DreamWeaver CS6 with PhoneGap Build  error on Android

I was  building helloworld app on DreanWeaver CS6 via builtin PhoneGap
all OS build fine accept Android
Getting Application Error :  tmp/gimlet/workshop/assets/www/res/icon
I canot find how or where this tmp directory is on my MAC or PhoneGap back end.????
Any suggestions?

Are you seeing this error consistently? Can you please create a new site and try out again? Or you can login directly  to https://build.phonegap.com/ and check if the building is going fine?

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  • Start up of Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 with the following error message

    I have the following pop-up error message about Javascript error (s) occurred.
    At start up of Adobe Dreamweaver CS6.0 after an Update. Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 12.  2. I am on Windows Vista Home edition.
    It suggest at line 17 of the file “C:\ Program Files \Adobe \ Adobe Dreamweaver CS6\ Configuration \ Shared\ BC \ JS\ bc_ui_utils.js” MM.BC has no properties.
    What is the remedy to this and has there been a recent patch on this Javascript error?  Where can I get this patch. Thanks.
    Please advice.

    <?php require_once('Connections/attending.php');?>
    <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString"))
    {if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    mysql_select_db($database_attending, $attending);
    $query_rsattend = "SELECT * FROM attendlist ORDER BY surname ASC";
    $rsattend = mysql_query($query_rsattend, $attending) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_rsattend = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsattend);
    $totalRows_rsattend = mysql_num_rows($rsattend);
    $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
    if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
      $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO attendlist (Windowsid, title, firstname, surname, extension, mobile, jobrole, course, cpg, mgrname, room, Adate) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['Wid'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['title'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['firstname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['surname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['contactno'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['mobile'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['jobrole'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['courses'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['cpg2'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['mgrname2'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['troom'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['Adate2'], "date"));
      mysql_select_db($database_attending, $attending);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $attending) or die(mysql_error());
      $insertGoTo = "Listing.php";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
        $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
    if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) {
      $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO attendlist (title, firstname, surname, extension, mobile, jobrole, course, cpg, mgrname, room, Adate) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['title'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['firstname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['surname'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['contactno'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['mobile'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['jobrole'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['courses'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['cpg2'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['mgrname2'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['troom'], "text"),
                           GetSQLValueString($_POST['Adate2'], "date"));
      mysql_select_db($database_attending, $attending);
      $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $attending) or die(mysql_error());
      $insertGoTo = "Listing.php";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
        $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?";
        $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo));
    } ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
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    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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    <div class="container">
      <div class="header"><!-- end .header --><img src="Cerner At Imperial2.jpg" width="960" height="150" alt="" /></div>
      <div class="content">
        <h3>Attendance Register
        <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" id="form1" name="form1" method="POST">
          <table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="10" summary="Cerner@Imperial">
              <td><div align="right">* User ID</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield1">
                <input name="Wid" type="text" id="Wid" tabindex="1" size="18" maxlength="10" />
              <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Title</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="spryselect1">
                <select name="title" id="title" tabindex="2">
                  <option value="0">Select</option>
                  <option value="Ms">Ms</option>
                  <option value="Mrs">Mrs</option>
                  <option value="Mdm">Mdm</option>
                  <option value="Mr">Mr</option>
                  <option value="Dr">Dr</option>
                  <option value="Professor">Prof</option>
    <span class="selectRequiredMsg">    Please select an item.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* First name</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield2">
                <input name="firstname" type="text" id="firstname" tabindex="3" size="40" maxlength="30" />
              <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Surname</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield5">
                <input name="surname" type="text" id="surname" tabindex="4" size="40" maxlength="30" />
              <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Contact/ Bleep</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield3">
                <input name="contactno" type="text" id="contactno" tabindex="5" size="10" maxlength="6" />
              <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">Mobile (optional)</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><input name="mobile" type="text" id="mobile" tabindex="6" size="25" maxlength="18" />          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Job role</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="spryselect2">
                <select name="jobrole" id="jobrole" tabindex="7">
                  <option value="0">Select</option>
                  <option value="Doctor">Doctor</option>
                  <option value="CNS/NP">CNS/NP</option>
                  <option value="Midwife">Midwife</option>
                  <option value="Other Staff">Other Staff</option>
                  <option value="Nurse IP HCA">Nurse IP &amp; HCA</option>
                  <option value="Nurse OP HCA">Nurse OP &amp; HCA</option>
                  <option value="IP Physician Assitant">IP Physician Assistant</option>
                  <option value="OP Phlebotomist">OP Phlebotmist</option>
                  <option value="Pharmacists">Pharmacists</option>
                  <option value="Therapist AHP">Therapist &amp; AHP</option>
                  <option value="Medical Secretary">Medical Secretary</option>
                  <option value="Bed Manager">Bed Manager</option>
                  <option value="Medical Record Staff">Medical Records</option>
                  <option value="Medical Records Manager">Medical Records Mgr</option>
                  <option value="OP Booking Clerk">OP Booking Clerk</option>
                  <option value="OP Receptionist">OP Receptionist</option>
                  <option value="ED Admin">ED Admin</option>
                  <option value="Ward Administrator">Ward Administrator</option>
                  <option value="IP Wait List Clerk/Mgr">IP Wait List Clerk/Mgr</option>
                  <option value="Antenatal Supervisor">Antenatal Supervisor</option>
                  <option value="Clinical Coder">Clinical Coder</option>
                  <option value="Clinical Coding Mgr">Clinical Coding Mgr</option>
                  <option value="Pi Help Desk Backoffice">Pi Help Desk Analyst/Back Office</option>
              <span class="selectInvalidMsg">Please select a valid item.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Manager's Name</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"><span id="sprytextfield4">
              <input name="mgrname2" type="text" id="mgrname2" tabindex="8" size="40" maxlength="30" />
              <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Attendance Data </div></td>
              <td colspan="2">
                <span id="sprytextfield6">
                <input name="Adate2" type="text" id="Adate2" tabindex="9" />
                <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg"> a value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg"> invalid format.</span></span>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Course</div></td>
              <td colspan="2">
              <select name="courses" id="courses" tabindex="10">
                <option value="0">Select</option>
                <option value="Doctors">Doctors</option>
                <option value="Nurse IP">Nurse IP</option>
                <option value="Nurse OP">Nurse OP</option>
                <option value="Midwife">Midwife</option>
                <option value="HCA">HCA</option>
                <option value="Pharmacist">Pharmacist</option>
                <option value="Back Office Staff">Back Office Staff</option>
                <option value="AHP">AHP</option>
                <option value="Pi Help Desk Analyst">Pi Help Desk Analyst</option>
                <option value="Medical Secretary">Medical Secretary</option>
                <option value="OP Phlebotmist">OP Phlebotmist</option>
                <option value="Champion Users Doctors">Champion Users Doctors</option>
                <option value="Champion Users Nurse IP">Champion Users Nurse IP</option>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* Location &amp; Room</div></td>
              <td><select name="troom" id="troom" tabindex="11">
                <option value="0">Select</option>
                <option value="CXH">Charing Cross</option>
                <option value="HH">Hammersmith Hammersmith</option>
                <option value="QEH">Queen Charlottee Hospital</option>
                <option value="SMH">St Mary's Hospital</option>
                <option value="WEH">Western Eye Hospital</option>
                <option value="SCC">St Charles Community</option>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="right">* CPG</div></td>
              <td><select name="cpg2" id="cpg2" tabindex="12">
                <option value="0">Select</option>
                <option value="CPG 1 Medicine">CPG1 - Medicine</option>
                <option value="CPG 2 Surgery &amp; Cancer">CPG2 - Surgery and Cancer</option>
                <option value="CPG3 Specialist Services">CPG3 - Specialist Services</option>
                <option value="CPG4 Circulatory Services and Renal Medicine">CPG4 - Circulatory Services and Renal Medicine</option>
                <option value="CPG5 Womens and Childrens">CPG5 - Womens and Childrens</option>
                <option value="CPG6 Clinical and Investigative Sciences">CPG6 - Clinical and Investigative Sciences</option>
                <option value="CP7 Private Patients">CPG7 - Private Patients</option>
                <option value="Others">Others</option>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><input type="submit" name="submitbt" id="submitbt" value="Submit" /></td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td><div align="center">* Mandatory Fields</div></td>
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td> </td>
              <td colspan="2"> </td>
              <td> </td>
          <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form1" />
        <p> </p>
        <p> </p>
        <!-- end .content --></div>
      <div class="footer"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
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  • Stored procedure not found when creating a new recordset binding in Dreamweaver CS6 with ColdFusion Server 11

    Stored procedure not found when creating a new recordset binding in Dreamweaver CS6 with ColdFusion Server 11.  I can see the tables and views in the database tab, but no stored procedures.  If I connect to a data source created in ColdFusion Server 6 I am able to see the stored procedures.

    Ben thanks for the reply!
    Yes that is the process I am following:
    In Dreamweaver, open the page that will run the stored procedure.
    In the Bindings panel (Window > Bindings), click the Plus button, and then select Stored Procedure.
    In the Data Source pop‑up menu, select a connection to the database containing the stored procedure
    Enter the ColdFusion Data Source user name and password.
    At this point in the procedure drop down I would get a message that said No Stored Procedure Found.
    Right now it appears to be working, I had to create a new site that pointed to the older CF 6 server's data source and create a page following the process above, then when I went back to the CF 11 site the stored procedures were now populated.  I need to make sure it is pulling from the correct server but right now it appears to be working.

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    Is it possible to use Flash Builder along with PhoneGap build?

  • Dreamweaver Help | Packaging web applications as native mobile applications with PhoneGap Build

    This question was posted in response to the following article: http://helpx.adobe.com/dreamweaver/using/packaging-web-apps.html

    Hi, I have a question.
    (Quick explanation) I have dreamweaver cs6, I created an android app, a run the emulator and everything seems to be ok with the app, I download the .apk and everything ok so far, but when i wanted to upload it to Google Play i need to sign it, but I search all the web somehow to sign it and i did not find anything to sign an app made with dreamweaver and Phonegap, just those made with Eclipse.
    My question:
    Is there anyway to export driectly from Dreamweaver to Eclipse as a project? so i can export it and sign it...
    if Not, How can i convert those html files made with dreamweaver to Eclipse files, so I can use Eclipse to sign and generate the keystore file
    or, How can I generate a keystore file to sign an app made with Dreamweaver?

  • Issues with Dreamweaver cs6 phone gap build login

    Hi there, I am an imac, using creative cloud and I am not able to login via dreamweaver to phonegapbuild...
    I have created my acount on phonegap using my adobe id and also set my github account to it too...
    but when I try and login it says looks like we are having server troubles please try again...
    On the dreamweaver login to phonegap it does say dont forget to activate your account email but I didnt recieve anything and I can login to phonegap ok?
    Please help as I have shelled out on an imac, creative cloud and gthub just to use this service ! and feel a bit let down..
    Many thanks
    I look forward to sorting this issue asap

    Ahhh cool, many thanks...I have been onto them and told them what my issue was and cancelled my creative cloud as that was all I really wanted it for...
    I will check back when its sorted and see if its worth me doing, I know there are some cool things but my total setup for creating ios apps revolved around that function ...
    I would have presumed that as this is an actual Adobe branded forum they would have somone monitoring it daily for issues to at least put a coment on...
    I know other large companies that monitor every spector of the internet for peoples comments on them...and then respond accordingly... from all the forums I have viewed on this issue including phonegap they seem to be ignoring it which seems to be making people get even crosser...if thats even a word lol
    Anyway thanks for your comments

  • How can I sign an app made with PhoneGap Build?

    I have set up the PhoneGap Build service and created an account so I can make an app and upload it to my mobile phone.
    Now I have reached the point where I would like to sign it and upload it to Google Play.
    I have a developer account and I have filled in all data, made screenshots and icons and description for the app etc.
    When I try to upload it to Google play it says "Upload failed..." and that I need to disable debugging.
    I have tried to find information about how to do this and I have installed the SDK packet and even successfully set up the path in the Settings for PhoneGap Build without any protests..
    Now what?
    I have read trhe documentation on how to make a private key with keytool using the cmd in windows an the key has been uploaded to my account on the phonegap build site.
    Now according to the doc in phonegap build this key should be used signing the app that I made in dreamweaver. So I recreated the app in Dreamweaver and downloaded it and then tried to upload it on Google Play.
    Still the same problem that the app is in debug mode. This means that phone gap build is not doing it's job as it should or maybe that my key is not working.
    So my question first is, how can I see if the key is properly generated with keytool?
    My next step is to manually sign the app.apk file with the jarsigner tool so I tried to do this accordingly to the sample in the android documentation.
    This a screenshot of my attempt and the error-message in the command line:
    It feels like I have done everything by the book but still my app is not signed and not valid to upload to Google Play for public download.
    Please give me some assistance in how to create this last little but so hard step.
    Message was edited by: MickeBergman

    I got it solved...
    If anyone else has done the same mistake as I did then have a look here.
    You just have to create the key with keytool using the command line (cmd.exe)
    Here is the guide how to do it (scroll down to "1. Obtain a suitable private key")
    Use the example, it works fine.
    Then upload it to your PhoneGap Build account by logging in to build.phonegap.com
    Then under your account settings upload the yourkey.keystore file and unlock it.
    Then under Apps click your uploaded App title to come into the details of the app.
    Then (and this is what I missed and therefore didn't get it signed and released) choose the key you uploaded from the fold down menu at the right hanbd of the android logo
    Then click Rebuild and when it's done rebuilding you simply download it and it will have a YourApp-release added to the file name and you're set!
    Pheeeww this was a horrifying experience and yet so simple solution... strange noone else has experienced this before me.
    At the end I have to really salute Dreamweaver who has made such a great tool to easily make your own apps.

  • Dreamweaver CS 5.5 build error

    When I try to build android apk I get this annoying error. Please help.
    Cloning seed app for Android
    set ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5\Configuration\NativeAppFramework\apache-ant
    set ANDROID_HOME=C:\Android\android-sdk
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5\JDK
    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
    cd C:\Users\Ranjan\Desktop\com.rmworks.rule_600_Android
    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /u /c C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5\Configuration\NativeAppFramework\DWPhoneGap\android\scripts\droidGap.bat "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5\Configuration\NativeAppFramework\DWPhoneGap\android\PhoneGapApp" "Rule 600" com.rmworks.rule_600 1.0 "C:\Android\android-sdk" 15
    ERROR: console error
      context: Dreamweaver.exe::GetExitCodeProcess
      code: 1
      message: Incorrect function.
    ERROR: Clone failed

    Thanks for the reply but 'Android build' worked couple of months ago. I haven't  changed anything to get the clone failed error. I could sign the apk and upload  to google play without any problem. It worked so nicely.  Curious to know what does 'incorrect function' refer to ? Is it something to do with my installed software ? If at all, do I need to tweak something ? Please help. I have tried Phonegap build service already but not sure how to get an apk signed for google play. In DW CS 5.5 it was easy.

  • PhoneGap Build Settings for Android SDK

    On Mac 10.6.8, Dreamweaver CS6
    I want to test the PhoneGap Build Service with the default  "Hey, it's PhoneGap" index.html page. Specifically, I want to run the resulting apk inside an Android emulator. In preparation for this, I have:
    1) Downloaded the Android SDK
    2) Run...
    android-sdk-macosx/tools/android sdk
         ... from a Terminal window
         This launches the Android SDK Manager, which I have used to download
    Android 2.2 (API 8 - Froyo) and all its associated files
    Android SDK Tools
    Android SDK Platform-tools
    Android Support Library
    (I have also installed Eclipse, but I think that that is irrelevant for the current task)
    4) Run...
    android-sdk-macosx/tools/android avd
         ... from a Terminal window
    This opens the Android Virtual Device Manager, which I have used to create a Virtual Device:
    Name Froyo
    Target Android 2.2 (API level 8)
    Skin WVGA800
    Located at /Users/<username>/.android/avd/Froyo.avd
    This Dreamweaver Help page says:
    Once you've installed the Android SDK, you'll need to start the Android SDK and AVD Managers, and select the Android tools you want to work with locally on your computer. Dreamweaver uses the information you select during this initial setup to populate the Android emulator settings in the PhoneGap Build Service panel. For more information on specifying these settings, see the Android documentation.
    (My emphasis)
    I'm guessing that I've done the parts of these instructions in italics, but I get lost when I reach the part in bold. The window that opens when I select Site > PhoneGap Build Service > PhoneGap Build Settings asks me to "provide the root paths to the [Android] sdk". None of the paths that I have provide seem to satisfy the Emulate Application button in the Build Panel.
    Question: What folder should I select as the root path to the SDK?
    Thanks in advance,

    Lexogram wrote:
    All that's missing is to understand how to convince Dreamweaver CS6 to perform the same steps, rather than going through a Terminal application.
    I haven't installed the Android SDK on my Mac. Dealing with Xcode was painful enough for me.
    However, I do have the Android SDK installed on Windows. I installed it at the top level of my C drive in C:\dw-android. All that was necessary to register it in the PhoneGap Build Settings panel was to enter C:\dw-android in the SDK location field. As long as you have the correct path to the SDK, it should be the same on a Mac.
    I used the PhoneGap Build Service panel to build the app, and then clicked the Download icon. Once it had downloaded, I selected the AVD and target version of Android, as shown in the following screen shot:
    After clicking Launch, it started the emulator and displayed the app. I found it necessary to make sure the AVD and target both used the same version of Android. Otherwise, it just launched the emulator, but the app didn't load.

  • Building large projects with Phonegap Build

    Hi, I've been trying to build a large app that was orginally made with the phonegap 1.5 sdk for xcode and now I'm trying to convert it to android with dreamweaver. I've gotten samples to build and run on my android device emulator but the project I'm trying to build is 130 MB mostly because of sound and image files. When I open the phonegap build service and hit rebuild application, the bar on the top begins to load, but i never gets to "build queued" under the different platforms. After about 10 mins of watching the bar I get either a 404 error or a generic "failed to upload application" message. Is there a size limit to site size? I also tried uploading the zip file to build.phonegap.com  but I get a similar issue where the upload bar moves then after a long time nothing happens. Does the phonegap build service have a problem with large projects or could something else be the problem?

    According to this thread in the PhoneGap forum, the maximum size is 10MB: http://community.phonegap.com/nitobi/topics/maximum_project_size. That answer was posted a year ago, so it might have changed. But I imagine that 130MB is still way out of the permitted range.

  • Dreamweaver cc and phonegap build

    I'm going crazy trying to sort this out - I have built a mobile app. and am trying to use the phonegap build service in dreamweaver.
    I have logged in and and created a new project and there it seems to hang asking me to insert Passwords for Android and Blackberry.
    I'm new to this and confused, none of the tutorials show entering a password (except of course for iOS).
    If I do need these where do I get them from?
    Somebody ease my aching head please!!

    You'll need to setup signing keys for each platform you're building for. More info here: https://build.phonegap.com/docs

  • Dreamweaver CS6 Installer: Proxy Password Error

    I am trying to install a trial version of Dreamweaver CS6 using the Adobe Download Asisstant. I am able to download the .dmg file and open. I am able to start the installer, enter my adobe user name and password, then I am prompted to enter my proxy user name and password. After entering my proxy user name and password (correctly!), I receive an error message that says "Proxy Password: Unable to authenticate user. Please check the user name and password and try again". So, after numberous attempts, restarted, checked with IT about user name and password (confirmed correct), network and internet are working correctly, and we have turned off my firewall for my IP address AND still not able to get past this proxy password error message. I have even tried deleting the .dmg dreamweaver file and re-downloading, but still unsuccessful. Can anyone help me?
    -Running Mac OS X Mountain Lion
    -Networked computer with IP address
    -Internet and Network are running correctly

    SCFoundry where are you inputting your proxy information?  Are you utilizing the Network preference panes advanced options?  Have you tried inputting your username and password there so that credentials are already available?

  • In dreamweaver cs6 12.0, build 5842, there is no syntax coloring on main code view?

    In my dreamweaver CS6, why is there no syntax coloring showing on the main code view window on php or any files? It works in window>code inspector, but this does not have all the same functionality. ther is no preferences icon anywhere that I can see to turn this feature on or off? This used to work until just recently. Nothing on google, but the main basics. I tried checking preferences under syntax coloring and all is okay and shows color. I also reinstalled and restarted PC. I am on a macbook with retina display. on mountain lion with latest updates. CS6 is different than cs5 in menus. Please help soon!

    Thanks for the help. I didn't think the retina did, I just wanted to help clarify what I was working with. I tried changing the external editor also and that got the split design view working again, but still no code coloring gosh darnit.

  • Are Smart HUD options available in Dreamweaver CS6 Version 12 Build 5861

    Have just upgraded to Dreamweaver CS6 and cannot find the Smart HUD options.
    Are the Smart HUD options available in Dreamweaver CS6 Version 12.0 Build 5861.

    None of the students here can afford CC, its just a shame and reflects poorly on Adobe.
    Are they aware that, as students, they can get the entire Cloud (all CC apps) for US$199 for 12 months (or US$19.99/month)?

  • Introduction to PhoneGap Build - Building your first app | Building Mobile Apps with PhoneGap Build | Adobe TV

    In this video you will learn how easy it is to build and update your first mobile app using web technologies with the Adobe PhoneGap Build cloud service and learn about two new great improvements to speed developer workflow!

    I just installed the latest Edge Code but there's no PhoneGap build icon as seen in the video.  I don't see any way to turn this feature on.

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