Drive space

Have a sles11sp3 / oes11sp2 box here, runs my Groupwise gwia as well as
Sophos a/v software on it.
Acting up today and I see the / partition is out of space. Suggestions
as to places to check quick and free up some space?
It's a 20GB / partition and when I left work friday it was fine free
space wise.

On Mon, 02 Feb 2015 17:33:12 +0000, Stevo wrote:
> Ok, so found out it was a ton of files in this folder:
> /var/spool/postfix/maildrop
> Looks like these were postfix emails from the server outbound (status
> info, etc).
> What can I do to keep these from piling up again?
cron job to remove files older than X days?
David Gersic
Knowledge Partner
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    Hi wise2u!
    You can read all the details about how storage manufacturers use multiples of 1000 to measure disk space, and Windows reports it in multiples of 1024, and there is some overhead for Windows, or you can just use this rule of thumb from wikipedia:
    A general rule of thumb to quickly convert the manufacturer's hard disk capacity to the standard Microsoft Windows formatted capacity is 0.93*capacity of HDD from manufacturer for HDDs less than a terabyte and 0.91*capacity of HDD from manufacturer for HDDs equal to or greater than 1 terabyte.
    0.93 * 640GB = 595GB, which is about what you're seeing.
    I don't work for Lenovo. I'm a crazy volunteer!

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    iTunes will run fine with the media on an external drive.
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    I have never heard of a relation between the enabled state of Time Machine, and boot. Its probably coincidental.
    Try booting in Safe Mode (hold down shift key, whilst booting). Then check for apllications in your Users & Groups preferences that are starting up with login. Disable all startup apps, then eanable them one at a time, booting normall. See which app is possibly hanging.
    You can also try doing a Repair Permissions and Repair Disk on your startup drive. This must be done within Disk Utility when booted to your Recovery Partition. To boot to the Recovery Partition, hold down the OPTION key while booting, and select the Recovery Partition drive to boot from. Then run Disk Utility.

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    I'm not sure if this can be done, but I'd hate to think that I cannot put new music onto my iPod.

    Hello melbernai,
    I think your best move would be to the move the entire iTunes library including of all of its file to your external hard drive and running your iTunes from there. You can even have it so that all newly imported music is saved to the external drive as well.
    For more help on how to do this, I would check out this article on how to move and run your iTunes library from an external hard drive. ternal-drive
    Hope this helps.

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    1. Yes, if both drives are formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    2. Reformat the drives if needed, open the Time Machine pane of System Preferences, and remove the drive with the pictures from the list of items set to be excluded.

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    See if Pondini can help

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    I would start by getting acquainted with ZFS.
    Make sure you have a recent Solaris 10 version with a stable zfs impl. like u4 and later.
    Make sure you have installed reasonably recent Solaris 10 recommended patches - they make a big difference to ZFS.
    Simple solution :
    * put your new drive in a zpool
    # zpool create smbpool <new_drive_device, fx. c0t1d0>
    * make a zfs
    # zfs create smbpool/smbfs
    * stop your samba server
    # svcadm stop smb ?
    * copy your files to your zfs fssmb_ufs=old samba fs
    # cp -rp <old_samba_fs> /pools/smbpool/smbfs
    * un-mount and say goodbye to your old samba fs - /wave
    # umount <old_samba_fs>
    * expand your zpool with the old samba server fs partition
    # zpool add smbpool <device name for old samba slice, fx. c0t0d0s6>
    * move your zfs fs to be mounted on the same mount points as the old samba server fs
    # zfs set mountpoint=<old_samba_mountpoint> smbpool/smbfs
    * restart your samba server
    # svcadm start smb ?
    It requires downtime for the samba server to copy the files, which could be cut shorter by using rsync, rsyncing while samba server online, stop samba server, rsync again for the changes while the first rsync ran.

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      Thank you...

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    The genius bar technicians can check your MBP for possible hardware problems and specific software issues that you may have.  The diagnosis will be free.  Any extensive repairs will not be free.
    If you have minor software problems, you essentially will have to deal with them yourself.  Examine these two comprehensive documents for possible problem definition and solutions.  If you encounter problems that you are unable to cope with, start a new discussion and there will be persons willing to assist you in solving them.

  • What is using my hard drive space on my macbook pro

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    Mr_Joe wrote:
      My Mac Book Pro is 2 months old  
    I cannot seem to find details of where the space is being used.  Please help.
    Empty the trash!
    Where  did  my  Disk  Space  go? 
    Slimming your hard drive
    Seven ways to free up drive space
    OmniDiskSweeper is a free utility that checks HD space.
    FreeSpace cost $1 or is a free utility that checks HD space.
    SpaceControl is a free utility that checks HD space.
    FreeSpace cost $.99 -  FreeSpace shows you how much space is available on all local, connected, and network drives with a single click.
    You are still under warranty plus you still have 90 days of free phone tech support.  Take advantage of it before it runs out!

  • "iTunes Media" file in "Previous iTunes Library" taking up 50Gb of much-needed hard drive space.  Can this be safely deleted?

    Hi everyone,
    My 3.5 year old 15" Macbook Pro is running out of hard drive space, so I have been trying to clean out some of the dross.  I recently found that there is a file called "Previous iTunes Library" in my iTunes folder that is taking up approximately 50Gb of space.   I would love to delete this folder and reclaim the space, but I am not sure what it is or where it came from, and I don't want to lose music files accidentally. Can someone tell me (1) what this folder is and (2) if I can safely delete it?
    Here is a screenshot of these folders and their sizes:
    Thanks for the help!

    Hello facetious1212,
    Take a look at this part of the article named iTunes: What are the iTunes library files? Found here
    Tip: New versions of iTunes sometimes include enhancements to the iTunes library. When you open the new version of iTunes, iTunes upgrades your existing library to the new format and places a copy of the old library in the Previous Libraries folder. If everything goes fine during your upgrade to the latest version of iTunes, you can delete the older iTunes Library files.
    All the very best,

  • Solutions for lots of hard drive space?

    Yes, this is a repost from my thread in the getting started forum, but I figured that this board is more heavily populated, and perhaps some professional videographers visit here more frequently to help me out, so I'm posting my question here as well. Here I go:
    Next spring and summer, I plan to be shooting and editing weddings. The past weddings I've done, I use about 12 tapes. ~200mb/min x 60 mins x 12 tapes is about 144GB. That's about 3 weddings in a single 500GB hard drive (and I plan on doing about 20 in a year). Obviously, I'm going to need a LOT of hard drive space. I don't want to consider entirely deleting the media after finishing a project because it seems common that clients wish to change little bits of the video, so I want to keep them for a while longer.
    Right now I have a 500GB HD in a firewire400 enclosure. I don't use the internal Mac HD for media.
    What a photographer said that others wedding videographers do and suggested to me was to buy as many HD's needed for the year (approx. so I guess about 7 if 500GB), set a deadline for those whiny clients for returns or re-edits and such, and at the end of the year, and reformat them all and reuse them for the next year.
    I'm thinking of doing the same, but using the same enclosure for all my hard drives, just unplugging and plugging as needed.
    I've heard of using a RAID system. I can't say I know much about using it but with what I'm using, I don't think it's an option? I am using a 17" 2.33ghz MacBook Pro with Final Cut Pro and I plan on getting an aluminum 24" iMac (probably 2.4ghz unless you can convince me otherwise) as a secondary editing machine, and perhaps to make the dreadful capturing process twice as fast.
    So some of my questions are:
    * can plugging and unplugging HD's to an external closure possibly damage the pins?
    * would storing HD's that are not being used at the moment be safe in those plastic containers that usually come with a HD when you buy one? Or would it be damaging to keep one in there and store it away for a year?
    * is this idea okay or would you suggest another method?
    * slightly off-topic but sometimes I take my external hard drive, put it in my laptop bag, and do some editing at another location. I know it's supposed to be portable but someone told me that external hard drives aren't meant to be taken around like that. Is that true or am I okay? It's just sitting sideways in the bag while I walk/drive, it's not like I'm hiking a mountain and dropping my bag.
    Thanks in advance for all your help.

    321estrellas wrote:
    - I wonder if enclosure manufacturers do special orders of JUST the enclosure without the cables and power adapter? Since I'll likely be buying the same one but plugging one at a time...(maybe one other for another computer)
    Not sure if they will or not. Of course, IMO, it is not bad to have an extra Power Adapter and cables (or more), just in case. You would be suprised how things can get misplaced or when you really would like another FW or eSATA cable. You can call some of these places and ask, it nevers hurts. I have had very good experiences with Firewiredirect, OWC/MacSales and Wiebetech, probably worth a customer service IM window with them or call or email. Worst they can say it is not possible.
    - Alternatively the Wiebtech SilverSata I enclosure seems pretty convenient and maybe I'll expand it with 6-8 additional trays...but again I may want to use another HD in another computer but I'm sure I can figure a way around that...
    If you get a G5 or MacIntel they all use the same drives so if you remove it from a tray you can put it in the computer. I like the SilverSata I because it is relatively small and light and I will often throw a 750gig Drive into a tray when traveling to have a place to capture things and keep copies of photo downloads, audio files for Soundtrack and other files which take up room and a partition for a boot/repair/restore disk for the laptop.

  • How do I delete Photo Stream photos that are taking up hard drive space in my Masters folder, but not actually appearing in any event, or on the interface at all?

    A couple months ago, I activated photo stream using my apple ID. I was under the impression that all the photos uploaded to my photo stream would only use server space on icloud and wouldn't actually utilize disk space, or at the most, the option was available to only download specific photos to my hard drive. My hope was that I could upload the photos to a specific drive, and view the uploaded thumbs or low-res comps on any device as a reference.
    This is not the case.
    What I have found is that iphoto has been automatically downloading any and all photos uploaded to my photo stream. Not just the thumbnails, the entire thumbnail + all resolutions. I shoot RAW photos so in my case, the original averages about 15-25MB per photo.
    I have been uploading directly to an iphoto library on an external hard drive specifically designated for handling all my RAW high-res images.
    What has been happening is all those RAW files are also being uploaded directly to my iphoto library on my iMac and eating up memory which I cannot reclaim, even after deactivating my Photo Stream in preferences. We're talking almost 100 GB of memory is tied up right now.
    I don't want to just go in and start deleting files and folders in my Masters folder, since I have heard this will break iphoto, but the photos in my photostream do not show up in any event and I need to reclaim the hard drive space.
    How can I safely delete them?

    If the files are loose inside the iPhoto library package here's one way to get them out:
    1 - open your library, select all of the photos in the library and add a unique keyword, XXXX,  to all of them.
    2 - Rebuild the library with  iPhoto Library Manager  as follows:
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.>Click on the Add Library button,
    2 -  select the library you want to add from those in the selection window.
    3 - make sure that in the rebuild window the checkbox  "Scavange orphaned photos" is checked.
    4 - now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    5 - in the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed. Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments. However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost.
    Note 2:  Your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.
    3 - open the library, create a smart album with the criterial "Keyword is not XXXX".
    4 - the smart album will include those photos that were not visible in your original library. Select them and use the key combination of Command+Option+Delete to move them to the iPhoto Trash bin.
    5 - empty the iPhoto Trash bin via the iPhoto ➙ Empty iPhoto Trash Bin menu option.
    6 - empty the Trash bin in the Dock to remove the files from your hard drive completely.
    Be sure to read Note 1 above.  You can use the new library without your books, slideshow, etc. and it will not  contain those errant files.  Of course delete the original library if the new one is satisfactory.

  • How do I find what's using my hard drive space

    My wife has a 14" iBook. How do I find what's using all the hard-drive space? It only has a 40GB hard-drive (it's one of the older G3 models) but there isn't a lot loaded onto the HD. There is only 3GB space left. I've gone through every application and utility and document and every folder (document, movie, etc.) and the largest space-hogging folder is iTunes which uses 15GB because of the music. I can't find any singular folder that uses any sizeable HD space. I recently loaded Tiger so I don't know if Tiger uses the rest of the space or if it's just a combo of all the other applications.

    You could download and use WhatSize to see what may be eating up the space.
    With a 40 GB hard drive, you need to keep at least 6 GB free in order to avoid problems.

  • How can i tell how much hard drive space my website is taking up on my computer?

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    Check the size of the Domain.site2 file that is in your Users/Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder.  it contains all of the files used to create and publish your site.  I'm not sure if it copies the podcasts into it or not. You can open the domain package and do a search for them. Just don't move, rename or delete any files inside that package or your site is toast.

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