Drive Map " Connect as" option is disabled

I've a strange problem with my group policies. I cannot set "Connect as" credentials for my drive map preferences.
Now what should i do ?

Have you installed  KB2928120 or KB2961899 on this server?
Due to security reasons, MS block the ability to store passwords on some GPP options:
You can try edit this GPP in other server without those KBs if you really need it and willing to give up security.    
Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer where applicable. Thanks.

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  • Option to disable UltraNav (touchpad + trackpoint) when external mouse is connected

    I grabbed the 5/2011 drivers for UltraNav from the Lenovo site and it appears that an option 'to disable the integrated pointing devices when an external pointing device is present' does not exist, or at the very least I can't easily find it.  Please please please please tell me I'm simply being dense and this behavior is very easy to enable.
    Seriously, the 5-year old Dell drivers I had with my old machine did that, and this is driving me BONKERS.
    Alternatively, if what I'm doing here is feature-requesting, I'd be like 50% there if I could Fn+F8 and have an option to kill both the touchpad and the trackpoint - alas, I can disable 1 or the other BUT NOT BOTH WITH THAT OPTION.  Can I really not disable both?
    Lenovo W520, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.

    Even though it passed some time from first post I'm writing a solution for auto disabling UltraNav touchpad and trackpoint when external mouse is connected.
    I have Lenovo L530 that doesn't have shortcut on keyboard to disable Elantech touchpad so after a driver update (from about 20 March 2013) I tried to find a solution again -now with success.
    To auto disable touchpad when external mouse is connected you have to set value in registry editor here is procedure (for Windows 7 procedure for other Windows editions is similar or same):
    Click Windows type in regedit and run it.
    Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Elantech\OtherSetting. (If you can't find Elantech\OtherSetting in HKEY_CURRENT_USER navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Elantech\OtherSetting.)
    Find DisableWhenDetectUSBMouse double click it and change value (from 0) to 1, hit OK.
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    Restart computer.
    I hope someone still find this helpful.

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    Eels290776 wrote:
    if my external hard drive is not connected to either of my machines, and I download something onto my iMac and then something different onto my Macbook, where are my machines going to be storing the new downloaded media
    when the drive is not connected, +iTunes media folder location+ will default back to <MacintoshHD>/users/<yourname>/music/iTunes/iTunes music (or media)
    and when I next connect the external hard drive how will I easily get the newly downloaded media onto the external HD
    you'd have to point +iTunes media folder location+ back to the external via preferences > advanced > iTunes media folder location, then file > library, organize library > consolidate files
    and essentially, to have it easily readable on both machines?
    in that case it might be best to copy the entire iTunes folder to the external. then, on each machine, launch iTunes while pressing option on your keyboard. when prompted, click on +choose library+ and navigate to the iTunes folder on the external.
    note only one iTunes can access the iTunes library @ a time !
    also, make sure the external is mounted on either machine before launching iTunes.

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    My brand new back up drive is connected but now time machine has disappeared after working perfectly for a week. - no icon, not appearing as an option to save to - have rebooted everything a few times.

    It's not clear whether you were able to do any backups to this drive at all.  If not, it's probably not formatted properly.  See #5 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions for instructions.
    If you did get any successful backups, there may be a problem with the drive, or the backups may be corrupted.  Try to repair the backups, per #A5 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.

  • Network Drive Mapping for users who have Port 445 (possibly others) Blocked by their ISP to a Server 2008 system

    Nice to see my original posts are still up.  I was hoping that in the ensuing time someone had found a solution.  At least I can now see many other posting the same problems.  :)  Thought I was losing it for a while.
    We have 100% proven that the problem (in our case) is from the ISP blocking port 445 (possibly others but 445 for SURE) with the reasoning that it prevents the spread of some Internet "worms".  It also just happens to prevent people who work
    from home from being able to map to their network drives at work.
    What I was hoping was that eventually someone would comer up with a solution for this short of having to load a server using a different OS from Windows.  The SMB protocol is the one needing port 445 as far as I can tell.  Not all ISP block
    port 445 and the laptops that use those ISP's  have no problem.  Unless they travel.  Then it is "hit or miss" as to whether the ISP for the Hotel they stay at blocks it.
    I have run multiple tests to prove that this was in FACT the problem.  Even the particular ISP in question which is a very large national ISP company freely admits they do this supposedly to prevent the spread of an unnamed Internet Worm.  It also
    happens to prevent Business use of their Internet by Home Subscribers at they cannot map to their Business Servers which also need port 445 to map.
    I have used WebDAV successfully to get around this but at a huge loss of speed and performance.  Cloud services all do essentially the same thing and all have pretty much the same loss of speed.
    If anyone has come across a method of allowing a drive mapping to be rerouted to any other port, that is the only hope I have short of changing to an alternate OS for the Office Server and even then I cant be sure until I try if it would help.  I read
    somewhere about the possibility of routing through a proxy but again, the problem would still be that the requests for mapping are expected on port 445 on the server and they will not get through even to the proxy since the originating ISP is the one blocking
    the port from the User's system. 
    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated  I have posted this question now for several years with no one yet providing a working solution.  Hope burns Eternal though :)

    Yes, OwnCloud is an option as well as many others.  Even self hosted Cloud services such as the WD MyCloud all work.  The problem is speed.  JungleDisk is the best I have found so far.  I am not sure exactly what they use to allow the
    drive mapping but it seems to work faster that anything else I have found.
    VPN's don't work.  At least none of them I have tried.   I can connect a VPN with no problem.  But still cannot map a drive over it.   Actually, there are some issues with the VPN as well but these are just a matter of methodology. 
    Mapping to the FQDN works for some people while others require the public IP.  Some users on some ISP's can map using the FQDN, others have to map to the IP.  That in itself was a bit odd.
    I have tried every trick I could find including adding  the IP and/or FQDN to the Windows Hosts file on the server as well as on the client systems.  This actually did help to get the VPN to connect in some cases.  However, it still would
    not allow me to map a drive letter.
    I can create a Network Place,  This also works.  But it will not allow me to MAP that "network place" to a drive letter.  I have tried multiple utilities that allow mapping of Drive letters to almost anything but they wont work to map to a
    Network Place.
    The software that needs the mapped drive is a SQL database which runs on port 2004.  The program itself has no problems at all connecting to the server to run the database.  Even on systems which cannot map to the needed drive letter for the documents
    referred to in the database.    Users can run it and look up all kinds of material but it it is only a half-solution since the database refers to files stored in a "common-mapped" drive letter.  Which I cannot Map.
    I have tried every possible configuration of the VPN setup I could find, I have even tried a "Test System" with the NIC connected directly to the T1 Modem.  With all firewalls off and no AV software.  Even if that had worked,  there is no
    way I could run like that.  But it didn't.  Same issues.  All this did was put the blame squarely on the User's ISP which was the only reason I did it.  I had to rule out even the slightest chance that it was something in our equipment.
    This was already almost a certain fact since the same user could take their laptop to a WiFi Hotspot at a fast food restaurant and connect as well as map the drive.  As soon as they went back home, no drive.  On the ones I could convince to pay
    the extra charges, if they switched to a business connection from their ISP, No Problems.
    On most MiFi or other Cellular Internet devices, No Problem,  Although that had a habit of changing.  We had a few that worked for a while, then they got a software update for their MiFi which immediately blocked the ability to map.  Others
    it would be that some models of Cellular HotSpot units worked while other would not work even if both came from the same carrier.
    Coincidentally, we had none of these problems before two other events occurred: 
    One was the release of Server 2008 R2, (which was a kid of "surprise" change for all of us used to Server 2008 R1.  Welcomed changes, but not expected with a simple SP release. 
    The other was IPV6 finally became a reality:  June of 2012.
    This left us with much head scratching as to what was the real cause of the problem.  It took months to narrow it down to port blocking by the Outside ISP's with a 100% certainty.  Even tried reloading a system with Server 2008 R1 just to rule
    that out.  As well as disabling IPV6 on every network device.  The problem stayed with the User when Outside and which ISP they were connected to.
    Currently we are using a mix of normal VPNs for those who can run them, and CLOUD access for those who can't.  Even this is problematic since we have to keep both the local copy and the cloud copy in constant sync so that everyone sees the same versions
    of the same files on each one.
    Sorry to make this so long but I wanted to cover everything to show that we tried it all.  The only thing left short of getting the ISP's to remove the port blocks would be to find a way to route the SMB file requests around port 445 in some way. 
    I have been told that this is easy enough if using a file system other than Windows but that is not an option even if true. 
    Thanks for the updates and ideas.  I keep hoping that eventually there will be some secure method for mapping a drive letter that does not depend on having port 445.

  • NAS200 loses User Listing - prevents network drive mapping and display of shares

    I haven't seen this posted -  my NAS200 has been bullet proof Since Dec 2007 when I got it -  has the latest firmware, but lately I lose the drive mapping to thios unit - I cn open the admin console and login but when displaying the user list, I see Error: Cannot find number of users. I al;so see no shares as defined. I have recycled and get this to work for a while but it eventiually (10 min to 2 hours) loses connectivity. I'vwe enabled and disabled guest accounts and other features in options. Anyone have any ideas? Is this syptomatic of a firmware issue or other problem. The disconnect is now very  consistent but just started in the last few days.

    Since no one sems to have any responses - I'll report that I've reset this device many times - it always works for a while then exhibits this behavior - I can access the unit via web and it shows 'error - no users defined' -  share mapping reports similar issue 'no users defined'. This seems to be a result of the firmware 'losing' its user information, causing the drive to disconnect (even using the 'admin' user). I thnik it might be due to a heat problem - after it runs for a while it heats up -  the top drive noticably more than the lower drive. My problem was using Raid 0 so I need the drives right where they are. So far over two weeks I've transfered quite a bit of data using a sync tools to minimize duplicaitions and recopying files. This is slow but I've made progress. I let the drives cool overnight for example last night, restarted this morning, copied 4000 plus file (about half of one directory), and using logging can see that it then failed to find the share/files  at the halfway point, so its off for the moment. Resets, etc don't help. I've had this since 2007 so its out of warranty but I'm still guessing one of the drives is going bad or the unit is heating on its own and the heat contributes to the firmware failure .... any input Junior Specialists?

  • How can I change the BlackBerry Link Network Drive mapping from Z: to something else?

    I generally have a mapping to my NFS server on Z:, and my iTunes library has a relative path to Z: for all of my music - the fact that Link is automatically picking Z: as my network sync target for my device does not work for me to sync music, or anything really. I can't figure out how to change this value to something else.
    I found the registry key: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Research In Motion\Device Manager\Device Settings\<DEVICENAME>\VolumeMapping with a default blank REG_SZ - can I use this key at all to manually change drive mappings for my device? If so, what is the key/value pair I need and will this mess up any assumptions taken inside the Link software for synching?
    ... Also, I have a Feature Enhancement Request to go along with this issue: Add a "Change drive map letter" button beside the "Turn on wireless connections to my computer" button in Link, and add the same option in the context menu to the 'Device Manager' for the mapping (which currently just says 'Explore').
    Thanks for the help,
     - Jeff

    I do not know a lot about this subject but since Device Manager is not a Device and the BlackBerry Phone is not recognized as a Device in Disk management unless Mass Storage is turned ON it looks as if by design you cannot change the Drive Letter.
    Also if Mass Storage is turned On in the Phone Settings File Manager and BB link will not work but the BB Phone will then be recognized as a Device in Disk Management and the Drive Letter can be changed, this has no effect on the Drive Letters for Device Manager.
    Normally to change the Drive Letter and Paths of a Device once the Device is plugged you would go to Administrative Tools, Computer Management, Disk Management, right click the Device and choose "Change Drive Letter and Paths"
    Changing the Registry or Uninstalling Device Manager but keeping BB Link or looking for a Utility that can change the Drive Letter such as the one that many XP users had called TweakUI (only worked in XP) or changing the Drive Letter for your Network may be the only way.

  • Drives mapped via GPO, NET USE shows mapping but doesn't show up in Explorer - Win 8.1

    Fresh install of Windows Enterprise 8.1
    Connected PC to domain, logged in, drive mapping worked as it should.
    Rebooted a few times after installing software that I normally install on my computers (from the same sources/locally from my file server, etc).  Rebooted a few more times all is well.
    A few reboots later, the only drive that is mapped is X: which is my user drive done via the user profile in AD.  The rest of the mappings that normally show up done by the GPO no longer show up.
    After some digging, and noticing no errors in any logs I ran NET USE in a CMD prompt window, low and behold the drives are actually mapped and I can access them via the CLI without issue.  I can navigate via their mapped drive letters, etc.
    They just don't show up in Windows Explorer at all and I cannot navigate to the drive letters via the address bar.  Strangely enough, it still kinda works since the Downloads start menu item is mapped to a network drive and that still works (Q:\) and
    Chrome can access it as well if I try to download something.
    I'm really not sure what else to check/try here. 
    Have other Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 machines (my laptop) and all works just fine, so it's only this specific install on my desktop that is showing this issue.

    There are several reasons causing the issue:
    First, The problematic client doesn't reconnect to the target share at logon. 
    Please follow the steps to re-configure the mapped driver on the client and then check if the issue will re-occur.
    a. Open "My Computer"
    b. Click on "Tools" and then select "Map Network Driver"
    c. input the \\ipaddressofserver\sharename to give the path of the share
    d. Check "Reconnect at logon"
    e. Drive gets mapped
    f. Double click on the drive to check.
    Second, Antivirus software or Windows Firewall may block the mapped share.
    If there is any Antivirus software and the Windows Firewall is enabled on the problematic client. If so, please disable them to check if the issue can be resolved.
    Third, Fast Logon Optimization is enabled on the clients.
    The fast logon feature may affect the display and drive letter assignment of a mapped network drive. As a result, the drive may have been mapped; however, the user on client cannot see it in Windows Explorer. He may recognize it as a failed network drive
    mapping. This is the reason why we usually suggest you to disable fast logon on the clients via a GPO, and please check if the mapped network drive will be occur under this circumstance.
    Please also configure the following group policy setting to disable Fast Logon Optimization to see if the issue still exists on the problematic clients.
    Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon
    If we cannot get this issue fixed, please post back the event log related to this issue.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using USB flash drive to connect laptop

    On previous versions of Network Magic, when adding a laptop to my wireless network, an option would appear for using a USB flash drive to transfer settings and/or password to the new machine. 
    After a few "upgrades" to NM, the option ONLY appears after I turn my security off.  If I leave my WEP security ON, the only option that appears is to "copy" the 32-digit password & enter it on the laptop.  However, I keep getting errors.
    Is there a procedure to use a USB flash drive to connect a "new" laptop to my secured wireless network?
    Thank you.

    thomas.adkins wrote:
    On previous versions of Network Magic, when adding a laptop to my wireless network, an option would appear for using a USB flash drive to transfer settings and/or password to the new machine. 
    After a few "upgrades" to NM, the option ONLY appears after I turn my security off.  If I leave my WEP security ON, the only option that appears is to "copy" the 32-digit password & enter it on the laptop.  However, I keep getting errors.
    Is there a procedure to use a USB flash drive to connect a "new" laptop to my secured wireless network?
    Thank you.
    Hi thomas,
    If this is your own New Laptop to your Network, and even after you supplied the password, the problem is the Network Lock is still on. You need to disable the Network Lock. Enter the password, installed Network Magic if the Laptop is your own. You need to stop tracking your Laptop as an intruder on your other copies of Network Magic.
    Then you need to reenable the Network Lock from your Wired Computer. Use your other computer to activated the copy of Network Magic installed on the laptop.
    thecreator - Running Network Magic version -5.5..9195.0-Pure0 on Windows XP Home Edition SP 3
    Running Network Magic version -5.5.9195.0-Pure0 on Wireless Computer with McAfee Personal Firewall Build 11.5.131 Wireless Computer has D-Link DWA-552 connecting to D-Link DIR-655 A3 Router.

  • Erratic drive mapping - Vlan assignment

    Hello all,
    We are having issues with inconsistent drive mapping after vlan change. The client computers (running Windows 7) first authenticate against our NPS server (using mac authentication bypass), and are then placed in vlan 10. After the users log in, they are
    placed into a different vlan based on user's AD group membership. The actual vlan switch works fine, and the users always end up in the right vlan. The drives, however, aren't always there. The user's home drive is mapped via the Home Folder in the users'
    properties in AD, and the rest of the drives (staff data, etc.) are mapped via a log on script. Drives mapped via GP are almost always mapped, but drives mapped via AD properties are missing much more often. All of the drives can be manually accessed from
    all of the vlans. There are no errors on the NPS side, and the only errors I can see in the event viewer are DHCPNack messages (The IP address lease 10.42.13.xx for the Network Card with network address 0x has been denied by the DHCP server 10.42.10.xx). Does
    anyone have any advice or a possible solution? Any info would be much appreciated.
    Here's how authentication is set up locally:
    Cache user information for subsequent connections to this network
    Authentication Mode
    User authentication
    Maximum Authentication Failures
    Maximum EAPOL-Start Messages Sent
    Not setup
    Held Period (seconds)
    Not setup
    Start Period (seconds)
    Not setup
    Authentication Period (seconds)
    Not setup
    Single Sign On
    Before user logon
    Maximum acceptable delay for network connectivity
    This network uses different VLAN for authentication with machine and user credentials
      is enabled
    Allow additional dialogs during single sign on is disabled
    Fast Reconnect is disabled
    Authentication method is PEAP-MSCHAP V2
    Thank you,

    When an interface changes VLANs, line protocol goes down for a moment then comes back up again. It is similar to physically disconnecting the interface for a very short time. Your problem might be caused by the interface being down for this short period
    of time, because this is when the home drives are being mapped, but I'm not sure.
    If the GP mappings are almost always working, why not do everything there and dispense with the home drive mapping?
    You can also try setting Computer Configuration ->
    Administrative Templates -> System ->  Logon -> Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon to
    Enabled and see if this helps.

  • Drive Map GPO and Item-Level targeting using DNS Computer Name not working as expected

    I've run into a snag trying to move from logon script based drive mappings, to a GPO based Drive map solution and I'm hoping somebody can shed some light on the problem that I am seeing.  We started down the GPO based drive mappings because we have
    a handful of Windows 8 client computers which don't run the logon script based drive mappings.
    I put together a basic Drive Maps GPO.   I'm mapping 3 drives, I've linked the GPO to a computer container OU for testing and everything is working just fine.  I have 3 different Windows 8 client PC, all domain joined, and all 3 run the GPO as
    The problem is when I attempt to apply Item-level targeting.   I've found that if I define item-level targeting to use the NetBIOS name of the computer, I can either apply the GPO at an individual computer level, or I can exclude the GPO for that individual
    computer by toggling between IS and IS NOT.   However, when I choose to define the computer name by choosing the DNS option, the GPO does not apply as expected.
    So, if I say "the DNS computer name is" and I apply the GPO, it applies to example1, example2 and example3.   And if I instead say, "the DNS computer name is not", then it doesn't apply
    to example1, example2 or example3.     Obviously, I would expect it to apply or not apply only to
    If instead, I say "the NetBIOS computer name is example1", and apply the GPO, then example1 gets it, and example2 and example3 do not.   If I say, "the netBIOS name is not example 1", then example1 does NOT get the drive mapping,
    but example 2 and example3 do.   < This is exactly what I want and I can continue to just use NetBIOS names...but I don't understand why DNS isn't working in the same manner.
    My clients are all using DHCP and using domain controllers for DNS.   All 3 machines are in the namespace.  The namespace is an active directory integrated zone.   We have reverse zones in place for the dns records.
     I can ping the machines from the DC's as well as the machines themselves.  I can run nslookup and resolve the computer name for each host using the FQDN.  I can also run a ping -a IP_ADDY and get the FQDN back.  The DC's themselves are
    running Server 2008 R2.   I honestly don't see any issues from a name resolution standpoint on the network itself.   
    So, any suggestions as to why defining the shortened NetBIOS name works just fine, but using DNS with a FQDN does not?   (I've tried the DNS name using just the name, the name., as well as and

    And here is the result from a Windows 7 host,  which is named d2-7-user1...thus it should map the T drive and in fact does;
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.691 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Entering ProcessGroupPolicyExDrives()
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.691 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Group Policy\{5794DAFD-BE60-433f-88A2-1A31939AC01F}
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.691 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] BackgroundPriorityLevel ( 0 )
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.691 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] DisableRSoP ( 0 )
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.691 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] LogLevel ( 3 )
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.691 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Command subsystem initialized. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] User impersonation initialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Client context subsystem initialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Configuration subsystem initialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Licensing subsystem initialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.706 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] User information initialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ComSpec% = "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %FP_NO_HOST_CHECK% = "NO"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %OS% = "Windows_NT"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %Path% = "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI\Perl\site\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS
    Client\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x64;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine
    Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PATHEXT% = ".COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% = "AMD64"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %TEMP% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %TMP% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %USERNAME% = "user1"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %windir% = "C:\Windows"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PSModulePath% = "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% = "8"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.722 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PROCESSOR_LEVEL% = "6"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER% = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PROCESSOR_REVISION% = "3a09"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %windows_tracing_logfile% = "C:\BVTBin\Tests\installpackage\csilogfile.log"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %windows_tracing_flags% = "3"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ALLUSERSPROFILE% = "C:\ProgramData"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %APPDATA% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonProgramFiles% = "C:\Program Files\Common Files"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonProgramFiles(x86)% = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonProgramW6432% = "C:\Program Files\Common Files"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %COMPUTERNAME% = "D2-7-user1"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %HOMEDRIVE% = "C:"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.737 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %HOMEPATH% = "\Users\user1"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LOCALAPPDATA% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LOGONSERVER% = "\\VM-EXAMPLE-DC05"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ProgramData% = "C:\ProgramData"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ProgramFiles% = "C:\Program Files"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ProgramFiles(x86)% = "C:\Program Files (x86)"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ProgramW6432% = "C:\Program Files"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %PUBLIC% = "C:\Users\Public"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %SystemDrive% = "C:"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %SystemRoot% = "C:\Windows"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %USERDNSDOMAIN% = ""
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.753 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %USERDOMAIN% = "mydomain"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %USERPROFILE% = "C:\Users\user1"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LogonUser% = "user1"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LogonDomain% = "mydomain"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LogonUserSid% = "S-1-5-21-976655598-962914793-294660928-7222"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %BinaryUserSid% = "00001C3611902B403964E9E93A3694EE000000150500000000000501"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LdapUserSid% = "\01\05\00\00\00\00\00\05\15\00\00\00\EE\94\36\3A\E9\E9\64\39\40\2B\90\11\36\1C\00\00"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ReversedUserSid% = "010500000000000515000000EE94363AE9E96439402B9011361C0000"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %BinaryComputerSid% = "000040EC11902B403964E9E93A3694EE000000150500000000000501"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.769 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ReversedComputerSid% = "010500000000000515000000EE94363AE9E96439402B9011EC400000"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LdapComputerSid% = "\01\05\00\00\00\00\00\05\15\00\00\00\EE\94\36\3A\E9\E9\64\39\40\2B\90\11\EC\40\00\00"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %OsVersion% = "Windows 7"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LocalTimeEx% = "2013-04-19 15:34:43.706"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LocalTime% = "2013-04-19 15:34:43"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LocalTimeXmlEx% = "2013-04-19T15:34:43.706"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LocalTimeXml% = "2013-04-19T15:34:43"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %DateTimeEx% = "2013-04-19 19:34:43.706"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %DateTime% = "2013-04-19 19:34:43"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %MacAddress% = "cc-f7-20-52-41-53"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.784 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %TempDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Temp"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %WindowsDir% = "C:\Windows"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %SystemDir% = "C:\Windows\system32"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %DomainName% = "mydomain"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ProgramFilesDir% = "C:\Program Files"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %AppDataDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %DesktopDir% = "C:\Users\user1\Desktop"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %StartMenuDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %ProgramsDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %StartUpDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.800 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %FavoritesDir% = "C:\Users\user1\Favorites"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %SendToDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %RecentDocumentsDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %NetPlacesDir% = "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonAppdataDir% = "C:\ProgramData"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonDesktopDir% = "C:\Users\Public\Desktop"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonStartMenuDir% = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonProgramsDir% = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonStartUpDir% = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.815 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CommonFavoritesDir% = "C:\Users\user1\Favorites"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CurrentProcessId% = "992"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %CurrentThreadId% = "4620"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %GroupPolicyVersion% = "6.1.7601.17514"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %TraceFile% = "C:\ProgramData\GroupPolicy\Preference\Trace\User.log"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LastError% = "0x00000000"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %LastErrorText% = "The operation completed successfully."
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variables subsystem initialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.831 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] ----- Parameters
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] CSE GUID : {5794DAFD-BE60-433f-88A2-1A31939AC01F}
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Flags : (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_MACHINE - Apply machine policy rather than user policy
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_BACKGROUND - Background refresh of policy (ok to do slow stuff)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_SLOWLINK - Policy is being applied across a slow link
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_VERBOSE - Verbose output to the eventlog
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_NOCHANGES - No changes were detected to the Group Policy Objects
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_LINKTRANSITION - A change in link speed was detected between previous policy application and current policy application
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_LOGRSOP_TRANSITION - A change in RSoP logging was detected between the application of the previous policy and the application of the
    current policy.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.847 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_FORCED_REFRESH - Forced Refresh is being applied. redo policies.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_SAFEMODE_BOOT - windows safe mode boot flag
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]         (   ) GPO_INFO_FLAG_ASYNC_FOREGROUND - Asynchronous foreground refresh of policy
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Token (computer or user SID): S-1-5-21-976655598-962914793-294660928-7222
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Abort Flag : Yes (0x02b54a60)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] HKey Root : Yes (0x0000163c)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Deleted GPO List : No
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Changed GPO List : Yes
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.862 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Asynchronous Processing : Yes
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Status Callback : Yes (0xfae525b0)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] WMI namespace : Yes (0x03c96fa0)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RSoP Status : Yes (0x057ae838)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Planning Mode Site : (none)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Computer Target : No (0x00000000)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] User Target : No (0x00000000)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Calculated session relevance.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed CSE pre-processing.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.878 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Calculated list relevance. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Deleted GPO list is not relevant to the CSE.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Calculated list relevance.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Planning mode not detected.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Processing changed list.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Processing user policy.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Got WMI namespace for logging mode.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get GPO list.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.893 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Initialized internal RSoP storage.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed GPO list pre-processing.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] ----- Changed - 0
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Options : (   ) GPO_FLAG_DISABLE - This GPO is disabled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]           (   ) GPO_FLAG_FORCE - Do not override the settings in this GPO with settings in a subsequent GPO.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Options (raw) : 0x00000000
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Version : 10354846 (0x009e009e)
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] GPC : LDAP://CN=User,cn={14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074},cn=policies,cn=system,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.909 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] GPT :
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] GPO Display Name : US Drive Mapping
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] GPO Name : {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] GPO Link : (   ) GPLinkUnknown - No link information is available.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]            (   ) GPLinkMachine - The GPO is linked to a computer (local or remote).
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]            (   ) GPLinkSite - The GPO is linked to a site.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]            (   ) GPLinkDomain - The GPO is linked to a domain.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]            ( X ) GPLinkOrganizationalUnit - The GPO is linked to an organizational unit.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]            (   ) GP Link Error
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.925 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] lParam : 0x00000000
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Prev GPO : No
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Next GPO : No
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Extensions : [{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}{2EA1A81B-48E5-45E9-8BB7-A6E3AC170006}][{5794DAFD-BE60-433F-88A2-1A31939AC01F}{2EA1A81B-48E5-45E9-8BB7-A6E3AC170006}]
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] lParam2 : 0x02a92248
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Link : LDAP://OU=Windows8 Machines,OU=USA,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %GPHPATH% = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Group Policy\History\{14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}\S-1-5-21-976655598-962914793-294660928-7222"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get GPH path.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.940 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed set extensions.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get GPO is relevant.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Variable %GPTPATH% = "\\\SysVol\\Policies\{14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}\User"
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get GPT path.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed RSoP init.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get next GPO.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed check GPO license usage.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.956 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed GPO pre-processing.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.971 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Started removing policy.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.971 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Read GPH data file.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.971 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed parse of GPH XML.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.971 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get tree root.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.971 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Deleted GPH data file.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Started package execution.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set package timestamp variable (2013-04-19 19:34:43).
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drives>.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - G:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:43.987 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.003 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'G:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object was successfully removed.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - G:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.034 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.049 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - M:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.049 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.049 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.096 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.096 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.096 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.096 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.112 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'M:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object was successfully removed.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.112 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - M:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.112 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.112 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - H:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.112 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.112 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.143 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.143 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.143 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.143 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.143 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'H:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object was successfully removed.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - H:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - T:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Policy is not flagged for removal.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - T:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drives>.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.158 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed package execution.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed execution of removal package.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed remove GPH.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Started applying policy.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Opened file.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Got file size.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.174 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Created file buffer.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed read file data.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Terminated file buffer.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Closed file handle.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Read GPE XML data file (1807 bytes total).
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed parse of GPE XML data.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.190 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed loading of package.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get tree root.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Started package execution.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set package timestamp variable (2013-04-19 19:34:43).
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drives>.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.205 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.221 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - G:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.221 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.221 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.283 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.283 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.283 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.283 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.299 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'G:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object applied successfully.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.299 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - G:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.299 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.299 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - M:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.299 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.299 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.314 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.330 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.330 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.330 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.330 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'M:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object applied successfully.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.330 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - M:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.330 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - H:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting filter [AND NOT FilterComputer].
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Passed filter [FilterComputer].
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Filters passed.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.346 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.377 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.377 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.377 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.377 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.392 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'H:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object applied successfully.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.392 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - H:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.392 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] {935D1B74-9CB8-4e3c-9914-7DD559B7A417}
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.392 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting class <Drive> - T:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.392 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Starting filter [AND NOT FilterComputer].
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.392 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.408 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Passed filter [FilterComputer].
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.408 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Filters passed.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.408 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set user security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.408 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Adding child elements to RSOP.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.548 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Properties handled.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.548 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RunOnce value created [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.548 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Handle Children.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.548 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Set system security context.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.548 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] EVENT : The user 'T:' preference item in the 'US Drive Mapping {14209C3C-8E16-4247-95C6-925260D86074}' Group Policy object applied successfully.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.564 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drive> - T:.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.564 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed class <Drives>.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.564 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed package execution.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.564 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed execution of apply package.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.564 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Update GPH : apmCreateFoldersEx
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.564 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Update GPH : xmlRemovalPackage
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Update GPH : apmWriteFile
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Updated GPH.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed apply GPO.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed GPO post-processing.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get next GPO. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed calculate precedence.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.580 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get RSoP class.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.595 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed initialize namespace.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.595 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] WQL : SELECT * FROM RSOP_PolmkrSetting WHERE polmkrBaseCseGuid = "{5794DAFD-BE60-433f-88A2-1A31939AC01F}"
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.595 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Executed WQL query.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.595 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Purged 4 old RSoP entries.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.611 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Logging 4 new RSoP entries.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.611 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RSoP Entry 0
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.611 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]  <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="RSOP_PolmkrDriveSetting">
    <PROPERTY NAME="name">
    <VALUE>OU=Windows8 Machines,OU=USA,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpeGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseCseGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoDisplayName">
    <VALUE>US Drive Mapping</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="id">
    <PROPERTY NAME="precedence" CHANGETYPE="3">
    <PROPERTY NAME="creationTime">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassClsid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassStatus">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassImage">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassChanged">
    <VALUE>2013-04-16 18:53:56</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassRemovePolicy">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUserContext">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassBypassErrors">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAction">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrThisDrive">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAllDrives">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUserName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPath">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLabel">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPersistent">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUseLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrActionResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetterResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCodeValue">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCode">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultText">
    <VALUE>The operation completed successfully.</VALUE></PROPERTY></INSTANCE>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseHash">
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.626 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RSoP Entry 1
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.626 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]  <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="RSOP_PolmkrDriveSetting">
    <PROPERTY NAME="name">
    <VALUE>OU=Windows8 Machines,OU=USA,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpeGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseCseGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoDisplayName">
    <VALUE>US Drive Mapping</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="id">
    <PROPERTY NAME="precedence" CHANGETYPE="3">
    <PROPERTY NAME="creationTime">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassClsid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassStatus">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassImage">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassChanged">
    <VALUE>2013-04-16 18:55:02</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassRemovePolicy">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUserContext">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassBypassErrors">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAction">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrThisDrive">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAllDrives">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUserName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPath">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLabel">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPersistent">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUseLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrActionResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetterResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCodeValue">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCode">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultText">
    <VALUE>The operation completed successfully.</VALUE></PROPERTY></INSTANCE>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseHash">
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.642 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RSoP Entry 2
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.642 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]  <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="RSOP_PolmkrDriveSetting">
    <PROPERTY NAME="name">
    <VALUE>OU=Windows8 Machines,OU=USA,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpeGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseCseGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoDisplayName">
    <VALUE>US Drive Mapping</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="id">
    <PROPERTY NAME="precedence" CHANGETYPE="3">
    <PROPERTY NAME="creationTime">
    <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="RSOP_PolmkrComputerFilterItem">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBool">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrNot">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrType">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCodeValue">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCode">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultText">
    <VALUE>Incorrect function.</VALUE></PROPERTY></INSTANCE>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassClsid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassStatus">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassImage">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassChanged">
    <VALUE>2013-04-18 20:14:04</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassRemovePolicy">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUserContext">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassBypassErrors">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAction">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrThisDrive">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAllDrives">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUserName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPath">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLabel">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPersistent">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUseLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrActionResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetterResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCodeValue">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCode">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultText">
    <VALUE>The operation completed successfully.</VALUE></PROPERTY></INSTANCE>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseHash">
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.658 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] RSoP Entry 3
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.658 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]  <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="RSOP_PolmkrDriveSetting">
    <PROPERTY NAME="name">
    <VALUE>OU=Windows8 Machines,OU=USA,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=au</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpeGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseCseGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoDisplayName">
    <VALUE>US Drive Mapping</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseGpoGuid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="id">
    <PROPERTY NAME="precedence" CHANGETYPE="3">
    <PROPERTY NAME="creationTime">
    <INSTANCE CLASSNAME="RSOP_PolmkrComputerFilterItem">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBool">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrNot">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrType">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCodeValue">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCode">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultText">
    <VALUE>Incorrect function.</VALUE></PROPERTY></INSTANCE>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassClsid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassStatus">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassImage">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassChanged">
    <VALUE>2013-04-19 13:21:12</VALUE></PROPERTY>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUid">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassRemovePolicy">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassUserContext">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassBypassErrors">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAction">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrThisDrive">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrAllDrives">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUserName">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPath">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLabel">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrPersistent">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrUseLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetter">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrActionResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrLetterResolved">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCodeValue">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultCode">
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrClassResultText">
    <VALUE>The operation completed successfully.</VALUE></PROPERTY></INSTANCE>
    <PROPERTY NAME="polmkrBaseHash">
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.658 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed logging of RSoP data.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.658 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed commit reporting.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.658 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed GPO list post-processing.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.673 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed get GPO list. [SUCCEEDED(S_FALSE)]
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.673 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Completed CSE post-processing.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.673 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] User impersonation uninitialized.
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.673 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c] Leaving ProcessGroupPolicyExDrives() returned 0x00000000
    2013-04-19 15:34:44.673 [pid=0x3e0,tid=0x120c]

  • NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver

    Alienware M14x Laptop
    Windows 7-pre 64-bit
    8gb ram
    3gb Video: NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M
    Intel i7 2760QM
    AE CS4
    AE keeps crashing. I get the following message while doing something as simple as scrubbing through the timeline, or changing opacity of a layer. in 1080p, I have a picture layer, a solid, some color corrections, and that's it. i just got this new computer and i have never had this problem on my old computer.
    this message appears after AE crashes."The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver and is unable to continue. The application must close."
    this message appears in the taskbar: "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered. Display driver NVIDIA Windows kernel Mode Driver, Version 267.21 stopped responding and has successfully recovered"
    any ideas on how to stop AE from causing my display driver to stop working?
    Thanks, Ramzi Rebeiz

    For anyone picking up this thread (it's probably too late for rrebeiz40 by now!) I have come across a simple but apparently very effective tip that has solved the 'OpenGL driver lost connection' issue for many people using various NVIDIA with various Adobe progs (incidentally a lot of these seem to crop up on Dell machines, especially Notebooks).
    (It fixed my issue with Premiere Pro CS4 - GeForce GT 555M on Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit, Dell XPSL702X).
    It's posted on (look for the last post, No 50) as follows:
    THIS FIX APPEARS TO WORK...found on an Adobe forum
    "This issue led me to this fix: go to NVIDIA Control Panel --> Manage 3D Settings --> Global Settings, and switch "Power Management Mode" to "Prefer Maximum Performance" (the default "Adaptive" setting seemed to be the culprit). And that's it! The key here is changing the "Global" setting, as my individual programs were already set to "Prefer Maximum Performance." I can cause the error to reoccur by changing back to "Adaptive."
    Otherwise lots more ideas on this site:
    My PC has been running for 2 days now. I only put the top fix in for now. Feel happier I have more options if need be though.
    Inserted from <>
    It worked for me

  • Drive Map to DFS Folder Getting Lost

    We had a problem yesterday morning with every user (about a dozen) in one of our small branch offices being unable to access a certain network share.
    Their T: drive, which is the one they had a problem with, is mapped to this:
    which is a DFS folder that simply points to:
    That is a Server 2012 R2 server.
    This share is only a few weeks old, and has been working fine for them until today. We have other offices that have their own shares on the same server, and mapped to a DFS folder the same way, and those have been working OK (as far as I know).
    The PCs are all running Windows 7.
    Their S: drive is mapped to
    which is a MS Server 2003 server. They had no problems with accessing this, ever.
    Going to Computer > Map network drive, I could see the label for \OfficeShare1 was still attached to T:, but the path was empty. The T: drive appeared in the Computer window, but was showing as disconnected, and double-clicking it would throw an error about
    the path being unavailable.
    Typing \\\namespace\OfficeShare1 in the address bar would cause the Computer window to hang before erroring-out. Thus, re-creating the drive map would not work.
    After trying that, a user could go to \\\namespace and that would work fine. From there, they could go to the \OfficeShare1 folder without any errors.
    If they then went back into Computer, their T: drive would again be working, without having to re-create the mapping.
    Also, even though users couldn't browse directly to \\\namespace\OfficeShare1,without first browsing \\\namespace, they could browse directly to \\2012FileServer\OfficeShare1.
    I've seen a few other users outside the aforementioned office who had the issue, but this is the first opportunity I've had to get more information on it before the client PC was rebooted. Some of those users who have had this issue, also have an X: drive,
    which is mapped to:
    But this is a CIFS share. And like the share on the 2003 server, no user has experienced the issue with this share.
    It has only happened with the shares on the Server 2012 system. And it has been kinda rare (currently less than 75 users who could potentially experience it).
    All drives are mapped via Group Policy. Users do have a script they can run to re-create drive maps.
    It's probably some connectivity issue that causes the drive to get disconnected (wifi signal drops, VPN gets disconnected, etc). But I'm not sure why the problem persists after connectivity is restored, why the path disappears from the mapping, and why only
    with this one drive. The servers hosting those shares are all in the same subnet, same data center.
    I'm about to migrate about a share accessed by 500 users to this 2012 system, and I can't until I get this figured out. My hunch is that something in the Windows 7 client PC is getting... lost. It's only happening to drives that map to DFS folders in that namespace
    that point to shares on that 2012 server (no one has a drive that maps directly to the shares on that server). The share itself doesn't appear  to actually go offline or anything like that. And this morning is the first time I've seen it happen to multiple
    people at once.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Is there any error message in the Event Log? Do you add more than one namespace server in the DFS namespace? Since the server hangs when you access the DFS link, you could refer to the article below to establish connectivity with the target computer and shared
    Troubleshooting Dfs Problems
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Can i install windows 7 via bootcamp (MB Air) while using remote disc? I put the windows 7 disk in my macbook pro drive, and connect to my brand new macbook air. In bootcamp i allocate the partition then i click install and bootcamp will not see the disk.

    Can i install windows 7 via bootcamp (on my MB Air) while using remote disc? I put the windows 7 disk in my macbook pro drive, and connect to my brand new macbook air via remote disk. In bootcamp (on my air) i allocate the partition, then i click install, and bootcamp will not see the disk from my macbook pro's drive. How do i get the bootcamp assistant running on my MB air to automatically find the disk in my macbook pro with the ISO image of windows 7? The remote disk on my air can find the cd but bootcamp will not begin installing it. Anyway to do this without buying the damned usb drive?

    I don't know first hand if you can use the Remote Disk option with Windows but as of 10.7.2 you can now use BCAssistant to make a bootable USB (thumb drive or external disk) W7 installer with the Boot Camp drivers installed also. Have you tried that yet?

  • Need Sata Driver to connect my external hard drive?

    I have an hp eliteworkbook 8540w with windows 7 on it. I made a backup of my computer witht he windows 7 backup software and put it on an external drive. When I try to restore the entire computer with that backup I must use the system repair disk to get to the option to restore my computer.
    However it will not recongize my external drive and thus I cannot get to the image. My drive does connect through a usb cable but I am wondering if I need some sata driver as well.

    ehm, i have like the same problem, and trying diffrent USB locations does'nt solve anything, instead the external hard drive will not run under the drivers of the other USB locations then windows gave it. but everyone can solve their problems by watching a trial on youtube or follow one one some blog/forum. only...i don't ever get the blue disk thingy in device maneger, what really sucks, i need to format this drive, but how? anyone got to tell me a diffrent way, diskpart does'nt work, diffrent letter theory does'nt work, diffrent USB location does'nt work, i cannot find drivers that can run this device, even thought i don't know anymore then ''sata portable HDD device''

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