Drive c is full can I use drive e

I have a qosmio laptop with a 60 gig ssd drive c and a 500 g internal hd drive e. Drive c is almost totally full of programs and I cannot load a program that I need. Is it possible to use the "e" drive to download any additional programs, or am I stuck to the point that I have to remove some programs to make room for the new one that I need.

I can confirm you are able to extend cloned volumes with a single partition. However, I am currently not aware if this applies to multiple partitions as well. 
Maybe you should try contacting WD's Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.
To Contact WD for Technical Support
Support by Country

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    There is no place to store photos from your Mac in iCloud with any version of iPhoto for the Mac - and a backup is different from an archive - a backup will sooner or  later delete anything that is deleted form the main drive - how long depends on the software you use and the available disk space
    for m=now you need to purchase an external drive formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) and move your library to it -
    Moving the iPhoto library is safe and simple - quit iPhoto and drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity to the external drive - depress the option key and launch iPhoto using the "select library" option to point to the new location on the external drive - fully test it and then trash the old library on the internal drive (test one more time prior to emptying the trash)
    And be sure that the External drive is formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) (iPhoto does not work with drives with other formats) and that it is always available prior to launching iPhoto
    And backup soon and often - having your iPhoto library on an external drive is not a backup and if you are using Time Machine you need to check and be sure that TM is backing up your external drive

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    Create a concatenated disk set
    Increase storage space with a concatenated RAID set (also called “Just a Bunch of Disks” or JBOD). If you need one large disk, but you have only several smaller disks, you can create a concatenated disk set to use several small disks as one large disk.
    Open Disk Utility, in the Utilities folder in Launchpad.
    Select one of the disks that you want in the set, and then click RAID.
    Click Add (+), and type a name for the RAID set.
    Choose a format from the Format pop-up menu. Usually you’ll choose the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format.
    Choose Concatenated Disk Set from the RAID Type pop-up menu.
    Drag the disks you want to add to the set to the list on the right.
    Click Create.
    Exerpt from:
    Disk Utility 12.x: Create a RAID set - Apple - Support
    Note that the biggest CON to concatenated RAID configurations is vulnerability to volume failure. If either disk fails, the whole volume fails. If you choose this option, I would highly recommend backing up your music to a cloud service. There are very cheap per GB/storage, and some of the most reputable actually offer unlimited storage:
    Five Best Cloud Storage Providers - Lifehacker

  • TM backup: can I use two drives to back up data on two other drives?

    Hi to all!
    I have with me a 1 TB/ Thunderbolt EHD [external hard drive], a Lacie 2 TB/FW, EHD, a Seagate 2 TB/ 2 USB, EHD, a Seagate 3 TB/ 2 USB, EHD and [to be purchased] a Seagate 2 TB/ 2 USB, EHD.
    I mainly use my Mac for making HD videos using FCPX.
    I am planning to use these drives in the following manner as indicated by the table below:
    1 TB,
    2 TB/ FW
    2 TB/ 2 usb
    3 TB/ 2 usb
    2 TB/ 2 usb
    Seagate backup
    [to be purchased]
    500 GB, internal
    Macintosh HD
    editing videos, one
    active project at a time
    mainly for camera
    archives, music files,
    FCP events, projects
    and exported movies
    same as the LaCie,
    as a backup of data
    intend to have 2
    partitions of 1.5 TB each;
    one partition for personal
    data and the other partition
    to back up data on the
    Thunderbolt [current project]
    intend to use this for
    TM back up of my
    Mac's internal HD
    applications, documents etc.
    backed up by:
    one partition of 'd'
    by the 2 TB Seagate
    backup 'e'
    I would like to know whether I could do these things:
    Can I use the TM backup feature in this manner of using 2 separate drive/partition [e/d] to back up data on 2 other drives [f and a]?
    Further, I am manually copying files from 'b' drive to 'c' drive; without incurring further expense, can I ensure that whatever I write onto the LaCie [b] gets copied to the 'c' drive automatically?
    Any thoughts, suggestions and instructions in these matters are welcome.

    1 TB
    2 TB/FW
    2 TB/ USB
    3 TB/USB
    2 TB/USB
    scratch disk
    [planning to have
    only one active
    project at a time]
    camera footage
    FCPX events, projects
    and completed movies
    Same as the LaCie,
    as it's backup
    To be used as TM
    backup for my Mac's
    internal and also to
    the scratch disk.
    Planning to have it in
    2 partitions: to have
    a 'secondary' copy of
    my Mac's IHD on one
    partition and to have
    personal 'net retrievable'
    data on the other partition.
    my projects are usually
    less than 10 minutes
    and hence I trust that
    work would be fast and in
    case of drive failure, I
    would be losing only
    one project.
    I am importing camera footage
    primarily into this drive and
    being FW, data transfer is
    Am manually copying
    files from the LaCie
    onto this.
    This drive is not a
    brand new one, but
    has been given to me
    by the company's
    agent as a replacement
    to my earlier 2 TB drive
    which had failed.Hope
    this also will not fail!
    Because of the 'uncertain'
    performance of the
    3 TB Seagate, I intend
    to have a copy of my
    Mac's IHD in one
    partition. I intend to place only
    such data upon the other
    partition that I will not be
    greatly affected should the
    drive fail.
    If you can analyse this plan and give your insight upon this matter, I will be immensely happy.
    Further, if this proposed use of the 3 TB Seagate is okay with you, I need to know how to remove the Thunderbolt from doing it's temporary role of TM backup and how to coronate the 3TB Seagate as its successor.
    FYI, I would be switching off TM from functioning whenever I am editing video; I would be switching it on only after a full editing session.
    Another question on my mind is this: do I need to partition the drive 'e' at all?
    Message was edited by: somanna

  • I recently bought a new iMac as well as a wireless time capsule and have it connected how can I use this external drive as the location to store all my files for iTunes, or is this even possible?

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    I would advise against placing your iTunes library on a Time Capsule.
    The Time Capsule is designed as a backup device and not for wireless streaming of video.
    Before you do anything more, can I suggest you put into place a reliable, redundant backup strategy.
    Unless you are prepared to risk loss of your iTunes library due to a hard drive failure, I would not put iTunes on the Time Capsule.
    Leave your iTunes library on your iMac until such time as your internal drive is full. Backup to Time Capsule using Time Machine and create a clone of your internal iMac HD to your external drive.
    That's my 2 cents worth. Others may have a different opinion.

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    Such a configuration is not supported. This does not mean it will not work, but it is not guaranteed to work reliably.
    Considering the "mission profile" for a backup strategy, you should consider this an unacceptable application for Time Machine.
    Read Apple Support Communities contributor Pondini's Time Machine FAQ discussion regarding this subject here:
    Scroll down to the pink box.
    There are other, significant concerns regarding sharing a Time Machine volume with other content. Time Machine needs to have control of the whole volume.
    More info here: Mac Basics: Time Machine

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    What format i should use for my external hard drive that can be used interchangeably between mac and pc?

    Usually Fat32/MS-DOS as mentioned, but that has several limitatiuns, like 4GB filesize limit.
    One option is MacDrive for you PCs... allows them to Read/Write HFS+...
    More options...
    NTFS-3G Stable Read/Write Driver...
    MacFUSE: Full Read-Write NTFS for Mac OS X, Among Others...

  • Had PSE 8 installed on PC Windows 7 with a catalog backup on an external drive. Now have a Mac with OS Mavericks. If I install PSE 12 or Lightroom on this Mac can I use the cat. backup from Windows or must I start from scratch

    Had pse 8 on a Windows 7 PC with a catalog backup on an external drive. Now have a Mac with OS Mavericks. If install pse 12 or Lightroom on the Mac will I be able to use the old catalog backup or must I start from scratch.

    If you made a full catalog backup using the organizer's backup command, and you did it to a removable drive, yes, you can restore it to the mac. A backup made on discs will not work, though.

  • Leopard to Snow Leopard can i use a large flash drive to backup first?

    I've been using Leopard for 4 years with no problems. 
    Since Google decided to stop support for Leopard, and I use Chrome a lot I decided to upgrade.  I won't be upgrading to Mountain Lion right right away. I ordered my Snow Leopard disks from Apple.
    I understand that I need to backup.  I want to backup with Time Machine before I upgrade the OS, but I don't have $75+ right now to purchase an external hard drive for this purpose only. 
    Can I use a large Flash Drive to run Time Machine?  Like a 32 GB?   I know that flash drives have a limited number of writes on them and can go bad, so I am thinking I could just use it this one time to make sure I have a clean backup.  If this is possible, then can I set up Time Machine again later when I have an external drive?
    Also, I have 2 cores on my Mac, but I have no idea how to use the 2nd core. 
    I'm also not sure if I need to purchase a specific external drive because I have a mac. 
    Thanks for the help.

    If you only need to make a full backup prior to upgrading, I would suggest using SuperDuper, which for creating a full, bootable clone is free. (It is not free when you start needing to make incremental backups, but you won't be doing that, at least not right now.) For a bootable clone, you only need a Flash drive (or external drive) as big as the total size of the utilized space on your hard drive right now, not as big as whatever the entire drive size is.
    In the past, I would have recommended Carbon Copy Cloner for this, but it's no longer free or donation-ware and you don't have the budget for both that and some kind of external or Flash drive.
    You might also want to look around for inexpensive USB external drives, or even large enough Flash drives. You'll probably find a much less expensive external hard drive than a Flash drive for this purpose.
    You do not need to use Time Machine, but even if you did you could just make one full backup to a Flash or external drive and then unmount and disconnect it. An external for TM only needs to be so large because it's constantly taking snapshots of your drive and those add up. But you won't be using it that way.
    Anyway, I think you're much better off with a bootable clone, should you need to restore that.
    Don't worry about having 2 cores; that's nothing to do with backing up.

  • Can I use  an external hard drive instead of replacing a defective one?

    I'm almost certain I need another hard drive; the current one has been installed less than a year. I'm experiencing regular kernel panics; i've done a clean reinstall.
    Can I use an external HD as my main drive? Other than the kernel issues, everything else works fine
    Message was edited by: joell109

    Has using information on 'resolving kernel panics' helped to
    define or troubleshoot the list of potential causes of these;
    or has the process been partly a guess?
    resolving kernel panics - troubleshooting the issue:
    Poor or under-qualification RAM, failed or unable to work
    in a later system than a computer was first shipped with,
    can lead to kernel panic issues. So can a combination of
    software that is incompatible. And if there is a problem in
    how the computer reads and writes data to and from the
    hard disk drive, it may be putting corrupted data on the HD.
    {And the logic board or hardware data flow controller (ATA)
    may be defective in such a way as to cause kernel panics..}
    An over-full hard disk drive could be damaging the content
    of the drive in such a manner (due to over-writing content
    and the system being cannibalized) as to cause failures.
    What brand of hard disk drive have you installed into there?
    An external hard disk drive within a FireWire enclosure, one
    that is self-powered so it is on before the computer (and you
    have to consider carefully how you detach or attach it to the
    Mac, since these have to be unmounted a certain way, etc)
    and perhaps large enough in capacity to have it partitioned
    so as to give you a backup location for items or utilities that
    can run from the computer to help you maintain it, etc.
    The externally enclosed FireWire hard disk drive, with AC
    power adapter, and cables, should be able to boot the Mac.
    Not all can do that... ones with a chipset similar to those
    known as 'oxford chipsets' can do this. That is the first test
    to do when you get a FW external HD drive, is to see if it
    can do this primary task with a boot volume installed.
    You can make nice clones, too, if you have a healthy FW
    externally enclosed HDD, a bootable one, & self-powered.
    Mine are full-computer clones; not just the OS, and not
    just the file changes such as a simple backup may provide.
    Carbon Copy Cloner by Bombich is a good tool to have.
    And there are others.
    If your computer is essentially eating hard disk drives and
    there are kernel panics within a relatively short period of
    operational time, there may be something else involved.
    A vintage Disk Warrior may be helpful, if you can find one
    that will work with the current OS on the computer and
    also on the hardware you have, to look into the HDD.
    And the original Mac OS software set included with that
    computer shipped with an Apple Hardware Test... also,
    system logs should indicate the chain of failure; but those
    are often cryptic and few people grasp their messages.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Can I use a super drive double layer in my ibookG4?

    I have a 12 inch G4 iBook with the following specifications:
    Max OS X version 10.4.11
    Machine Name:          iBook G4
      Machine Model:          PowerBook6,5
      CPU Type:          PowerPC G4  (1.1)
      Number Of CPUs:          1
      CPU Speed:          1.2 GHz
      L2 Cache (per CPU):          512 KB
      Memory:          768 MB
      Bus Speed:          133 MHz
      Boot ROM Version:          4.8.7f1
      Serial Number:          4H******S87
    I want to upgrade the optical drive combo I have for a super drive double layer to record movies, music and learn to use properly  IDVD function.
    Also I would be interested to upgrade my operation system to snow leopard, Do I need to change the CPU speed as well? and I want to change the Memory to 1 GB. Should I get specific memory card to get 1GB? look forward to hear from you.
    <E-mail Edited by Host>

    The matter of obtaining a retail or replacement install DVD for Leopard 10.5
    can be elusive; some say they'd been able to call AppleCare or Sales Support
    US (two different 800 numbers, in Apple site) and for a fee of about $17, get
    a white label full install DVD for Leopard 10.5; also said to be available, was
    a white label DVD for Tiger 10.4. {These may or may not still be available;
    the kicker here, was some who called over the past year did get them, others
    who called later did not. Then even later on, others were able to get them.}
    This topic has come up a few times in ASC discussions, even early this year
    with posts in these threads with contact phone numbers to try & order discs.
    And at this moment, I do not have those numbers available to include here;
    nor do I know if I did, if the persons who may answer would be able to answer
    the question of availability themselves. Appears the answer has changed
    depending on who you are able to talk to, there at Apple.
    Since those of us who answer these discussions do not know policy nor do
    we represent Apple corporate, the results of any finding can be hit & miss.
    About browsers. Some exist that are custom builds for PowerPC Mac and
    there are some limits due to the nature of the volunteer efforts behind them.
    Of them, note of these some only work in OS X 10.5.8; a few offer an older
    OS 9 version (see icab site for a classic pre-X version.)
    •TenFourFox - 7450 ("G4e" - see DL link)
    •iCab - shareware - runs free w/ small limitation
    •SeaMonkey-for-PPC (OS X 10.5)
    For my PPC G4 Macs, which run 10.5.8, I have these three browsers, and
    also the Safari browser of the vintage; you can use Safari to set a different
    browser as 'default' to the system, so a general browser launch triggers a
    different browser than Safari, another one will take its place. I also have
    an older Opera browser 10.63 that works, but is not supported w/ updates.
    So regarding the purchase of retail label (not grey from a machine series)
    DVD for a full install Mac OS X Leopard 10.5, an answer may exist, but
    I do not have the details; nor do I know of some are workable answers.
    And the discs said to be offered were either vintage replacements so a
    caller would need a serial number, to match; or were white label installer
    versions for a wider range of machines, not just one built model. So there
    is some matter of what they are, and if what you want may really exist!
    Some persons had looked into amazon or other possible sources, but if
    a seller misrepresents their product, you can't really use what won't work.
    You may be able to get old stock unused retail Leopard DVDs, ? online.
    {Oh, if you have some favorite classic applications from OS 9.2.2 & before
    you should consider a clone of Tiger 10.4.11 system with Classic, so you
    can later boot the computer from there, in order to run those old applications.
    Leopard does not support Classic in OS X. A backup hard disk drive with
    its own power supply, and with oxford-type chipset, can be used for clones.}
    Anyway, I thought to add the browser list; and a few add-ons from FireFox
    will work with TenFourFox. I use one that makes the first open browser
    window not have a tab. TenFourFox 17 had no tabs by default, now v.24
    has tabs. I prefer separate windows so I can drag-drop between them and
    do multiple searches or have other topics open at once. Or run two browsers.
    Hopefully this helps somewhat.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Can I use time capsule as an external hard drive

    I have a MacBook Pro that came loaded with 500Gb storage and I had another 750Gb storage added and the disc drive removed.  I have now filled both HD's and want to move the data to an external device.  I have a 2TB Time Capsule just sitting here doing nothing at the moment but am wondering if I can just use it as an external HD instead of just backup?  Also, I don't want to backup/sore anyone else's info and we are already running a wireless network in the house that I don't want to itnerfear with...

    It is possible to use the TC as a file store albeit a very unsafe one..
    If you off load files you will not want to use Time Machine. Either just directly copy the files or use another backup utility.
    The reason I say the TC is unsafe,, once you copy the files to the TC. and then delete them from your computer.. you have no backup.. the TC is a backup device NOT a file store. It has only the most primitive backup, via USB connected drive, to manually do a full backup of the TC. In terms of reliability.. TC are very prone to failure after 2years.. they are sealed and no parts are made available.. In Apple's understanding it is a consumable.. when it breaks, buy a new one.. it only has backups on it not your only source of files.
    Having said all that,, if you are prepared to use a USB drive and setup some sort of backup software on a computer it can be used. It is slow.. it is dumb.. ie it has no servers other than basic network file serving.. and you should not then use it as Time Machine target at all.. as you will have 1.2TB of files sitting on it.

  • I have a mac os x ver. 10.5.8 2x2.8 quad. my start up disk is almost full. can i change my start up disk from the original hard drive to an additional hard drive i added in Bay 4?

    i have a mac os x ver. 10.5.8 2x2.8 quad. my start up disk is almost full. can i change my start up disk from the original hard drive to an additional hard drive i added in Bay 4?

    Always want to keep the boot drive with more free space than may seem necessary for performance and to function at its best, 30-40% free or even 50% is not excessive.
    Ideal is to separate your system from your data.
    You should always have bootable backup / clone of your system
    Don't use a green drive for system or data though.
    When you are done cloning system and/or data, remove the old original and keep as backup.
    Then move the system drive to #1 - no matter what you want to reset the default boot volume to where the system is.
    Using Cloning as a Backup Strategy
    Carbon Copy Cloner 3.4.1
    How to clone your system: ckup.html 
    How to relocate system and user data to another drive:
    By staying with 10.5.8 you are not going to receive security updates, might want to consider 10.6.8.

  • I have a Mac OS X 10.4.11 and a HP Office Jet 4500 Desktop. What driver can I use?

    I have a Mini Mac desktop computer, MAC OS X 10.4.11 and a HP Office Jet 4500 Desktop printer.  What driver can I use to install this printer?

    Hey @Greenise,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I would like to assist you today in getting the proper Full Feature Software and Driver package to install your HP Officejet 4500 Desktop All-in-One printer on your Mac OS X 10.4.11 Operating System.
    Below is the link for the Full Feature Software and Driver Installer. Simply click on the link and select the 'Download' button in the top left hand corner. Once the download is complete just run through the on screen instructions to install your printer.
    HP Officejet Full Feature Software and Driver (Universal) - Mac OS X 10.4,10.5 and 10.6.
    Please let me know if this installer works for you and if you have any other questions. Good luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the "Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say "Thanks" for helping!

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