Dual booting on Satellite X200

Hi guys; anyone have an idea on how I could dual boot my x200 with Vista & XP?

Yepp, I have an idea -> http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_vista_and_xp_with_vista_installed _first__the_stepbystep_guide.htm
this wonderful tutorial describes how to install Windows Vista and Windows XP together on a single harddisk.
Hope it helps you :)

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    I presume you must load SATA driver before WXP installation starts. Without SATA driver the HDD will not be visible for WXP.
    According the notebook specification your notebook has Intel GM965 + Intel ICH8M chipset.
    You can try to download this storage manager from http://support1.toshiba-tro.de/tedd-files2/0/stormng-20070827133046.zip
    Files from F6flpy > Ich8M_32-bit folder extract to FLOPPY Disc.
    When WXP setup starts press F6 and follow the menu on the screen. When necessary load the files using S button.
    I hope this will work.
    If you don't have floppy disc to load it you can try to create own WXP installations disc using nLite software.
    I hope THIS guideline can help you to do this.
    I really hope you will have success with dual boot installation.
    At the end I must confirm what Jeka wrote. If possible install WXP at first. When you install it as second OS you will not be able to choose between both installed operating systems. Only using BOOT manager you will be able to choose which OS should start. when you install newer OS as second one you will have small menu shown at start-up where you can choose which OS should be loaded.

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    There are different reasons why you cannot install the Win XO on the U300.
    First of all do you use the right Intel Matrix Storage manager?
    You notebook seems to support the Intel GM965 + Intel ICH8M chipset!!!
    Please check this thread!
    User Markus77 has listed the details!
    Furthermore please dont format the HDD or create any partitions AFTER installation of the Intel Matrix Storage manager. This would delete the already installed driver.

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    >. I tired clean install - doesn't work
    To install Windows 7 on the Win8 notebook you need to change some settings in BIOS.
    Firstly you have to disable the secure boot in BIOS.
    Secondly switch from UEFI BIOS to CSM and save the changes.
    Now you should be able to install Win 7
    But before doing this I recommend creating the Toshiba recovery medium (flash USB memory or recovery disk

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    Satellite S55t-B5233
    I don't recommend you attempt multiple-booting in this new UEFI/GPT world, Gari. Things are more difficult now than they were in the BIOS/MBR world. Best to set up virtual machines using Hyper-V or another free VM to run other OSes.
    In answer to your questions,..
    a. Toshiba doesn't care what you do with the software. They won't even look at the computer until the drive has been restored to its original out-of-the-box contents.
    b. After you mess around with the partition locations, I doubt the recovery partition would be accessible in the normal fashion if at all. Many create a recovery drive and delete the recovery partition first thing.

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    I'm quite new on this forum and I have a brand new Toshiba Satellite U940-10N? Using Linux for 2 years, I'd like to install a debian wheezy distribution on it.
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    Thank you for your help.

    Hi there
    First let's look at your situation - the U940-10N will most likely be a Win8 unit, right?
    If YES - then the BIOS has to be set up to boot UEFI.
    Secure Boot can be disabled.
    It seems Debian is not so far in supporting UEFI / EFI boot modes.
    Look at this announcement from back in October:
    So, you will need to make sure your debian flavor can boot in UEFI boot mode.
    If not, You will have issues getting both OS'es (Debian and Win8) to live side by side and boot without issues.
    Next, You'll need to make sure Debian is able to install a boot loader that takes Windows 8 into account and is able to start that OS.
    Looking at storage, I tried to install Fedora on a dual-storage system (SSD + HDD).
    I installed the OS on the SSD and my Home structure was placed on the HDD.
    This worked very very well.
    I think this also provides the best performance, however I have no real statistics to back it up.
    Ext4 is not supported by Windows out of the box, but there is a driver existing which implements ext2,3,4 support for Windows: http://www.ext2fsd.com/
    If You ask me, I would rather have Linux accessing an NTFS partition than have Windows trying to write to an Ext2/3/4 partition. I am fully confident in the NTFS support from Linux but not the other way around.
    If the Fat and NTFS partitions are not recognised by Windows, please check that the partitions are Fat32 or NTFS.
    It may be that the file systems are NTFS / Fat but the partitions have Linux signatures.
    Hope this helps
    BR Tom

  • Dual boot vista and xp on a Satellite A200

    i tried to make my system a dual boot one but it seem i am having some difficulty on doing that because when i boot the cd (winXP) the system always says that it wont detect my hard drive?
    How can i control the hard drive that i have..
    i own an toshiba satellite a200

    when installing XP you have at the beginning of the installation the option to press F6 to install RAID/SCSI drivers. At this point you must have a USB-Floppy disk drive with a disc which must contain a HDD Controller driver (mostly ICH7M/ICH8M). This HDD controller (or SATA driver) must be downloaded from the toshiba driver site.
    That means for you:
    Go to the Toshiba driver [download site|http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com/cgi-bin/ToshibaCSG/download_drivers_bios.jsp?service=EU], download the storage manager, copy the ICH8M drivers to a 3.5" disk on a usb floppy drive, start your XP installation and press F6 when asked.
    Then choose the driver and your HDD will be recognized. Dont forget to install the whole storage manager after completed installation. And the other drivers too. :)

  • Satellite Pro A200: How to create Dual boot; Vista & XP using Recovery CD

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    The Vista licence specifically also licences XP.
    Can I set up a dual boot so that I can boot to either Vista or XP ? If so, how?
    I would also like, as a third boot, Red Hat Linux 9.
    Any comments ?

    Hmmm. Usually its possible to use two or more operating systems on the computer but as far as I know the Toshiba Vista Recovery CD formats the whole HDD during the Vista installation and this will lead to losing of the installed OS's.
    Im not 100% sure about the XP Recovery CD The newest CD called RECO doesnt include expert mode which allows choosing between different partitions.
    So I presume every usage of the Recovery CD will format the HDD and will erase the installed data. But of course you could try to install both OS and to check if the XP recovery CD allows choosing second portion for the OS installation.
    If it will not function it seems that you will need either an original Microsoft XP CD or the original Vista CD to use both OS.
    Best regards

  • Satellite x200 - Boot option not wanted

    Hello guys,
    each time I reboot my laptop I get the annoying menu plus sound to ask ne to select my boot device
    I dont recall having set that in the BIOS but I couldnt t even find it in there after I checked:
    I got 2 hard drives in my Satellite x200
    If any of you got the solution you will be my savior.

    Unfortunately this notebook model is not known to me but try to set BIOS to default settings.
    Maybe this will help.
    Please post the result.

  • Dual boot up on Satellite L300-144 series

    Got a new Satellite L300 144 series laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium.
    Is it possible to install Windows XP and have dual boot up options?
    Are there any hardware constrains?
    What additional drivers would be required during setup of WXP?
    What would be the steps involved or if there is already a solution posted can you point it out for me. Thanks.

    At first it is important to say that WXp is supported for this notebook model and on Toshiba support page http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com > Support & Downloads you can find WXP drivers.
    It is also important to say that recovery image (DVD version) can not be installed on second partition and at first you should install original Toshiba Vista OS. Use option to create separate partition for Vista installation. At the beginning of recovery procedure enter SETUP option and choose how big the first partition should be. If I am remembering well it is in percent.
    After Vista installation you must install WXP. Of course on second partition. For WXP installation please use WXP with integrated SP2. When installation starts the HDD will not be recognized properly. For this you need Intel Storage manager. You can find it on Toshiba download page.
    When WXP installation starts press F6 to load this. For doing this you need USB FDD.
    At the end there is one small problem. after WXP installation you will not be able to start Vista because WXP does not recognized Vista and does not offer boot manager. You must install boot manager that offer you selection between both preinstalled operating systems.
    If you install Vista as second OS you will not have this problem because Vista recognize Xp and at start up offer selection between older Microsoft operating system and Vista.
    So if you have more questions please write again.
    Bye and good luck!

  • Dual boot issue on Satellite A200 - xp keeps freezing or crashing

    Well being trying to install xp along side my Win7 installation (dual boot), but xp keeps freezing or crashing.
    Ive made a few slipstream xp discs with sata drivers.
    Still wont install proper.
    So i tried install win7 on the second partition and that will install but is very slow and hangs for ages.
    Im sure i got right sata drivers.(intel matrix storage manager from toshiba).
    Can anyone shed some light?
    i have toshiba Satellite a200
    intel duo t5550
    3gb ram

    If you use SATA drivers then the SATA mode option in BIOS should be set to AHCI.
    If you dont use SATA drivers then you have to set to compatible mode.
    Here a nice description how to add SATA drivers
    +How to integrate a SATA AHCI driver in a Windows XP Setup CD+
    Good luck

  • Dual boot on Toshiba Satellite L855-S5372

    Hi, I am trying to dual boot Windows 7 on my Toshiba. When I put the CD in with Windows 7, it won't install even though I went into the BIOS and set the boot option to boot from DVD first.
    What are the steps for me to dual boot Windows 7 with Windows 8? I have already assigned a drive and some space to install Windows 7 on?
    It doesn't function like my previous laptop.
    I would appreciate the steps.

    What are the steps for me to dual boot Windows 7 with Windows 8? I have already assigned a drive and some space to install Windows 7 on?
    Jeremy, Microsoft's dual boot is not automatically set up when you install an earlier version of Windows.
    Not only that, but the partitioning of machines with Windows 8 preinstalled is not compatible with the Windows 7 installation package.
    I recommend you don't go this way.

  • Satellite L500/013 - How to make dual boot of Windows 7 and XP?

    I just bougth my first Toshiba laptop, it comes with Windows 7 Professional pre-installed. Before I start spending hours on this, I am just wondering if this can be done:
    1) I would like to use the Windows 7 Professional in 64 bit mode and then
    2) Create second partition on HD to install Windows XP 32 bit on it.
    Just wondering about if this is possible and what is the recommended sequence for the install is. First thing I need to do is to create recovery disk for Windows 7, so I assume I need to configure Windows 7 first?
    Thanks for any help

    > First thing I need to do is to create recovery disk for Windows 7, so I assume I need to configure Windows 7 first?
    Well, this is strongly recommended!!! Before you would do anything with your HDD you should create the recovery disk!!!
    Im not quite sure how you could set up an dual boot using Win 7 because I didnt try this but I did it using Vista.
    First of all you have to create an second partition in Vista. This could be done in Disk Management.
    Then I installed Win XP on the second partition. But after the XP installation I could not start Vista because Vista boot manager was damage by Win XP.
    To fix this I have used a original Vista disk (not recovery disk). I booted the Vista DVD and this has repaired the Vista boot manager. In Vista I have installed EasyBCD.
    EsayBCD is a small tool which helped to add the Win XP to the Vistas boot manager.
    After new reboot Vista and Win XP appeared in the boot manager and I could choose between both OS.
    I think you will need the same procedure using Win 7

  • Ubuntu in X200 series with Vista - dual boot

    Is it possible? I have installed ubuntu in my xp desktop without any problem, but there the default os now is ubuntu which I don't like.
    I want to know if it is possible to install the ubuntu where Vista is already installed, in my lappy not in desktop, will then afterwards ubuntu be default os? If yes then how can I set vista as default os?

    Hi Suraj,
    It is possible! :)
    I am sure you will find more info on this by searching "Ubuntu Dual Boot" at the following forum of VistaBootPro: http://www.pronetworks.org/search.php
    Good luck,

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