Downloading free music into iTunes

Can anyone tell me how to download music from say Mactube into iTunes so that I can import it into iMovie. There are many tutorials on YouTube but all are at least two years old and often require a downloaded application. If this is possible I should also like to know how to split the music clip to either reduce the length or delete say the vocal part before I import the music into iMovie without the whole lot and then trying to drag 4 minutes  back to around 15 seconds or so through many video clips. I understand copyright and only want the music for personal consumption as a background for some movie making.  Does this usually require MP3 conversion ?  Can the downloaded sound on a video be separated ? Any help would be appreciated.

CMBP wrote:
I should also like to know how to split the music clip to either reduce the length or delete say the vocal part before I import the music into iMovie without the whole lot and then trying to drag 4 minutes  back to around 15 seconds or so through many video clips
This can be done using a free application "Audacity". It has a great range of tools, including Fade In and Fade Out. You could also use GarageBand.
Whilst Audacity is a free download, there is an option available to make a donation if you feel so inclined. It can be downloaded here:
To delete a section of the audio, firstly click and drag across the unwanted part of the waveform, then in the Menu select Edit > Remove Audio or Labels ⇒ Cut. This will remove the highlighted section. You can also Split and Trim audio, plus lots more! There is also a wide range of Export options, including AIFF (Apple) and MP3. Help is available from the Menu.
These instructions apply to the latest version: Audacity 2.0.3 (the currently downloadable version for Mac).

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    chrisfromgoodworth clatford wrote:
    How can I import music into iTunes from another media.
    I have a library downloaded from a Sony Ericsson W715 into "Media Go" and I want to transfer to iTunes and then into my iPhone 4.
    Is this possible ?
    Possibly. Media Go supports a variety of music formats, some of which can be imported in to iTunes and then synced on to an iPhone, however some of its formats cannot be imported in to iTunes.
    See for a list of formats supported by Media Go. iTunes for Windows supports MP3, AAC, WAV, and can import and convert WMA files as well. However iTunes does not support ATRAC, or FLAC.
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    Buy the music from iTunes and it downloads automatically.
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    Importing music into iTunes is different. Is that maybe what you intended to ask?
    If so, go to File > Add File/Folder to iTunes.

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    Hi TRuss08, 
    Thank you for contributing to the Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like songs are missing from iTunes on your PC, and need to be re-added. I know that can be a frustrating situation. 
    The tips in this article may help the process go a little smoother:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads - Apple Support
    All the best,

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    Settings>General>Usage>Storage is where you delete content if you want to do it in there.

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    I too have not figured out how to convert my vinyl collection to iTunes match. Here is what I have tried:
    I record my vinyl records onto CD using a Sony RCD-W500C which makes a very high quality recording. I make sure the song lengths are the same as those from the same album at the iTunes store.
    Then I import the CD into my iTunes music library. I have to enter the names of the tracks manually because Gracenote cannot identify the names of the songs. I do this while the music is in my iTunes music library and the CD has been ejected from my PC.
    Then I try to get the iTunes Match, but it never works. I do, however, get the artwork from iTunes. iTunes then uploads my songs into the iCloud. When I download them back onto my PC and iPhone 4s, I get the identicle recording that I imported onto iTunes. I know this because I can hear the static and crackling of the vinyl. I don't necessarily mind that noise, but I figured if I paid for the iTunes Match I should get the AAC 256 bps music. After all it doesn't cost iTunes anything to give it to me. And there's no way I'm going to purchase all my vinyl records again. I have about 500 albums.
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    I would appreciate any help anyone can give me on this.

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    Ps exuse My english hope you'll understand 

    The only way to get songs on an iPhone is by synching the songs from your iTunes library, or purchasing them from the iTunes store on your phone.
    You can search yourself for sites that offer free music.

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    Other people have been having similar problems with songs over a number of days.
    Depending upon what country that you are in (music can't be re-downloaded in all countries) then try deleting the incomplete tracks from your iTunes library and redownload them via the Purchased link under Quick Links on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunes : re-downloading.
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    ok now I am able to download cd's into itunes,but for some reason it didn't download the album art with it
    so i right clicked on the plain album and chose download album art
    does it charge for album art or is it free?
    because i would assume that its free since I purchased the whole ablum

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    you can get music on the iphone from
    1. itunes store
    2. sync with computer
    if you get free music to your computer and add it to itunes you can sync it to your iphone

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