Dreamweaver screen blank when I switch Spaces Mac

I have a new macbook with cs3 web premium. I have dreamweaver
in one space and photoshop in another space. When I switch from
photoshop to dreamweaver, the file window is blank and I have to
click in the file window to make the content appear. This happens
whether I'm in code, design or both views. The expected behavior is
that when you return to dreamweaver, the file screen I left will
still be active and the cursor will still be active. I should have
to click the file window to see the contents. Very annoying when
you switch back and forth hundreds of times a day.
Has anyone else experienced this and is there a way to
correct it?

taponitrof wrote:
> I have a new macbook with cs3 web premium. I have
dreamweaver in one space and
> photoshop in another space. When I switch from photoshop
to dreamweaver, the
> file window is blank and I have to click in the file
window to make the content
> appear.
AFAIK, Dreamweaver is not compatible with Spaces.
David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    With what little information you gave a guess would be your video card may be going out? Zap the PRAM and reset the SMC? The User Guide on how to do it is also there.
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    Triple-click the line below to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Show Info
    from the contextual menu.* An Info dialog should open.
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    Yeah pretty much and it happens fairly regualrly... Heres a copy of
    the error that it returns::
    Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 has stopped working
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Dreamweaver.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4bebca5f
    Fault Module Name: Dreamweaver.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4bebca5f
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 0022cd06
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 0a9e
    Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Additional Information 3: 0a9e
    Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Read our privacy statement online:
    If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: Dreamweaver.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 4bebca5f
    Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
    Fault Module Version: 6.1.7600.16385
    Fault Module Timestamp: 4a5bdb3b
    Exception Code: c0150010
    Exception Offset: 000845bb
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 79e2
    Additional Information 2: 79e2c3813be91d4dcb4bf85b2aa3c09c
    Additional Information 3: 0013
    Additional Information 4: 0013ddd74cae6ef4b108927a5fd50924Read our privacy statement online:
     If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

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    Because the first suggestion is X1900, OEM 7300GT, 8800GT are all due for upgrade/replacement.
    Do yourself a favor the ATI 5770 from Apple works well for us and 10.7.5.
    You could also use Lion Recovery Mode / pull your hard drive and boot from a bootable clone backup (because you know about and learned to do that years ago with SuperDuper or CCC or one of the other programs).
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    Hi Fanoos,
    Although this post is a couple years old, I figured I would give it a reply anyway just so other people with similar issues have a little more up to date info.
    AugyTek is actually the name of my repair shop, and this is a "fun" problem that I see all the time.
    Regarding specifically the Touchsmart 610 system, when you see the flash like that, there is an easy way to tell exactly where the problem is originating from.
    First, check your power supply "brick".  It should be warm to the touch with it plugged in and machine running.  If it feels like it is going to burn your hand, your PS is probably the culprit.  I recommend taking it to your local technical shop, or using a voltmeter if you have one to see exactly what it is putting out.  It should be 19v give or take a couple tenths of a volt.  Anything more than a couple of tenths off and your power supply is probably the culprit, and may have done some additional damage to the PC itself.
    If everything is good there, now it's time to assess internally.  Power off the machine, disconnect the power supply, hold the power button in for a couple of seconds until the green light on the back is no longer lit.  Follow the instructions on the HP website to removing both the left and right covers on the back of the PC.  (Take proper precautions for static electricity.)
    Take out the Hard Drive and the RAM.  replace the covers, but no need to screw them in.  Plug your power supply back in and power the machine on.
    You should get one short and one long beep and nothing should display on the screen.  This is testing for proof of life from the board.  If you get no beeps, your board is malfunctioning and sadly with these it often is easier and cost effective to just get a new machine than replace the board.
    If you get beeps, the board is fine and you need to replace one stick of ram after powering off properly again and then start it up.  You should be able to see the "no boot media" message it displays because the system will halt.  
    If the lettering is fuzzy, diminished, in a low resolution, or looks anything other than normal, the likely cause is video related.  You now have to determine to what extent the video is malfunctioning.  
    (Yes, I know that you probably arrived at this conclusion already that the something was messed in the video/display area, but I can't tell you how many times I have asked people if they have tested for other things and they say no or how do you do that?  By ruling out other malfunctions, you arrive with the correct solution faster.)
    You can power the machine down and remove the back covers and carefully reseat ALL micro style cables that you can see.   There should be 3 in the top left, 2 on the inverter (the thing with the cover), and then 4 in the top right that are kind of hard to manage.  These cables are all related to power, with some related to video and the touchscreen itself.
    So now boot the system up normally, if you still have the one second screen, then attempt to plug in USB devices, insert a CD/DVD, and if you have one handy, use a USB to VGA adapter.  If any of these things do not initalize/work properly with the typical windows sound when you plug them in, the likely cause is your motherboard, related to power issues.  
    If your board is not able to route enough power through it past the graphical chip, into the inverter, and the LCD, power USB devices, etc., this is a tell tale sign that your machine has issues supplying enough power to all these things.  This is why you will see the one second screen everytime you turn the screen on or wake it out of standby, because there isn't enough or consistent power to keep the system running normally.  
    Because it is fairly cost prohibitive and time consuming to replace the board, you can pretty much write off the system.
    Now if your USB devices and Optical drive work fine and everything initializes, you may be able to get away with replacing the inverter.  These parts do go bad, and the inverter, which sits on top of the optical drive in the system is naturally exposed to heat from the DVD drive and is a really bad design flaw.  Replacing this may solve your problem.
    If it is replaced and you still have the same issue, likely your problem is with the LCD screen itself, and again... not really worth it to replace it.
    If it is your board and power issues, if you are hell bent on repairing this, and you are familiar with how to reflow a board, or know a professional that can attempt it, you certainly can give it a whirl.  DO NOT attempt the unprofessional ways to reflow a board as you see on some videos.  Whereas these methods can work, you need to have an intricate knowledge of electronics and temperature effects on circutry to even warrant attempting them.  
    Some people say a hair dryer will work, but the problem is then you dont know exactly how much heat you are at temperature wise, and a hair dryer will auto cool and heat it's coils as it sees fit to maintain it's own stability, where as a genuine heat gun will not.  Again, if you don't have experienced knowlege in reflowing boards, I wouldn't recommend doing it.  
    By reflow, I am referring to reflowing the solder in the board.  Unless a visible malfunctioned blown or bulged capacitor is present, reflowing the solder to it's original paths is done by the way of keeping the board level, and gradually and evenly heating the board up to a temperature to where solder melts.  Solder will naturally go back into it's original form at a certain temperature and reseal any cracks or breaks in the solder, thereby repairing the flow of electricity for that certain component.  This is also assuming the component that has the solder is not damaged as well.
    This process is best left to professionals with proper equipment, because you can in fact to irrepariable damage to the board if you are inexperienced.  Being careful will not save you in this instance.
    The one thing you want to remember with All in ones, and especially touch screens, is that they generate an AMAZING amount of heat.    Any blockage from dust or covered vent ports can quickly lead to your machines demise.  Due to the design of any All in one, heat has been, and probably always will be an issue with these units.

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. See this Apple doc:
    OS X Mavericks: If a flashing question mark appears
    ...Found by searching here:
    Also, it's a good idea to indicate what version of OS X you're running — see this ASC tutorial:
    Update your product list

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    P Spier,
    I tried removing preference but the welcome screen still comes up blank. I even uninstalled and reinstalled.
    Nothing is working and this is very annoying.
    Dorothy Charles
    Desktop Publisher
    The Segal Group
    333 West 34th Street | New York, NY 10001-2402
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    [email protected]
    Monday – Thursday – In Office
    Friday - Out
    Members of The Segal Group include:
    Segal Consulting, Sibson Consulting,
    Segal Rogerscasey and Segal Select Insurance.

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    When I turn on my iPod classic all I get is white when I should get the menu or the now playing screen. I've tried hooking it up to iTunes, resetting it, and restoring it. When I reset it, it's the same but it shows up grey. The blacklight still goes off after 5 seconds because that's how I have it set, but there's nothing on the screen, it's all just white or grey.
    Any help here?

    hi ,
    I' been trying everything and nothing, in gets recognized by itunes I can restore it even sync works, the only thing is missing seems to be the screen that stays white or gray all the time.
    Is it the famous white screen of death? help please.

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    BBlank screen on tv when using mirroring on iPad and not iPhone

    Hello Peteach1,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities! You can use the steps in the following resource if you are experiencing issues with AirPlay mirroring on your iPad:
    Resolve issues with AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring from iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Matt M.

  • HT1390 why is the screen blank when i play my rental

    I had a terrible day and was looking forward to watching a film I had prepped and rented at noon. I just clicked play on the rental and the screen is a taupe color with black widescreen banners on the top and bottom. no matter where I click on the time bar below, this is the ONLY DISPLAY. WHAT THE ****. Why is it so hard to find an apple/itunes professional to talk to. If you can take my money, you can sure as **** deliver a non-buggy frigging product. I mean, AMIRITE?????
    a very unsatisfied customer,
    and why are they asking me to choose a community for "ipod touch" "itunes for windows" "apple TV" "using ipad". NONE OF THIS APPLIES. This is so infuriating.

    Go here to raise the issue.
    Apple Express Lane
    (alternatively use the Report a Problem link via your Purchase History in your iTunes account on a computer).
    What film is it? Is it definitely the whole movie and not some weird arty couple of minutes of blank video?
    If you give the name of the film you may find someone who has rneted/bought it and can say if they've had an issue too.
    I would be tempted to restart AppleTV (either by unpowering or holding menu and down keys on remote together for 6 secs), but it may need to redownload/rebuffer if you don't have fast enough internet.
    Also, have you used AppleTV successfully to rent in the past?

  • MacBook Pro screen blank when turned on

    So my MacBook Pro was working about 1 hour ago when I had left it on to do an update for one of my games on my desktop and I would think it would go to sleep. My MacBook Pro 17 inches 2007 model and I would think that when I got back home and opened my computer that it would awaken from sleep. This is where it gets weird the bottom half of my computer is on but the screen is turned of, I now that the computer is on since the light on the button you press to open the MacBook Pro is on. So if any one can help me I would be entirely grateful. So I have tried to restart it and that didn't work. I even looked up online if this had happened to other people and it has and I have tried restarting my MacBook Pro on safe mode by pressing the shift key and that didn't work. Then I tried restarting the PRMA and that didn't work. The same thing has happened to my sisters computer which is an identically MacBook Pro like this one in every way and she sent it to apple and they said that you have a bad logic bouts and now they have to replace and those are very expensive and I am just hoping that I don't have that problem with my MacBook Pro. So if any one can help please. Ohh my computer runs osx but I think it's to the most updated osx but not  mountain lion. If anyone needs anymore information about my computer to help me fix this problem I will gladly give you more info thanks and please help.

    Booting into Safe Mode can take a long, long time... how long did you allow?
    It really sounds as if you've a hardware problem. You say that you're not running Mountain Lion, but you don't say which version of OS X you're running. If Lion, you can try booting to your Recovery partition by holding down the Command and R keys whilst booting. If you're not running Lion, get the original installation disc(s) that shipped with your computer and try booting from the first disc.
    If you can't boot into Safe Mode, Recovery partition or using an original disc, you're just going to have to take your computer into your local Apple Store or an AASP and have them run tests on the machine. You could try running the Apple Hardware Test yourself, but given your symptoms, I'm not sure that you'll be able to do that.
    Good luck,

  • Parameters screen blank when trying to run crystal report

    Hi All
    One of our customers cannot run a crystal report..
    The parameter screen is blank..
    They on SAP version 2007A SP01 PL10.
    Any reason what could of caused it.
    Thank you

    Hi Rahul
    SAP and SQL are on one server.  There are then 4/5 terminal servers that connect to this server.
    All the crystal reports work on both the SAP/SQL server and all the terminal servers except the 1 terminal server.
    I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the runtime, and the add-on itself on this server, yet everytime i run any report from this
    server my "Enter Paramter Values" screen is blank and i can do nothing.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

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