Dreamweaver Server Disconnect After OS Upgrade

I am having an issue with Dreamweaver. Actually Dreamweaver and the site I had made with it were fine untilI upgraded my OS. Naturally that wipes away Dreamweaver and the server settings. Well, I now have Dreamweaver reinstalled and I had backed up a copy of the root folder on my system before the upgrade. I put it back in the same location. What now? Am I going to be able to connect back to it as it used to be? Help!

You need to define your site again.
In DW...
1. Go to Site > New Site
2. Enter a name for your site
3. Browse to your site folder for Local Site Folder
4. Click Servers then the +
5. Enter your FTP information (FTP address, username, password, root directory) from your hosting company
6. Click Test
7. If the test connection works, click Save
Your files should be visible in the Files window (F8 if it's not displayed)

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    Hi, cmarthur.  
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    Try removing the preference to sync calendar events in iCloud preferences.  Once this is down enable the preference again and see if this resolves the issue. 
    Turn iCloud Calendars off and back on:
    Quit Calendar (or iCal).
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    Deselect the checkbox next to Calendars.
    Close System Preferences and wait about a minute.
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    If the issue persists, try all remaining steps in the article below. 
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
    Jason H.

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    I would suggest you to first uninstall all BPC clients on your local machine, and then go under the link http://yourserver/OSoft and click the Client software link from there.
    Hope this will help.
    Best Regards,

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    Hi clemenbw,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    In your situation, I would recommend reading over the attached article to help you troubleshoot your Magic Mouse Bluetooth connectivity issues. 
    Troubleshooting wireless mouse and keyboard issues
    Have a great day,

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    If the tracks are recognized by your iPod (playable), search VersionTracker for "iPod". You'll find a number of utilities that can transfer your tracks and your playlists from your iPod back to your Mac.
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    <b>DATA : zdsnb(45).
    ZDSNB = 'R:\SAPPayroll\zpaysheet.prn'
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    Am a little confused by which way your slashes are going, but if they're Ok try adding phrases below.
    open dataset p_uxfile <b>for input</b> in text mode <b>encoding default</b>.

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    In order to use ''nxm://'' links, Nexus Mod Manager must be installed and associated with the ''nxm'' protocol.
    * http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/modmanager/
    In case of problems with this third-party program, please refer to its support forum:
    * http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/1413-nmm-code-development-chat

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    This is the way it's always been.
    Server app was never compatible between releases. Lion, Mountain Lion each had their own version.
    Lion cost money, Lion Server App cost money
    Mountain Lion cost money, OS X Server 2 (Mountain Lion) cost money
    Mavericks is free to upgrade to, OS X Server 3 (Mavericks) costs money
    NB. If it's an iTunes Store issue, just buy it and ask for a refund when they fix the issue. But i doubt it's an issue.

  • Re: (forte-users) Unstable server ENV after upgrade to Forte30M2.

    I see/suggest a few things:
    1) In your #1, you mention ".... development and test environments which use the
    same Forte 3M installs through links ...". This concerns me. On our UNIX box
    each environment has it's own directory containing it's own install. If your
    environments are some how sharing a node manager, log directory or processes (to
    name a few things) that is a recipe for disaster. They may be competing for
    resources and usually the first one started will win.
    2) I haven't done a lot with compatibility levels, but if an application built
    in dev is to run in test it may be important that node managers and services
    (autocompile, codegen etc.) be at the same level (????).
    3) Check the definition files, to make sure the two environments operate
    independently. If they are both trying to write to the same log file the one
    started up first will work while the second will not as the file will be "busy".
    4) We usually use rpcreate (newer version) to create brand new repositories.
    Than we export/import the source code that we need. Also it is important to
    force compile ALL plans in a workspace at least once after doing the import.
    This will ensure that all of the code is "speaking the same language". The other
    compile, only compiles those pieces of code that changed from the last compile.
    Hope this helps.
    Kelsey PetrychynSaskTel Technical Analyst
    ITM - Technology Solutions - Distributed Computing
    Tel (306) 777 - 4906, Fax (306) 359 - 0857
    Quality is not job 1. It is the only job!
    "Braja Chattaraj" <forte_brajachotmail.com> on 09/13/2000 03:43:57 PM
    Please respond to chattaraj_braja_NONLILLYlilly.com
    To: forte-userslists.xpedior.com
    cc: (bcc: Kelsey Petrychyn/SaskTel/CA)
    Subject: (forte-users) Unstable server ENV after upgrade to Forte 30M2.
    We are running Forte 3M2 clients and server in our test environment with
    clients on NT and server on Solaris 2.6. Eversince the upgrade from 3L to 3M
    we have been having an unstable environment that does not remain alive for >
    10 mins. These are the details of the Forte installs and server setups :
    1. The server hosts the development and test environments which use the same
    Forte 3M installs through links (same ftcmd, ftexec, nodemgr, etc.). The
    environments are at compatibility levels 0 and 1 respectively.
    2. The two environments have the same definition files (defining the ENV
    variables), though seperate copies and the two environments are hosted on
    different ports on the same server.
    3. While building the new 3M environmnets in DEV and TST, we exported the
    old 3L repositories and imported them into the new 3M repositories and
    deployed the applications.
    While the DEV environment is stable the TST environment is not. This has
    been observed while moving plans between the environments (export and
    import) using fscript commands, deploying the apps after the move using
    fscript, and testing the apps. Sometimes it has come down right after a
    startup. There is no programatic reference to the environment agent in the
    code. So, a programatic shutdown is ruled out.
    Does anybody have a clue or a similar experience ?
    Consultant, Analysts International.
    Work : Sphinx Pharmaceuticals (A division of Eli Lilly & Co.)
    (919) 314-4134
    Home : 1801, Williamsburg Rd., #41H, Durham, NC 27707.
    (919) 463-7802
    E-mail : forte_brajachotmail.com
    Visit us www.analysts.com
    For the archives, go to: http://lists.xpedior.com/forte-users and use
    the login: forte and the password: archive. To unsubscribe, send in a new
    email the word: 'Unsubscribe' to: forte-users-requestlists.xpedior.com

    We found a solution to our issue.Their desktops were in a lockdown environment and the essbase.id file located in the windows directory was locked as well. This file is responsible for assigning ports etc and it couldn't be updated for the 6.5.4p2 upgrade. Once the file was deleted and the user reconnected to Essbase, the essbase.id was reset and they could connect.

  • Background Jobs are failing in DEV server after SP upgrade

    Hi Everyone,
    Below jobs are being failed in dev server after SP upgrade with error variant does not exist.
    System Details:
    SAP Version: ECC 6.0
    Database: SQL 2005
    OS: Windows 2003, SR2, 64 - bit.
    Kernel Patch: 221
    SAP_ABA :19
    SAP_APPL : 16
    SAP_AP :17
    SAP_HR : 51
    SAP_BW : 21
    PI_BASIS 2006_1_700 : patch 009
    ST_PI: ST_PI 2005_1_700 : 006
    FINBASIS : 16
    LOSFE: 16
    Can any one have idea on above mentioned jobs.
    Thanks & Regards,

    > Below jobs are being failed in dev server after SP upgrade with error variant does not exist.
    Those are workflow related jobs.
    This is a job name and not the program name.

  • The Connection Server does not start after an upgrade to BO4.1 SP3

    Hello guys,
    The Connection Server does not start after an upgrade to BO4.1 SP3
    We are in process to upgrade our Business Objects environments to BO4.1 SP3
    The first 2 environments , the upgrade went fine. But the third environment de connection server won’t start.
    When I always try to start it returns me a failed status and shows me that the server is considered failed because it has stopped 5 time(s) in 60 minute(s).
    Our OS is AIX
    Uncaught Exception in SilentScope: [CS] Ser
    verInitialization::InitManager::Initialize: 0.007^^
    The CS initialization failed within the CS server. Aborting
    trc file: "connectionserver_BIO.ConnectionServer_ncs.trc", trc level: 1, release: "720"

    Hi Amine
    The File seems ok
    File from the failing connection server
    -rw-rw---- 1 bioadm bosys 43993 Apr 11 11:29 boconfig.cfg
    File from our test system
    -rw-rw---- 1 bitadm bosys 43892 Apr 14 10:56 boconfig.cfg
    I created a new connectieserver(by the copy function), but the new server won't start.
    |89d4a6e0-2a89-7a05-3020-a51d517ab872|2014 04 14 11:54:30:113|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |connectionserver_BIO.ConnectionServer|28246236|3097|| |0|0|0|0|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||[CS] Unhandled exception raised during CS initialization.
    init_srv.cpp:95:-: TraceLog message 3
    |4dcf04b1-1e1d-df13-48ad-a67f06e29864|2014 04 14 11:54:30:113|+0200|Error| |<<|E|X|connectionserver_BIO.ConnectionServer|28246236|3097|| |0|0|0|0|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||Uncaught Exception in SilentScope: [CS] ServerInitialization::InitManager::Initialize: 0.003
    |77ad78f4-37f7-3013-3b50-85cce9fbe7b8|2014 04 14 11:54:30:113|+0200|Error| |>>|E| |connectionserver_BIO.ConnectionServer|28246236|3097|| |0|0|0|0|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||[CS] The CS initialization failed within the CS server. Aborting.

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