Dropped frames frustration

I've read hours of posts trying to find something that resembles my problem. Of late, when my G4 is warming up I got 10 dropped frames in a 32 second clip. I notice that the longer I leave the computer on the better it gets. It took 38 minutes of playback for me to get a dropped frame.
I tried coping the clip to a new sequence and that seemes to work.
I have also noticed that when I edit a clip and send it to the timeline, it needs to be rendered. The frequency of these coppupt clips seems to me to often.
I've ascertained that it's not the camera or the Mini DV tape that 's at fault.
Specs are: G4, 867Mhz., OSX 10.4.6, 2mb. L3 cache, 1.5 G Sdram.
The external drive is a recent LaCie 250 G @7200 rpm Fire wire 400.
Are these two problems related? The dropped frame problem was stressing me considerably, and it still needs to be solved. I know that with your help we can do it!
G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Final Cut Pro 4 HD

This sounds like several different problems.
As far as the "drops frames before warming up" one goes, that suggests two different things to look at. Most hardware components, of course, are digital and have negligible warm-up characteristics. The disk drive itself has some analog functions in the motor and controller which might be a suspect.
You mention the drive (250gb) but don't say how full it is. It's possible that a nearly full disk is more likely to have files in sub-optimal locations on the physical disk, resulting in playback problems. The only reason this would get better, however, would be if temporary files, renders, etc. got written in a less fragmented way.
The need to render almost always results from a discrepancy in the way the clip was captured versus the timeline. For example, if you are going back and forth with 24P material or timelines and inadvertently opened a new sequence as 24P but you're working with 29.97, etc.

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  • Dropped frames during playback in FCP 7

    I have searched high and low, asked every FCP expert I know, and noone can help me.
    So I turn to this forum and you the users for help.
    I just upgraded from an old DVCAM to a new Canon 60D, which shoots full HD. Usually I never have problems editing with or without text, but all of a sudden I got dropped frames when I put text on my project. No warning of dropped frames though. Just some skipping and pausing before the clip continued.
    I was running FCP 6 but upgraded to FCP 7 in hopes of it removing the problem. It just got worse. Now I can't even playback video or text by itself (I am testing with 5-10 second bits). Whenever the screen should go blank I instead get the unpleasant warning of dropped frames. The same thing happens when I play text by itself or over the video. When I try exporting it (to see if it is just a playback error) QT and VLC Player both show the most hideous grey, green and pixellated versions of my (still very short) clip.
    And if anyone suggests changing RT options - where do I find those options? The RT button on my timeline only shows the options: "play base layer only", "use playback settings" and "Full quality" - and the problems keep showing up in all three selections.
    Could my settings be off? I am not sure I have found the right ones for the footy from a Canon 60D.
    I hope someone is able to help me with this. It is the most frustrating experience I have ever had through my many years with FCP.

    Switching from DV to HD can be a nightmare if you were 'getting away with things' using DV material that you really won't be able to in HD.
    First - Where is the media? If it is on the system drive of the macbook pro... get it off of there!! It should be on an external drive - FW800 will get you going better than anything else...
    Second - simple fix, but make sure... are any of your windows overlapping? is your canvas window set to FIT TO WINDOW? If there are scroll bars in your canvas or viewer that would be bad too.
    Third -- let's figure out what and how you are converting the material off the 60D.
    What is the workflow you are using? You should probably be editing in some form of Apple ProRes... I like the LT setting - minimal quality loss with max gain in bit rates.
    Check out that video and see if it doesn't answer a few questions...
    Good luck,

  • Optimizing work flow in FCP on new iMac? (dropped frames)

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    Until this new computer, I have been using FCP on other people's Macs (schools, arts institutions, etc), only resorting to my old Powerbook when absolutely necessary. So I have not had to worry about performance issues until now.
    I am shooting on a Kodak Zi8 pocket cam in 1080p HD .MOV files, 1920x1080 H.264, AAC audio.
    In my first attempts at editing the footage, I find that I am getting dropped frames on playback at every edit point - any time I cut between shots, add titles, etc.
    (I also tried editing some much smaller, compressed files (QT 854x480, H.264, AAC audio) in the timeline and had the frame drop problem.)
    Also, when I add titles, they do not preview render - I have to render them completely to be able to playback.
    When I allow FCP to change the sequence settings to match the clip, I get the following:
    1920 x 1080
    Aspect: HDTV 1080i (16:9)
    Pixel Aspect: Square
    Field Dominance: Upper (Odd)
    Editing Timebase: 29.97
    In this instance I am editing footage that is stored on the local HD, but I have also tried editing footage from a USB 2.0 external drive, and got the same dropped frame problem.
    ...its a little frustrating to get these performance issues on this new computer, so I hope that someone here can help me resolve some of my problems. Hopefully this is a work flow issue, but if its a lack of hardware, well, shame on me for not looking into it enough.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi -
    H.264 is a recording and delivery format, but as you have discovered, it is very difficult to edit. Its qualities of recording a high quality image in a small file size, which make it attractive for use in Flash based camcorders, makes it very difficult for FCP to work with. Attempting to work in H.264 makes FCP drop frames, require constant rendering, etc.
    The best solution is to convert your footage to an edit friendly file format, such a ProRes LT or AIC. There will be minimal impact on the quality of the image. This conversion will result in files that are much larger than your original files, but will work easily in FCP.
    You don't say if you have FCS or just FCP, but if you do have FCS then you can use Compressor to do the conversion.
    Hope this helps.

  • Dropping frames in QT export from CS3

    I just got CS3 for my PC and I was all excited about the new
    feature that lets you export dynamic/actionscripted/MovieClip
    content. I do animation targetted at TV, so everything needs to be
    rendered to AVI or Quicktime, so I figured that this new feature
    would let me use a dynamic camera symbol as I've always wanted to.
    I've run into a problem, though: the export process seems to
    drop frames! As far as I can tell, Flash is rendering and recording
    the frames of the animation in real time (or perhaps just close to
    real time). If the computer has any hiccups because of another
    process demanding some processor time then the resulting quicktime
    will have frozen bits where the renderer couldn't keep up.
    You can see what I'm talking about by looking at the
    quicktime and an AVI of the same scene here:
    To test this theory, I tried witching applications a bunch
    during a render. Sure enough, there were long sections in the
    resulting quicktime where the renderer missed frames. The quicktime
    is the right length and number of frames -- it just repeated the
    same frame over and over where it couldn't keep up.
    That's not the only problem, though. When I look at the
    exported quicktime file in either Quicktime Player or Premiere pro
    (version 1.5) it reports a framerate significantly lower than in
    the original FLA. In the file I'm looking at right now, the FLA's
    framerate is listed as 29.97 but the MOV file reports a rate of
    19.29 (which is, incidentally, different than the framerate I got
    any other time I exported the same scene). In premiere, when I tell
    it to interpret the footage as having 29.97 fps the clip gets
    significantly shorter than it should be -- in this case 161 frames
    rather than the 208 frames that it is in the FLA.
    I'm pretty sure this is the same way that the various
    SWF-to-video programs do things. I thought it was an interesting
    kludge to use those external programs but I was sure Adobe would be
    able to do something more elegant and sure-footed with this new
    export feature. Couldn't they have somehow guaranteed that each
    frame would get captured? It seems like they could have just
    modified the Flash player to play with artificial time, where the
    time to render each frame was always reported as 1/framerate.
    Oh, and there's one more problem. The Quicktime renderer
    seems to do something different about the order of execution of
    actionscript or something. In the rendered quicktime movie the
    first frame displays my camera symbol even though I explicitly made
    it invisible with actionscript on the first frame of its timeline.
    When displaying in the Flash player the first frame does _not_
    display the camera symbol....
    Has anyone else encountered these problems? If so, have you
    figured out a workaround? I tried setting the framerate really low
    (I was at 29.97, so I set it down to 10) but it still seemed to
    miss frames.

    I can understand your frustration with this feature as it
    tries to capture in real time what's being
    compiled in the player - but your last line is a bit unfair:
    > exemplifies the Flash team's disregard for animators in
    favor of web developers."
    Copy Motion and Copy Motion as AS3 are useful new additions
    for animators. I will add however that I
    myself have a list of animation oriented features I would
    love to see added in flash but for now
    have you checked out www.flashants.com and their SWF2Video
    tool? It exports an SWF to AVI with
    flawless results. Worth looking into if you have the need to
    output any kind of flash content to video.
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    animator_geek wrote:
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > [...]
    > Turn off other applications. When recording, Flash uses
    all of your system's
    > available resources as much as possible, so any
    interference of the system
    > performance affects the result of the recording. We
    recommend you exit other
    > applications while exporting to a video.
    > So you're telling me that Flash makes my computer
    completely unusable while
    > it's rendering? Sorry, I thought we left that kind of
    limitation behind with
    > DOS. Particularly for something like this, where the
    rendering process should
    > be
    completely independent of real-time. The renderer should go
    > as fast as it needs to in order to capture every frame.
    Whether I set the
    > frame rate to 1 or 1000 should make no difference in how
    many frames are
    > dropped in the rendering process.
    No frames should ever be dropped I
    > mean, what's going on here? You guys have access to the
    actual source code of
    > the renderer. Can't you adapt it so that it when it's
    rendering non-real-time
    > the SWF thinks that it's executing at exactly the frame
    rate it desires? You
    > could just set the renderer's "clock" to whenever the
    render was started, then
    > increment it 1/fps seconds every frame. The program
    would never be the wiser.
    > You could even let the timer run (or simulate it
    somehow) for 1/fps seconds
    > between rendering each frame, thereby handling any timer
    events that need to be
    > sent while the SWF is running.
    > Clearly I'm not privy to the inner workings of the Flash
    player but as a user
    > there's a certain standard I expect, particularly when a
    company touts this
    > great new feature. It's supposed to work as advertised.
    This feature clearly
    > does not.
    > Now I've been a software engineer in the past and I know
    that sometimes
    > workarounds have to be made but this is just too much.
    To me as a user, it
    > exemplifies the Flash team's disregard for animators in
    favor of web developers.
    > -David
    Turn off audio. The audio in a Flash movie may also slow the
    > possibly causing dropped frames. Turn off the audio, if
    you have many
    > dropped frames in the first attempt. Other video editing
    tools can be used
    > to add the audio to the video after export.
    > Reduce frame rate. If the movie dimension is a full size
    NTSC video, 740 x
    > 480, and frame rate is 30 fps, you are more likely to
    have dropped frames.
    > Reduce the fps of Flash movie increase the chance of
    grabbing all the
    > frames. Other video editing tools can be used to adjust
    the frame rate of
    > the video after export.
    > Optimize your animation. Try to avoid a lot of screen
    motion. The greater
    > the area of change on the screen, the more likely
    slowdown will occur. Also,
    > if possible, restrict your use of transparency and alpha
    channels as they
    > too can cause poor performance.
    > Use ActionScript 3. Animation created by ActionScript 2
    and ActionScript 3
    > are different in play back performance. Convert the
    ActionScript in your
    > animation to ActionScript 3 for optimized performance.
    > Dimension settings in 2 places. The dimension settings
    in Export Settings
    > dialog sets the dimension of the SWF movie to be
    captured. The Size settings
    > in QuickTime Settings dialog sets the dimension of the
    exported MOV files.
    > If the SWF size is smaller than the exported MOV size,
    the picture quality
    > will be degraded; if it is larger than the exported MOV
    file, you may have
    > better picture quality. For best quality (and often
    performance) these
    > settings should match.
    > "animator_geek" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > >I just got CS3 for my PC and I was all excited about
    the new feature that
    > >lets
    > > you export dynamic/actionscripted/MovieClip
    content. I do animation
    > > targetted
    > > at TV, so everything needs to be rendered to AVI or
    Quicktime, so I
    > > figured
    > > that this new feature would let me use a dynamic
    camera symbol as I've
    > > always
    > > wanted to.
    > >
    > > I've run into a problem, though: the export process
    seems to drop frames!
    > > As
    > > far as I can tell, Flash is rendering and recording
    the frames of the
    > > animation
    > > in real time (or perhaps just close to real time).
    If the computer has
    > > any
    > > hiccups because of another process demanding some
    processor time then the
    > > resulting quicktime will have frozen bits where the
    renderer couldn't keep
    > > up.
    > >
    > > You can see what I'm talking about by looking at
    the quicktime and an AVI
    > > of
    > > the same scene here:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > To test this theory, I tried witching applications
    a bunch during a
    > > render.
    > > Sure enough, there were long sections in the
    resulting quicktime where the
    > > renderer missed frames. The quicktime is the right
    length and number of
    > > frames
    > > -- it just repeated the same frame over and over
    where it couldn't keep
    > > up.
    > >
    > > That's not the only problem, though. When I look at
    the exported
    > > quicktime
    > > file in either Quicktime Player or Premiere pro
    (version 1.5) it reports a
    > > framerate significantly lower than in the original
    FLA. In the file I'm
    > > looking at right now, the FLA's framerate is listed
    as 29.97 but the MOV
    > > file
    > > reports a rate of 19.29 (which is, incidentally,
    different than the
    > > framerate I
    > > got any other time I exported the same scene). In
    premiere, when I tell
    > > it to
    > > interpret the footage as having 29.97 fps the clip
    gets significantly
    > > shorter
    > > than it should be -- in this case 161 frames rather
    than the 208 frames
    > > that it
    > > is in the FLA.
    > >
    > > I'm pretty sure this is the same way that the
    various SWF-to-video
    > > programs do
    > > things. I thought it was an interesting kludge to
    use those external
    > > programs
    > > but I was sure Adobe would be able to do something
    more elegant and
    > > sure-footed
    > > with this new export feature. Couldn't they have
    somehow guaranteed that
    > > each
    > > frame would get captured? It seems like they could
    have just modified the
    > > Flash player to play with artificial time, where
    the time to render each
    > > frame
    > > was always reported as 1/framerate.
    > >
    > > Oh, and there's one more problem. The Quicktime
    renderer seems to do
    > > something different about the order of execution of
    actionscript or
    > > something.
    > > In the rendered quicktime movie the first frame
    displays my camera symbol
    > > even
    > > though I explicitly made it invisible with
    actionscript on the first frame
    > > of
    > > its timeline. When displaying in the Flash player
    the first frame does
    > > _not_
    > > display the camera symbol....
    > >
    > > Has anyone else encountered these problems? If so,
    have you figured out a
    > > workaround? I tried setting the framerate really
    low (I was at 29.97, so
    > > I set
    > > it down to 10) but it still seemed to miss frames.
    > >
    > > -David
    > >

  • Dropped Frames and Render/Playback problems in Final Cut Express HD

    I use FCE HD and edit HD video off my Sony camcorder. Recently I've got rid of my old Imac G5 and have a newer 2GHz PowerPC G5 with more RAM (2GB) off a friend because my old mac wasn't fast enough and was incapable of playing back some of my edits.
    At first when i got my new mac things looked faster and it was playing transitions without dropped frames etc. However now i've started editing again and imported new projects, i've got a big problem with dropped frames during playback and rendering. I get dropped frames during unedited clips let alone at transitions and for some reason, fce will no longer render video. Unedited clips from my latest project need rendering, which i've never had before, but when i try to render them the 'writing video...' pop up flashes, but nothing happens and the video is not rendered!
    Now i can't watch and edit some of my projects without dropped frames stopping playback every other clip and i can't do anything with my new ones because the video need rendering but can't be rendered!
    Can anyone help me out on either topic?

    Hi Ross,
    Well, most people, myself included, would say you should consider yourself lucky if doing video via USB ever worked at all for you. Overall, USB is not up to the demands of video, and that is most likely why you are getting your dropped frames problem.
    The solutions would be either use your internal HD or get a good external FW drive. I know this is frustrating, as it has been for many people who look at the raw specs where USB 2.0 appears faster than FW400 but in real life, for video especially, it is not.

  • Canon 5D Mark iii dropped frames

    I have had dropped frame issues with my Canon 5D Mark iii on playback in the camera.  I just bougth it so I sent it back and the second one was doing the same thing not as bad.  I tried 4 different SD card all 32 gb 44 MB/s.  For the third camera I will be getting I bought a 32 gb SD card and 95 MB/s to see if that makes a difference.  I called Cannon to sk them what the problem could be and they said it could be the card or it could be the 24-105 mm lens IS and try shotting the video witht he IS off and then on.  I was also told there is no way it could be the lens it's either the cameras or the card.  I am getting really frustrated as to why this keeps happening.  I am also shooting in 24 fps and 30 fps.  The last camera was dropping frames and overheating and the joystick was difficult to use and only worked every so often.  Has anyone else had any of these issues?

    Hi WC!
    Thanks for posting on the forum.
    It is very likely that the issue is with the cards you have tried and not the camera. 
    You mentioned that you were going to try a faster card. 
    Were you able to do so yet? 
    If so, how did the faster card perform?
    Do you experience the same issue when recording to a high-speed CF card instead of an SD card?
    If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • Why does Premiere Pro stop, or drop frames when using the Timecode Effect.

    The Timecode Effect is gpu accelerated, the render bar is yellow and it still drops frames.
    If it drops frames on a yellow bar, how can I ever trust it to print to tape? It wouldn't be a problem if I could say render the yellow sections of my edit, but it won't because the bar is not red. Very frustrating!
    Running 64bit windows 7;
    gtx470 graphics card;
    12GB of memory (9 reserved for Premiere)
    Raid 0 _ Speed Tested Excellent
    working with uncompressed black magic 1080i AVI's
    It seems to happen when I have overlapping clips with the Timecode Effect on one or both. Plays fine if just a single clip with the effect.
    Any help would be great, hopefully I'm just missing something simple..

    Here is a capture of my speed test. I do have 4 disks on a raid 0, very little data on the drives. I have run 3 tracks of HD with different levels of opacity with no problem. I do crash the drives when I add the forth. So I would like to think that two tracks with accelerated effect should be fairly simple to playback. Am I wrong to be thinking that way? Also only working with 8 bit, This test is for 10 and up.
    The read comes in above 500 mb/s. It was on the way up when I captured it.

  • [..\..\Src\pp\\PPixHandleUtilities.cpp-114]  Dropped Frame CS3 Rendering Error

    So, I recorded a small film (~15 minutes) on a Kodak Zi8 camcorder. I loaded it all into Premiere Pro CS3 fine, and I have it all in the timeline just fine... except I can't export it.
    The Zi8 recorded in 720p H.264 mode, and when I try to export the whole timeline, the computer gives me the [..\..\Src\pp\\PPixHandleUtilities.cpp-114] error, then says a frame was dropped. I thought the length of the clips was the problem, so I broke them up into 3/4 minute chunks. Still same problem. It'll stop whenever - not always at the same spot, give the error, then stop rendering. I'm trying to export it as a Quicktime H.264 HD video.
    I have a Dell Inspiron 530s running Windows 7 Professional, Core 2 Duo 2.53Ghz, 3GB RAM, 320GB HDD, ATI Radeon HD 3450 video card.
    So far, I tried making the video into 3-4 minute clips, but that didn't help. I also tried dropping a transparent video layer on top of the whole thing (in case it had something to do with a dropped frame) but it still gave me the error. I also changed the rendering mode to "Memory" instead of "Processor" but to no avail...
    I'm stuck. Part of me thinks it's just because I don't have enough memory to render, but I close out of every other program while I'm rendering. Plus, this is a relatively new computer. I purchased it back in November of 2008, and it has a dedicated video card.
    Any suggestions? This video is for a class project and it's due in a couple weeks!
    Thanks in advance guys,

    I am nearing my last strands of sanity.  This project has been due two days ago has been giving me fits with the same error message.  My system wotks on AMD Athlon, 64 X2 Dual Core, 3 GHz with 8 GB RAM.  Working with Premiere Pro CS3. I have an external 1TB drive with 200gb of available space. This is my first foray into the world of DSLR.  I am editing with a combination of my regular Mpeg files from my Sony ZIU and MVI files from a Canon 5D DSLR.  Editing the project was painstaking slow because I had to render all the MVI files even before I could use them.  The error message [..\..\Src\PPixHandleUtilities.cpp-114] came up quite often but clicking on okay made it go away without closing my project.  Come encoding time to Encore it will stop at the 43.3% mark.  Have tried transcoding to a DVtape, no luck. Tried encoding to Mpeg2, uh uh.  Always stopped at the 43.3% mark. One blogger here had posted that gaps on the video track might cause this.......I have been editing on Premiere for 10 years and that is the 1st time I have ever heard of that.  I have always placed gaps on my video track and this particulare project is no exception and have never experienced this.  I tried converting the MVI files to Mpeg but could not find a converter that would retain the same file size of the original files.  Suffice it to say that my level of frustration is on red.  Did you solve your issues?  Any idea on how to fix mine?  Guys?  Anyone?  Anything?

  • Odd problems exporting videos: dropped frames, end glitches

    Having some strange things happening on the work computer (which is a pre-intel MacPro running Leopard and latest version of FCP). In the last couple of weeks we've been having a lot of files that we're trying to export (by either directly playing them or "Print to Video" via Firewire to a Sony DV/Cam deck, which in turn passes it through to a Beta machine). The videos have been freezing up or giving "Dropped Frame" error messages. To combat the problem I've exported the videos (usually 10 minutes in length) to Quicktime Movie file, and then ran that file (thus making it one big file instead of 40 or so cuts/insertions, etc).
    Dropped Frames ceased to be a problem, and it plays smoothly...but now when we get to the end, we get a weird white glitch. Figured it might want a fade out to smooth out the end of the file (even though it already had a fade out) but now the file is freezing up right before it gets to the fade out.
    The really odd thing is, it looks and acts fine when I play from 5 seconds or so before the end of the clip. It's only playing it in its entirety that the end acts up.
    I'm at my wit's end figuring out options. I've rebuilt permissions, restarted the computer, done a disc utility diagnostic/repair disc. I've deleted the preferences for FCP.
    Open to any suggestions!

    No, I'm not using assembly mode.
    The really odd and frustrating thing is that haven't done anything different that I haven't done with hundreds of similar projects. But all of a sudden things are happening (mentioned the dropped frames problem in case it is linked. Increasingly I've been having projects stop printing/playing due to dropped frames with no consistent possible reason, in terms of materials used, transitions, hard drive, etc.). No change of equipment or software (other than updates).
    My boss complained about the white 'glitch' happening a couple months or so ago, and thought it was due to forgetting to do a fade-out at the end, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

  • Dropped frames in Final Cut Pro X 10.0.8

    Whilst working on projects in final cut pro playback is jumpy and I get the 'Frames were dropped' warning. This makes it extremely hard to edit and is massively frustrating... Anything I can do? I have upgraded to 16gb of ram on my Early 2011 13 inch macbook pro but it hasn't seemed to have done anything...

    Hi, I just upgraded to fcpx on our 2011 mac pro and I was having problems with audi not starting right away for playback in the timeline or clip library (.5 second or so delay) so I turned on the dropped frame check and sure enough I am getting them. I don't know if this is the reason for my audio playback lag, but was surprising to learn. I have premiere pro 6 on this mac and had fcp7 on it before and never saw this problem.
    The media I am importing is avchd 720P60 and the optimized media box is checked so I'm editing proress 4:2:2 60P footage.
    The Mac Pro has the internal apple raid card with fast drives (raid 0 mode) and plenty of ram (12gb). I do have the ATI Radeon HD 5870 card.
    Do I really  need to use proxy media instead with this setup?

  • FCP 7 seems to drop frames in Mountain Lion?

    I understand there are compatibility problems with Mountain Lion and FCP 7.   I edit independent feature films and really tried to work with FCPX but gave up in frustration -- it doesn't think like an editor......... or at least someone who has been editing for over twenty years.    Is there a way to fool FCP 7 or change a setting so it doesn't drop frames?   I'm also using a Lacie thunderbolt drive (and tried the USB 3 port as well) and it's still dropping frames.   So I don't think it's the Lacie external drive.   Anyone have a solution?

    well I think you're out of luck.  As I said, there were a bunch of posts complaining about this a while ago.  Don't think I ever saw a solution.  The only thing you can do is get some sort of external monitoring device like an aja or blackmagic and connect a video monitor.
    I wonder whether connecting another computer display via thunderbolt would help?  Unfortunately, don't expect any help from Apple.  As you well know, they ain't supporting fcp7 anymore. 
    I've just installed the avid media composer demo (that's why I've done a mountain lion install) cause I know I'm going to have to make that move sooner or later.
    Good luck.

  • Dropped Frames and Setup

    Hello all and thank you for your time. I am using FCP 5 on a MacBookPro and continue having a dropped frames issue. I have gone through the list in the error message box and to the best of my knowledge changed, or let be, what should have been. I used a Sony PD-170 for filming and instead of tapes a FireStore FS-4. I transferred all of the original footage to an external HD, which at the time was a 500GB G-Drive by G-Tech. I now use a 1TB LaCie Big Disk via FW. The footage has not been logged or captured in FCP. I am not exactly sure what to say as I am extremely frustrated and for the time being, lost. I probably need more help than I think, and I am very willing to listen and learn. Any info needed from me about my setup will gladly be given.

    And I gotta say, I've had problems with both G-tech drives and LaCie disks. You might consider an external sata drive with a sata card. Although I haven't worked extensively with external sata's on a macbookpro (although I have one), the external sata enclosure I have that I use with my dual2.5 gig G5 is rocksolid with more than enough thruput for many HD formats.

  • FCP Dropped frames warning

    when i play back my timeline i get a dropped frame warning in red that tells me i need to increase my disc speed or decrease my RT layers. i am working on a G5 dual 2.5 with 4 gigs of ram and over 600 gigs of space. The project is less than 2 minutes long and freezes up my computer when i try to export it to a quicktime movie. does anyone know why this is happening? i have done a clean install of FCP in hopes of fixing this problem but so far nothing has changed.

    I get a similar problem.
    If I play the timeline no problems, will play the whole programme, but if I pause midway, then play again I inveriably get the dropped frame message almost immediatly. Can happen anywhere in the timeline !!!!
    Only using dv and one or two layers !!!
    Quad G5, latest FCP and Quicktime, bags of internal drive space, media on external fw 800 g raid, only quarter full.
    Very frustrating.
    Any thoughts?

  • Why is my Final Cut Pro Dropping Frames?

    Final Cut Pro 3 has been capturing media for years. Now every 20 seconds it says " Dropped frames." Is this because I updated to Mac OS 10. 4.9? Help. I'm frustrated.

    This is a known issue. Updating to 10.4.9 causes FCP 4.5 and earlier to drop frames when capturing. The solution? You'll need to archive and install the OS all over again, and get back to 10.4.8.
    Search the forums for 10.4.9 and FCP and you will fine MANY threads talking about this.
    Search is your friend:

  • Dropping frames on playback, any suggestions?

    Hi all.
    I am having some trouble here... Basically I am getting dropped frames when I playback my fully-rendered timeline.
    In my case I have a 90min timeline, 1920x1080, 23.98p, Uncompressed 10bit 4:2:2, 2 tracks of audio (16bit 48khz AIFF's). I am just trying to play back to my standalone dvd burner (Since I can't get quicktime references to export). It's dropping frames at various points in the timeline. Very frustrating since I think it should not be happening. I also have a fully rendered timeline (only some dark blue lines in the render bar area).
    Can anyone shed any light on this one? I did a clean wipe of my system about 2 months ago and did a fresh install of Final Cut Studio 2 (I'm on 6.0.6). I have a G5 - Dual 2.5 CPU's, 6.5GB of ram. My drive system is a RAID 5 with a 4 drive stripe, connected via SAS to a Highpoint RAID card.
    When I run the AJA disk speed tool, I get around 305 MB/sec. when I look at the graph, the read speed is very consistent. I have run the test multiple times. I have about 20-25% space free on the RAID. I did try to trash the prefs and repair disk permissions on my C: (boot) drive.
    Can anyone help please?? Thanks so much.

    Hi Patrick,
    Thanks for the email. I do have all the selections checked under my render options. When I zoom in, I can see that the blue render bars are above the areas that are already rendered. When I hover my mouse over the bar it says 'Video: Rendered'. So I'm pretty sure everything is already rendered.
    When I used the AJA Data rate calculator, it said that 1920x1080, 23.98, 10bit video has a data rate of 132.58MB/sec. So I am confused. It seems like my disks should be fast enough to handle the 1 stream of HD video.
    What else can I be missing? It's so frustrating that it won't work!

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