Dual-routing messages in gateway/ext-domain

Here's another question related to our impending rollout of Groupwise to
our stores...
Currently, our stores' POS systems receive text messages via the
mainframe. To allow corporate users with Groupwise to send mail to the
stores, we set up many years ago an external domain and set up each
store as an external user in this external domain. Then, using the 4.2
API gateway, all mail sent to any of these external users is dumped in
the ATT_OUT and API_OUT folders which is then picked up on a timed
basis by the mainframe and delivered to the store's POS system.
Now, using SLES10 and a Linux portal, we are going to give each of the
stores a REAL groupwise address with a REAL mailbox.
What I'd like to know is... is it possible to route messages sent to
the external user back to the new real mailbox while the conversion
process is taking place. In other words, we've got to convert 1300
stores and this process will take several months. Thus, we won't be
able to turn off the api gateway all at once and it will take some time
for systems and users to start using the new mailboxes.
So... if an internal groupwise person sent a groupwise message to
external user 10337.POS (where 10337 is the external user and POS is
the external domain), could the message still be placed in the
API_OUT/ATT_OUT folder of the gateway so the mainframe could pick it up
while simultaneously the message is routed to store10337.PRI_DOMAIN or
[email protected]?

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    Hello everyone,
    i've installed Arch on my PC a few days ago and it works perfectly, the PC is a gaming PC (Asus P8P67 Deluxe, Intel Core i3 2100, 14 GB RAM, 2x Nvidia GTX580) however for specific reasons (i don't have anything else besides IBM PCs with 600Mhz CPUs) i need to use it as a server and a router/gateway for my network (an Archlinux laptop and some Apple products), here's my current network setup :
    PPPoE modem is connected to lan0 (ethernet interface) which is configured as, gateway (it's the modem's address).
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    ppp0: flags=4305<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST> mtu 1452
    inet netmask destination
    inet6 2001:41d0:70:1301:1c1e:882b:1e8b:efd7 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x0<global>
    inet6 fe80::1c1e:882b:1e8b:efd7 prefixlen 10 scopeid 0x20<link>
    ppp txqueuelen 3 (Point-to-Point Protocol)
    RX packets 6080 bytes 3571799 (3.4 MiB)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 4173 bytes 870323 (849.9 KiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
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    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
    default * U 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 lan1
    rbx-1-rdb.fr.eu * UH 0 0 0 ppp0 * U 0 0 0 lan0
    lan1 is my local wired interface which connects to a 1000Mb/s switch, on it there is a Debian machine (the 600Mhz one) which acts as an access point (on it the wired interface is bridged with the wireless one, but all the DHCP/DNS stuff is done on my main computer and i don't think there's anything to do on the access point machine) and my other Archlinux laptop. Forwarding is enabled on both IPv4 and v6 in /etc/sysctl.conf and iptables (not ip6tables) is configured correctly, all works as would like on the IPv4 side (DHCP/DNS/internet access works for all computers on the network) here's my ifconfig lan1 :
    lan1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 9152
    inet netmask broadcast
    inet6 fe80::f66d:4ff:fee3:2c96 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
    ether f4:6d:04:e3:2c:96 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
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    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 10181 bytes 7102665 (6.7 MiB)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    device interrupt 20 memory 0xf5100000-f5120000
    Here's my IPv6 routing table (i have experience with computers and networks in general but this is a total non-sense to me) :
    Kernel IPv6 routing table
    Destination Next Hop Flag Met Ref Use If
    ::1/128 :: U 256 0 0 lo
    2001:41d0:70:1301::/64 :: UA 256 0 0 ppp0
    fe80::/64 :: !n 256 0 0 lo
    fe80::/64 :: U 256 0 0 lan0
    fe80::/64 :: U 256 0 0 lan1
    fe80::/64 :: U 256 0 0 ppp0
    fe80::/10 :: U 1 0 0 ppp0
    fe80::/10 :: U 256 0 0 ppp0
    ::/0 fe80::230:88ff:fe04:63d4 UGDAe 1024 1 0 ppp0
    ::/0 :: !n -1 1 312 lo
    ::1/128 :: Un 0 1 2 lo
    2001:41d0:70:1301::/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    2001:41d0:70:1301:1c1e:882b:1e8b:efd7/128 :: Un 0 2 102 lo
    fe80::/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    fe80::/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    fe80::/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    fe80::1c1e:882b:1e8b:efd7/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    fe80::f66d:4ff:fee3:2010/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    fe80::f66d:4ff:fee3:2c96/128 :: Un 0 1 0 lo
    ff00::/8 :: U 256 0 0 lan0
    ff00::/8 :: U 256 0 0 lan1
    ff00::/8 :: U 256 0 0 ppp0
    ::/0 :: !n -1 1 312 lo
    now with that configuration i can ping6 ipv6.google.com and get a reply :
    PING ipv6.google.com(wb-in-x69.1e100.net) 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from wb-in-x69.1e100.net: icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=49.1 ms
    64 bytes from wb-in-x69.1e100.net: icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=48.5 ms
    64 bytes from wb-in-x69.1e100.net: icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=48.3 ms
    64 bytes from wb-in-x69.1e100.net: icmp_seq=4 ttl=56 time=50.3 ms
    --- ipv6.google.com ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3003ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 48.399/49.116/50.393/0.834 ms
    but what next ? I need to redistribute that IPv6 to all my network, currently i have isc-dhcp-server (dhcpd) that gives IPv4 addresses on lan1, i also have bind which acts like a DNS resolver/cacher for my local network. I've heard about radvd which is like a dhcpd but for IPv6, however i think there's other stuff to do on the IPv6 routing table (which i don't understand) before hosts on the network can access Internet through IPv6... so here's a summary : ppp0 gets an IPv6 address, i can ping6 from this computer, and that's it...
    Sorry for the long post but we're not on IRC so i don't think the usage of Pastebin is required, thanks for reading and have a nice day.

    Awe, way cool radvd "router advertisement daemon"
    Ya, that is what you needed for IPv6 to work Ya, see the IPv6 protocol takes care of addressing for you. No need for DHCP nor NAT/PAT becuase your ISP gives you more IP's then you could ever need. In fact, you can fit every IPv4 address posible into the range of addresses your ISP gives you!
    One other VARY cool thing with IPv6 is "Anycast, One-to-nearest". Really just endless super cool stuff with IPv6.
    If I remember correctly like all OS's prefer to use IPv6 if avalable.
    Okay, so for DNS, well I think you do need DHCP to hand that out... (I'm probaly wrong about that), anyway, I'd simply configure you DNS host by host... but I have a faint memory of some cool way that can work itself out too... in anycase:
    Google DNS
    nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888
    nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844
    You know though. For security sake, you may want to configure your LAN with a Private IPv6 netwrok and subnet. All you would need to do is give the interfaces on the router an address starting with FD. Then you can use like arno-iptables-firewall to NAT the address range.
    Like this is how IPv6 network and subnet addressing works
    | 8 bits |  40 bits   |  16 bits  |          64 bits           |
    | Prefix | Global ID  | Subnet ID |        Interface ID        |
    That "Interface ID" is created by the Host automaticaly. It simply takes the MAC address of the interface and puts an "FE" in teh middel to make it 64 bits long.
    A Host learns about the network half of the address by picking up the "Router Advertisement messages"
    So if the interface on the LAN side of the router has a Private IP address (it starts with "FD"), that is the network the router will put in the Router Advertisement and the Host's will pick up that Network 64bits and add on it's Interface ID 64bit's. Then bam, you got yourself an IPv6 address in a "Unique Local" IPv6 address range.
    Awe, Okay, I just re-read my CCNA book. Okay so ya, a Host or Router using stateless autoconfiguration can learn both the IPv6 address prefix and it's default router IP address using NDP RS/RA messages. However, you do need at least a stateless DHCPv6 server to hand out DNS server's IP.
    Last edited by hunterthomson (2012-11-06 09:35:54)

  • Unity Interoperability Gateway - Interop Domain FQDN

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    When setting up the Unity Interoperability gateway, what is the Interop Domain FQDN suppose to be?
    What domain name should we give to the Unity Connection 8 server?
    I read in the documentation that they cannot be the same.  I am kinda confused about this part.
    Lets suppose that our AD domain name is mydomain.admin
    and our email domain name is mydomain.com
    Thank you!

    In the documentation it says
    "It should not match any SMTP domain used in the Exchange organization to which Cisco Unity belongs for any purpose other than for routing messages through the Interoperability Gateway for Microsoft Exchange."
    "It must not match the SMTP domain of the Connection site gateway.  (You can check the SMTP domain on the System settings > SMTP Configuration > Server page in Cisco Unity Connection Administration on the Connection gateway.
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  • Routing messages

    I have :
    - a domain A as test1.com
    - a domain B as test2 .com
    - a domain C as test3 .com
    Only the A domain is local, and i must route messages to domain B or C on a relay machine.
    I tried this :
    ! intra
    .test2.com $U%$D@chan_intra-daemon
    .test3.com $U%$D@chan_intra-daemon
    And added the following channel (imta.cnf)
    ! chan_intra-daemon
    chan_intra smtp mx daemon single_sys subdirs 20 dequeue_removeroute maxjobs 7 pool SMTP_POOL maytlsserver allowswitchchannel saslswitchchannel tcp_auth missingrecipientpolicy 4 disablesourcespamfilter
    where is the relay.
    It doesn't work.
    How can i do this so ?
    Thanks a lot.

    Create domain B and C within Messaging Server. Add a "domainsmarthost" for those domains, pointing to your relay box. done.
    Remove what you already did. It's neither needed nor a good idea.

  • Limit message size per recipient domain

    Is there a feature to set maximum message size per recipient domain (incoming emails) in the roadmap maybe?

    While you cannot do it by 'domains' for maximum message size limitations, you can limit the connection mail hosts.
    IE: domain1.com may use the connecting mail host of mail.domain1.com
    domain2.com may use the connection mail host of mx.domain2.com
    Then you can create new sendergroups for the respective domains mail servers to match, and with the sendergroup you will need to create a new mail flow policy with the size limits you would like to impose.
    Once this is done, simply add the mail.domain1.com into the respective sendergroup and it will impose this limitation.
    Key points to note:
    Size limits should account for MIME inflation.
    IE: 10mb limitation you want to implement should be 14MB on the mail flow policy to account for MIME inflation.
    Alternatively, if you would like to do it 'by domain'
    SImply increase your mail flow policy for the sendergroup that these domains normally match (under default it would normally be UNKNOWNLIST) and have it at 14MB (to allow for 10MB emails)
    Then run a message filter (so it gets actioned at the start)
    if (mail-from =="@domain1.com") AND (body-size > 5M)
    Etc. to impose the limits this way.
    Body size refers to the size of the message, including both headers and attachments. The body-size rule selects those messages where the body size compares as directed to a given number.

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    Hi Trym,
    Thanks for your time!
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    call in e.g. a Business Service?*
    Please refer the second part of my previous post for this. I am trying through Server Requests BS and through Workflow Policies.

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    And how in the first instance does B know about A's IP address? All the examples I've seen the IP address is hard coded?
    Thanks in advance!

    I'm not sure what you are really trying to do... Can you explain in more concrete terms? Are you writing a chat client + server or something like that?

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    Check transaction SM50 for Servers & ports..
    P.S. Pls. award points if you find this useful.

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    Log out of iTunes from Settings, power down and restart the iPad, log back into iTunes. Your download should play now.

  • Migrated users not able to send messages to other internal domain

    We are currently going through a domain migration and are having trouble with Lync 2010 and 2013. In particular messages between the Old Domain and New Domain. The appropriate trusts have been established between the two, but when either user (Old domain
    or new) tries to message someone from the other domain the common "We couldn't send this message because we couldn't find USER"  error occurs. The
    users are able to search and find each other (We use GAL for this not Outlook Contacts), but messages don't go through. 

    Can you provide a bit more detail?
    Are the two domains in the same forest or separate forests?  Are you using different sip domains as well?  Are the two lync pools federated via their edge servers?
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
    SWC Unified Communications

  • Keep on getting message "web kit error domain error 204" how to fix this

    the message web kit error domain error 204 comes up what does it mean and how do i fix it?

    Cache-Control max-age=0
    ? If you change that value in a header editor, does the error still occur?
    I think this add on allows you to do this? [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/live-http-headers/?src=search]

  • Routing Email to Un-Accepted Domain Internally

    Hi All,
    This is a bit peculiar. But it’s been bugging me for some time now. Its nothing like I need to implement or need this, but just a concern to understand mail routing.
    I was able to route email to
    [email protected]
    back in Exchange 2003 to a mailbox hosted inside mydomain.com. I didn’t add the email domain to accepted domain as we say now.
    As per the reading and available information from MS for Exchange 2013, it is possible to route emails only if we add the email domain to the accepted domains list.
    Even the email policy will not let you save information if the domain is first not added in accepted domain.
    If you delete an accepted domain that's used in an email address policy, the policy is no longer valid, and recipients with email addresses in that SMTP domain will be unable to send or receive email.
    However adding
    [email protected]
    allowed as an additional SMTP address to MAILBOX ENABLED local user (I’m not talking about external contact or Mail Enabled user here)
    We typing
    [email protected]
    new email GAL resolves it and lets me send email to the local user. (Even if I hide the user I believe it will work)
    I’m trying to understand what is happening here and why it is accepting the email addressed to gmail.com(delivering it to local mailbox) instead of routing it out to internet.
    Any reference to this in MS article.
    Doing this in a accepted domain scenario makes sense, by how it works without the domain in accepted domain list works. How does categorizer works.
    My Findings:
    *The categorizer resolves the message sender by searching for the address in the ‘proxyAddresses’ attribute in Active Directory.
    *The categorizer also resolves the message recipients by searching for the addresses in the ‘proxyAddresses’ attribute in Active Directory.
    *The categorizer also checks to verify that the mail attribute exists in Active Directory, and stamps the mail attribute as the SMTP address.
    *For local delivery, the categorizer marks the recipient as local by setting a per-recipient property on a message indicating the destination server for each recipient.
    Q:If we don’t have domain mentioned in accepted domain, is exchange going to accept email for it at all?
    A: NO (Microsoft says)
    What I think what MS means is Accepted Domain basically refers to emails coming from outside the exchange, which will not be accepted.
    That would refer to the ‘SMTP Receive’ process of submission (
    From SMTP Receive through a Receive connector).  But internal would be process of submission (Through a transport agent and would bypass the Accepted Domain check.)
    Let me know your views and test results if you happen to test it.
    Please“Vote As Helpful”
    if you find my contribution useful or “MarkAs Answer” if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

    Hi Ed,
    Thanks for the clarification.
    This however gives arise to another doubt.
    How is NDR generated for non-existent internal email. Let me know if my understanding is correct.
    [email protected]
    1.Email is searched in AD for matching  EmailAddresses attribute. (Non found)
    2.Next It goes to Accepted Domain list and checks if its authoritative for this domain (Yes, Generates NDR, NO goes next)
    3. Next Its routed to the Send Conenctors for possible match and sent; else If nothing matched it sent via the * Send Connector
    Please “Vote As Helpful”
    if you find my contribution useful or “Mark As Answer” if it does answer your question. That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you.

  • Saving the domain file in iWeb fails. I have tried deleting the cache. I see that the file uploads to iWeb but the message is that the domain.sites2 file can't be saved. I note that duplicating the domain gives me different size files. Ideas?

    I have read other discussions and my problem persists.
    I note that duplicating the domain file user/library/applications support/iweb/domain.sites2 gives me files of varying sizes (I'm at around 200Mb).
    I tried rebuilding the cache ../library/caches/com.apple.iweb - no change
    I found a note to delete also a preference file ../library/prefernces/com.apple.iweb   bt found more than one (.../plist and .../plist.lockfile) so ducked that.
    The website seems to update out of sync - as if I have a domain file elsewhere (in the cloud?) that is saving on my drive later - that doesn't make sense of the comments I have read. My domain.sites2 file is stadily growing - so one interpretation is that files are being saved and the error message is the error.
    This has been a problem for about a year as I have tried many alternative solutions. I;m looking fro somethign substantially different.
    One repeated situation is that I write a new page and upload it. I get the usual error message. I visit the site and there is the new page. My domain (on my machine) shows no new work, so I copy the stuff on the web back to my domain and steadily the file increases in size. Bewildering.
    Everything is as up to date as it can be. I don't reboot very often as my machine is rarley off.
    I'm looking for different ideas and approaches.....

    Although some of the following will be a repeat but try the following:
    delete the iWeb preference files, com.apple.iWeb.plist and com.apple.iWeb.plist.lockfile, that resides in your Home() /Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/com.apple.iWeb folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
    launch iWeb and try again.
    If that doesn't help continue with:
    move the domain file from your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Desktop.
    launch iWeb, create a new test site, save the new domain file and close iWeb.
    go to the your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and delete the new domain file.
    move your original domain file from the Desktop to the iWeb folder.
    launch iWeb and try again.

  • HT5569 cannot connect to wi-fi network with my 2nd gen itouch even after following most troubleshooting solutions; have 3 other devices that connect with no problem (using wndr3700v3 dual router)

    cannot connect to home wi-fi connection with my 2nd gen itouch even after following most troubleshooting solutions. i have 2 5-gen itouch ipods and a kindle fire hd 8.9 that can connecto to my wi-fi network and even download from my e-mail accounts with no problem. it had no problem connecting with my old a/b/g netgear router nor the first time i installed my new netgear wndr3700v3 router. since then, no connection. don't know what happened.

    Does the iOS device connect to other networks?
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    Could it be this:
    iOS: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    One user reported that placing the iPod in the freezer fixed the problem. A trick that works frequently with iPhones:
    Settings > AirPlane Mode ON, Do Not Disturb ON
    Power down and wait 5-10 minutes
    Power up
    Settings > AirPlane Mode OFF, Do Not Disturb OFF
    If not successful, an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is usually in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Display port Dual link DVI to Gateway XHD3000

    The *displayport to dual-link dvi adapter* I bought doesn't seem to work with resolutions > 1920x1200. My Gateway XHD3000 monitor supports upto 2560x1600 but I can't set this resolution in the system preferences. I have set my power setting to "+Better Performance+" hoping the other GPU would be used but still the same lower resolution.
    I'm using the Dual-link cable that came with my monitor.
    I actually have 2 systems exactly the same with this problem.

    Here is what the Gateway Tech support had to say. *Very helpful*....punt!
    ----------------------- clip
    Response (Lonnie S.) - 01/09/2009 12:22 AM
    Dear Emmett Bearden,
    Thank you for contacting Gateway. I apologize for the inconvenience that you have experienced. If you cannot set the monitor resolution greater than 1920 x 1200 or up to 2560 x 1600, this may occur if your MacBook Pro does not support dual-DVI output, does not support this kind of ultra-high resolution, or does not have the latest video driver. I suggest you please first contact Apple's technical support, to inquire if the MacBook Pro supports this resolution, or if they have a workaround for this problem.
    Gateway Online Technical Support
    Customer (Emmett Bearden) - 01/07/2009 12:26 PM
    Using my Apple MacBook Pro I'm unable to display a resolution greater that 1920x1200. I bought this monitor for the 2560x1600 resolution. My connection is a dual dvi using the cable that came with the monitor.
    Question Reference #090107-001019
    Date Created: 01/07/2009 12:26 PM
    Last Updated: 01/09/2009 12:22 AM
    Status: Solved
    Date Purchased: 11/26/2008
    Operating System: Other
    I need: Technical Support
    Serial Number: MWR83B0N00128

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