Dublin Core XMP is not stamped

For some reason Dublin Core XMP is not stamped to this image unless you open this image in Photoshop, re-save it and then it begins to work. Apparently, Photoshop corrects something in this image file but I am not sure what that is at this point.  Any information you can share about possible causes and solutions would be extremely helpful.

For some reason Dublin Core XMP is not stamped to this image unless you open this image in Photoshop, re-save it and then it begins to work. Apparently, Photoshop corrects something in this image file but I am not sure what that is at this point.  Any information you can share about possible causes and solutions would be extremely helpful.

Similar Messages

  • Enter Dublin Core XMP in Bridge metadata window

    Someone in the general discussion area suggested I cross-post this question here:
    I'm trying to find the best way to add some Dublin Core into TIFF files. Basically I'd like to add data to the dc:identifier and dc:relation fields while I'm adding other data in Bridge.  Is there a way to create a tab for Dublin Core in the metadata window?
    Currently we're using Bridge and IPTC core was working okay, but now we need to add some metadata that would fit better in Dublin Core.  I know it has a namespace in XMP, but can't figure out a way to use Bridge or Photoshop to enter it.
    I have tried to adapt a script created by Paul Riggott in this thread, but have been unable to make it work.
    I also tried the "add identifier" script in this thread, but I'm not seeing how it works... probably because it was written for the Mac and I'm working in Windows. Any suggestions?

    Sorry, I should probably include the code as I amended it:
    // Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated
    // All Rights Reserved
    // NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the
    // terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.  If you have received this file from a
    // source other than Adobe, then your use, modification, or distribution of it requires the prior
    // written permission of Adobe.
    @fileoverview Shows how to create a TabbedPalette in Bridge with ScriptUI components.
    @class Shows how to create a TabbedPalette in Bridge with ScriptUI components.
    <li>    Run the snippet in the ExtendScript Toolkit (see Readme.txt), with Bridge CS4 as the target.
    <li>You should find that a tabbed palette has been added to the Bridge browser window.
    <p>Adds a script-defined tabbed palette to the Bridge browser window. 
    <p>The palette is of the "script" type, and contains ScriptUI components,
    text fields and buttons. The buttons have event handlers that
    change the values in the text fields.
    <p>The new palette appears in the default upper-left position in the browser. It can be
      dragged to other positions. <br />
    @see SnpCreateWebTabbedPalette
    @constructor Constructor.
    function SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI()
         The context in which this snippet can run.
         @type String
        this.requiredContext = "\tExecute against Bridge main engine.\nBridge must not be running";
        $.level = 1; // Debugging level
        this.paletteRefs = null;
    Functional part of this snippet. 
    Creates the TabbedPalette object, defining the content with
    ScriptUI components, and adds the palette to all open Bridge browser windows.
        @return True if the snippet ran as expected, false otherwise. 
        @type Boolean
    SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI.prototype.run = function()
        var retval = true;
            retval = false;   
            return retval;
        this.paletteRefs = new Array();
        var wrapper = this;
        // Create and add the TabbedPalette object and its contents.
        function addScriptPalette(doc)
            // Create the TabbedPalette object, of type "script"
            var scriptPalette = new TabbedPalette( doc, "SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI", "SnpSUIPalette", "script" );
            // Create a ScriptUI panel to be displayed as the tab contents.
            var tbPanel = scriptPalette.content.add('panel', [25,15,255,130], 'The Panel');
            // Add the UI components to the ScriptUI panel
            tbPanel.txtFieldLbl = tbPanel.add('statictext', [15,15,105,35], 'Times Clicked:');
            tbPanel.txtField = tbPanel.add('edittext', [115,15,215,35], '0');
            tbPanel.addBtn = tbPanel.add('button', [15,65,105,85], 'Add');
            tbPanel.subBtn = tbPanel.add('button', [120, 65, 210, 85], "Sub");
            // Define event listeners that implement behavior for the UI components
            tbPanel.addBtn.onClick = function()
    // This only works on bridge!!
    // Here put the namepace and the prefix (you can create also your own new namespace and prefix)
    // In this case, it uses the Dublin Core Properties
    var psNamespace = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";
    var psPrefix = "dc:";
    XMPMeta.registerNamespace(psNamespace, psPrefix);
    // Here you have to choose 1, 2, or multiple thumbnails. In this case it chooses all tiff files found on content pane.
    var sels = app.document.visibleThumbnails;
    for (var b in sels) {
        // Here I choose tif files, but you can set (cr2|raw|dng|nef/jpg) for raw and jpg files leave it empty for any file except folders
        if (sels[b].spec instanceof File && sels[b].name.match(/\.(cr2|raw|dng|nef)$/i)) {
            var xmp = new XMPMeta(sels[b].synchronousMetadata.serialize());      
            // I can create new Properties in Dublin Core and add values to them
            xmp.setProperty(psNamespace, "MyProp01", 'some text here');
            xmp.setProperty(psNamespace, "MyProp02", 'false');
            xmp.setProperty(psNamespace, "MyProp03", '32895665');
            xmp.setProperty(psNamespace, "MyProp04", 'label2');
            // Or, you can use the DublinCore native properties.
            // In this case, I want to ADD some text to 'Descrition' existing text ('Description is a 'langAlt' property)
            // First, I read any Descrition value and add it to a var
            var Description =  xmp.getArrayItem(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description",1);
            // Then I add may new tex to that existing value:
            // (I wanted to put the return '\r' (or new line '\n') to add new paragraphs in the middle of text: "\rline2\rline3")
            xmp.setLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description", null, "x-default", Description + "\rlinha2\nlinha3");
            // If you want to delete any existing value and create new value directly use this instead:
            // xmp.setLocalizedText(XMPConst.NS_DC, "description", null, "x-default", "Nota");
            var updatedPacket = xmp.serialize(XMPConst.SERIALIZE_OMIT_PACKET_WRAPPER | XMPConst.SERIALIZE_USE_COMPACT_FORMAT);
            sels[b].metadata = new Metadata(updatedPacket);
    // Functions needed:
    function loadXMPLib() {
        if( xmpLib == undefined ) {
              if( Folder.fs == "Windows" ) {
                  var pathToLib = Folder.startup.fsName + "/AdobeXMPScript.dll";
              } else {
                  var pathToLib = Folder.startup.fsName + "/AdobeXMPScript.framework";
              var libfile = new File( pathToLib );
              var xmpLib = new ExternalObject("lib:" + pathToLib );
    function unloadXMPLib() {
        if ( ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript ) {
            try {
                ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = undefined;
            }catch (e) { }
            tbPanel.subBtn.onClick = function()
                var txt = tbPanel.txtField;
                txt.text = parseInt(txt.text) - 1;
        // Add the palette to all open Bridge browser windows
        for(var i = 0;i < app.documents.length;i++)
        return retval;
      Determines whether snippet can be run given current context.  The snippet
      fails if these preconditions are not met:
      <li> Must be running in Bridge
      @return True is this snippet can run, false otherwise
      @type boolean
    SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI.prototype.canRun = function()
        // Must run in Bridge
        if(BridgeTalk.appName == "bridge")
            return true;       
        // Fail if these preconditions are not met. 
        // Bridge must be running,
        $.writeln("ERROR:: Cannot run SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI");
        return false;
    "main program": construct an anonymous instance and run it
      as long as we are not unit-testing this snippet.
    if(typeof(SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI_unitTest) == "undefined") {
        new SnpCreateTabbedPaletteScriptUI().run();

  • Updating XMP Dublin Core using Adobe Acrobat 5.0?

    I am very interested in using XMP to better describe my documents; I've also read that Adobe Acrobat 5.0 supports XMP. As such, how would I go about modifying the values of the Dublin Core properties using Acrobat 5.0?

    Dublin Core is a standard schema with set properties and associated values. There's a bunch of them including Graphics, Basic (xap), Media Management, and so on. They're described by a unique name(space) called a URI and not meant to be messed with, otherwise they would not be standards. In order to do what you want today you have to create your own schema namespace, properties associated with it, and values associated with the properties. In order to get them integrated into Acrobat, or any application, you have to build a plug-in that reads and writes the metadata to the pdf or eps output files.

  • Adding Dublin Core metadata to the XMP namespace in Bridge CS5

    I have tried to adapt a script created by Paul Riggott in another thread/discussion, but have been unable to make it work.
    Basically I'd like to add data to the dc:identifier and dc:relation fields while I'm adding other data in Bridge.  Is there a way to create a tab for Dublin Core in the metadata window?
    I also tried the "add identifier" script in this thread/discussion, but I'm not seeing how it works... probably because it was written for the Mac and I'm working in Windows.
    Any suggestions? Thanks.

    You might try the scripting forum at http://forums.adobe.com/community/bridge/bridge_scripting?view=discussions

  • Problems with Custom File Info Panel and Dublin Core

    I'm creating a custom file info panel that uses the values of the dublin core description and keywords (subject) for two of it's own fields.  I'm having problems with the panel saving if they enter the description on the custom panel first, and with the keywords not echoing each other, or reappearing after a save.<br /><br />Here is the code for the panel<br /><br /><?xml version="1.0"><br /><!DOCTYPE panel SYSTEM "http://ns.adobe.com/custompanels/1.0"><br /><panel title="$$$/matthew/FBPanelName=Testing for Matthew" version="1" type="custom_panel"><br />     group(placement: place_column, spacing:gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)<br />     {<br />          group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)<br />          {<br />               static_text(name: '$$$/matthew/keywords = Keywords', font: font_big_right, vertical: align_center);<br />               edit_text(fbname: '$$$/matthew/keywordsFB = Keywords', locked: false, height: 60, v_scroller: true, horizontal: align_fill, xmp_ns_prefix: 'dc', xmp_namespace: <br />'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', xmp_path: 'subject');<br />          }<br />          group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)<br />          {<br />               static_text(name: '$$$/matthew/description = Description', font: font_big_right, vertical: align_center);<br />               edit_text(fbname: '$$$/matthew/descriptionFB = Description', locked: false, height: 60, v_scroller: true, horizontal: align_fill, xmp_ns_prefix: 'dc', xmp_namespace: <br />'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', xmp_path: 'description');<br />          }<br />          group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)<br />          {<br />               static_text(name: '$$$/matthew/season = Season', font: font_big_right, vertical: align_center);<br />               popup(fbname: '$$$/matthew/seasonFB = Season', items: '$$$/matthew/Season/Items={};option 3{option 3};option 2{option 2};option 1{option 1}', xmp_namespace:'http://monkeys.com/demo/testingmatthew/namespace/', xmp_ns_prefix:'matthew', xmp_path:'season');<br />          }<br />          group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)<br />          {<br />               static_text(name: '$$$/matthew/ltf = Limited Text Field', font: font_big_right, vertical: align_center);<br />               edit_text(fbname: '$$$/matthew/ltf = Limited Text Field', locked: false, horizontal: align_fill, xmp_namespace:'http://monkeys.com/demo/testingmatthew/namespace/ ', <br />xmp_ns_prefix:'matthew', xmp_path:'ltf');<br />          }<br />     }<br /></panel><br /><br />Thanks for the help

    To answer my own question:
    The documentation really sucks.
    I found this reply from Adobe <http://forums.adobe.com/message/2540890#2540890>
    usually we recommend to install custom panels into the "user" location at:
    WINDOWS XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\2.0\panels\
    WINDOWS VISTA: C\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels\2.0\panels\
    MAC OS: /user/username/Application Data/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/2.0/panels/
    The reason why your panels did not work properly was a missing Flash trust file for that user location. Without such a trust file the embedded flash player refuses to "play" your custom panel.
    Please see section "Trust files for custom panels" in the XMPFileInfo SDK Programmer's Guide on page 50 for all details on how to create such trust files.
    After many wasted hours I have now the simple panels running.

  • Using IPTC/Dublin Core information

    I am in process of building a slideshow with Encore, my pictures have description information, wich can be seen in the Dublin Core section of the metadata.
    Is it a way to get them ii the slideshow, with out retyping them.

    Strange? No. Metadata interchange with content is not common. But becoming more so? Certainly the presence of metadata is growing by leaps and bounds, and I suspect we would all like to see access to it.
    But submitting a feature request is the current status of this. I just submitted one for this!
    I would be surprised is there is not a free tool out there somewhere that will extract such info to a text file, but I have not researched. Let us know if you find one.

  • WLCS and Dublin Core

    I was looking at the docs for WLCS, specifically the Product catalog
    .. and saw the reference to Dublin Core. I'm no expert with regards to
    the Dublin Core initiative, but are there any documents/notes which
    explain which specific Dublin Core Document/Recommendation that the
    product catalog schema is specifically referring to? ... and how they
    are related to each other?
    .. and what happens if you need (oh, no) to modify the schema to your
    specific needs (are you even allowed to do that at all? ... as the code
    in WLCS, I assume, is 'tied' to that schema? )

    I am not an expert of Oracle XMLDB, but I am replying your problem becuase I also faced the similar problem, and I managed to solve that.
    You dont need to register xml.xsd, it is pre-registered in oracle. In OEM, you can see it registered under XDB schema.
    The problem you are facing has to do something with the Oracle version you are using. If it is pre-version than, you need to upgrade it to at least 9.2.
    0.3.0. I hope it will solve the reference to lang problem.
    You can also check with the problem statement I posted under the subject "registering GML schemas" in this forum.
    Good luck.

  • Error: Definition mx.core:RSLData could not be found.

    When i try to run this command :
    "mxmlc -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true -debug=true -load-config=C:\TestFlex4\flex-config1.xml -output=C:\TestFlex4\web\test1.swf c:\TestFlex4\web\test1.mxml"
    The follwing error stach trace shown:
    C:\TestFlex4\web>mxmlc -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true -debug=true -load-config=C:\TestFlex4\flex-config1.xml -output=C:\TestFlex4\web\test1.swf c:\infoTrakFlex4\web\test1.mxml
    Loading configuration file C:\TestFlex4\flex-config1.xml
    _test1_mx_managers_SystemManager.as(135): c
    ol: 35 Error: Access of possibly undefined property RSL_ADD_PRELOADED through a
    reference with static type Class.
            addEventListener(RSLEvent.RSL_ADD_PRELOADED, addPreloadedRSLHandler, fal
    se, 50);
    _test1_mx_managers_SystemManager.as(159): c
    ol: 35 Error: Access of possibly undefined property RSL_ADD_PRELOADED through a
    reference with static type Class.
            addEventListener(RSLEvent.RSL_ADD_PRELOADED, addPreloadedRSLHandler, fal
    se, 50);
    _test1_mx_managers_SystemManager.as(171): c
    ol: 13 Error: Access of undefined property allowDomainsInNewRSLs.
            if (allowDomainsInNewRSLs && _allowDomainParameters)
    _test1_mx_managers_SystemManager.as(180): c
    ol: 13 Error: Access of undefined property allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs.
            if (allowInsecureDomainsInNewRSLs && _allowInsecureDomainParameters)
    _test1_mx_managers_SystemManager.as(16): co
    l: 15 Error: Definition mx.core:RSLData could not be found.
    import mx.core.RSLData;
    i have an existing code, whch i  want to try to run, but this error fail my compilation. i am new in flex, please tell me some solution.

    I resolve my error, there is conflict between flex 4.6 and 4.0. the code is based on 4.0, but i try to run this code on 4.6. so when i compile the code fron 4.0 the code compile successfully.

  • XMP data not showing up in the custom file info panels when upgraded to CC

    For several versions of Photoshop, I have been able to use a modified custom file info panel to input, update, and track psd files. With each version of photoshop there are always some changes in the way the object data is handled. The lastest challenge is:
    1. XMP data not showing up in the custom file info panels when upgraded CC from CS6.
    2. Raw data is not visible in CC in the File info panel.
    3. This occurs in new documents where we create the xmp wrapper while the file template is built.
    4. When metadata is manually entered into the file, the data is not added to the XMP wrapper when it is recreated on the save.
    5. When a file that was created in CS6 is opened that contains the Metadata in the file info template. It is visible. the Raw data is also visible. Once the XMP wrapper is recreated - write and then close. The data is no longer available. the Raw data will not pull up in the file info panel.
    Any feedback or a direction will be appreciated.

    I have a script that the user runs to input xmp data into a Customized version of the generic file info panel. it is data that is gathered from the user when the psd file is created. once the file is open in photoshop. the information is visible in the File info panel , the raw data, and as a schema addition in the advanced tab.
    in CC the nodes and the children of the XMP packet have changed positions. so that the XML -this.XMP.child(0).appendChild(this.createNode())
    is no longer the node that can be appended.
    Where XML.child(0).elements().length(); would enable the xmlns to be added in CS6
    <rdf:Description xmlns:phsa="' + this.namespace + '" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" rdf:about="" />'
    it is visible in CC as namespace in a different arrangement. XML.child(0).child(0).namespaceDeclarations().toString()) and the children are  XML.child(0).child(0).elements().length().toString()); There are now 7 child nodes where before there were 1.
    with all shifted, the initialize of the values and the delete XMP packet wrapper and create new or the amend to the XMP packet wrapper is undefined.

  • Troubles with xmp files not loading...

    I'm having troubles with xmp files not loading with images but are present in the image folders. does anyone know why this is happening and if there is a way to fix this. Also when trying to load the xmp individually they are grayed out and unable to load. I have tried this on different machines (Macs) and still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this issue.

    > The information contained in the XMP file is stored in the DNG file so there is no need for a separate file.
    Aww, yuck!! That's a real drag...
    When editing lots of files (yesterday's shoot produced 8GB) I back everything up to off-line storage and then, after doing all my edits and crops in ACR, I only have to copy over the small XMP files which takes no time at all.
    So if I re-edit the DNG with ACR I have to re-copy ALL the files again to the off-line storage.
    I used to sometimes even save 2 versions of the xmp files when I needed 2 different crops of the same images, such as doing a wide screen 'cinema' crop for a corporate client's Intranet presentation of their event, as well as more standard crops to be used for their newsletters.
    Guess I won't be using DNG any more..
    Thanks for the help Kees :-)

  • Core i3 mac not seeing power pc g4 imac in target disc mode

    I'm trying to migrate my set up from a power pc g4 imac running a 10.4.11 to a core i3 imac. All the system software and firmware on the g4 imac is upto date and the mac will enter target disc mode. The macs are connected using a brand new 6 pin to 9 pin firewire cable. The iMac core i3 will not see the other mac in target disc mode. When trying the same thing using the migration assistant, migration assistant just hangs with the 'waiting for your other mac to restart'.
    I'd really appreciate any help to fix the issue.

    Is this the newest model with Thunderbolt? If so then see Thunderbolt 10.6 Help: Transferring files between two computers using Target Disk Mode and Intel-based Mac may become unresponsive in target disk mode.
    Have you checked to be sure the drive in the G4 is configured as the Master? If it isn't, then it cannot be seen in TDM.

  • Opencard.core.service does not exist

    when i am using build_sample.bat for building java card samples i am getting the following errors:
    Building the client part of RMI samples...
    \PurseClient.java:18: package opencard.core.service does not exist
    import opencard.core.service.*;
    I installed OCF1.2 and put the base-core.jar and base-opt.jar in java_home\lib
    what else i have to do?
    why its not finding this package?

    Have you searched this forum to see if this has been answered a million times before you posted ?
    Sun took the time and energy to supply a readme that outlines supported platforms and the supported JDK. Read it.If you still can't figure it out, come back.

  • HT3964 My mac book pro 2.3ghz intel core i7 will not start up. I get the apple and the circle thing but thats it. Please help!!!

    My mac book pro 2.3ghz intel core i7 will not start up. I get the apple and the circle thing but thats it. Please help!!!

    Give this a try:
    Reinstalling Lion/Mountain Lion Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • Core shutdown can not be heat related

    I did some tests today, using my MBA 1.6 on an external monitor and running Second Life (tm) and even with the temperature below 60C I had a second core shutdown. After I quit SL (tm) the second core came back again almost immediately. Second Life (tm) is very CPU/GPU intensy.
    And I saw this post today, maybe was already posted here, and I apologize if so.
    Also using XP on boot camp, I did not have a core shutdown.
    My MBA is one month old.
    P.S. Safari with 5 Youtube videos open, 15 minutes each, no core shutdown.

    Dear Marcus,
    Thanks for the reply. My idea was exactly that, try to demonstrate that the second core shutdown maybe not hardware related and, yes, software related. The example I gave was Second Life ™, since the link I posted already talked on another application, WOW. I tried to be as more proactive as possible, since, I do not believed, as some threads I saw here, that Apple will be irresponsible to put on the market a 2K “laptop” with a basic hardware design flaw.
    As you said, that can be a big relief to MBA users, since a hardware flaw can be more difficult to correct, as a software issue.
    If someone is interested to follow the same path , please, look on the link on my first post.

  • Need Info on new "IPTC Core" XMP Schema

    I have seen in quite a few places that there is a new "IPTC Core" XMP Schema, probably to replace the old IPTC binary structure and the various aliases scattered in other XMP schemas. This happened months ago, and details were to be released by the end of 2004, but I can't find anything anywhere.
    I have about 150GB of digitized photo and I once wrote my own software to insert XMP in my TIFFs/JPEGs. I already added my own XMP schema to describe my photos in a specific way, but I'd also like to throw this information in an XMP schema that is (or at least, will be for the next 10 years or so) recognized in several applications. Most important, I'm about to archive all of that to read-only media, so I'd like to do it in a proper way once for good.
    So far, it seems that IPTC is very descriptive and is what matches the more closely my own XMP schema, and don't want to have to duplicate information across several schemas such as "Photoshop" or "Dublic Core", unless that what the new "IPTC Core" is all about, but I seriously doubt it. I don't want to go with the old IPTC structure either.
    After all, if there is "so many standard to choose from", that's because there isn't actualy any!
    Anybody got any information of that new "IPTC Core" XMP Schema?

    It's been a while since you posted your message, but here's the info in the event you haven't already found it:
    I just started digging into XMP a few days ago and am planning to write software to add/read info from image files for the automagic creation of web pages. I've been using Adobe's XMP SDK and would be very interested in hearing how you wrote your code.

Maybe you are looking for

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