Downloading Elements 9 a second time

My computer with Windows 7 crashed and the new one has W 8.1, which should be compatible.  I need to re-download Phptoshop Elements 9 and have the Key, Serial number etc. but cannot find a way to do this on the Adobe web site.
Doe anyone have the answer?

Done it!  This works on the UK website and possibly others.
Go to:-; Sign in; My Adobe; My Orders; My Order History (but NOT My Products); click the date of purchase and a download box appears.
Thanks, Jeff, for giving me the address of technical support, which put me on the right track, although the adviser first told me to go to Adobe Forums.  When I explained I had been given his address through Adobe Forums he said the product was so old that they no longer had a download link.   I replied that it was bought in August 2011 and he then suggested going to My Account, My Orders, click the serial number and then click download.  This last bit was wrong but close enough to be able to find the download box.  I guess they work under great pressure.
The Adobe telephone advice line here in the UK was automated and no help at all, I couldn’t find technical advice or a Live Chat on the web site and I am grateful to both you and kglad for your help.
For the record, it was perfectly straightforward to re-download my other software, including Hamrick, Microsoft Office, Avs4you video editor and a few others.  If this helps Adobe to improve their website it will have been worth it.
Thanks again,

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    It is located under your Orders page.  You can find more details at

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    here are two different links.  at least one must be different than the one you're currently trying.
    Downloads available:
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    reinstall by clicking setup on your disk or downloading and installing,
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
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    Lightroom:  5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
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    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
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    2. Exited the page.
    3. Restart-ed the computer
    4. Went to the App Store again, logged in, and went to the list of Updates, Downloads, etc. again. This time, with the cursor on the "Supplemental 1.1" 'window' area it said that it was not installed (or words to that effect) correctly. Told it to install and the installation process too about one or two SECONDS to complete and the Update notice disappeared. YEA!
    That was all there was to it.
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