Download Safari 7

My name is Chanzi.
I have MacBook Pro with

You can't download Safari. It's part of OS X.

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    Attachments dont download from Gmail in Safari, They disappear,I even tried re-downloading Safari and that download disappeared, it is not in my downloads folder, I actually searched in finder for the file and it is nowhere on my computer.  Please help!

    Oh my gosh I had the EXACT same problem, and for ages I couldn't figure out how to fix it until today. Here's what I did:
    First I went onto my computer, opened itunes, and un-installed tumblr, vine and kik. These were the apps I was having problems with (it said I had them on my phone but, like you, they didn't show).
    Then I went to the itunes store, searched for each one, and it said I could update them so I did (just FYI: for tumblr a window popped up saying "please click ok to confirm you are 17 years or older", so I did that also)
    When I went back to my phone and tried installing them again (still on my computer), it worked!
    I hope this helps, because it was incredibly frustrating. Good luck!

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    For 10.6.8 you need Safari 5.1.10.
    Ideally, you'd now install a system backup made before you got 6.0.4 on there... if that's not possible, download Safari 5.1.10 for Snow Leopard & use Pacifist to 'force' the install, then restart. Backup first, if you haven't already.


    Hi all, forgive the caps. I've been trying to download Safari for the last one hour unsuccessfully.
    Just switched from Linux to an old iMac, reinstalled it with Mac OSX and to my horror the default browser is IE5 (I have lived IE-free for a few years now!). Tried to download Safari from this bloody IE5 and can't. Every link on the 'net points back to and there's this FRAME that IE5 just won't render. After like 10mins, there is a form with option (Leopard vs Tiger) and your email address, and then it says my session has timed out!
    So I haven't been able to get safari. Would somebody point out just how i can get just the bloody binary. It has never been frustrating to install a software. Not even in Linux.


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    Since Safari is crashing, post a crash report...   reinstalling the OS X rarely helps a browser crash issue.
    If Safari has just crashed, press the Report button on the CrashReporter dialog box to view the crash  information.
    Copy/paste the entire contents of the Crash Reporter window into your reply. If the crash report dialog does not appear or the crash is hard to reproduce, crash logs can be retrieved from the ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter> folder.
    Please include the "binary images" section...

  • I downloaded Safari 5.1 onto Mac OS 10.6.8 some time ago.  Yesterday the back/forward arrows next to the url window changed to a  , which adds the current url as a bookmark.  I want the arrows back.  What happened, and how can I fix this?  Thanks.  kammro

    I downloaded Safari 5.1 onto Mac OS 10.6.8 some time ago.  Yesterday the back/forward arrows next to the url window changed to a +, which adds the current url as a bookmark.  I want the arrows back.  What happened, and how can I fix this?  Thanks.  kammro

    There's another way.
    Right or control click the + then click Remove Item.
    Just remembered that keyboard shortcut!
    You're welcome 

  • After downloading the mac os x 10.6.8 I can't open safari. It first told me that I could not run it with Safari 5.1 so I downloaded safari 6 because I had read that that would solve the problem. However I am still getting an error message. HELP!!

    After downloading the mac os x 10.6.8 I can't open safari. It first told me that I could not run it with Safari 5.1 so I downloaded safari 6 because I had read that that would solve the problem. However I am still getting an error message. HELP!!

    I see this on Apple's support page:
    Available for: OS X Lion v10.7.5, OS X Lion Server v10.7.5, OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 and v10.8.1

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    There's a complete Safari within  - Security Update 2013-001 (Snow Leopard)
    I wonder if (re) applying that would do it, or Ralph & Eric's Safari 5.1.7 link first, if the update fails to replace a missing Safari.

  • HT3657 I am on this website trying to install Safari Web browser on my pc to use it instead of internet explorer, but I cannot get to a download anywhere.  Nor can I find it on the Store page.  How do I get to download Safari?

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    Matchley wrote:
    Thank you for your help.  Another questions.  For a small business firm of 10 computers what would you suggest the best server.  We now are all pc's but eventually I want to upgrade to Apple.  I currently have the Small Business Server.
    Sorry to say that Apple isn't the best choice in that department as they are primarily a consumer products company, they don't cater to business needs with their offerings.
    Phill Scheiler actually said they are interested in the 50% share of the consumer market.
    Apple has discontinued their X-Server and now OS X server is really just a hobbyist pursuit, not a serious business solution. The Mac Pro hasn't been updated in ages.
    Mac's can be used on Windows, Unix and Linux servers, but on that side of things it's best to use the services of a local server technician. Linux costs nothing for the licenses and is very secure and highly configurable.
    You also can go Red Hat Linux which is a commercial  version of Linux which requires licenses, but you get the better security and reliability plus business support.
    All I can suggest is evaluate your local offerings from many of those type local server business services in you area and go from there. You'll likely be a mixed shop for quite some time or perhaps forever as some won't give up Windows like some won't give up their Mac's.
    Also Mac's are not very cost effective anymore, Apple changes the operating system annually which require new software/paid upgrades, Windows 7 will last another decade and offer desktop models that parts can be exchangesd or replaced in house, unlike Mac's which one has to bring it in and AppleCare expires in three years.
    So buisnesss and profit speaking Windows is pretty good, but if your like Google who has a big bank account then replacing Mac's every couple of years is nothing.

  • My PC  completely nonfunctional since i download safari 3.1

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    Aopen wrote:
    Apple software is not a harmful d-load so it could not have been this something else you d-load did this maybe try booting into safe mode worse comes to worse you could reformat. i wish you luck.
    It may be worth pointing out that, even though Safari is not a harmful download in itself, this wouldn't prevent some kind of antivirus or "system integrity" software from thinking that it is one (i.e. a false positive). The fact that it is now included in ASU makes it probably more likely that it now appears on machines that are normally considered "locked down".
    Anyway, this a long show. Without knowing the exact text of the message and other circumstances (e.g. whether it is a company PC with some security solution installed) there is nothing much that can be said about it...

  • Can't Download Safari $ on Windows Vista

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    I am having all kinds of trouble with 10g XE on Vista Ultimate 64-bit. The first time I tried to install it caused a blue screen during the service registry, causing me to have to manually delete the services (sc delete from the command line) before reinstalling. The second time it states that it installed successfully, but now it is missing most of the essential files like EXPRESS.DBF, SYSTEM.DBF, CONTROL.DBF etc. so I cannot mount the database. I tried running XE.bat manually but it complains that these files are missing. I googled on how to create these, but most are restore oriented. What I read describes running commands to create them from the database, but since I don't have a database mounted I am out of luck. I think I will uninstall and try to reinstall one more time tonight. Wish me luck! :)
    Edited by: user11685226 on Jul 13, 2009 11:58 AM

  • HT5701 Downloaded Safari 6.0.4 and my software is not up to date to run it. I can not get the old version of Safari to work again.

    Downloaded Safari 6.0.4 and my software is not up to date to run it. I can not get the old version of Safari to work again.

    Open  > About this Mac, and tell us what OS X version you have. If it's 10.8, reinstall OS X 10.8.3 >
    If, after reinstalling the update, you still can't use Safari, hold Command and R keys while your computer is starting and reinstall Lion or Mountain Lion

  • I need download Safari for my MAC. From I changed the software to Macvery I can not use Safari.

    How do I  download SAFARI to my MAC.

    When you purchase iTunes content, the balance from your gift card will be deducted automatically.
    You can check the balance of a redeemed card here > Account Home - Apple Store

  • Downloaded safari 5.0.3 to my Windows 7 64 bit operating system. Now screen shows all money amounts in Euros instead of US dollars. How to correct?

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    Rysz wrote:
    So you are suggesting that Safari does an on-the-go conversion of currency? I don't think so. Safari just displays whatever is coded on the web site.
    Localization (Windows settings) might be the culprit, as the user is re-directed to a web-site created for that region. It's also possible, that a foreign web site was chosen or suggested by Google.
    Well he states that is all webpages that show any kind of currency. He can go to Control Panel> Region Options> Region & Language Configuration (something like that).
    The onthe thing that makes me think that this could be a Safari issue more than a regional issue is that the OP stated that it downloaded Safari 5.0.3, which is not the latest version. This implies to some extent that the installer that was downloaded from a source other than Apple as it is no longer available in Apple's Website (the latest Safari is 5.1.4 which was released today), and there's no certainty on the region from where that Safari 5.0.3 installer was uploaded from which could have very well be a user in Europe; but that's speculation at this point.
    Let's see how the issue works out for the OP and then move forward with other possible suggestions

  • Using Internet Exploer / Cannot download Safari

    Im currently using th IMAC OS X 10.1.5. Web pages wont load correctly and no videos can be played. I want to download Safari but the apple web page will not load for me to download it. please someone help me!! What can I do to update my internet browser!!

    Hello pstep,
    You might want to have a read of Software Update Upgrade: What's the Difference? which will help you understand the difference.
    Yes, you will need to purchase an upgrade. Cornelius is correct in suggesting that 10.1 is barely a beta version of the OS and you really should upgrade (I also would suggest finding a copy of Panther 10.3). You can find copies on ebay or from resellers such as etc.
    Sorry, I don't know of another browser that you can use instead that will work with 10.1 but you might want to do a search on the web for "OSX browsers 10.1" and see if any turn up. Make sure to download only the version for your version of OSX. If you were trying to download Safari 3 it wouldn't work for 10.1 anyways as it takes 10.4 at least I think. The last version of Safari that works for 10.3 is Safari 1.3.2. Personally, if you do upgrade to Panther you should download Camino 1.6.6 as it is still being updated for Panther.
    hope that helps some,
    edit: Here is some good advice in this thread.
    Message was edited by: littleshoulders

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    Hi ...
    This is the Safari for OS X community.
    Best to post your topic in the iTunes for Windows community > iTunes for Windows: iTunes: Apple Support Communities

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