DPS question

Why is it when I'm working on adobe dps document it opens up another dps doc and keeps repeating itself?

My guess is you have hyperlinks to those other documents involved.
If so, this has nothing to do with DPS.
Finally, everything posted in this forum is a DPS question. Please use
better subject descriptions when posting.

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    2. Let's say I have the Creative Cloud (and the DPS version that it comes with) and I update an App that is already published. If a person already has that App on their device, do they receive notice of the update?
    3. It is our intent to have a free app in the app store. Once downloaded, the user will click on it and a screen will come up asking for a username and password. Once that has be verified, they will have access to the content available per their authorization. This would be for sensitive, free documents.  Is this available with Adobe DPS?
    4. Another scenario would be for purchasing multiple copies of a purchased book. Would they need to download each paid copy individually or could a username and pw be used to give them a specific number of copies? It would be almost like a book store App.  Is this available with Adobe DPS?

    1. Approval time ranges from a few days to eight weeks, but most apps are approved in 1-2 weeks. App rejections obviously increase the approval time. Be especially careful of submitting an app that Apple might consider to be a book.
    2. Yes, users are notified that the app needs to be updated.
    3. Yes, this is a feature called "Restricted Distribution." It's available only for Enterprise publishers, not Creative Cloud.
    4. Yes, this is called a multi-folio app.
    See this article for basic information about DPS:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/digital-publishing-suite/help/getting-started-digital-publishing-su ite.html

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    You could put a full page MSO with nothing but navigation buttons in both state. Set it to swipe. That will keep the page from swiping horizontally.

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    DPS is not really for books and Apple will reject the app if your app has just text and pitcures. But personally have seen many transform books into an interactive apps, having many interactive features in the app like, slideshows, panos 360, videos, audios, html, hyperlinks, scrollable frames, image sequence etc. If you can build such interactivities(Which DPS does) into your app, then DPS might be your solution too.
    *Tip: The whole idea on an app is for the user to be able to interact and play around with the application. So when designing your content, a more of an app UI design should help.

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    Thanks in advance for any assistance, either from kind and knowledgeable forum readers, or Adobe staff-

    Thanks Bob for your swift reply. I greatly appreciate the ability to correspond related to my query.
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    Currently I am working on writing a grant with a deadline of next week, Friday January 25. I want to include costs for licensing of DPS for Education, however I have requirements to adhere to.
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    Thank you again Bob. I have attempted to contact Adobe Education via this forum and email however it remains (now, and in the past) challenging for me to actually speak with someone.
    Cordially with appreciation for your expertise, and willingness to share your perspective-

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    Thank you  !

    Please post DPS questions in the DPS forum in the future: http://forums.adobe.com/community/dps

  • DPS - use folios completely offline

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    Thank you for your help.

    Please post DPS questions in the dedicated DPS forum.

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    Error Code: U44M2P34
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    Since this is a DPS question, I've moved this to the DPS forum, the best place to ask it.

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    Moved to DPS.
    Please post any further DPS questions here.
    Set the delay on the animation to .125 seconds.

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    Of course. I see lots of DPS questions here and Sylvain (who posts here quite often) is extremely knowledgeable about that product.

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    The monitor is a Dell monitor U2413
    The mini is connected either with HDMI --> HDMI or Thunderbolt --> Displayport.
    Both setups give the same problem.
    I have not tried the DVI port yet as I don't have a cable.
    When a video is played in a browser (Safari or Firefox) within 3 seconds a blue-ish (purple - pink) haze or layer comes over the video image.
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    When I hook up my Macbook Pro Retina with the Dell monitor (Thunderbolt --> Displayport) I do not have this issue.
    What causes this problem?
    - Johan -

    There is a dedicated forum for DPS questions and this issue has been addressed there.
    In short, create an MSO and place those over the video. For details visit the DPS forum.

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    In the future, it's a good idea to post your DPS questions in the DPS forum here:
    Digital Publishing Suite

  • Analytics

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    This is not an InDesign question. It’s a DPS question.
    We have a dedicated forum here: http://forums.adobe.com/community/dps
    Please post pertinent questions there. But to answer this one, the answer is no.
    Ominture analytics are available for professional and enterprise customers.

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    Sorry...thought this was a DPS question.
    Creative Cloud hasn't been officially released. If you're a beta tester please ask this question in the prerelease area.

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    Sorry...thought this was a DPS question.
    Creative Cloud hasn't been officially released. If you're a beta tester please ask this question in the prerelease area.

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