Dsee service control center

Hi all,
I am using version
Accessing the control center via the web interface is fine but whenever I clicked "Access Control" or "Password Policy" under "Entry Management", the browser pop-up a small window with "readwrite" then I had to click OK to continue. I am guessing some kind of permission did not setting correctly when I installed but can't figure it out.
Thanks in advance,

I was referring to the DSCC registry when I said DSCC. There should be an LDAP instance running which listens to on the DSCC registry port. I was wondering if the App server has to run on the same server where the DSCC registry is running. Coz.. I was looking into the config files on the war file, I have seen references to paths of ds6 and dscc6 directories.
In web.xml
That made me wonder how the app server can get to the DSCC registry, so I was thinking DSCC registry has to run on the same box where the war file is deployed!

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    Hi Guys,
    I have a CUC Cluster of 2 nodes at 9.1.2  I did a Cobra restore and since the cobra I have an issue when I go to Unity Connection Servicability and then
    If I go in service Management I have this error :  " Error: Unable to communicate with service control center  "
    I am not the only one who got that Issue.. the documentation is not so clean from cisco..
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    admin:run cuc dbquery unitydirdb select alias, displayname, objectid  from vw_user where alias ='adminunity'
    alias       displayname  objectid
    adminunity  adminunity   2774a94d-052d-49e9-9288-bf447a4b1532
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    objectid                              userobjectid                          credentialtype        encryptiontype
    1255f7f7-5d15-4406-ab54-df5f248e30bf  2774a94d-052d-49e9-9288-bf447a4b1532  3               3
    5ace4b8f-dbeb-4e46-8d7c-146b13db5499  2774a94d-052d-49e9-9288-bf447a4b1532  4               3
    admin : run cuc dbquery unitydirdb update tbl_credential set encryptiontype = "3" where objectid ="1255f7f7-5d15-4406-ab54-df5f248e30bf"
    admin run cuc dbquery unitydirdb update tbl_credential set encryptiontype = "3" where objectid ="5ace4b8f-dbeb-4e46-8d7c-146b13db5499"
    admin:run cuc dbquery unitydirdb select objectid, userobjectid, credentialtype, encryptiontype from tbl_credential where userobjectid = "2774a94d-052d-49e9-9288-bf447a4b1532"
    objectid                              userobjectid                          credentialtype  encryptiontype
    1255f7f7-5d15-4406-ab54-df5f248e30bf  2774a94d-052d-49e9-9288-bf447a4b1532  3               3
    5ace4b8f-dbeb-4e46-8d7c-146b13db5499  2774a94d-052d-49e9-9288-bf447a4b1532  4               3
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    anyone ?

    I make the right configuration of my network (eth0 and eth1) and I reboot my server the start CRS service automaticaly...
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    In /var/log messages I have this " oracle CSSD failure. Rebooting for cluster integrity" !!!
    some one can help?

  • Sun Directory Service Control Center error

    Hi Everyone,
    I an having some issues when setting up the Sun Directory Service Control Center..
    I am deploying on Red Het Enterprise Linux 5.4 and have followed the Sun Directory Server installation guide and am deploying the dscc7.war file on the Sun Java Systems Web Server, after I fillow the steps in the installation guide I deploy the war file to the web server but when I test the connection from the browser I get the following error:, does anyone know what I may have missed??
    I have also found that the docs say to add the following to the magnus.conf file in the http server:
    type=magnus-internal/parsed-html exts=shtml
    However I get the following message from the web server when I restart the instance:
    type=magnus-internal/parsed-html directive ignored
    An unexpected error occurred while checking the status of Sun Directory Service Control Center.
    Show Details
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    Install Error Code: 3
    com.sun.directory.common.slapx.AdmCmdErrorException: /opt/sun/dsee7/bin/dsadm info all separator = /opt/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/ads [exitCode=60]
    Edited by: mikejhathaway78 on Jan 27, 2010 1:16 PM

    I have the same problem, too.
    I installed DSEE7 on Solaris 10 SPARC. The installation went smoothly and there was no error occur.
    I cd to the folder /opt/SUNWdsee7/bin, login as root user, and the run the command ./dsccsetup initialize.
    After that I login Weblogic 10 server console as the weblogic user and installed the dscc7.war file. The installation also went smoothly and no error at all. I got the following error when I tried to open the page http://host:port/dscc7:
    An unexpected error occurred while checking the status of Sun Directory Service Control Center.
    Show Details
    Hide Details
    Install Error Code: 3
    com.sun.directory.common.slapx.AdmCmdErrorException: /opt/SUNWdsee7/bin/dsadm info all separator = /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/dcc/ads [exitCode=60]
    weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(Unknown Source)
    I've tried all the solutions that I found in the Sun forum, but it didn't work. Please help me if you can.
    Note: I cannot run the weblogic server as root account.
    Many thanks,
    Anthony Ton

  • Unified CCX serviceability - Control Center - Network Services

    Troubleshooting some Partial service issue: I cannot find any information on Cisco site that will tell me what the S means on the Control Center - Network Services page for CCX serviceability. Could anyone please provide the documentation that explains these letter notations ?

    I'm assuming you're running 2 UCCX servers as an HA cluster. If so, the "S" next to the service means it is asking as the secondary/slave node, and the other server should have an "M" next to the service indicating it is currently the master/primary node. 

  • Can't login to Directory Service Control Center 6

    After installition of Sun JES 5 Directory Server (OS Solaris SPARC 9) i'm trying to login to DSCC.
    I provide username admin and a password for admin.
    But after clicking the LogIn Button I see a message Authentification error.
    IWhen I explore a Directory server through LADP browser (as cn=Directory manager) I can't see the cn=Administrators,cn=config subtree at all (and cn=config subtree is missing, too).
    This subtee is present in the <instance-path>/config/dse.ldif file, however.
    Is it normal? Or should I create this subtree manually?
    Message was edited by:

    I've tried recreating registry several times.
    But when I'm trying to login (after restarting directory server), the problem persists ;(
    I still can't login. But when I observe DS logs (Directory_Server.instance-path/logs)
    I can see nothing in *access logs
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    [22/May/2007:14:53:24 +0400] - INFORMATION - cos-plugin - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - cos_cache_getref: no cos cache created
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - ERROR<5398> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Duplicate value addition in attribute "objectClass" of entry "dc=borlas,dc=local"
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - INFORMATION - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - normalize_ava_cb: no syntax definition for attribute: *dc
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - INFORMATION - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - normalize_ava_cb: no syntax definition for attribute: *dc
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - INFORMATION - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - normalize_ava_cb: no syntax definition for attribute: *dc
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - INFORMATION - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - normalize_ava_cb: no syntax definition for attribute: *dc
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - ERROR<5399> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Entry error occurred while removing attribute values. Could not find value 0 for attribute aci (No such attribute).
    [22/May/2007:14:53:38 +0400] - ERROR<5399> - Entry - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Entry error occurred while removing attribute values.
    [22/May/2007:17:35:54 +0400] - WARNING<33800> - cos-plugin - conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 - Configuration warning skipping cos definition cn=iplanetamauthconfiguration,dc=borlas,dc=local--no templates found (entries with objectclass=costemplate)
    I wonder if troubles with COS could lead to my disability to login to DSCC ?

  • Unable to create server instance in Oracle Directory Service Control Center (

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    The "dsccagent info" shows the agent is running. The JMX port is 3997. Any idea is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Thanks for update.
    No, didn't find DSCC agent logs get updated when I have the pop up.
    In the glassfish server log, I didn't find new transaction when I hit the issue

  • Unable to connect control center and start runtime service

    Hi guys,
    I have owb 10gr2 in my server with repository ods_repo .
    last time when runtime service was working fine that time service name ods is registered.
    Now when our service name is changed from ods to odstest , from that day i am unable to start runtime service and unable to connect control center service.
    I ran following owb script ...and got error in connection
    SQL> @E:\SCRIPTS\important_files\owb_scripts\service_doctor.sql
    There are errors in one or more PL/SQL packages and functionsPlatform properties have been loaded correctly
    Platform location has been seeded correctly
    NLS messages have been loaded correctly
    The platform service is not availableService script is accessible to the database server
    There is a problem with the repository connection information used tostart the service
    Here is the detailed error message which contains the connectioninformation passed to the service:-
    Cannot connect: user=ODS_REPO host= port=1521service-name=ODS
    Please verify that this information is accurate
    If this information is correct, then please use the'set_repository_password.sql' script to reset the stored password
    Is there any file where this connection information
    ODS_REPO host= port=1521
    stored so that we can change the service name.
    I ran start_service.sql script also and got same error.
    plz reply and mail also on [email protected]
    as soon as possible

    Hi sir,
    The Actual problem is in our database the service name has been changed from ods to odstest.
    After this changes I was unable to connect our repository ods_repo which was using ods as service name then I tried and able to connect .
    Then next problem came with control center that was not able to open it. Then after update some tables using update stat specify above reply.
    After update I was able to open control center then finally the new problem is location.
    I need to edit the location information with new service name so that I can access the repository and tables and can use them in design center.
    That’s why I am trying to un register first then edit the service name then again register….<I am unable to do this thing>
    I am getting following error when I tried to unregister the ods_target_loc location .
    Error : rtc-5320 : location ods_target_loc has not been registered by the current user.
    And after using the script getting this
    SQL> @E:\oracle10g\oracle\product\10.2.0\OWB_Oracle102_home\owb\misc\unregister_location.sql
    This script should be used ONLY when a location cannot be unregistered by using
    OWB UI or Scripting. This can happen when the Control Center/Runtime Repository
    where this location was registered is crashed, or deleted, or just cannot be
    reached any more.
    Enter Location Name (ctrl/c to cancel): ODS_TARGET_LOC
    Location ODS_TARGET_LOC is registered in this repository.
    Please use OWB Client UI or Scripting to unregister this location.

  • How to create a control center service ?

    i have a server with 1 DB Home (with 2 instances) and 1 OWB Home.
    I have OWB repositories in both instances and can connect to both via Design Center.
    But trying to open the Control Center Manage in instance 2 fails with:
    RTC-5301 Control Center service not available
    In instance 1 it is working.
    ps -ef | grep owb
    shows me 3 processes running for the 1. instance
    (based on owb/bin/unix/run_service.sh),
    but none for the 2. instance
    So my question is:
    How can i create this missing service ?
    I checked this doc http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B31080_01/doc/install.102/b28224/install_rep02.htm#CCHEDJBD
    but the information on this topic is not very detailed.

    you must use the repository assistant, advanced option, to create a new repository owner. If you want to use both control center in one design rep: Then you must register it in the design center: create a new control center. To switch between both you must make one of them to the active control center/configuration.
    Then you will have another services with the name oft he new cc.

  • Urgent Hepl Needed: Unable to start Control Center Service OWB 10gR2

    Hi everybody,
    we moved our test owb instance to a new server.
    Today i wanted to start the Control Center Service from sqlplus with the
    Now i am getting the following error:
    service startup failure using command "/ora/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/owbhome_1/owb/bin/unix/run_service.sh -manual 1 /ora/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/owbhome_1 DWH_OWB SRVDBE004E:1521:DBE004E" reason ORA-29532: Java-Aufruf durch nicht abgefangene Java-Exception beendet: java.io.IOException: service early exit: code=255 : err= : out=2011/06/20-09:16:46-CEST [B166B5] Platform Service for null
    2011/06/20-09:16:47-CEST [B166B5] Connection Manager - OCI fix performed
    2011/06/20-09:16:47-CEST [B166B5] Thin driver connection time - 619 millisecond(s)
    2011/06/20-09:16:47-CEST [B166B5] Connection Manager - property user.timezone value is Europe/Berlin
    2011/06/20-09:16:47-CEST [B166B5] Connection Manager - conn
    Can anybody help me out?

    Hi ,
    find solution from oracle support...
    Applies to:
    Oracle Warehouse Builder - Version: 10.2 and later [Release: 10.2 and later ]
    Information in this document applies to any platform.
    The run_service.sh and/or the set_repository_password.sql script execution fail with :
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception:
    oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleSQLException: ORA-28239: no key provided
    Additional error :
    with OWB 10.2 : ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT_FFI", line 21
    with OWB 11G: ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_CRYPTO_FFI", line 67
    The database has been cloned - including the OWB repositories.
    OWB tables have been manually updated to reflect the change of hostname/port/service name.
    This is not a RAC configuration (refer to Note 395037.1 in that case) unless there is a shared drive.
    The Warehouse builder rtrepos.properties file (located in the OWB_HOME/owb/bin/admin directory) has not been updated with the repository key.
    Rename the rtrepos.properties file
    Start SQL+
    With OWB 10.2 : connect as the Unified Repository owner account
    With OWB 11G : connect as OWBSYS
    Execute the script reset_repository.sql located in the OWB_HOME/owb/rtp/sql directory.
    This script will re-create a rtrepos.properties file. It requires the Unified Repository Owner/OWBSYS password as parameter. e.g.:
    sql> @reset_repository.sql <password>

  • Add location services in the control center

    To save power I go into Settings and turn on/off the all the Location Services.  Is there any plans to add location services in the control center for quicker access?  Or is there something already in place?

    There is nothing in place. How is turning off location services saving you power? It doesn't use any unless you are using it. However, if you feel strong about it, you can make a suggestion to Apple feedback HERE and click on the appropriate link.


    Hi All,
    I'm new into the world of OMB and currently i have been working with OMB scripts and i just need to know whether i am able to start the control center services using OMB...?
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

    Thanks ALL, I GOT IT, but I used other solution.
    Since I installed and uninstalled the Oracle several times, it keeps also many different Services for the listener. I don't know why, it didn't create a Service for my actual instalation with its path. In other words, all the services remained in the services.msc panel, had the path that was already removed from the Windows folder.
    Then what I did, was that I picked one service, took its name (OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener), went to regedit to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\OracleOraDb10g_home1TNSListener] and simply changed the image path that was setted for the one that was removed (C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_2\BIN\TNSLSNR ) for mine that is installed right now
    (C:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\BIN\TNSLSNR). Nothing more and finally works.
    I have tried something in the services.msc panel before, as you can see in this forum at the thread "I can't start listener in the Control Painel/Admin Tools/ Services", but I never got
    Appreciate your time!!

  • Name of the OWB control center service?

    Is the control center a service that you can manually start/stop in Windows? If so, what is it's name?

    in the windows start menu, you find two scripts for starting and stopping the control center service.

  • Not able to start control center service of OWB 10.2

    Hi i have implemented the remote runtime service architecture in OWB 10.2. This means the OWB s/w is not installed in the box where Oracle data base is.When I'm trying to start the service form the client machine (where OWB is installed) using the Start Control Center service option the service is not starting up.Is there any work around to start the control center service.

    Try to start the service using @<OWB-HOME>/owb/rtp/sql/start_service.sql
    You need to log with the Control Center owner.
    Check out if you get any errors. If yes, try also @<OWB-HOME>/owb/rtp/sql/service_doctor.sql for more information.

  • Control center service

    Hi all,
    how can I schedule control center service to startup every time server is rebooted?
    I've notice that server sometimes reboot due to upgrades and that control center service doesn't startup and so my scheduled job doesn't start.
    I'm using oracle 11g and win server 2003.
    Many thanks.

    I use win server 2003 and the user has permission to open file.
    In the log I notice this java exception:
    2008/11/13-03:05:51-CET [D6A05E][] oracle.wh.runtime.platform.adapter.InfrastructureException: RPE-01003: An infrastructure condition prevented the request from completing.
    - Closed Connection
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.PlatformDb.disconnect(PlatformDb.java:108)
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.Service.run(Service.java:427)
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.Service.main(Service.java:1082)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at Launcher.main(Launcher.java:167)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(SQLStateMapping.java:70)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(DatabaseError.java:110)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:171)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:227)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:439)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(PhysicalConnection.java:3323)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(PhysicalConnection.java:3357)
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.PlatformDb.disconnect(PlatformDb.java:102)
         ... 7 more
    java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(SQLStateMapping.java:70)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(DatabaseError.java:110)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:171)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:227)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:439)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(PhysicalConnection.java:3323)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.commit(PhysicalConnection.java:3357)
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.controller.PlatformDb.disconnect(PlatformDb.java:102)
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.Service.run(Service.java:427)
         at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.Service.main(Service.java:1082)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at Launcher.main(Launcher.java:167)
    2008/11/13-03:05:51-CET [D6A05E][] The Control Center Service is shutting down due to a previously reported fatal error.
    This error can happens because I've 2 instance with owb on same server? The other instance started without problems.

  • 11gr2 Control Center Service run_service.sh Issues

    So after a few days of searching this forum (and many other online forums), I was unable to find anything related to this specific topic at all. Since I beat my head against a wall for a few days to figure this out, I figured if I can save even one other poor soul from hitting this issue then this post would be worth it.
    In short, we have a two tier'd setup for OWB 11gR2 that we're building out as part of a data center migration project. Our intent was to run the control center service on an application server (completely apart from the database server which according to Oracle support, isn't normal - and initially, they told us wasn't supported... until I forwarded them a copy of the install & admin guide and they realized it was a valid architecture in that document on page 1-5... what the bag??). We installed the OWB standalone client (important to note, on a Red Hat Linux 64 bit box) exactly as per the instructions.
    So onto the actual problem. When we tried to launch the control center service, it would start with the following output:
    2013/05/22-10:58:53-CDT [558385E3][] Platform Service for null
    2013/05/22-10:58:54-CDT [558385E3][] Connection Manager - OCI fix performed
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Thin driver connection time - 14604 millisecond(s)
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Connection Manager - property user.timezone value is US/Central
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Connection Manager - connection.timezone not set. Defaulting to value SERVICE
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Connection Manager - using service timezone US/Central
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Connection Manager - defaultimg session timezone offset to -05:00
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
    at java.io.UnixFileSystem.createFileExclusively(Native Method)
    at java.io.File.createNewFile(File.java:883)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.util.TraceManager.createNewFile(TraceManager.java:579)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.util.TraceManager.switchTraceFiles(TraceManager.java:735)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.util.TraceManager.switchTraceFiles(TraceManager.java:702)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.util.TraceManager.initialize(TraceManager.java:308)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.ServiceObject.initializeTrace(ServiceObject.java:30)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.Service.<init>(Service.java:137)
    at oracle.wh.runtime.platform.service.Service.main(Service.java:975)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at Launcher.main(Launcher.java:175)
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Free Memory(bytes)=218257400 Total Memory(bytes)=248578048 Used Memory(bytes)=30320648 Used Memory(percent)=13%
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Control Center Service Version starting
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Startup due to manual request
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Control Center Repository Name OWBSYS on Service w409d at Host wdprd00a0043
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Explicit garbage collection - every 1 execution(s)
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Initializing Platform
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Recovery starting
    2013/05/22-10:59:09-CDT [558385E3][] Service startup complete
    This is the entry from Ref. Doc ID 402401.1 - How To Setup a Remote Control Center Service or Remote Runtime With OWB 10.2, and this is exactly how we called the process:
    cd <owb_home>/bin/unix
    nohup echo <unified_repos_password> | run_service.sh -manual 1 control_center_service_home unified_repository servername listenerport servicename &control_center_service_home --Oracle Home where OWB software is installed
    unified_repository --Schema name of the Unified Repository (owbsys)
    servername --Server where Unified Repository is installed
    listenerport --Listener port for the DB
    servicename --Service name of the DB
    This allows the service to run in the background, even if you log off of the terminal (which is ideal vs. using the local_service_login.sh script and xwindows to start it manually on a unix platform).
    At first, this error smacked of the control center service using the wrong oracle home. It was spitting that error above out to STDOUT, instead of to a file in the owb/log file directory as it should. To see what would happen, I updated the wb_rt_service_nodes table to use the application server home value instead of the server side home... and it actually "worked". Starting it back up made it look almost right, except any sqlldr maps were being deployed with a warning... so I knew that wasn't it.
    After much research and playing around, and a moment of sheer, blind luck (I created myself a unix alias to issue the run_service command, and accidentally added an additional dash in front of the node id parameter i.e. "-1"), the warning dissappeared and we also were able to deploy a sqlldr map without a warning as well (the other symptom of this was that any sqlldr map would deploy with a warning saying it couldn't find/create the .ctl file... but it was looking in the OWB home on the DB server, not the application server!!).
    To summarize, it would appear that in order to startup a standalone 11gr2 control center service on the Linux 64 bit distribution of the code correctly - you must add the extra dash in the nodeid parameter like so:
    <nohup stuff>run_service.sh -manual -1 <everything else>
    If you don't do this, the control center service won't run properly and all the symptoms look like it's runing with the wrong oracle home... which, given the apparent lack of documentation from Oracle on the subject of running remote control centers, you may go crazy with the reset_owbcc_home.sql and remote_owb_install.sql scripts. Hope that helps someone.

    Forget to mention that i did execute the service_doctor.sql and the result is the following
    All PL/SQL packages and functions are valid
    Platform properties have been loaded correctly
    Platform location has been seeded correctly
    NLS messages have been loaded correctly
    The platform service is available
    There is a problem accessing the service startup script from the databaseserver
    Here is the detailed error message which contains the name of the startscript file:-
    Service startup file '/app/oracle/owb/bin/unix/run_service.sh' is notaccessible from the database server on instance number 1
    Please verify that the disk containing the file is visible to thedatabase server
    Please verify that the database server account has access rights on thefile
    Connection information stored within the repository is correct

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