Dragging the canvas view

Hi there,
I know with J3D that you can drag invidual objects around, but i was wondering if there was a way to drag the whole scene around, kind of like the implementation of google maps? (http://maps.google.com/)
Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial that shows this method, should it actually exist?
Thanks for your time :)

I googled the "pick whole branchgroup" and nothing came up. Is the mouse behaviour "Mouse Translate" the thing I want to add in? Or is it more like I should be searching for rotating the viewing platform with the mouse? If anyone has any ideas or example code anywhere that would be great,
Thanks again for your time,

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    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: Gary King3

    sounds like you do not have a source file that FCP recognizes.
    What camera and what codec does it shoot? did you convert to a prores or standard QT format before or after ingesting?

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    well 720x576 is PAL. Why you've got a 640x480 sequence only you can say, if you want it to be 720x576 then you should make a new sequence and choose an appropriate sequence setting.
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    David Kuhnen wrote:
    Studio Xs answer is correct but let me rephrase it;
    No you may not. the TOU specifically prohibits rephrasing X.
    From the ForumTOU ...
    *How do I reply to a message?*
    Click Reply next to the message to which you'd like to reply. In the resulting page, type your message in the Message box.
    If you want to quote specific text from the original message, click Quote Original to add all the text from the original message to the Message box. You can edit that text if you want to quote only specific parts of the original message.
    If Studio X has posted a reply, you +*MAY NOT*+ rephrase the post.
    (bold and italics in the original.)

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    *** FCP!
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    Hi - Make sure the Canvas is set to display RGB:
    Hope this helps.

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    Michel Boissonneault

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    Try the System Preferences>Displays>Color Tab and hit the Calibrate button. There is a 2.2 Television Gamma pre-set in the Select a target gamma section. See what you think.
    An interlaced monitor will always be the best approach.

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    David.  Thank you very much.   The problem was not with the canvas but rather the Viewer.  But the solution was the same.  Somehow, the Viewer window was re-set to Alpha.  I changed it back to RGB.... and the picture is back.   These issues are often very simple.... but they can drive you bats if you don't know the answer.   Very grateful.  Tim

  • Is the canvas something like "the final output"? Or is that the viewer?

    I am making a video of my HD footage i shot with my Full HD Camcorder (Sony HDR-SR12).
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    The canvas always displays the final result and quality of your editing in the current sequence in the timeline; the viewer is just a way to monitor single clips (not the composition of clips as in the canvas) and displays the quality of the clip usually before you edit it into the timeline.
    This is important, because if (for example) your sequence (in the timeline) is a standard DV while your captured clips are HD, when you look at a clip in the viewer opened from the browser, you watch it at +HD quality+, when you drag (edit) the same clip into the timeline it is down-converted to the +DV lower quality+; and this is what you see in the canvas. Instead if you open a clip from the timeline (not browser) in the viewer, you see the exact same quality as in the canvas, but only for that single clip. So the best way is to always check quality in the canvas, since it shows the result of all your editing, conversions, and composition, as it will show up in the exported movie.
    Now, to really verify the result in the canvas you must also make sure to:
    - use Fit to Window (from the small zoom button on top of the canvas window) when you want see the full frame and its composition, but not the final quality
    - instead use 100% (same button) to see the final quality for HD
    - or even better connect the firewire output to an HDTV through a HDV deck (or camcorder) for HD, or to a standard TV through a D/A converter (or camcorder) for standard DV. The advantage of this solution is that you see the final result on the final output device while editing, without having to burn DVDs to check it (and this is almost mandatory when you import images and want to have control over interlacing artifacts).
    When you export to iDVD you always use Export/Quicktime Movie even if you burn the DVD on different Mac; if the burner is on the same Mac you can uncheck the Make Movie Self-Contained option, so the file will be smaller and the export faster; otherwise you leave that option checked, and the file will contain all video and audio media necessary for burning (but the file much larger, and export much longer).
    One more note: the Image+Wireframe option in the 2nd small button on top of the canvas (or also viewer) window allows you to apply changes to the frame size and position directly in the canvas without using the Basic Motion control of the viewer; in any case, whatever change you apply and you see in the canvas will be reflected also to the exported movie.
    My guess in your case is that you are using a wrong (standard DV) setup for your sequence even if you captured HD, and that probably you zoomed in too much so that both the canvas and the exported movie show a small portion of the original frame.
    I hope this helps a bit

  • Cannot drag text from viewer to timeline (or canvas)

    FCP 7.0.3
    I literally cannot drag a text clip from the viewer to the timeline, or the canvas. At first I thought it was an aspect ration issue, but I've started new projects and cannot drag basic text to the timeline.
    I recently migrated from my old system (10.6 Mac Pro), using Migration Assistant, and did not deinstall/reinstall FCS. The sequence I'm trying to add titles for is pretty complex -- but for some unknown reason, I cannot get around this.
    Any help or advice you rock stars can provide would be appreciated.

    David Harbsmeier wrote:
    If you can't drag any clips to the Timeline from the Viewer, make sure the Viewer wnidow is set to IMAGE and not IMAGE+WIREFRAME or WIREFRAME.
    DING DING DING! Thank you so much David! Todd too.
    The thought of doing all these titles in Photoshop was making me queasy.

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