DSCC: Entry Management: Browse

when i browse in my directory data i get lot of times the advice
Results Limit Exceeded
Only 1000 entries can be shown at one time. To reduce the number of items, change the View DN or modify the View Options below.
Is there a possibility to change this limit?
Thanks and regards,

Hi handat,
sorry, but this value is set to unlimited.
When i do a commandline search i get all entries, but not on the DSCC webpage.

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    DS 6.3.1
    When performing searches in the DSCC under the Entry Management tab I am getting an error that says Administrative Limit Exceeded. I know this is being caused by the global searchlimit and/or lookthroughlimt settings. I can set those to unlimited to resolve the issue but I don't want to open those values up to all users. I also know that I can set these same limits on a per entry basis by adding the nssizelimit and nslookthroughlimit attributes with -1 values to the particular user's entry.
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    Thanks in advance.

    The behaviour you're observing is documented in a bug. Unfortunately it's not implemented since the 5.2 days and not targeted for 7.0 either. You could create a local admin user and assign rights, or use a tool like "Apache Directory Studio" and log in as directory manager.
    4534340 reslimit should provide interface for chaining and PTA plugin

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    Thanx Steve and Andrew for the reply.
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    WorkAround 2:
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    java -jar D:\oracleinfra\sso\lib\ossoca.jar D:\oracleinfra orasso orasso
    hydtrn01.mydomain.com 389 "orcladmin" welcome hydtrn01.mydomain.com 1521
    But this throws me off giving an error.
    Failed to obtain OiD password. Exception is :java.lang.Exception: Version mismat
    where is the SSoConfigAssistant trying to get the OID Passwd from.
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    Thanx in Advance.

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    HI Antony Jerald J,
    Do you have variables in your Bex Query.
    Please check the pre requisites in the following link:

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    Sounds like your father picked up some Malware.
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    Check this thread that will tell you on how to solve this with the help of GPOs.
    Best regards
    Andreas Molin
    Andreas Molin | Site: www.guidestomicrosoft.com | Twitter: andreas_molin

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    great! plenty of information there... thank you K

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    [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=231062 There will be an MSI for Firefox 4], before that there is the Client Customisation Kit which allows you to build a personalised version of firefox, with changes shown at http://code.google.com/p/ff-cckwizard/ and to integrate it with an existing installer see http://www.mozilla.org/projects/cck/firefox/wininstall.html

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    There is an extension to backup the history, but as far as I know there is no way to restore history once deleted unless you would restore a copy of the places.sqlite file that has this history.
    *History Export: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/history-export/

  • Dscc hangs  forever when do "New Entry"/Wizard

    We have DSEE 6.3 installed on windows2003, with dscc.war under Tomcat, and are having a problem where, when we do a "New Entry" (i.e., to add a new user), the new (empty/blank) window appears for the Wizard, and then nothing else happens.
    When we first start up Tomcat, it seems to work ok, but after navigating around (e.g., creating one or two users), we eventually get to the point when this problem happens.
    Killing the browser, and/or logging out of DSCC doesn't help. Once it's in this situation, the only thing that seems to get it working again is to bounce Tomcat. Then it works for awhile until it hangs again.
    I haven't seen it myself, but one of the other guys that I work with said that he's encountering a similar problem when trying to setup replication.
    Things that we have tried:
    - We've confirmed that the "enablePooling" is set to false in the Tomcat conf/web.xml
    - We've tried several versions of Tomcat, including 5.5.7 and 5.5.26
    - We originally saw this problem with DSEE 6.2.
    Has anyone encountered this problem?

    Thanks for helping to reolve the issue .I did dsccsetup war-file-create --overwrite and redeployed in Tomcat.Now it works fine,I confirming after some tests by doing back and fro to the wizard screens.
    I dont know whats wrong to it on first time deployment.For previous deployment , Wizard screens of "New Entry Managment" the text field to select entry by browsing was always disabled and now it is enabled to modify the field also.For just to verify purposes here I am giving the tomcat logs for the previuos deployment .
    12:55:40 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.model.CCDefaultEntityResolver:getSystemId | entity resolver systemid: file:///C:/Tomcat%205.5/descriptor.dtd
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.admin.directory.dcc.solo.DCCSoloSessionManagerFilter:earlyTrace2 | Request: http-hostname-808: /dscc/wizard/WizardWindow12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.admin.directory.dcc.solo.DCCSoloSessionManagerFilter:earlyTrace2 | Request Context Path: /dscc
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.admin.directory.dcc.solo.DCCSoloSessionManagerFilter:earlyTrace2 | Request Servlet Path: */wizard*
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.admin.directory.dcc.solo.DCCSoloSessionManagerFilter:earlyTrace2 | Request Path Info : /WizardWindow
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.common.CCSystem:getResourceContextPath | RCPATH : /dscc/com_sun_web_ui
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.model.CCDefaultEntityResolver:getSystemId | entity resolver systemid: file:///C:/Tomcat%205.5/com_sun_web_ui/dtd/propertysheet.dtd
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.model.CCDefaultEntityResolver:getSystemId | entity resolver systemid: file:///C:/Tomcat%205.5/descriptor.dtd
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.common.CCSystem:getResourceContextPath | RCPATH : /dscc/com_sun_web_ui
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.model.CCDefaultEntityResolver:getSystemId | entity resolver systemid: file:///C:/Tomcat%205.5/com_sun_web_ui/dtd/pagetitle.dtd
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.model.CCDefaultEntityResolver:getSystemId | entity resolver systemid: file:///C:/Tomcat%205.5/descriptor.dtd
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.taglib.pagetitle.CCPageTitleTag:appendPageTitleAlertAndText | Node has no attributes.
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.taglib.pagetitle.CCPageTitleTag:appendPageActions | Could not obtain pageactions element.**12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.ui.taglib.pagetitle.CCPageTitleTag:appendPageViewsMenu | Could not obtain pageviews element.
    12:55:42 | http-808-Processor24 | com.sun.web.admin.directory.dcc.WizardServlet:onUncaughtException | uncaught exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doForward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:313)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.forward(ApplicationDispatcher.java:301)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBeanBase.forward(ViewBeanBase.java:340)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBeanBase.forwardTo(ViewBeanBase.java:261)
         at com.sun.web.ui.view.wizard.CCWizard.handleFinishButtonRequest(CCWizard.java:798)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.command.DefaultRequestHandlingCommand.execute(DefaultRequestHandlingCommand.java:183)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.RequestHandlingViewBase.handleRequest(RequestHandlingViewBase.java:308)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBeanBase.dispatchInvocation(ViewBeanBase.java:802)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBeanBase.invokeRequestHandlerInternal(ViewBeanBase.java:740)
         at com.iplanet.jato.view.ViewBeanBase.invokeRequestHandlerInternal(ViewBeanBase.java:760)
    Edited by: siteminder on Nov 17, 2008 1:17 PM
    Edited by: siteminder on Nov 17, 2008 1:19 PM

  • How to remove entries for Enterprise Manager farm ?

    I installed the Oracle 10g application server middle tier
    (Forms and Report Services) on one server and made a mistake in the instance name. I deinstalled it and installed it again with the correct instance name.
    Note that my infrastructure (Identity mgmt + metadata)
    is on a different server.
    When I start the http://localhost:1810 , the EM shows
    me both the bad entry and good entry instances.
    How do I get rid of the bad entry so that it does
    not show up in the EM web page ?
    I tried looking thru oidadmin and removing the
    bad entries from Entry Management and restarting all
    processes but still no luck.
    Any ideas appreciated
    Sam Khopkar

    First of all, make a copy of your existing targets.xml
    Then modify your targets.xml
    Did you do a key word search of the bad name? There should be multiple places you will need to remove. such as:
    <Target TYPE="oracle_apache" NAME="bad.host_HTTP Server" DISPLAY_NAME="HTTP_Server" VERSION="2.0">
    <Target TYPE="oracle_webcache" NAME="bad.host_Web Cache" DISPLAY_NAME="Web Cache">
    <Target TYPE="oc4j" NAME="bad.host_home" DISPLAY_NAME="home" VERSION="1.3">
    <Target TYPE="oracle_bc4j" NAME="bad.host_BC4J" DISPLAY_NAME="BC4J" VERSION="9.0.4">
    <Target TYPE="oracle_ias" NAME="bad.host" VERSION="1.0">
    <Target TYPE="oc4j" NAME="bad.host_OC4J_BI_Forms" DISPLAY_NAME="OC4J_BI_Forms">
    <Target TYPE="oracle_repserv" NAME="bad.host_Reports_Server:xxxx
    and other similar cases.
    Then do "emctl reload" for reloading the interface.

  • DSEE v 6.3.1 and DSCC problem

    We've got DSEE v.6.3.1 installed and are trying to use DSCC to add entries to our directory. I access the directory server instance through the GUI, select the "Entry Management" tab and then select the "New Entry" button in the "Selected Entry" box. The selection of the "New Entry" button throws an exception. I've further investigated and found that selecting the "VERSION" button at the upper left of the DSCC interface ALSO throws an exception. This install has been in place since May and has never worked correctly from my understanding... we have a command line work around, but it's time to try to fix the GUI for operations.
    We have the current DSEE patches installed. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing these GUI issues?
    "New Entry" Exception (not the full error):
    {color:#ff0000}Error executing GotoViewBeanCommand
    Show Details
    Hide Details
    com.iplanet.jato.command.CommandException: Error executing GotoViewBeanCommand Root cause = [com.iplanet.jato.NavigationException: Exception encountered during forward Root cause = [org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred at line: 16 in the jsp file: /com_sun_web_ui/jsp/wizard/WizardWindow.jsp Generated servlet error: /var/webconsole/domains/console/work/com_sun_web_console/localhost/dccapp/org/apache/jsp/com_005fsun_005fweb_005fui/jsp/wizard/WizardWindow_jsp.java:100: cannot find symbol symbol : method checkRelativeUrl(java.lang.String) location: class com.sun.web.ui.common.CCSystem if (! CCSystem.checkRelativeUrl(pMsthdSrc)) { ^ 1 error ]]{color}
    "VERSION" Exception (full error):
    {color:#ff0000}Application Error
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 19 in the jsp file: /com_sun_web_ui/jsp/version/Version.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    /var/webconsole/domains/console/work/com_sun_web_console/localhost/dccapp/org/apache/jsp/com_005fsun_005fweb_005fui/jsp/version/Version_jsp.java:75: cannot find symbol
    symbol : method checkRelativeUrl(java.lang.String)
    location: class com.sun.web.ui.common.CCSystem
    if (! CCSystem.checkRelativeUrl(versionFile)) {
    1 error{color}

    I'm still trying to figure out the root cause of my issues with DSCC v.6.3.1. I've found more links that don't work, such as the "Browse Directory Service Control Center Online Help" button, which throws:
    {color:#ff0000}Application Error
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 20 in the jsp file: /com_sun_web_ui/jsp/help2/Help2Nav6up.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    /var/webconsole/domains/console/work/com_sun_web_console/localhost/dccapp/org/apache/jsp/com_005fsun_005fweb_005fui/jsp/help2/Help2Nav6up_jsp.java:99: cannot find symbol
    symbol : method checkRelativeUrl(java.lang.String)
    location: class com.sun.web.ui.common.CCSystem
    if (! CCSystem.checkRelativeUrl(helpFile)) {
    1 error
    {color:#000000}I'm thinking there is wrong with the deployed DSCC application, but not being an application admin or a Java guy I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to further isolate what is causing this issue. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a more appropriate forum in which to post this question? Thanks!{color}

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    hello, this is usually caused by adware on your pc.
    please run a scan of your system with [http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/adwcleaner/ adwcleaner] & also manually check that you don't have any suspicious entries like 3rd-party-toolbars presently installed under ''firefox > addons > extensions'' (adware like babylon also might install some unwanted stuff that comes under the names "Browser Manager", "Browser Protector", "Bprotector", "Object Installer", etc.) or in the windows control panel > programs section.
    afterwards install the search reset addon - it will revert the most common customziations those adware programs do in firefox back to the default: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/searchreset/
    [[Remove a toolbar that has taken over your Firefox search or home page]]

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