mac App Store"
    Continue with the appropriate options and choose the contact method most convenient for you.

  • How to sync iphone 4 and ipod music to Itunes in new PC

    I just purchased a new laptop and before I did that, I backed up my music on my iphone 4s and my ipod. Now that I have itunes on the new pc, the music from the phone will not sync properly. About 75 songs are missing and some of the songs, when tried to play on the phone, will skip through shuffle and will not play. I have not tried to do the ipod yet, because I do not want to mess up the library until I figure what to do. Is my only option to pay $20 to one of the transfer sites or am I missing something?

    Plug it in and sync. It's that simple. You can sync as many devices as you want to the same iTunes account. You can have the same content on each device or different content, the choice is yours. iTunes will keep everything straight, by device, upon subsequent syncs, including separate backups.

  • Transfering ipod music to itunes

    How do i take my new ipod that my brother loaded with all his music and dump that new music from my new i pod into my itunes

    Here is an article about it and a free download called tinker tool that uncovers hidden files.
    Also you can google moving/uploading from ipod to itunes and get some decent results.

  • Transferring iPod music to iTunes

    My MacBook hard drive broke down and I had to get it replaced. I lost everything on my old hard drive, including my iTunes. Is there anyway that I can transfer the music in my iPod 5th gen. to the new iTunes in my new hard drive?
    MacBook   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    The transfer of non iTMS content is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there's a manual method of copying songs from your iPod to your Mac at this link: Two-way Street: Moving Music Off the iPod
    If you prefer something more automated there are also a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod, this is just a selection. Have a look at the web pages and documentation for these, they are generally quite straightforward. I use Senuti but check the others out and choose whichever you are happy with.
    You can read reviews of some of these here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    Senuti Mac Only
    iPodRip Mac Only
    PodWorks Mac Only
    iPod.iTunes Mac Only
    PodView Mac Only
    iPod Access Mac and Windows Versions
    YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
    PodUtil Mac and Windows Versions
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    The transfer of purchased content has recently been introduced with iTunes 7, for more on this function look under under File>"Transfer Purchases from iPod". A paragraph on it has been added to this article: How to use your iPod to move your music to a new computer
    If your iPod is set to update automatically take care when connecting back to your computer and an empty iTunes. You will get a message that your iPod is linked to a different library and asking if you want to link to this one and replace all your songs etc, press *No* (or "Cancel" if you are using iTunes 7). Pressing "Yes" (or Erase and Sync in iTunes 7) will irretrievably remove all songs from your iPod. Your iPod should appear in the iTunes source list from where you can change the update setting to manual and use your iPod without the risk of accidentally erasing it. In iTunes 7 Check the "manually manage music and videos" box in Summary then press the Apply button. Don't uncheck Sync Music it will be unchecked by default when you choose the manual setting: Managing content manually on iPod
    Keep your iPod in manual mode until you have reloaded your iTunes and you are happy with your playlists etc then it will be safe to return it auto-sync again. I would also advise that you get yourself an external hard drive and back your stuff up in case you have problems again. External drives are comparatively inexpensive these days and you can get loads of storage for a reasonable outlay.

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