DTW- BP Master Update, Record Key

When our BP list was first loaded with DTW, a record key was assigned to each BP. Since then, new BP master files have been created manually within B1. I would now like to update the BP files using DTW.
1) How can I determine the record key of each BP to use with the template?
The field I would like to update is a UDF with a list of predefined values.
2) How should I name the UDF column header in the template?
3) Should the values be entered in each row as text or #?
Thank you.

The RecordKey used during original import of BusinessPartner has not connection with the Update.
You will just need the CardCode (the primary key) to make the connection with the existing BPs in the DB.
So just fill the templates with 2 main fields, RecordKey (any running number, need not be what was originally used) and CardCode and the rest will be columns you are updating

Similar Messages

  • DTW can't update records

    Hi all,
    on B1 8.8 PL14, I have to recreate data for the FA add-on. I can create new records, but in no way I can update existing records, whether I pick Update or Create and Update. When trying to update, it's always the same error, the record is not found. If I try to create these same records, the I am told it failed because record already exists.
    Did you experienced such an issue ?
    Gilles Plante

    Hi GordonDu,
    I should have been more precise. I am using DTW to recreate "base" data, like asset areas, account determination, etc. For this, the only way is DTW. I would need to update some records, but it will not let me. Adding new records is fine.
    For a record that exists, If I try to add it, I am told it already exists, but if try to update it, I am told it is not found. That do not make sense. I have the to do a lot of work manually, which consume time.
    Gilles Plante


    How to UPDATE MASTER DATA RECORD IN INFOTYPE 0377 DIRECTLY using function module HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION ? When i use operation = 'MOD'  im getting an ERROR as NO DATA STORED FOR 0377 IN SELECTION PERIOD.
           Can anyone please help me how to use HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION to UPDATE MASTER DATA RECORD.

    please check this code
    it is very useful
    infotypes: 0105.
    parameters: p_pernr type p0105-pernr,
                p_subty type p0105-subty,
                p_begda type p0105-begda,
                p_endda type p0105-endda,
                p_opera type pspar-actio,
                p_usrid type p0105-usrid,
                p_commt as checkbox.    "Useful only when NO_COMMIT is 'X'
    data: w_return type bapireturn1,    "Error handling data
          w_key type bapipakey,         "If record has been created or changed the created/ changed
                                        "record's key (PSKEY) will be populated
          v_message type string.        "For printing returned messages
    call function 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE'
        number = p_pernr
        return = w_return.
    if w_return is initial. "Employee is not locked
      p0105-pernr = p_pernr.
      p0105-subty =
      p0105-usrty = p_subty.
      p0105-begda = p_begda.
      p0105-endda = p_endda.
      p0105-usrid = p_usrid.
    *Calls Internally HR_MAINTAIN_MASTERDATA
      call function 'HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION'
          infty         = '0105'
          number        = p_pernr
          subtype       = p_subty
          validityend   = p_endda
          validitybegin = p_begda
          record        = p0105
          operation     = p_opera
          dialog_mode   = '0'
          nocommit      = 'X'
          return        = w_return
          key           = w_key.
    if w_return is not initial.
      message id w_return-id type w_return-type number w_return-number
              with w_return-message_v1 w_return-message_v2 w_return-message_v3
              w_return-message_v4 into v_message.
      case w_return-type.
        when 'A' or 'E'.
          format color col_negative. write:/ v_message.
        when others.
          format color col_heading. write:/ v_message.
      call function 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_DEQUEUE'
          number = p_pernr.
      format color col_positive. write:/ 'Record Updated Successfully.'.
      if w_key is not initial.
        write:/ 'Key contains',
              / 'Personnel Number:', w_key-employeeno,
              / 'Subtype (absence type):', w_key-subtype,
              / 'Start date of Absence:', w_key-validbegin,
              / 'End date of Absence:', w_key-validend.
      commit work.
    Thanks and regards

  • DTW 2007B PL:7 - DTW always showing run time error on record key no. 1377

    I've encountered a strange problem while transferring Customer Master.
    Firstly, the DTW throws error randomly asking for 'Ship To' Address along with given 'Bill To' Address.
    Also, at Record Key No. 1377, DTW shows run time error & asks for debugging.
    Once the debugging is started, it goes on & on with any probable end of debugging.
    And if the debugging option is not chosen DTW crashes & the corresponding error file is blank.
    If anyone had encountered similar problem, pls respond ASAP.

    Hi Kapil,
    did you use a template for importing the BPMaster and BPAddress data ? Such error normally causes by wrong LineNum and wrong signs for type of addresses.
    Please reffer to SAP note 899093 and 979116. This would be helpful.
    Regards Steffen
    PS. templates are located in <program folder>\SAP\Data Transfer...\Template\Template\oBusinessPartners

  • Who can I update primary key field in master block

    I want to update the primary key field in master block when there are some records are present in detail block, when I edit the primary key filed there is an error FRM-40509 unable to update record. The primary key is also referred by the detail table.
    So kindly give me the solution who can I update the primary key in master block when there is child records exists in detail block?.
    Best regard,

    pls tell us a little more about, why you want to update a PK in a master block.
    I haven't done that my whole time. Maybe you need something different.
    The problem is, that your child-data references to the master-pk, so there is the point you have to go deep into the codings. But better don't do it. Tell us first why. I think there are other solutions for that.
    try it

  • Mapping problem with compressed key update record

    Hi, could you please advise?
    I'm getting the following problem:
    About a week ago replicat abened with "Error in mapping" error. I found in discard file some record looking like:
    filed1 = NULL
    field2 =
    field3 =
    field4 =
    field5 =
    datefield = -04-09 00:00:00
    field6 =
    field8 =
    field9 = NULL
    field10 =
    Where filed9 = @GETENV("GGHEADER", "COMMITTIMESTAM"), field10 = = @GETENV("GGHEADER", "COMMITTIMESTAM"), others are table fields mapped by USEDEFAULTS
    So I got Mapping problem with compressed key update record at 2012-06-01 15:44
    I guess I need to mention that extract failed in 5 minuts before it with: VAM function VAMRead returned unexpected result: error 600 - VAM Client Report <[CFileInfo::Read] Timeout expired after 10 retries with 1000 ms delay, waiting to read transaction log or backup files. To increase the number of retries, use SETENV (GGS_CacheRetryCount = n) in Extract parameter file. To control retry delay time, use SETENV (GGS_CacheRetryDelay = n). handle: 0000000000000398 ReadFile GetLastError:997 Wait GetLastError:997>.
    I don't know if it has ther same source as data corruption, could you tell me if it is?
    Well, I created new extract, starting 2012-06-01 15:30 to check if there was something with extract at the time, but got the same error.
    If I run extract beging at 15:52 it starts and works.
    But well, I got another one today. Data didn't look that bad, but yet one column came with null value:( And I'm using it as a key column, so I got Mapping problem with compressed key update record again:(
    I'm replicating from SQL Server 2008 to Oracle 11g.
    I'm actually using NOCOMPRESSUPDATES in Extract.
    CDC is enabled for all tables replicated. The only thing is that it is enabled not by ADD TRANDATA command, but by SQL Server sys.sp_cdc_enable_table, does it matter?
    Could you please advise why does it happen?

    Well, the problem begins somewhere in extract or before extract, may be in transaction log, I don't know:(
    Here are extract parameters:
    exttrail ./dirdat/ec
    TABLE tst.table1, COLS (field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8 );
    TABLE tst.table2, COLS (field1, field2, field3, field4 );
    Data pump:
    RMTHOST ***, MGRPORT 7809
    RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/dc
    TABLE tst.table1;
    TABLE tst.table2;
    REPLICAT rtcheck
    USERID tst, PASSWORD ***
    DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/rtcheck.txt, PURGE
    SOURCEDEFS ./dirdef/sourcei.def
    Rpt file for replicat:
    Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle
    Version OGGCORE_11.1.1_PLATFORMS_110421.2040
    Windows x64 (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 22 2011 00:34:07
    Copyright (C) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Starting at 2012-06-05 12:49:38
    Operating System Version:
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 , on x64
    Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
    Process id: 2264
    ** Running with the following parameters **
    REPLICAT rtcheck
    USERID tst, PASSWORD ***
    DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/rtcheck.txt, PURGE
    SOURCEDEFS ./dirdef/sourcei.def
    CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
    CACHEBUFFERSIZE (soft max): 4M
    CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk): 881M
    Database Version:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Database Language and Character Set:
    For further information on character set settings, please refer to user manual.
    ** Run Time Messages **
    Opened trail file ./dirdat/dc000000 at 2012-06-05 12:49:39
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 INFO OGG-01020 Processed extract process RESTART_ABEND record at seq 0, rba 925 (aborted 0 records).
    MAP resolved (entry tst.table1):
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table table1. All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.
    Using the following default columns with matching names:
    field1=field1, field2=field2, field3=field3, field4=field4, field5=field5, field6=field6, field7=field7, field8=field8
    Using the following key columns for target table R_019_000001.TCALCULATE: field3.
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 WARNING OGG-01431 Aborted grouped transaction on 'tst.table1', Mapping error.
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 987 in seqno 0.
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 WARNING OGG-01151 Error mapping from tst.table1 to tst.table1.
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 987 in seqno 0.
    Source Context :
    SourceModule : [er.main]
    SourceID : [er/rep.c]
    SourceFunction : [take_rep_err_action]
    SourceLine : [16064]
    ThreadBacktrace : [8] elements
    : [C:\App\OGG\replicat.exe(ERCALLBACK+0x143034) [0x00000001402192B4]]
    : [C:\App\OGG\replicat.exe(ERCALLBACK+0x11dd44) [0x00000001401F3FC4]]
    : [C:\App\OGG\replicat.exe(<RCALLBACK+0x11dd44) [0x000000014009F102]]
    : [C:\App\OGG\replicat.exe(<RCALLBACK+0x11dd44) [0x00000001400B29CC]]
    : [C:\App\OGG\replicat.exe(<RCALLBACK+0x11dd44) [0x00000001400B8887]]
    : [C:\App\OGG\replicat.exe(releaseCProcessManagerInstance+0x25250) [0x000000014028F200]]
    : [C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll(BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd) [0x000000007720652D]]
    : [C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(RtlUserThreadStart+0x21) [0x000000007733C521]]
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from tst.table1 to tst.table1.
    * ** Run Time Statistics ** *
    Last record for the last committed transaction is the following:
    Trail name : ./dirdat/dc000000
    Hdr-Ind : E (x45) Partition : . (x04)
    UndoFlag : . (x00) BeforeAfter: A (x41)
    RecLength : 249 (x00f9) IO Time : 2012-06-01 15:48:56.285333
    IOType : 115 (x73) OrigNode : 255 (xff)
    TransInd : . (x03) FormatType : R (x52)
    SyskeyLen : 0 (x00) Incomplete : . (x00)
    AuditRBA : 44 AuditPos : 71176199289771
    Continued : N (x00) RecCount : 1 (x01)
    2012-06-01 15:48:56.285333 GGSKeyFieldComp Len 249 RBA 987
    Reading ./dirdat/dc000000, current RBA 987, 0 records
    Report at 2012-06-05 12:58:14 (activity since 2012-06-05 12:58:14)
    From Table tst.table1 to tst.table1:
    # inserts: 0
    # updates: 0
    # deletes: 0
    # discards: 1
    Last log location read:
    FILE: ./dirdat/dc000000
    SEQNO: 0
    RBA: 987
    TIMESTAMP: 2012-06-01 15:48:56.285333
    EOF: NO
    READERR: 0
    2012-06-05 12:58:14 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING.
    Discard file:
    Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group RTCHECK discard file opened: 2012-06-05 12:49:39
    Key column filed3 (0) is missing from update on table tst.table1
    Missing 1 key columns in update for table tst.table1.
    Current time: 2012-06-05 12:58:14
    Discarded record from action ABEND on error 0
    Aborting transaction on ./dirdat/dc beginning at seqno 0 rba 987
    error at seqno 0 rba 987
    Problem replicating tst.table1 to tst.table1
    Mapping problem with compressed key update record (target format)...
    filed1 = NULL
    field2 =
    field3 =
    field4 =
    field5 =
    datefield = -04-09 00:00:00
    field6 =
    field8 =
    field9 = NULL
    field10 =
    Process Abending : 2012-06-05 12:58:14

  • Mapping problem with compressed key update record (target format)...

    Hi Guys,
    Getting below error while replication from Source to target. Source table is having NOT NULL Column, but on target replicat process giving error about some NULL value ??
    How to overcome this issue, any idea...
    2011-08-04 10:35:04 INFO OGG-00995 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: REPLICAT RMASTRK starting.
    2011-08-04 10:35:05 INFO OGG-00996 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: REPLICAT RMASTRK started.
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 WARNING OGG-00869 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: OCI Error ORA-01407: cannot update ("INFRA"."CUST"."CODE") to NULL (status = 1407), SQL <UPDATE "INFRA"."CUST" SET "ORD_ID" = :a2,"DP_ID" = :a3,"EXCHNG_CODE" = :a4,"ORD_QTY" = :a5,"ORD_PRICE" = :a6,"CODE" = :a7,"MKRT_CODE" = :a8,"CHANN>.
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 WARNING OGG-01004 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: Aborted grouped transaction on 'INFRA.CUST', Database error 1407 (ORA-01407: cannot update ("INFRA"."CUST"."SCRP_CODE") to NULL).
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 WARNING OGG-01003 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: Repositioning to rba 44132192 in seqno 68708.
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 *WARNING OGG-01154 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: SQL error 1407 mapping INFRA.CUST to INFRA.CUST OCI Error ORA-01407:* *cannot update ("INFRA"."CUST"."SCRP_CODE") to NULL (status = 1407), SQL <UPDATE "INFRA"."CUST" SET "ORD_ID" = :a2,"DP_ID" = :a3,"EXCHNG_CODE"=:a4,"ORD_QTY"*
    *= :a5,"ORD_PRICE" = :a6,"SCRP_CODE" = :a7,"MKRT_CODE" = :a8,"CHANN>.*
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 WARNING OGG-01003 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: Repositioning to rba 44132192 in seqno 68708.
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 ERROR OGG-01296 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: Error mapping from INFRA.CUST to INFRA.CUST.
    2011-08-04 10:35:06 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rmastrk.prm: PROCESS ABENDING.
    Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group RMASTRK discard file opened: 2011-08-04 10:35:05
    Current time: 2011-08-04 10:35:06
    Discarded record from action ABEND on error 1407
    OCI Error ORA-01407: cannot update ("INFRA"."CUST"."SCRP_CODE") to NULL
    (status = 1407), SQL <UPDATE "INFRA"."CUST" SET "ORD_ID" = :a2,"MKRT_CODE" = :a8,"CHANN>
    Aborting transaction on ./dirdat/pm beginning at seqno 68708 rba 44132192
    error at seqno 68708 rba 44132192
    Problem replicating INFRA.CUST to INFRA.CUST
    *Mapping problem with compressed key update record (target format)...*
    ORD_QTY = 500
    ORD_PRICE = 37430
    Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group RMASTRK discard file opened: 2011-08-
    04 10:35:05
    Current time: 2011-08-04 10:35:06
    Discarded record from action ABEND on error 1407
    OCI Error ORA-01407: cannot update ("INFRA"."CUST"."SCRP_CODE") to NULL
    (status = 1407), SQL <UPDATE "INFRA"."CUST" SET "ORD_ID" = :a2,"MKRT_CODE" = :a8,"CHANN>
    Aborting transaction on ./dirdat/pm beginning at seqno 68708 rba 44132192
    error at seqno 68708 rba 44132192
    Problem replicating INFRA.CUST to INFRA.CUST
    Mapping problem with compressed key update record (target format)...
    ORD_QTY = 500
    ORD_PRICE = 37430
    Any inputs / help would be appreciated.

    The SCRP_CODE column has a NOT NULL constraint. The ORA-01407 error is telling you that you cannot update or set a value for this column to null because of the constraint. This has absolutely nothing to do with an index. You can use a marker/sentinel value in lieu of using NULL. For a numeric field, where everything is positive, a negative value (-1) can be decoded as meaning null. For a character field, a code such as NA can represent NULL.
    This also has nothing to do (directly) with GoldenGate failing because of this error. The underlying SQL statement will fail everywhere, regardless of the tool or application. It is not a case of failing only in GoldenGate.

  • Master data records with one key

    Hello All,
    I have scenario that I need to load the master data records with one key.
    For ex--
    Cluster            Dcode               version
    5000                 DC1                  2008
    5000                 DC1                  2008
    5001                  DC1                  2009
    Could you please let me know possible ways.

    In your case if Cluster is the key then the underlying attributes data will be overwritten when the same cluster key comes.
    as per you example data finally it loads only two records in to the target, since first two records key is same.
    Hope this helps.

  • IDOC:Master Data Records are not going to be updated after posting the IDOC

    I need to create employee Master data records in R/3 .I am using the IDOC HRMD_A07, though the IDOC posting is successful no tables, corresponding to employee master Data are getting  updated,
    Can anybody plz Let me know the possible reasons and solutions for this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    hi i hecked the job log entries in SM37 in source system, the idocs were returned with '0' records. i took the Idoc number and checked in BD87 it displays some logs in that one node shows the red status with the detail as follow  IDoc entries in tRFC queue      3383
    the next one is green                Data passed to port OK                    1
    i selected the red staus node and clicked 'process'  button but it displays as
    The operation cannot be carried out with this node type
    wht should i do now, wht may be the reason for the datasource not pulling the data from R/3 to BI?

  • Foreign key validation while creating master/detail record in document mode

    I am creating master/detail records in the document mode. And I am generating the master primary key in the create() method of the master Entity Object. Now I valdate the foreign key in the detail Entity Object's validateEntity() method by doing a query to the master table through some View Object.
    But since the master record has not yet been posted (since it hasn't been committed) to the database, this query does not return any record and the validation fails in detail object.
    And thus the create fails.
    Please let me know if this is the right approach for doing this. If so where I am going wrong? Else please let me know if there are any better approach to do this.

    Use a code snippet like the following:
    --- Assuming you're in the detail EO's create method ---
    oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl eDef = oracle.jbo.server.EntityDefImpl.findDefObject(<package-qualified-name-of-the-master-Entity-Object>);
    oracle.jbo.Row masterRow = eDef.findByPrimaryKey(this.getDBTransaction(), <foreign-key>);
    If the row does not exist, masterRow will be null.
    findByPrimaryKey first checks the entity cache (which will include your new master row(s)) and then go out to database (if it's not in cache).

  • Update primary key/delete and reinsert records

    Hi, I have been told to update some fields. The database is new to me, and now I see the field is the primary key (and it has child tables with that as foreign key). The person who told me isn't reachable until next week...
    ...wasn't a bad idea to update pk's? I see it's possible, deferring constraints...
    update primary key
    Re: Update Primary Key
    ...but it's better/safer the script deletes and later re-insert the records, right?

    Always is better be able to undo any change .
    But ¡, why would you update pk's? it's possible but you colud find few problems like:
    - many levels of foreign keys exists.
    - not validate pk
    Look at:
    Re: Novalidate primary key

  • Update Record Wizard, tng_Recordset and Primary Key

    Hi - trying to make an image gallery that allows the user to add captions to each image displayed in a loop without having to send the user to a different form/detail page.
    My question is - can the tng_recordset generated by the Update Record Wizard be modified to use a field of another recordset on the same page as it's primary key?
    I.e. (on the Update Record behaviour) - Primary Key = Entered Value = {imagegalleries.galleryimages}
    this doesn't work, but it's where I'd like to be...
    The recordset 'imagegalleries' has been filtered using a URL variable that was defined as the gallery being edited.
    Hope this makes sense - have been trying for days on this.

    I just get a blank page
    this means you´re having a PHP syntax error somewhere, and I´d recommend to always activate PHP error reporting at least on your local development server to have PHP indicate the reason why things aren´t working.
    However, when using such native PHP syntax within this context, you´ll usually need to add some more stuff around the variable -- means:
    $upd_boomcms_galleries_files->setPrimaryKey("bcms_galleryimage_id", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "VALUE", "".$row_galleryimagelist['bcms_galleryimage_id']."");
    works better now ?
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • Record key and Line number

    - What are the uses of 'record key' and 'line number' in the DTW template?

    So It is like indexing the records? okie..
    Let me tell you a scenario. Please tell me what would be the result.
    scenario 1:
    Items to be uploaded: 200
    number of templates: 2 ( 100 items per template)
    I define the record key 1- 100 for the 100 items in the first template
    I  also define the record key 1-100 (not 101 -200) in the second template
    In this attempt, what will be the result? will the second template items update the first template items?

  • DTW AR Invoice Update

    Is is possible to UPDATE already posted AR invoices with DTW? Of course I do not want to change fields like Doc total, customer, or anything in the rows. I would like to update the Sales Employee code and a title user-defined field (which can be done manually per invoice in B1).
    When I try to upload the DTW template with Record Key, DocNum, SalesPersonCode, and the UDF, I get an error saying 'Cannot find this object in B1Application-defined or object-defined err65171'. Is this update possible and what are the mandatory fields for this template? Thanks.

    Dear Allen,
    Yes, it is possible to update an alreday posted A/R invoice.
    The only mandatory field is DocNum.
    Please do remember that the DocNum is actually refers to the DocEntry in B1.
    You can find the correct DocEntry from the B1 by using the query generator etc.
    There are some templates also provided with the installation of the DTW, generally found in the following location :
    C:\Program Files\SAP\Data Transfer Workbench\Templates\Data preparation examples\20. TestCase2_Test Data for Update function
    Let me know if you still face the same issue.

  • How do I install Lion on an MBP with Snow Leopard 10.6.8, Boot Camp'd XP and a Master Boot Record?

    I think this is called "a pickle."
    The machine is a 13" MacBook Pro, 2.66 GHz Core 2 Duo w/ 4 GB RAM and a 500 GB HDD.
    The HDD has a Snow Leopard 10.6.8 partition, and a Windows XP partition, via Boot Camp.  Its Partition Map Scheme, sadly, is a Master Boot Record. I need to reformat it to a GUID Partition Table scheme to install Lion, but when I attempt to boot it from the Snow Leopard 10.6.0 DVD to wipe the drive, it grey-screens.  Dead end.
    From what I can gather on the forums, I can't boot a 10.6.8 machine using a Snow Leopard 10.6.0 DVD.  I can't find my grey DVDs for this machine – still looking for those – but I expect those won't work either, being Leopard-generation?
    The machine works fine, for the most part, including the optical drive.  Has occassional display and wake glitches.  Its HDD is backed up on a Drobo via Time Machine.  I also have a 15" MBP Core i7 (with the exact same problem: 10.6.8, XP, MBR) which I can use for Target Disk Mode via FireWire.  If I try to wipe the HDD on the 13", using Disk Utility on the 15" via Target Disk Mode, will the 13" then boot successfully from the Snow Leopard 10.6.0 DVD?
    I just want to wipe the 13" machine, reinstall a fresh copy of Snow Leopard, then update it to Lion and restore from Time Machine, and never touch anything Windows-related ever again. (And then do the same for my 15", for which I've found my 10.6.3 grey disc. Not sure if that's any more promising.)
    Any help appreciated!

    Sounds like something is wrong with your disk. Have you tried cleaning it?
    The Snow Leopard 10.6.0 DVD is fine – it mounts on both my 13" and 15", and I successfully created an image of it on my 15".  I also tried my wife's Snow Leopard 10.6.0 DVD, also clean, which produced the same grey screen result.
    Have you tried to use boot camp to erase the Windows partition?
    Yep, this is supposed to be the proper way to remove a Windows XP partition from Boot Camp, so this was the first thing I tried.  I get the same error as everyone with a Master Boot Record scheme appears to get:
    The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partition.
    Back up the disk and use Disk Utility to format it as a single Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) volume.  Restore your information to the disk and try using Boot Camp Assistant again.
    So, if I can't launch the Disk Utility from the Snow Leopard DVD, my next best guess is wiping it from my 15" over Target Disk Mode.  However, if I try that, and still can't get it to boot from the Snow Leopard 10.6.0 DVD, then I'm stuck with an MBP without an OS.
    My conclusion – that 10.6.0 DVDs can't boot to 10.6.8 machines – was based on forum posts about downgrading from Lion.  I was wondering if there's a way to create a "10.6.8 restore DVD," and try booting from that.  Shot in the dark perhaps.

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