Downloading music from family sharing splits albums apart

I have set up family sharing but when I download songs it doesn't group them back into albums, it stores every one as a separate album. How do I download them as a full album or group them back as one! The same album is showing in my iTunes 63 times each with one song in!!!!

I have the same issue, my husband can download and read my books and
I cannot do the same with his books anymore
Everything worked fine till a week ago. I'm the Organizer
I've tried everything
It's the same mess for the apps: there is a long thread here
"This app is no longer shared with you" message in Family Sharing
the only thing left to us is to report the problem to Apple

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    What does this mean & how do I correct it?

    Howdy mrscaskin,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like you recently setup Family Sharing and are seeing an alert when trying to download a past purchase from the iTunes Store. The article linked below will explain the alert you’re seeing and provide information about using Apple IDs with multiple devices.
    iTunes Store: Associating a device or computer to your Apple ID
    When you turn on iTunes Match or Automatic Downloads, or when you download past purchases on an iOS device or computer, that device or computer becomes associated with your Apple ID. Your Apple ID can have up to 10 devices and computers (combined) associated with it, with a maximum of 5 computers at any time. Each computer must also be authorized using the same Apple ID. Once a device or computer is associated with your Apple ID, you cannot associate that device or computer with another Apple ID for 90 days. You can view which devices or computers are currently associated with your Apple ID, remove unused devices or computers, and view how many days remain before the devices or computers can be associated with a different Apple ID from the Account Information page in iTunes on your computer:
    Open iTunes.
    Sign in to your Apple ID by choosing Store > Sign In from the iTunes menu.
    Choose Store > View My Account from the iTunes menu.
    From the Account Information screen, click Manage Devices.
    Next to each device or computer name, you will be able to see when each device or computer was associated with your Apple ID. You will also be able to track how many days remain before your associated devices or computers can be associated with a different Apple ID.
    I hope this helps.

  • Family sharing // split albums

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    My daughters were both locked out of family sharing on Friday. I spoke to tech support on Friday and was passed up the chain to another adviser who called my on Saturday morning. He the passed me up then chain again and I finally spoke to someone called Joey who told me he understood the problem and would pass it on to the iCloud engineers who would fix it on Monday. He called me back today (Monday) to tell me the issue had been fixed.
    Both my daughters are back in my family  .
    Thanks Apple. It didn't quite "just work". But now it does. My faith is restored.
    good luck everyone.

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    You can't. A shared library can only be played; you can't download from it nor sync from it. You must have the tracks on his computer to be able to sync them to your iPod.
    If you have a MacBook, then you absolutely can get it to sync with any current iPod. If the Mac is still on Mac OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you will need to upgrade your version of Mac OS X to 10.6 Snow Leopard so you can run iTunes 10.7, but Snow Leopard is still available from the Apple Store for around $20 if you call them.

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    Try calling Tech Support, they should be able to check to see if theres a lock and try to help you reset it, I had to call and get my account unflagged, for something that I didn't even do.

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    2. I purchased a brand new Dell computer. I re-installed iTunes using my same username/password as the itunes I had on my old computer. All the days worth of music (non-purchased) were gone. I was told through a paid call by apple that I have to re-install all the non purchased items (my CDs) but they showed me how to bring over my purchased music.
    3. I spent hours and hours and hours re-installing all my CDs, several days worth of music. I then synched my itouch, and it is telling me that it detected a new computer, that it has to first erase everything on the itouch in order to synch and transfer the music onto it.
    4. I don't want to erease all the content on my itouch - pictures, videos, emails, etc. etc. Have had it for a while and not something I want to do.
    5. I purchased another 64GB itouch so I can synch that one instead.
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  • HT201085 can you share downloaded music with family members?

    Can you share downloaded music with family members?

    Hi olddawg66,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    There is a new process called Family Sharing that I would suggest you take a look at.
    Family Sharing
    Have a great day,

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    There is a workaround.
    You have to burn purchased music on Audio CD first, then re-import it in the format of your choice.
    If you buy complete albums, this method is economic and you have a backup.
    For single purchases this won't be much of a help.

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    go to the itunes store. select more in the bottom right select purchased. then press the cloud icon to DL striaght to the phone. Id use wifi. you can also DL into computer then synv over to phone.

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    Possibilities are that you are working with copies of the originals in which case it is only the copies that get updated, or that the songs are in .wav format and cannot carry a tag, or are in some other format and didn't include a tag so iTunes hasn't created one even though it has recorded details internally, or that there are mp3 files with multiple tags. iTunes doesn't cope well with multiple tags (despite these conforming to standards) and in this case may be making changes to one copy while Windows Explorer continues to show unchanged data from another. Use a 3rd party tag tool to inspect a problem album, or select the tracks and use Right-click > Convert ID3 Tags > None two or three times to strip out the embedded tags, then use Convert ID3 Tags > v2.3 to recreate them.
    Note the process of cleaning and rewriting the tags will remove any embedded art. You can use my script CreateFolderArt before and after converting the tags to preserve and then embed the artwork, provided that you don't store songs from different albums in the same folder. Test a single track or album first to make sure the process has the desired result and only apply where needed.

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    I'm shopping for a gift for my daughter at the store, and I see the item I think she'll like.  In Messages I want to snap a photo to send to my wife to get her buy-in (authorization), but when I do this, the photo is also automatically uploaded to the Family Sharing album, and my daughter can see it on her iPod Touch until I delete it from iCloud.
    On her iPod Touch, my daughter browses images of kittens and cats, cats and kittens (she's 10), and saves many of them to her camera roll to view later.  In turn, our Family Sharing photo album is full of random pictures of kittens.
    Perhaps all I need to do is turn off "My Photo Stream", to prevent all photos being uploaded to all devices automatically?  And in the event I want to share a photo or an event/moment, I can create a Photo Stream on the spot...?

    Probably the best solution is to put your daughter on her own iCloud ID (but under your name since she's under-aged).  She can continue to use your ID for iTunes store purchases. If you set her up with a separate iCloud ID, then her photo activity and yours will remain separate.
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    Select all songs ctrl A, right click - Download.

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