Dreamweaver CS4 positioning way off!!!

Does anybody know why my Dreamweaver CS4 positioning is WAY off of what appears on any browser? It's not just a couple pixels, it's like over a hundred in each direction. Text and image containers look perfect on DW, but in Safari they're about 100 too high and too far left... then in Firefox they're so far down the page that I can't find middle ground between the two (and then my DW looks so messed up its confusing to work with). I found in CS3 there were some variances, but not like this. Editing this page sucks and I'm so new to web design that my head is going to explode from the frustration. Help!

Pictures don't tell us what's happening under the hood.  99% of rendering/layout problems are in your code. Get some remote server space or make a TEST folder on client's server.  Upload problem page and dependent files to the TEST FOLDER then post a URL here so we can see everything in context.  If that isn't possible yet, you can copy and insert code into your message here by using the double blue arrows >> Syntax Highlighting > Plain.  Remember to show us both your CSS and HTML code.
In the meantime, run your code through these 2 on-line validation tools and fix any reported errors:
HTML Validator - http://validator.w3.org
CSS Validator - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ 
Also, read why AP Divisions or layers are not a good primary layout method:
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Hallo Community!
    Ich habe mich heute hier registriert, und dies ist auch mein erster Beitrag, allerdings habe ich schon des "öfteren" auch hier nach relevanten Hilfen für mich gesucht und diese auch meistens gefunden, allerdings hänge ich jetzt wieder bei einem Problem das so einfach (für mich) im Moment nicht zu lösen ist. Auf jeden Fall freut es mich, jetzt aktiv angemeldet zu sein und hoffe auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit! Es ist mir auch wichtig zu sagen, dass dies nicht das erste Forum ist, wo ich dieses Problem poste, ich bitte euch allerdings dies nicht als eine Art von "Spam" zu sehen, sonder es geht mir darum mehr Meinungen zu dem Problem einzuholen! Danke!
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    Nun folgendes, ich habe ein allgemeines Problem mit den AP - Divs bzw. allgemein mit der Positionierung von Grafiken uä.! Nur hatte das bis dato nicht den Effekt dass ich nicht weiterarbeiten konnte - jetzt schon!
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    So, ich hoffe dass mein Problem verständlich ist, und würde mich über Kommentare von eurer Seite sehr freuen!
    Auch über jedwede konstruktive Kritik zu dem bisherig "gebauten" nehme ich sehr gerne entgegen!
    €dit: Was mir noch eingefallen ist:
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    Vielen Dank im Voraus,

    Ähm, naja, du verwendest AP DIVs - Webdesign von vorgestern. Da braucht man nicht mehr zu zu sagen. Schrott, Schrott, Schrott. Wegschmeißen, mit richtigem CSS und konsequent relativer Ausrichtung und Formattierung der Elemente arbeiten. Klingt jetzt gemein, ist aber so. Du klammerst dich zu sehr an ein bestimmtes Design, und vergißt die Struktur, deswegen wird das nie funktionieren. You know, Vererbung von Eigenschaften, IDs, Klassen und so was...

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    Last night I opened the INDEX.HTML file with notepad just to see what could possibly be wrong. There's a few lines of proprietary code from W3C or something. I deleted them and saved it. I double clicked on the file and when it opens, it's perfect.
    What gives?

    Thank you both for your replies. I get pissed because I get ignored on message boards when I ask for help. When someone asks how they can import a flower image into their site, they get 150 replies. I ask on guru about css classes and I get ignored.
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    I apologize for being a *****. I take my job and this technology seriously.
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    Well.. I sure appreciate the help... but, unfortunately that did not restore the initial settings..
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  • Dreamweaver CS4 SPRY Menu Problems in IE

    I am trying to have a drop-down menu on my site using the SPRY option in Dreamweaver CS4. In all browsers it looks exactly like it should. Unofrtunately in IE it pops out to the side instead of down. Anyone know a fix around this. The site is http://mtltechnologies.com/
    Here is the SPRY CSS.
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 12px;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
        font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: left;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 154px;
        float: left;
        height: 25px;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 154px;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: pointer;
        padding: 5px;
        color: #FFF;
        text-decoration: none;
        background-image: url(../images/button_bg.jpg);
        text-align: center;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        color: #FFF;
        background-image: url(../images/button_bg_down.jpg);
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(../images/button_bg.jpg);
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(../images/button_bg_down.jpg);
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(../images/button_bg_down.jpg);
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
            display: inline;
            f\loat: left;
            background: #FFF;
    Anyone know a fix?

    The code is too long. Let's do it this way, did you change anything on the default css of the SPRY menu?
    just my thought, why don't you remove it from the table? That might be the cause. Try to think of an alternative way like using divs and css.

  • Preview versus Real View Not the Same, Site Definition Errors - Dreamweaver CS4

    I am having trouble working on sites where it seems that Dreamweaver wants me to specify different file locations for various "includes" depending on whether I want to view the site as a preview (F12) vs. on a local test server vs. on the real website server.  Note I am using Dreamweaver CS4 (ver. 10) on Windows, my local test server is Apache running via an Xampp installation on Windows, and my production server is also Apache, running at Hostgator.  I am building a fairly basic html site using SSI via SHTML files, rather than PHP or a more sophisticated method.  Here is what seems to be happening:
    1.  In my index.shtml file I call, for example, a subheader file called "header-nosub-menu.inc.htm."  I have my site definitions set to "relative to document root."  Using the insert -> SSI command, Dreamweaver links to the file with the following: My first problem is that, as specified, the subheader.menu.inc.htm file is not found and the preview gives me an error.  I get the same error if i try to display the file on my local test server (http://localhost/domainname).  However, if I upload the file to my production server, it seems to work fine.  If I change the include command to: #include virtual="./includes/subheader.menu.inc.htm," by manually inserting the "./" to change the directory reference, then the file seems to work in all three situations  Which is the correct directory specification, and why is Dreamweaver not generating it automatically?
    While I can make the manual changes in the directory specifications, I am concerned that if Dreamweaver is making an error in this instance, it may generate more serious problems that are harder to find later.
    2. The second issue seems to involve the Site Definition file configuration.I get an error message when I set up my site definition in what seems to be the correct way, specifically, using the following specifications:
    Local Root folder:  "C:\htdocs\domainname-dev\"
    http address:   "http://www.domainname/"
    testing server folder:  "C:\htdocs\domainname-dev"
    url prefix:  "http://localhost/domainname-dev"
    The error message is: "The site url prefix for the testing server does not match the site url prefix specified in the http address for the site."
    However, when I change the testing server url prefix to one that does not yield an error message ("http://localhost") I then have problems with the preview (F12) display.  Specifically, instead of a preview request generating the following url: "http://localhost/domainname-dev/TMPm393xnclqu.shtml" I find that it generates the following: "http://localhost/TMPm393xnclqu.shtml"  The so called incorrect definition seems to be the correct one, but  why is Dreamweaver not recognizing it as such?  Am I making a error somewhere else in my configuration?
    I would appreciate any assistance that anyone here can provide,

    except for the Apache virtual host configuration, which I do not see a need for
    I wasn't suggesting that you use virtual hosts (although I have defined about 50 virtual hosts on my own development machine). I was trying to understand the url you listed:
    Without a virtual host definition, that would have no meaning and could not point to anything, unless you simply were leaving off the TLD in the example. (.com, .net, etc)
    I often use the PHP $_SERVER superglobal to define paths and handle differences between the development environment and the remote server environment. Examples:
    DOCUMENT_ROOT: D:/ZendServer/Apache2/htdocs/website/ranch (machine path)
    REQUEST_URI: /topic/calendar (url parameters)
    SCRIPT_NAME: index.php
    HTTP_REFERER: (the url of the script preceding the current script)
    HTTP_HOST: (this is the domain name. It is very useful for distinguishing between the local and remote environments)
    echo "<p><a class='noPrint' href='".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']."'>RETURN TO PREVIOUS PAGE</a></p>";

  • Css Tabs in Dreamweaver CS4 Workspace bug?/annoyance

    Css Tabs in Dreamweaver CS4 Workspace. This is probably more
    of an
    annoyance than a bug.
    When working with CSS, I use multiple CSS files and when I
    make a change
    to one, I hit save (CTRL S)but it doesn't save the CSS file I
    was just
    working on. In order to make it save that CSS file, I have to
    click on
    one of the others and then back to the one I was just working
    on and
    then hit save.
    Kind of annoying, right?
    I demand this to be fixed! ;)

    I guess you didn't understand what I meant by "focus". Let me
    try to
    explain in terms of your recipe -- all you need is a slight
    change in
    > 1. Open page with multiple style sheets applied
    > 2. Have split screen
    > 3. click on one style sheet and edit it anywhere. After
    editing, the
    > rounded box will be black and have an asterisk applied
    At this point, the style sheet has "focus", so click Ctrl+S
    now, before
    you click back in Design View (which changes the "focus" back
    to the
    main document).
    FYI, if you're clicking in Design View to update the
    rendering, you can
    hit F5 to update the main document rendering without giving
    it "focus".
    > 4. Click back to page in design view.
    > 5. Click control save. It doesn't save the style sheet
    that is
    > highlighted and has an asterisk.
    > 6. In order to save you must "save all" or click off
    and then on
    > to the style sheet.
    Hope this helps,
    Art wrote:
    > Let me restate the problem so it's clear what is
    > 1. Open page with multiple style sheets applied
    > 2. Have split screen
    > 3. click on one style sheet and edit it anywhere. After
    editing, the
    > rounded box will be black and have an asterisk applied
    > 4. Click back to page in design view.
    > 5. Click control save. It doesn't save the style sheet
    that is
    > highlighted and has an asterisk.
    > 6. In order to save you must "save all" or click off and
    then on to the
    > style sheet.
    > Perhaps this is more an issue of focus rather than a
    function of the
    > save command.
    > Since it's not saving, perhaps Dreamweaver shouldn't be
    displaying the
    > black rounded box as it is no longer selected when you
    click back into
    > Design view.
    > Of course there are ways around this; it's just a little
    annoying that
    > it's displaying "active" yet it's not.

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library after Dreamweaver CS4 installation

    Hello everyone,
    I just finished installing Dreamweaver CS4 and I have some issues to have it up and running.
    When I open an .html file and then try to insert an image via the right menu button I get to browse and locate the image but when I select it, I get the following error message:
    If I try to insert it by using the top menu path: Insert>Image... I get to select the image but as soon as I select it I get the following error message and then my computer crashes:
    Adobe support recommended me to install Windows SP 3 for Windows XP Professional and also update my Microsoft Visual C++ by installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistrutable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=9b2da534-3e03-4391 -8a4d-074b9f2bc1bf).
    I did both things and I still keep getting the same behavior... any ideas on how to fix it?
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Adobe support encouraged me to create a new user profile in my computer and log-off/log-in as a different user to see if the issue can still be reproduced while being logged as a different user.
    I figured out the way to do this with my IT department (I'm in an enterprise network) but I still experience the exact same behavior...
    I have my IT guys testing if installing the application in a similar machine would give the same error... if anyone has any other ideas, I'll be more than grateful to hear them...

  • Is separate graphics card needed for Dreamweaver CS4?

    My PC (an HP Pavilion a1120n) meets the stated system
    requirements for Dreamweaver CS4, except that it has integrated
    graphics (max of 128MB) instead of a separate video card. I can
    easily upgrade to 4MB of RAM. Could anyone please tell me whether
    Dreamweaver will run on my machine, or whether I need to invest in
    a new PC. A potential free-lance job rides on this question. Many

    To be honest, all you really need is a crappy old computer
    and Notepad.
    I'll admit that this may be a really bare-bones way to start,
    In my opinion, the best was would be to get the Adobe
    Creative Suite 4 Web
    Premium package. It is a pricey bird, though ($1,699 domestic
    for a full
    copy - not upgrade). I'm assuming you want to stick with
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "BexleyMark" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks, Walt -- that may be the best route, although
    first I'll have to
    > add
    > some RAM to the puny 512 megs I have now. Still, that's
    easy and cheap
    > enough
    > to do, and will improve my aging PC in any case.
    > I'm not using Dreamweaver now. I've been a print editor
    at newspapers
    > for
    > 36 years. About two years ago I was transferred
    half-time to my
    > newspaper's Web
    > site, which uses OpenCMS. Little training provided and
    no manual, of
    > course. I
    > had to teach myself, and I've worked hard at it &
    picked up a good bit of
    > HTML
    > and CSS. Built my own personal site on the side by hand.
    Fascinating stuff
    > to
    > learn.
    > Old friend of mine runs a small business and is unhappy
    with his poky
    > Web
    > site. He asked me for suggestions. I drew up a list and
    then decided
    > showing is
    > better than telling, so I cloned his source code,
    altered it some and
    > worked up
    > a prototype that he really liked. Then he offered to
    hire me to do a
    > complete
    > redesign!
    > Everybody knows what's happening to newspapers. I'm
    seeing an
    > opportunity
    > here to maybe build a little part-time business -- if I
    can satisfy this
    > guy,
    > maybe I can help others, too. But to do a professional
    job I'd need more
    > training, and professional tools as well. But: What do I
    need to buy? And
    > shall
    > I make the investment and take the risk? (One-quarter of
    our newsroom was
    > laid
    > off last week -- 45 people!)

  • Disabling community search in Dreamweaver CS4

    I've looked through every configuration window, and searched around, but can find no way to remove the community search box from Dreamweaver CS4. It wouldn't be so bad, but since the beta, and even to this point the search box in question is surrounded by a horrible peach box and makes the window title bar and menu misaligned.
    Does anyone know how I can turn this off, or at least when (if not already) it will be fixed? Thanks.

    plucinskij wrote:
    Unfortunately neither seem to be the issue here. My clean install comes from a Microsoft-supplied ISO, with no branding or addon installs whatsoever. My video drivers are also up to date also and yet the problem remains.
    I have finally managed to track down what appears to be the problem. It's not video drivers, but the colour profile that apparently causes this problem. The following comes from a Dreamweaver engineer who researched the problem:
    There is a color profile "TPFLX.ICM" that fixes the problem with the color being
    It is interesting in the steps to install this Monitor file it does
    not explicitly reference which color profile to use
    18. Select TPLCD.ICM
    or TPFLX.ICM and click the Add button.
    I am guessing TPFLX is for the
    Quadro FX 570M Adapter
    Here are the instructions on how to install this
    from the Lenovo site.
    http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-62923 &velxr-layout=printLenovo.

  • Dreamweaver CS4 Auto-Indent Ruined

    Auto-indenting in CS3 was great. When you hit the
    enter/return key in dreamweaver, the type cursor was taken to the
    next line, tabbed into the same depth as the previous line. In
    Dreamweaver CS4 however, Adobe has tried to make it more
    intelligent (when it didn't need to be), and as a result have
    ruined the auto-indent feature.
    When coding in javascript, dreamweaver cs4's auto-indent
    functionality is unpredictable and 9 times out of 10, isn't as you
    expected. This is incredibly annoying. It seems the problem occurs
    when coding an anonymous javascript function within parenthesis (a
    common/required jQuery practice). Dreamweaver, trying to be all
    intelligent indents the next line of code to where the previous
    line ended. Example...
    Edit: Stupid forum has no way to display tabs, therefore I can't
    demonstrate what dreamweaver is doing to my code, another great
    piece of work by Adobe.
    Does anyone know how to disable the auto-indent intelligence
    in CS4 and make it how it use to be in CS3? I'm bubbling with
    absolute frustration at the moment as I just want to code, but
    can't without getting even more agitated.

    I was having a problem with the auto-indenting in CS3 while coding javascript and I found a solution. The best way to fix it would be to edit the properties file with the number you prefer, but I don't know where that file is. However, if you follow these steps it will automatically update it for you. It's strange the way it works but hey, whatever.
    Note: I'm only sure this works in CS3, can't be sure about CS4.
    1. Use the icton that's next to the refresh circle to turn auto-indenting off. (The icon fades from yellow to white and looks like a bullet list. It's on the same row as the code, split, design buttons.)
    2. Find a line in your javascript, such as $('a').click( funtion(){, and hit enter to go to the next line.
    3. Tab over to where the indent SHOULD be (in your opinion).
    4. Turn auto-indent back on using that same icon in step 1.
    That's it. If you delete your new line then hit enter again your cursor should tab to the place you last left it. Dreamweaver seems to update it's calculations and now seems to get it right.
    Hope this helps. Thanks.

  • Question about Dreamweaver CS4 Preview in Browser

    Good morning,
    as a newcomer to Dreamweaver CS4, I find myself in a strange position: I managed to create several pages that work correctly, but whenever I transfer those pages in the server of the company I work for, they show up with a different format for the text parts, and the divs show up as shorter than they should be. And yet, I pretty much copy-and-pasted the original working html pages from my C to the server... why does this problem happen?
    Thank you very much.

    I can't really say without seeing your code. But some things that may cause issues:
    - make sure your code is valid by running it through a validator: http://validator.w3.org/ and fixing any issues noted
    - Some older versions of IE have a different way of handeling the box-model concept and this can cause sizing and layout issues. You can read all about it on the internet.
    But I would focus on making sure your code is valid - most rendering issues are caused by invalid code like missing closing tags, improperly nested elements, etc.

  • Slow synchronization with Dreamweaver CS4 on Mac

    I've been using Dreamweaver for 13 years on a PC and just recently cross-graded to Dreamweaver CS4 for Mac. During the time I used a PC, the process of synchronizing with a remote folder (I use the Local/Network option) would take just a few seconds. However, now that I have switched to the Mac (running Snow Leopard), synchronizing takes several minutes. I have done Internet searches on this topic and haven't found anything relevant, so I am assuming that this is not a common problem. So I am wondering if there is some simple configuration setting that I could change to make this problem go away.

    The usual way on a Mac to increase the size or zoom of a page (pretty much any page) is to press [command]-+.
    So I did this. And the only thing that will expand (I'm using CS3) is the Design view. Additionally, there is a command from within Dreamweaver itself that allows you to zoom (or reduce) the size of the page you are working on -- but this capability goes away as soon as you look at any code.
    It would appear that Adobe is ignoring Apple's Application Programming Guidelines, because [command]-+ works for every other application that runs on a Macintosh (though I'm not using BBEdit which I would imagine would be a similar code editor).
    So, there is a workaround that will work, though it's kind of nasty.
    Open up your System Preferences. Click on Universal Access. With the "Seeing" tab selected, turn on the Zoom.
    Hold down [option]-[command]-+
    The area you are working on will zoom in.
    You can turn on and off Zoom assistance using [option]-[command]-8 if you don't want to have to go into your System Preferences>Universal Access controls to get this turned on quickly while you are writing code.
    I do note that in Leopard (I am not using Snow Leopard) the Universal Access control tells me that zoom in is [option]-[command]-= and that is true on the regular keyboard, but I have an extended keyboard and I am used to pressing the "+" key on the number keypad (which works).
    I realize that using this control is a workaround and that it would probably be a good thing for Adobe to try to get their applications to better fit Apple's guidelines.

  • Can't see Remote data in Dreamweaver CS4

    I have a site that I have had for years and recently changed from a real old version of Dreamweaver to Dreamweaver CS4.  I had trouble getting my FTP to work so I used an external program to move the files.  The files have been uploaded and the site is active on the Internet so I know there are there.
    When I use Dreamweaver, the only thing I can see is the "/" that represents the root folder.  All the site definitions say that it can connect to my server, it just does not show the files.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks, Fred

    here I'll quote a hint from Nancy O. for DW applications:
    Try toggling Passive and/or Secure FTP on/off.
    Your web host might have changed upload requirements to improve security.
    Another thing to check is your Anti-virus and Firewall settings. If they are too restrictive, DW may not have permission to connect to the remote server.

  • Problems to Download Dreamweaver CS4 with Akamai Download Manager!

    I want to download Dreamweaver CS4 Italian Windows Trial version.
    I have Internet Explorer 7, PC with OS Windows XP x64bit Corporate, Core2Quad Q9650, Motherboard MSI P45Platinum with Ethernet 10/100/1000,
    4GBRAM,3 HDD 500GB WesternDigital,Nvidia GeForce 9400GT.
    I have installed "Akamai Download Manager ActiveX" control asked on the top of window popup.
    Clicked Yes:Installation confirmation.
    But I have tried to click the button "Download" and just one window with this message appears and disappears immediately:
    Per scaricare il software è necessario installare Akamai Download Manager...
    Problemi di download?
    Assistenza per il download...
    Il sistema non dispone dei requisiti minimi per eseguire Akamai Download Manager.
    (The system doesn't meets the minimum system requirements to run Akamai Download Manager.)
    I can't download anything. Why?
    I have disable Pop-ups Blocker, and disabled also Anti-Phishing Filter.
    Disabled also Antivirus and the Firewall.
    Set and lowered Security Protection from Tools>Internet Options: to "Medium"; and also, another time, set to "Personalized" with all the controls
    switched to "Active".
    Set Privacy>Settings>"Accetta tutti i cookie"(lowered to full bottom).
    I have read this Akamai Download Manager FAQ:
    -"Nothing happens when I click the download link"
    If nothing happened after you clicked the download link, either your pop-up blocker or a high security setting on your web browser may have stopped
    the Akamai DLM window from opening.
    If you have a pop-up blocker enabled in your web browser or in your Internet toolbar (such as the Yahoo! toolbar or the Google toolbar), you will
    need to disable your pop-up blocker to start your download. For additional information, and for instructions on changing your security setting, see
    the "Akamai Download Manager system requirements" (ServiceNote kb400530).
    Note: The download manager can sometimes take up to a minute to load. Please allow time for the initial loading before assuming there is a problem
    Thus, I have followed this rules in Akamai Download Manager System Requirements:
    Internet Explorer 7
    1) Access your Internet options from the Windows Control Panel (Internet Options) or by selecting Tools > Internet Options in Internet Explorer
    2) Select the Security Tab
    3) Click Custom Level
    4) Scroll through the list of security options and set:
    -ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Download signed ActiveX controls > Enable or Prompt
    -ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Enable or Prompt
    -ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting > Enable or Prompt
    -Downloads > File download > Enable
    -Miscellaneous > Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints > Enable
    -Scripting > Active scripting > Enable
    5) Click OK
    6) Click OK again
    But nothing changes.
    On my PC I have also this installation: "J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 5" and "Java(TM)6 Update 15".
    But the download doesn't start at all.
    1) How can I do to download Dreamweaver CS4-Windows-ITALIAN language?
    2) Is it possible to download 364.8 MegaBytes without Akamai Download Manager?
    Please Hurry!

    another option you may have is resettofactory
    start- run- type:
    press enter
    cd c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader
    press enter
    loader.exe /resettofactory
    press enter
    please perform a backup first
    test your browser before you restore your backup, and to be ssafe I would do a selective restore
    open DTM, go to backup/restore- advanced
    top left click on file-open
    find your backup, it will load on the left side
    you current working BB will be on the right side
    transfer ONLY the absolute important databases from the left to the right(address, cal, phone logs, messages, sms, tasks, memo)... dont do any that you dont know and dont do any OPTIONS ones
    Message Edited by drizzt09 on 07-13-2009 08:40 PM

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