Drawbacks of Renaming a table ?

Hi All,
I have two tables t1 and t1_bkp1.
If I do the following
rename t1 to t1_bkp2;
rename t1_bkp1 to t1; will that cause any drawbacks ? like disabling any constraints or any other issue with its dependencies ?
Kindly let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Edited by: Aj09 on Mar 5, 2010 1:19 PM

I do not think if there will be any issue. If you rename t1 table to t2 then all the constraints pointing to t1 will now be poiting to t2. Similarly if you rename table t3 to t1, do not expect the contraints on the earlier table t1 which was renamed to t2 to work with new t1 table. The table will carry its own indexes and constraints.

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    533     SYS     WRH$_SQL_BIND_METADATA     Row-X (SX)     None     21701     Not Blocking
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    528     TBAADM     CUM_TRAN_DETAIL_TABLE     Table/Procedure/Type     None     Share
    527     TBAADM     CUM_TRAN_DETAIL_TABLE     Table/Procedure/Type     None     Exclusive
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    Sorry Guido,
    I have not stolen anything from anywhere :)
    All are mine ...I have created some normal users and some users with DBA privileges....
    I use this schemas for testing purpose....
    Also if I give command like from SYS user
    Alter table jc.tab1 rename to tab2 ;
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    So there is no question of poluting the SYS schema.
    Also whatever I ask in this forum is a part of my application related,
    I never give the entire program, which may be useless for others and time taking in understanding.
    I just simulate whatever I require in as simplae format as I can
    The person who is very perfect in this forumn can find such queries rubbish. But in learning process no question is rubbish, but there can be a rubbish answer to every intelligent question too... :)

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    Thanks in advance!!

    rp0428 wrote:
    I've got a situation coming up possibly, that I'm looking at where I may need to rename a table that has about 3 TB of data in it.
    I'd looked at doing the oracle RENAME command, and it mentions that some restrictions that would error out would be:
    views, synonyms, and stored procedures and functions that reference the table.
    I'd been looking around on different sites researching more, and found some saying that tables with foreign keys, check constraints would also error out on this....but in the Oracle docs I see it saying:
    "Oracle Database automatically transfers integrity constraints, indexes, and grants on the old object to the new object."
    Were the other non-Oracle site references maybe to older versions? I'm using 11Gr2.
    The other part of this is that the app designers really want to recreate the original table. Essentially this is doing
    Then recreating TABLENAME1 anew empty for new use.
    My original thoughts were to do select * from TABLENAME1 into TABLENAME1_OLD, and then truncate TABLENAME1....but with the size of the data (and this will eventually be done in PROD), I"m trying to say that doing the RENAME and recreating the empty table would be less resource intensive.
    Would the rename and recreate table be the way to go?
    You are missing a key piece of the requirements
    What is the intended use of the OLD and the NEW tables?
    Why do you need a new table with exactly the same name unless you intend to use it exactly the same way you were using the old table? And if that is the case it seems to me that other tables with foreign keys need to be truncated also and point to the new table and not the old one.Unfortunately, I don't know. This is just a request the devs have, and I'm not sure of their reasoning, but this is what they're asking for, so, I'm trying to research the best way to do what they request.

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    You can load the requested list of tables onto a temporary table using sqlloader and pass as in put to the your procedure.
    Assume that you have loaded the table names onto the table aksi_tmp;
    Sample procedure
    sql_stmt1 varchar2(200):='ALTER TABLE';
    sql_stmt2 varchar2(200):='RENAME TO';
    prefix varchar2(10):='BKUP';
    sqlstmt_final varchar2(200);
    invalid_table EXCEPTION;
    pragma exception_init(-00942,Invalid_table);
    sqlstmt_final:=sql_stmt||' '||tbl_name|| ' '||sq_stmt2|| ' '||prefix||'_'||tbl_name;
    --FOR table t2 abv statement will return ALTER TABLE t2 RENAME TO BKUP_t2;
    EXECUTE IMMEIDATE sqlstmt_final;
    EXCEPTION when invalid_table then
    CURSOR c1 IS
    SELECT col1
    from t2;
    for i in c1
    END;Hope this helps..
    Achyut K

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    Is there any syntax out there to rename the table without
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    SQL> desc t
    Name                          Null?    Type
    ID                                     NUMBER
    AMT                                    NUMBER
    SQL> desc t1
    ORA-04043: object t1 does not exist
    SQL> RENAME t to t1;
    Table renamed.
    SQL> desc t1;
    Name                          Null?    Type
    ID                                     NUMBER
    AMT                                    NUMBERTTFN

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    Hi Pacarina,
    I'm not sure if this is your question (I'm puzzled by your mention of circular references) but this is how you change a table name in Numbers 3. Select the table (click on it), then make sure Table Name is checked in the Table tab of the format panel, then edit the name directly where it appears above the table.

  • Renaming Oracle Tables in Production

    If you need to rename Oracle tables in Production, then which process is most effective:
    RENAME xxxTO new_name;
    Table renamed.
    B. dbms_redefinition
    C. other ...
    THANK YOU !!

    All we can say is that dmbs_redefinition is an option to consider. Only the OP knows his environment, what kind of window the work will have to be done in, and the timing issues between the renames and moving in new code. Such as in the case where you need the new object names in place to perform java compiles to move in new classes.
    At my current job we would take a window and shut the database down, bring it up in restricted mode, perform the renames of the tables (and associated indexes for standard purposes), move the code into place, and then test. Full testing might require unrestricting the system or we might be able to just grant restricted session to a few users. Once we are satisified we would fire up our daemon processes and then release the batch schedule.
    IMHO -- Mark D Powell --

  • Rename of table with its data sustain

    I have a table in my production server and i want to change its name without losing its data.so its poosible to rename that table maintaing the data..
    please help me i am in a real hurryyy..

    No! U can't do it.
    U can only create a new table as copy of the old one and after copy the data from old table to new one, and at the end delete the old one.
    But you need to create a program to copy the data.

  • Rename a table

    I am using Crystal XI.  The database table has been renamed and I need to rename the table in several reports.  I used to be able to use SetLocation and point the new one to the old one and press update... but that does not appear to work.
    What is the easiest way handle renaming a table?   If I drop and re-add it, it messes up all my groups and fields that I have placed in the report

    Hello Jeff,
    I recommend to post this query to the [Crystal Reports Design|SAP Crystal Reports; forum.
    This forum is dedicated to topics related to the creation and design of Crystal Report documents. This includes topics such as database connectivity, parameters and parameter prompting, report formulas, record selection formulas, charting, sorting, grouping, totaling, printing, and exporting but also installation and registering.
    It is monitored by qualified technicians and you will get a faster response there.
    Also, all Crystal Reports Design queries remain in one place and thus can be easily searched in one place.
    Best regards,

  • How do I rename the table using Impdp?

    Using the Impdp/Expdp utility of Oracle, I am trying to import a table. However the target database contains a table with the same name. How do I rename the table using Import?

    SAKTHIVEL wrote:
    Using the Impdp/Expdp utility of Oracle, I am trying to import a table. However the target database contains a table with the same name. How do I rename the table using Import?
    Hmm well why you just can't rename the table on the target db with the rename table to command and then do the import, will be easy right?

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    Is this link Re: Urgent! - Problem during Conversion of SAP datadictionary table... helps you?

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    Hi all,
    I have tried to using xdb_utilities.renameCollectionTable to rename the tables created through a registration schema where maintainOrder is true in some collection elements.
    Is it possible???? I wanted to rebuild the index from this tables???.
    I maked correctly with maintainOrder = false, but I think, in this moment the tables were NESTED TABLES and now not.
    Any idea????
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi mgralike,
    apologize for me short answer.
    The ORSWE is the user utilized to create all infrastructure and to register the schemas aldo. At this moment he have been granted with all permisions, all roles (DBA, XDBADMIN, XDBWEBSERVICES and so on) and all systems privelegess to avoid problems with others Oracle functionalities.
    I have just registered other schemas with the same form and I could change the tables with yours package XDB_Utilities form the Oracle XML Basic Demo.
    In the new schema 'PlantillaProyecto, XSD' I only have changed two attributes in order to achieve a xml ordered. maintnainDOM and maintnainOrder, and in some cases only maintnainOrder has been declared. Now, I can not see tables in ALL_NESTED_TABLES.
    The first schema has not declared any previous attributes and I could change the tables names but the xml downloaded from the repository it is not ordered.
    I think, it is a problem with my use of attributes.
    I executed the following code describe PLANTILLAPROYECTO with the result:
    Nombre ┐Nulo? Tipo
    TABLE of SYS.XMLTYPE(XMLSchema "http://www.orswegimoarmada.es/ORSWE/XSD/Plantill
    aProyecto/PlantillaProyecto.xsd" Element "PlantillaProyecto") STORAGE Object-rel
    ational TYPE "PlantillaProyecto955_T"

  • After rename a table

    Hi, experts
    I read these from internet:
    Oracle provides a rename table syntax as follows:
    alter table
    rename to
    For example, we could rename the customer table to old_customer with this syntax:
    alter table
    rename to
    When you rename an Oracle table you must be aware that Oracle does not update applications (HTML-DB, PL/SQL that referenced the old table name) and PL/SQL procedures may become invalid.
    How can I update the applications after rename the table?
    Thank you in advanced

    So, far i think rename can be done by --
    satyaki>create table test_aa
      2  as
      3     select * from emp;
    Table created.
    satyaki>rename test_aa to test_new_aa;
    Table renamed.
    satyaki>select * from test_new_aa;
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          1230 TEST                                                                    10
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10
    15 rows selected.Regards.
    Satyaki De.

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