Drop-down list database question

Hey there. So this is what I want to do. I want a drop-down list that would have hundreds of possible choices. The user could pick one and several text fields throughout the document would populate accordingly. I'm assuming there would have to be a database of some sort where all the data would live, and a way to tell live cycle that all of certain fields are connected and need to change depending on that first drop down. I hope that makes sense.
While that would work, the even better idea would be some kind of a menu within the form for picking the initial item. I understand that would probably be more complicated, but a way for the user to navigate through several categories to find the proper item would be absolutely great.
I don't expect anyone to do this for me... I'm just having trouble finding a responsibly simple walk-though so that I can figure it out myself. So if anyone has a sample form that does this, or has an idea of the best kind of database to use, that would be great.
Thanks in advance!!

OK to narrow this question down a little more, since I posted this, I was able to create a simple access db and create a drop-down list that would have the specified column drop down and I could pick it. Now I just need to figure out how to make a separate text box display the information from the corresponding column of what was picked from the drop down. I think once I can get that done, building the rest of the database and sorting out the fields needed should not be too hard. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

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    At the moment, any user who logs in can see the entire list of clients, however I want to filter the list based on their username log in.
    This is the entire page code, the section in bold is the drop down list in question:
    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
    $MM_authorizedUsers = "asguser,admin,member";
    $MM_donotCheckaccess = "false";
    // *** Restrict Access To Page: Grant or deny access to this page
    function isAuthorized($strUsers, $strGroups, $UserName, $UserGroup) {
      // For security, start by assuming the visitor is NOT authorized.
      $isValid = False;
      // When a visitor has logged into this site, the Session variable MM_Username set equal to their username.
      // Therefore, we know that a user is NOT logged in if that Session variable is blank.
      if (!empty($UserName)) {
        // Besides being logged in, you may restrict access to only certain users based on an ID established when they login.
        // Parse the strings into arrays.
        $arrUsers = Explode(",", $strUsers);
        $arrGroups = Explode(",", $strGroups);
        if (in_array($UserName, $arrUsers)) {
          $isValid = true;
        // Or, you may restrict access to only certain users based on their username.
        if (in_array($UserGroup, $arrGroups)) {
          $isValid = true;
        if (($strUsers == "") && false) {
          $isValid = true;
      return $isValid;
    $MM_restrictGoTo = "accessdenied.html";
    if (!((isset($_SESSION['MM_Username'])) && (isAuthorized("",$MM_authorizedUsers, $_SESSION['MM_Username'], $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'])))) {  
      $MM_qsChar = "?";
      $MM_referrer = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
      if (strpos($MM_restrictGoTo, "?")) $MM_qsChar = "&";
      if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) > 0)
      $MM_referrer .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
      $MM_restrictGoTo = $MM_restrictGoTo. $MM_qsChar . "accesscheck=" . urlencode($MM_referrer);
      header("Location: ". $MM_restrictGoTo);
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function AjaxFunction(client_UID)
    var httpxml;
      // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
      httpxml=new XMLHttpRequest();
    catch (e)
      // Internet Explorer
                        httpxml=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
                  catch (e)
                  httpxml=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                    catch (e)
                  alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
                  return false;
    function stateck()
    var myarray=eval(httpxml.responseText);
    // Before adding new we must remove previously loaded elements
    for (i=0;i<myarray.length;i++)
    var optn = document.createElement("OPTION");
    optn.text = myarray[i];
    optn.value = myarray[i];
        var url="dd.php";
    <form name="testform" method='POST' action='mainck.php'>
    Select first one
      <select name=cat onChange="AjaxFunction(this.value);">
      <option value=''>Select One</option>
    require "config.php";// connection to database
    $q=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qry_test GROUP BY client_name ASC");
    echo "<option value=$n[client_UID]>$n[client_name]</option>";
    <select name=subcat>
    </select><input type=submit value=submit>
    I think I need to amend the sql statement to something like this - but I haven't quite got it right:
    SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qry_test WHERE username = colname GROUP BY client_name ASC
    Where do I drop the code for the colname info?
    type: text
    default value: -1
    run time value: $_SESSION['MM_Username']

    I don't do PHP but it would be something like:
    $sql = sprintf (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM qry_test WHERE username = %s GROUP BY client_name ASC, $_SESSION['MM_Username'] );
    or you can just embed the session variable into the sql string.
    But why are you using the GROUP BY clause? If you just need a distinct list of names, use the DISTINCT keyword and reduce your select list to only the needed column.

  • How to get Date value from database and display them in a drop down list?

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    What part is your biggest problem?? I am not experienced in getting data out of a database, but the way to get a variable amount of data to show in a drop down menu, i have just messed around with for some time and heres how i solved it... In my app, what i needed was, a initial empty drop down list, and then using input from a text-field, users could add elements to a Vector that was passed to a JComboBox. Heres how.
    package jcombobox;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Main extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
        private Vector<SomeClass> list = new Vector<SomeClass>();
        private JComboBox dropDownList = new JComboBox(list);
        private JButton addButton = new JButton("add");
        private JButton remove = new JButton("remove");
        private JTextField input = new JTextField(10);
        private JPanel buttons = new JPanel();
        public Main() {
            buttons.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            add(dropDownList, "North");
            add(input, "Center");
            add(buttons, "South");
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == addButton) {
                list.addElement(new SomeClass(input.getText()));
            } else if (e.getSource() == remove) {
                int selected = dropDownList.getSelectedIndex();
        public void init(String[] args) {
            getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            getContentPane().add(new Main());
    }And that "SomeClass" is show here
    package jcombobox;
    public class SomeClass {
        private String text;
        public SomeClass(String input) {
            text = input;
        public String toString() {
            return text;
    }One of the things i struggled a lot with was to get the dropdown menu to show some usefull result. If the list just contains class references it will show the memory code that points to that class. Thats where the toString cones in handy. But it took me some time to figure that one out, a laugh here is welcome as it should have been obvious :-)
    When the app is as simple as this one, using a <String> vector would have been easier, but this is just to demonstrate how to place classes in a vector and get some usefull info out of it, hope this answered some of your question :-)
    The layout might have been easier to write, than using the toppanel created by the JApplet and then the two additional JPanels, but it was just a small app brewed together in 15 minutes. Please comments on my faults, so that i can learn of it.
    If you need any of the code specified more, please let me know. Ill be glad to,

  • Direct Database Request - Add Drop Down List

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    Here is the answer to your specific question: No, you can't do "page drop downs" in Table View. You will have to use Pivot Table as described in previous posts.
    You will have to use dashboard prompts to get your choices. You are probably saying, "but dashboard prompts must be built on a Subject Area column and I can't select it because I am using a direct database as my source. So how do I create the prompt?"
    Good question. My question is, on the columns that you need as the "drop down filters," are those columns in any existing Subject Area? I know that your request is built by direct database, but if the specific column you need for your dashboard prompt can be found in a Subject Area, then you can use that Subject Area on which to build your dashboard prompts.
    You can add a WHERE condition in your direct database to receive the presentation variables. Read below to learn how:

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    Or it could be even two people:
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    so I'm wondering if someone else has figured this out. THANKS.
    (I tried searching the forum, but searching does not seem to
    be working for me)

    I can't help you with this myself as I've not done it but there are quite a few tutorials kicking around the net.
    Simple ODBC Connections in Adobe LiveCycle:
    Connecting a form to a database:
    Database connected forms:

  • Web Service with Drop Down Lists for database selections

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    What have I to do to define a application, a project and so on?
    Many Thanks!

    This question is not directly related to Web Services, since in this case you can consider that the Web Service is your "model" providing data to your view (JSP). One of the question I would like to ask you is: why do you want to use a Web Service to do that? and how you want to deploy this?
    In a general manner, if you use Web Service it is to be able to reuse the business logic in other projects, so based on this statement I would create a specific project that will contain you "model" so all your services.
    The to consume it from your JSP you have different ways:
    - create a Java proxy, or use @WebServiceRef to call the client
    - use Javascript to call the service directly from the HTML page, take a look to the Oracle Web Service endpoint page, where you can see some Javascript stub links.
    Please give more details about your project and needs and I will try to give you a proper answer.
    Tugdual Grall

  • Error while populating drop down list with values from a database

    Hi all,
    I have a JSP page with a drop down list that is to be populated with values from a database.
    This is the code in my JSP file:
         <!-- Form for picking the floor -->
             <!-- Get the available floors -->
             <% ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = dataManager.getAllFloorNumbers();
                Iterator<Integer> iterator = floornumbers.iterator(); %>
             <!-- Create the form for users to select the floor -->
             <form id="floorselectionform">
                  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="floorselected"/> <!-- Guides the servlet to redirect to the appropriate page -->
                  Select floor | <select name="floorselector" id="floorselector">
                       <% while (iterator.hasNext()) { %>
                       <option value="<%=iterator.next().intValue()%>"> <%=iterator.next().intValue()%> </option>
                       <% } %>
                  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
             </form>   The DataManager.java class simply forwards this to its respective Peer class, which has the code shown below:
          package seatplanner.model;
        import java.sql.Connection;
        import java.sql.ResultSet;
        import java.sql.SQLException;
        import java.sql.Statement;
        import java.util.ArrayList;
        /* This class handles all floor operations */
         public class FloorPeer
         /* This method returns all the floor numbers */
         public static ArrayList<Integer> getAllFloorNumbers(DataManager dataManager) {
            ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
            if (connection != null) {
              try {
                Statement s = connection.createStatement();
                String sql = "select ID from floor order by ID asc";
                try {
                  ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
                  try {
                    while (rs.next()) {
                  finally { rs.close(); }
                finally {s.close(); }
              catch (SQLException e) {
                System.out.println("Could not get floor numbers: " + e.getMessage());
              finally {
            return floornumbers;
         }  The classes compile properly, but when I load this page up in Tomcat it just freezes and does not load the form. I tested the DB connection and it works fine.
    What am I doing wrong in the JSP code?
    Thanks for the help in advance.
    UPDATE: I commented out the form, and added <%=floornumbers.size()%> right above the commented code to check if the ArrayList is indeed getting populated with the values from the database (the values are of type integer in the database). The page still freezes like before. I'm puzzled now :confused: .

    Wrong usage of Iterator.
    <!-- Form for picking the floor -->
             <!-- Get the available floors -->
             <% ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = dataManager.getAllFloorNumbers();
                Iterator<Integer> iterator = floornumbers.iterator(); %>
             <!-- Create the form for users to select the floor -->
             <form id="floorselectionform">
                  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="floorselected"/> <!-- Guides the servlet to redirect to the appropriate page -->
                  Select floor | <select name="floorselector" id="floorselector">
                       <% while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                                    Integer inte = iterator.next();
                       <option value="<%=inte.intValue()%>"><%=inte.intValue()%></option>
                       <% } %>
                  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
             </form>or make use of enhanced loop as you are already using J2SE 5.0+ for avoiding confusions.
    <!-- Form for picking the floor -->
             <!-- Get the available floors -->
             <% ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = dataManager.getAllFloorNumbers(); %>
             <!-- Create the form for users to select the floor -->
             <form id="floorselectionform">
                  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="floorselected"/> <!-- Guides the servlet to redirect to the appropriate page -->
                  Select floor | <select name="floorselector" id="floorselector">
                       <% for(Integer inte:floornumbers) {%>
                       <option value="<%=inte.intValue()%>"><%=inte.intValue()%></option>
                  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
             </form>and a lot better thing would be making usage of basic Taglib provided with JSTL spec or struts spec which make life easier and simple.
    something like usage of <c:forEach/> or <logic:iterate/> would be lot better without writing a single scriptlet code.
    Hope that might help :)

  • Help needed with populating a drop-down list from an Access Database

    data drop-down list
    Jason Murthy - 11:39am Feb 14, 2005 Pacific
    I am trying to use the data drop-down list from the custom library. I enter the name of my data connection and the other 2 variables in quotes when they are initialized, just like the example says to, but it still doesn't work. Anyone have any thoughts?
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    Messages 11 messages. Displaying 10 through 11.
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    Denzil White - 5:46am Jul 28, 05 PST (#10 of 11)
    Oh and before you say anything more I have also tried changing it from Javascript to the FormCalc, and no diff, maybe I am more stupid than I realised, heh,heh
    Post Reply | Bookmark
    Henk Pisuisse - 12:06am Aug 9, 05 PST (#11 of 11)
    I am having trouble (sleepless nights) with populating a drop-down list from an Access Database. The result is: I only get the first record from the data connection. So the connection works but I cannot go through the other records. Maybe there is an other way to do this.
    I am trying to selectively fill a form with data from an MS-access database.
    I hope someone can help me.
    [email protected]
    The Netherlands (small country in Europe)

    If you email the access DB and the form to [email protected], I will try to take a look at it for you.

  • How to display information from database using drop down list in JSP?

    Hi all.
    Like the tile above suggest, I'm having difficulty in obtaining the data as well as displaying them in a drop down list.
    For example: If i were to have the following in my database:
    SerialNo Food
    1 Bread
    2 Milk
    3 Butter
    The drop down list should look like the following:
    How do i go around coding it in JSP?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hai Please try the following code
    You have to make some changes according to your system i am using
    MSSqlserver Driver change the class name and the connection string
    for your need
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <LINK href="../theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <%!Connection con;
              try {
                   Class.forName("com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver");\\Here you specify the Class Nale
                   con = DriverManager
                                       "sa", "sa");\\here Connection string
                   ResultSet rs;
                   Statement st = con.createStatement();
                   rs = st.executeQuery("select SerialNo,Food from Foods");
                   while (rs.next()) {
         <option value='<%= rs.getString("SerialNo") %>'><%= rs.getString("Food")%></option>
              } catch (Exception e) {

  • Passing database table values to drop down list list using "vrm_set_values"

    DEar Experts,
    How can we pass database travel to drop down list using vrm_set_value call function.
    Looking forward for advise from you experts .

    Dear Anubhab,
    Thanks for your suggestion,
    Plz see my code:
    Type-pools: vrm.
    DATA: it_zlt_mita       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF Zlt_mita,
               wa_zlt_mita    TYPE zlt_mita,
               it_vrm              TYPE vrm_values with header line .
    Selection-Screen: Begin of Block b1 With Frame Title text-001.
        p_mitar            Type Zlt_mita-M1 as listbox visible length 20 user-command zcc01 obligatory,
        p_mitarn          Type Zlt_mita-M2.
    Selection-Screen : End of Block b1.
       Select * From ZLT_mita INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_zlt_mita.
      LOOP at it_zlt_mita into wa_zlt_mita.
         it_vrm-key   = wa_zlt_mita-m2.
         it_vrm-text  = wa_zlt_mita-m1.
         APPEND it_vrm.
         Clear: it_vrm, wa_zlt_mita.
                     CALL FUNCTION 'VRM_SET_VALUES'
                         id                    = 'P_mitar'
                         values                =  it_vrm[]
    *                  EXCEPTIONS
    *                    ID_ILLEGAL_NAME       = 1
    *                    OTHERS                = 2
                     IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Data: dynfields type table of dynpread with header line.
         dynfields-fieldname = 'p_mitar'.
          Append dynfields.
        dyname                               = sy-cprog
        dynumb                               = 1000    " can I use sy-dynnr here
    *   TRANSLATE_TO_UPPER                   = ' '
    *   REQUEST                              = ' '
    *   PERFORM_CONVERSION_EXITS             = ' '
    *   PERFORM_INPUT_CONVERSION             = ' '
    *   DETERMINE_LOOP_INDEX                 = ' '
    *   START_SEARCH_IN_MAIN_SCREEN          = ' '
    *   START_SEARCH_ON_SCR_STACKPOS         = ' '
    *   SEARCH_OWN_SUBSCREENS_FIRST          = ' '
        dynpfields                           =  dynfields
    *   INVALID_ABAPWORKAREA                 = 1
    *   INVALID_DYNPROFIELD                  = 2
    *   INVALID_DYNPRONAME                   = 3
    *   INVALID_DYNPRONUMMER                 = 4
    *   INVALID_REQUEST                      = 5
    *   NO_FIELDDESCRIPTION                  = 6
    *   INVALID_PARAMETER                    = 7
    *   UNDEFIND_ERROR                       = 8
    *   DOUBLE_CONVERSION                    = 9
    *   STEPL_NOT_FOUND                      = 10
    *   OTHERS                               = 11
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        dyname                     = sy-cprog
        dynumb                     = 1000
        dynpfields                 = dynfields
    *   INVALID_ABAPWORKAREA       = 1
    *   INVALID_DYNPROFIELD        = 2
    *   INVALID_DYNPRONAME         = 3
    *   INVALID_DYNPRONUMMER       = 4
    *   INVALID_REQUEST            = 5
    *   NO_FIELDDESCRIPTION        = 6
    *   UNDEFIND_ERROR             = 7
    *   OTHERS                     = 8
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    Looking forward for your further guidance.

  • Database values in DROP DOWN LIST

    Hi Friends!
    I just need a favor how I can write a JSP page that would display my database column values values(Single query results) on to a drop down list. The idea is not striking my mind. If some body can tell me how I would be able to do that, that would be great. Thanks.

    Thank you very much sir!
    But i wrote the following code...but is still not working for some reason. Would be great if you tell me where i am going wrong. Thank you very much.
    <--declarations here-->
    try {
    // Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@wddev:1521:USAD", "isis", "osiris");
    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@wdcorcl01dev:1521:USAD", "isis", "osiris");
    if (con == null) {
    System.out.println("Connection not found");
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    String sql= "select user_id from isis_users_login";
    rs= stmt.executeQuery(sql);
    if (rs.next()) {
    uId = rs.getString("user_id");
    <select name="Button">
    <% Enumeration e = v.elements();
    <option value="<%=e.nextElement()%>" ></option><%}%>
    //returnString= true;
    } catch(SQLException sqlex) {
    Thank you so much. I appreciate your help.

  • C5.5 Issue with color/colour in matching question drop down list

    Hi is there a way to change the colour of the letters that appear in the drop down lists for a matching question in 5.5?
    I'm using white text on a grey background for my quiz slides, which is nice and easy to read, but then in the preview the letters in the drop down appear as white text on a white background. I can't see a way to change the font in the drop down back to black (as it is on my editing view), without also changing the colour of the answer text.
    Is there a way to change this?
    I've just tried covering the lists over with a chunk of background image - so that the user doesn't even know they're there, but the quiz slide has ordered the image behind the lists.
    Failing there being a way to change the colour, is there a way to have a matching slide without a drop down list at all?
    Thanks for reading

    Hi Shekhar
    Thanks for the extra info - I'd tried changing the properties and using the object style manager before, but hadn't considered using them together.
    This time, I followed your advice and:
    I set the colour for 'Matching entries' to black in the object style manager
    Then went into each column 1 entry and set the text to white
    The result was white text in the column, with black in the list. Much better than before!
    However, when I changed the text in column 2 to white, the list entries became white as well.
    After a lot of experimentation, I've discovered that if you just select the text object and change the colour, you change all the text including the lettering and numbering of the answer - this changes the list colour.
    If you change the text in the answer by highlighting it, this doesn't affect the lettering/numbering, however it still changes the drop down
    To leave the drop down the right colour you need to change the answer colour by highlighting first, but, and the order is vital, you need to insert a space between the letter/number and the answer text first.
    So, the end result I have is that the column 1 text is the right colour, the column 2 text is the right colour and the text in the drop down is the right colour. Unfortunately the lettering for the column 2 answers has to stay the same  as the letters in the drop down list, so they don't show up brilliantly (black on a dark grey background), but it's a massive improvement on the invisible list I had before!
    Thanks again!

  • Multiline - drop down list question

    Below is my scenario:
    I have a multi-record non-db block showing up in a tab canvas (say T). This tab canvas is supposed to be like detailssection in the form. In this tab canvas, one of the tabs is named 'Recon'. In this tab, there is an drop down list item called 'Purpose', which I am populating with a dynamic query using a look up value table.
    However, since it is a multi-record block, I have about 5 records displayed. My dynamic query populates only the 1st drop down list item ('Purpose'). I can put the query in a loop and populate the remaining drop down 'Purpose' list items.But, how would I know when to stop the loop? i.e., how many records should it loop? Also, let us say the user completes all the 5 records, but then navigates to the 6th record (scrolls down using the scroll bar) then how would I know to populate the drop down list item ('Purpose') in the 6th record?
    Can any one suggest an easy way to accomplish this?
    Edited by: Megastar_Chiru on May 7, 2010 3:30 PM
    Edited by: Megastar_Chiru on May 7, 2010 3:30 PM
    Edited by: Megastar_Chiru on May 7, 2010 3:31 PM

    Yes. that is a mul-record block. How to populate the list is my question. That is what I am trying to figure out.I asked some information.
    how you are populating your list and on which trigger can you post the code?
    And sure there is nothing code in WHEN-NEW-RECORD-INSTANCE which is refreshing the list? Because when you populate any list for it shows for all records either in multi-record or single record.

  • Drop Down list in table with data from database table

    I have created an interactive form in WD ABAP.
    In Context tab I have created the nodes as follows:
    ZSOHEADER node with cardinality 1..1
    |-> MATERIAL node with cardinality 0..n. Under MATERIAL node there are 2 attrib. MAKTX and MATNR.
    I am fetching data from MARA table into an internal table IT_MARA.
    The node MATERIAL is bound to internal table IT_MARA.
    I have created a table with property ' Body rows vary depending on data ' .
    I have only one row in table. The first cell of the row is a drop down field.
    I have bind the field to the node MATERIAL->DATA->MAKTX.
    Now the issue is even though I have created only one row in my table, in preview it is creating as many rows in the table as the no.of records in the internal table.
    I want only one row with the drop down list containing all values of the internal table.
    Kindly suggest what to do.

    In the WebDynpro Context, in the main node create another node like A1 with cardinality 0..n and in this node create attributes TEXT and VALUE.
    Now goto method and in that method using code wizard read the node A1.
    And use the below code snippet sample in your program, i.e. code this under respective method of the webdynpro.
    *Declare the TYPES
    *Define Internal Table and work area.
    lr_node_info->bind_table( IT_TABLE ).
    And in the Adobe Form Layout
    Go to Menu of the Adobe LiveCycle Designer:
    In that window you just check the Show Dynamic properties Check Box.
    Now for the Drop Down go the binding tab in object palette and click on the list items and there specify the Internal Table and specify the text as the internal table text field and value as internal table value field.
    From the WebDynpro Native Library Palette use the Value Help Drop Down and in object pallette goto binding tab and provide the form interface binding. Before this in the WebDynpro goto Context and for the particular field under the properties provide the search help as dictionary search help and specify the name of the dictionary search help.
    We have another method of setting the Text and Value to the DDL directly in the WebDynpro by coding in the methods, I dont have much knowledge on this.
    Pradeep Goli

  • How can I make a bound drop-down list using OAF?

    Please note, this is for OAF. I am aware of the support in ADF.
    I'm sorry this is such a basic question, but I've been trying for days, and I can't think of anywhere else to look for an answer.
    I need a simple drop-down list, not a search. This particular list only has 10 or so items. It is based on a view containing a code value, and a description. I need all descriptions to be available at all times. Just click the arrow, and the entire list is displayed. When the user selects an entry, the code associated with the discription populates a bound attribute. Ideally, when the page is instantiated, the code value controls the text value visible in the collapsed drop-down list. Visually, it would be similar to an html <select> element.
    Can someone please tell me how I can produce such a simple thing, or point me to some documentation?
    Thank you.

    Thank you for the excellent reference Peddi. I had played with the OAMessageChoiceBean component yesterday, but I was able to tell from your instructions that "Picklist Display Attribute" and "Picklist Value Attribute" really are not for binding to the database EO. That was the key piece of information that had me confused.
    In addition to adding the messageChoice component to the page, I needed to write some code to synchronize the picklist value with the corresponding code value, which I placed in am OAFormValueBean (hidden form field) which I could then bind to my application's database EO in the controller, running in the processFormRequest procedure:
    /** Synchronize the catalog code with the selected catalog name */
    protected void syncCatalogValues(OAPageContext pageContext,
    OAWebBean webBean, MyApplicationAMImpl am) {   
    OAMessageChoiceBean mcb =
    (OAMessageChoiceBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("CatalogName");
    OAFormValueBean cc =
    (OAFormValueBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("CatalogCode");
    String catalogDescription = mcb.getText(pageContext);
    if (catalogDescription != null) {
    String catalogCode = am.getCatalogCode(catalogDescription);
    cc.setValue(pageContext, catalogCode);
    Along with a little code to get the catalogCode value from the LOVVO, that's all it took.
    Thanks again. This was a great help.

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