Drawing a font on an offscreen image

I'm trying to draw a font on my own offscreen image but I had to implement a few tweaks to get it to work and I would like to know how to do it properly. Here's my code:
  private int[] getPrintMetrics(Font fnt, String txt) {
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D bg = (Graphics2D)bi.getGraphics();
    FontRenderContext frc = bg.getFontRenderContext();
    TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(txt, fnt, frc);
    int ret[] = new int[2];
    ret[0] = (int)tl.getBounds().getWidth();
    ret[1] = (int)(tl.getBounds().getHeight() * 1.5);
//    ret[0] = (int)tl.getPixelBounds(frc, 0, 0).getWidth();
//    ret[1] = (int)(tl.getPixelBounds(frc, 0, 0).getHeight() * 1.5);
    return ret;
  public void print(Font fnt, int x, int y, String txt, int clr) {
    int size[] = getPrintMetrics(fnt, txt);
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(size[0], size[1], BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D bg = (Graphics2D)bi.getGraphics();
    FontRenderContext frc = bg.getFontRenderContext();
    TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(txt, fnt, frc);
    //this method draws the outline only
    Shape shape = tl.getOutline(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, tl.getBounds().getHeight()));
    bg.setColor(new Color(clr));
    bg.setColor(new Color(clr));
    bg.drawString(txt, 0, -1 * tl.getBaselineOffsets()[tl.getBaseline()+2]);   //BUG! HOW DO I KNOW WHICH BASELINE TO USE?
    putPixels(bi.getRGB(0,0,size[0],size[1],null,0,size[0]), x, y, size[0], size[1], 0);
  }putPixels() is my own member that will draw to my own image buffer.
1) Why must I multiply the height by 1.5 in the getPrintMetrics() ?
2) How do I know which baseline to use (I just hacked it).

Why is the height so small?
new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);The graphics context for this BufferedImage is very small.
For more size increase the width and height dimensions.
Try this.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.*;
public class GraphicsExercise {
    private JLabel getContent() {
        BufferedImage image = createImage();
        Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
        Font font = new Font("dialog", Font.PLAIN, 36);
        FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
        String s = "Hello World";
        LineMetrics metrics = font.getLineMetrics(s, frc);
        float height = metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getDescent();
        float width = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
        float x = (image.getWidth() - width)/2f;
        float y = (image.getHeight() + height)/2 - metrics.getDescent();
        g2.drawString(s, x, y);
        return new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image), JLabel.CENTER);
    private BufferedImage createImage() {
        int w = 240;
        int h = 165;
        int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;
        BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(w, h, type);
        Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
        return image;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.getContentPane().add(new GraphicsExercise().getContent());

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    private static final int width=512;
    private static final int height=512;
    offScreenJPanel p;
    FlowLayout l=new FlowLayout();
    JButton b=new JButton("Click");
    JLabel t=new JLabel("Hello");
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    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Component[] components = getComponents();
    for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
    JComponent comp=(JComponent) components;

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.applet.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.image.*;
    import com.sun.j3d.utils.universe.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
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    private static final int width=512;
    private static final int height=512;
    public test() {
    JPanel p;
    BorderLayout lay=new BorderLayout();
    java.awt.image.BufferedImage image;
    // add a JPanel with a label and a button
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    p.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width,height));
    JLabel t=new JLabel("Hello");
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    p.setDebugGraphicsOptions(DebugGraphics.LOG_OPTION );
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    jf.setSize(new Dimension(width,height));
    // CHANGE HERE->
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    // paint JPanel on off screen image
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    System.err.println("AFTER PAINT");
    // write the offscreen image on disk for debug purposes
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    try {
    ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", outputFile);
    } catch (Exception e) {
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    test t=new test();

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    green_mask: int = 0x7e0 (instead of 0x0000ff00 )
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    blue_offset: int = 0x0
    alpha_offset: int = 0x0
    red_scale: int = 0x1f
    green_scale: int = 0x3f
    blue_scale: int = 0x1f
    alpha_scale: int = 0x0
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    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    public class AppletFlush extends Applet implements Runnable{
    Thread anim;
    Image memimg;
    boolean bool;
    Image offImage;
    Graphics offGraphics;
         public void init() {
         public void start() {
         anim = new Thread(this);
    bool = true;
    offImage = this.createImage(100, 100);
    offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
         public synchronized void stop() {
         anim = null;
         public synchronized void run() {
         while (Thread.currentThread() == anim) {
    int[] pixels = new int[100 * 100];
    int color = 0;
    //set the pixels of a squared image that contains 3 colors (this is my reference image)
    if (bool)
    bool = false;
    for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
    if (i<33)
    color = 0xffff0000;
    else if (i<66)
    color = 0xff00ff00;
    color = 0xff0000ff;
    for (int j=0; j<100; j++)
    pixels[i*100 + j] = color;
    //grab the pixels of the offscreen image(here is the problem)
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    catch (InterruptedException ex)
    System.out.println("erreur pendant gragPixels !!!");
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    memimg = createImage(imgsrc);
    //draw the image in the offscreen image
    offGraphics.drawImage(memimg, 0, 0, null);
              try {wait(1000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {return;}
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
         // display the offscreen image
         g.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, this);

    public void paint(Graphics g )
    if((_offScreen != null)&&(offScreenImage != null))
    // put your stuff here
    public void update(Graphics g)
    if( offScreenImage == null)
    offScreenImage = this.createImage( width, height );
    if( _offScreen == null)
    _offScreen = offScreenImage .getGraphics();

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            Image Drawing = Background;
            Drawing.getGraphics ().setColor (Paint);
            int Index = 0;
            while (Index < points.size ())
                Drawing.getGraphics ().drawLine ((int) Math.round (((Point) poins.get (Index)).getX ()), (int) Math.round (((Point) points.get (Index)).getY ()), (int) Math.round (((Point) points.get (Index)).getX ()), (int) Math.round (((Point) points.get (Index)).getY ()));
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    It is true that turning off graphics acceleration eliminates the problem, but you can't publish an applet that requires every user turn off hardware acceleration on their PC. The problem has to be either fixed in the awt (unlikely since 1.6.10 is at RC) or bypassed in the applet.
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    To achieve visibly incremental progress of painting on the panel, probably you can use a JTimer and set the delay to 1000ms. In this frequency you can paint the panel in an incremental fashion. This approach will help you to achieve the other requirement of stopping the progress in the middle. You can provide a button, so that if the user presses the button, then invoke stop() method of timer which eventually stops the progress of the panel. Also if you want, you can restart() the progress from the point where it got stopped previously, by invoking restart() method of timer.
    Obviously, you should have a method which does all your painting and so on. Here JTimer can be helpful only in stopping, restarting and delaying the progress. Finally, make sure that the painting method is handled by JTimer alone.
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    Exactly what problem are you having with getting a layered pane? The Java Tutorial on this site can give you all the basics regarding setting one up.

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    If the images are exactly the same size then make sure the layer with the mask
    is the active layer and in the other documents go to Select>Load Selection and choose
    your document with the layer mask under Source document and under channel choose the layer mask.
    After the selection loads press the layer mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel.

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    We can't spend the time to retrieve the originals and distill them.
    Yes, I understand that. I like to know why things don't work, even if it takes me a few minutes to test things. You don't have to retrieve any originals. Just unembed one from the ID file. I know it doesn't make sense to Distill all your EPS files when printing to PDF is going to take much less time. But if you can ascertain why it's not working, you'll have a better chance to fix it next time.
    If the fonts weren't included in the original EPSs, why do they print to PDF in Franklin Gothic? This is true even in the one page document I sent you that doesn't have any styles.
    They don't...unless you have that exact Franklin Gothic loaded on your system. They print in Courier here.
    Your EPS file references a specific font name. When you print, your print driver matches up that reference with the Franklin Gothic font you have loaded. For reasons that I don't fully understand, when you Export to PDF Indesign is not able to match up the reference to the font the same way your print driver can.
    Obviously, printing to PDF is a good workaround. And make sure you send your printer a PDF, not a live Indesign file.

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    What is the best software or programme to do this?
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    Play about with positions, colours sizes etc
    Has anyone tried any of the Wacom products??
    These would all then be sent to printing company to print
    Thanks for your help!

    I have started designing cards etc
    I have been drawing items on two particular apps on my iPad, but I need to import some old school type writter style text alongside the image.
    What is the best software or programme to do this?
    I don't mind buying some good software
    Basically I would like something in could draw with a stylus on ( or import these images from another app that I can do this on)
    Then add bespoke text beside the image
    Play about with positions, colours sizes etc
    Has anyone tried any of the Wacom products??
    These would all then be sent to printing company to print
    Thanks for your help!

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    can anyone tell me how I can make the headings in the bridge image gallery italic text

    I haven't used the Bridge galley, but my first guess would be dig into the gallery's CSS. It's either in a CSS doc or in the head of the gallery pages, but it's sure to be in CSS somewhere.  This would be for colors and font anyway,,, I don't know if Bridge formats wilt CSS or tables, you just have to open the documents in Dreamweaver to see.
    Lawrence Cramer - *Adobe Community Professional*
    Shopping Cart for Adobe Dreamweaver
    available in PHP, ColdFusion, and ASP
    Stay updated - http://blog.cartweaver.com

  • Draw on TiledImage as one unified image, still managing memory using tiles

    what I am looking for is **exactly** this
    "(...)How do I create an arbitrarily large TiledImage from scratch (lacking a
    source image) and draw onto it using the TiledImage's graphics context
    ( TiledImage.createGraphics() ) without causing an
    The content of the image would be purely Graphics2D geometry. I don't
    need to read in any external images, just to be able to create, and
    draw on, very large blank images. I'm assuming that TiledImage is the
    most appropriate class for this, but haven't been able to find any
    sample implementations.
    There must be some way to draw on a TiledImage as one unified image,
    while still managing memory using tiles.(...)"
    any ideas?

    great article
    my conclusion is that it seems java can't provide a huge graphics environment for drawing in a transparent manner, I think.
    let's suppose I have a huge tiledImage. 20,000 x 20,000 pixels
    now I want to draw a huge circle, radius = 10,000, center is the same square center
    just an example, to clarify my doubt
    when I request a Graphics2D context to draw this circle, tiledImage will intelligently and transparently request the necessary tiles to draw this circle, or I would have to code manually something to grab these tiles, calculate what to draw in each one and manage the tile cache?

  • How Do I Draw a Circle / Line Through An Image In Pages?

    Hi guys,
    I never do anything very involved in Pages but today ...
    I have an image (jpeg file) and I would like to draw a circle around it and a line through it -- you know, turn it into one of those International "Don't Do This" signs.
    Is there an easy way?
    I'm using Pages '09 version 4.1

    Insert a round Shape and give it a very thick border with equally thick line (also in Shapes) diagonally across the circle.
    To add the image just drag it onto the shape and when you positioned it the way you like it, group the two.

  • Please help.. !! Can I make an offscreen Image by painting JComponent

    Hello friends,
    I have a class Sprite which extends JComponent.. and it is overriding paintComponent(Graphics g) and painting image in it.. !!
    I just want to know that.. can I make my own offscreen Buffered Image like this..!!
    BufferedImage buffer = new BufferedImage(128, 128, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
    Graphics g = buffer.getGraphics();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, 128 , 128);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    Sprite s = (Sprite) stack.get(i);
    g.drawImage(s.img, s.getLocation().x, s.getLocation().y, null);
    }Will this make my offscreen Buffered Image buffer?
    Thanking in advance

    Hello friends,
    I have a class Sprite which extends JComponent.. and it is overriding paintComponent(Graphics g) and painting image in it.. !!
    I just want to know that.. can I make my own offscreen Buffered Image like this..!!
    BufferedImage buffer = new BufferedImage(128, 128, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
    Graphics g = buffer.getGraphics();
    g.fillRect(0, 0, 128 , 128);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    Sprite s = (Sprite) stack.get(i);
    g.drawImage(s.img, s.getLocation().x, s.getLocation().y, null);
    }Will this make my offscreen Buffered Image buffer?
    Thanking in advance

  • How to save or save a drawing in a PNG or any Image file format ?

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    Now, i want to send it to a php script running on Apache server to save this signature as a PNG, jpeg or any image file at server end.
    or how can i save this drawing on my local file system as a png or any other type of image file.
    Plz help if anybody knows the right way....

    Hi Hithayath,
    Thnx for the reply.
    Actually, i hv no problem in storing a data locally or sending it on a web server. The problem in related with the formats.
    I mean, how can we create a png or jpg file using the raw bytes of an image drawn on a canvas or CustomItem.. ?
    We can get the integer array of RGB points using getRGB() method of image object. Now, if i will write this data after converting to binary in a file then that file
    will show a message like "Preview not available". It means the format is not recognized.
    So, my question is how can we convert this raw data in a png or jpg format so it can be displayed on a web page or stored in a png or jpg file..?
    I think now u can better understand the problem.
    Waiting for the reply....
    Thanks. :)

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    I would check out http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/

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