Dummy Mode in Actions Panel

My colleague says he uses the Dummy Mode for his actions
panel, but we can't figure out where that option is located within
Flash. He tells me it has blank fields to type in bits of code and
then it creates the proper code for you. I assume it's called
something other than Dummy Mode, but I can't find anything to help
me locate it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and where
& how I can switch modes, I'd appreciate it. Thanks - TiaVamp
ps. Mac OSX Leopard, Flash CS3 ACtion Script 1 & 2

HEY! SCREW OFF! i was trying to help you out you ******* -
and providing a little levity from the title you've posted - i
thought it was a great title and a fun way to ask - apparently you
didn't see the 'just kidding - wink" - i thought that was exactly
the answer you were looking for but didn't know what to call it -
you don't know what you talking about - if all you saw was
comics dipsh!t, you didn't look around or notice anything else -
not to mention that i script for a living and none of those were
'web comics' - I've got more abilities than you will ever have!
to call someone a '****' in your second post! holy crap -
what an *** - don't come around here anymore, you don't have any
business even thinking about trying to code ... LMFAO!

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    [personal information removed... Mod - https://forums.adobe.com/docs/DOC-3731]
    [This is an open forum, not Adobe support, please do not post personal information]

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    Tony Kuyper Photography—TKActions panel
    I have been able to speak with tony by phone and by email. I am certain that he will fix your problem.
    From tony to me (partial):
        I'm writing to let you know that I recently posted a new version of the custom actions panel to create luminosity masks on my website: http://goodlight.us/writing/actionspanelv3/panelv3.html
         This update was mandated by Adobe's forthcoming changes to Photoshop CC.  The next revision to PS CC (Photoshop 15), due out in a few weeks, will remove support for Flash-based panels.  The current TK-ACTIONS  and TK_ACTIONS panel use Flash to do their thing and will no longer work in the soon-to-be-released PS CC update.  HTML5 is the new standard for extension panels and is already incorporated into the current version of PS CC.  (Flash will continue to be the standard for Photoshop CS5 and CS6.)  Since I use PS CC and rely on the panel in my own developing workflow, I re-coded the panel using the new HTML5 standard.  This also gave me the opportunity to add some new features to the panel.
         [NOTE: The revised panel has been tested in the current version of Photoshop CC (Photoshop 14) and a pre-release version of the next version of Photoshop CC (Photoshop 15) and works in both.  I have a webpage with preliminary information about installing and using the panel in Photoshop 15:  http://goodlight.us/writing/actionspanelv3/Photoshop-CC-new-version-update.html.  I will update this page as necessary.  Please bookmark it as a reference for additional information.]
         The new panel is called "TKActions" and the link at the top of this email will tell you about it.  Once there you can download the PDF instructions that tell how the panel works and also watch some videos about it at the bottom of the page.  I'm particularly excited about the vids, which were produced by Sean Bagshaw.  I know the panel seems a bit overwhelming at first, so Sean's visual walk-through and practical demonstrations will go a long way towards making people proficient at using it.  Sean has an amazing ability to help students understand even complicated processes, and even though the panel isn't all that complex, I think it is going to be an even more useful tool for many photographers once they watch him use it in the videos.
         Some of the new things in this version of the panel include:
    1)  A new two-tab layout for improved efficiency
    2)  Color-coded sections
    3)  "View" buttons to provide a visual overlay of which pixels are actually selected
    4)  Zone masks that focus adjustments to very narrow tonal ranges
    5)  Web-sharpening actions for vertical and horizontal dimensions and for high-definition dimensions
    6)  Several new buttons to correspond to some techniques discussed in recent blog posts.
    7)  One-click live selections (instead of Ctrl/Cmd-clicking a mask)
    8)  New buttons for creating adjustment layers and changing blending modes
    9)  Simplified subtracted mask generation
    10)  "Progressive actions" for experimenting with many different options
         There are actually two versions of the panel in the download, one that works in Photoshop CC (HTML5 version) and one that works in Photoshop CS5/CS6 (Flash version).  So even if you haven't converted to Photoshop CC, the Flash version still provides access to the improved functions for Photoshop CS5/CS6.  Both versions are included in the download.

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    OK, I think I might have figured this out.
    First. You guys keep insisting it's the Movie Explorer. It is not. It is the Actions Panel. You can see for yourself. Option+F9 opens the Actions Panel. Option+F3 opens the 'Explorer Window'. They are similar in appearance but they're not the same thing. They're just not.
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    You really have to pay special attention to the top of the Actions Panel right next to where it says 'Actions' there's a dash '–' and then it says either 'Frame', 'Movie Clip', or 'Button'. This indicates exactly where you're about to write script to, or where you're reading the script from, so it's important to pay attention to this.
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    Keep in mind that if you made a movie clip B, within movie clip A, and if you placed actionscripts directly on movie clip B, NOT on a frame, then movie clip B would get a red box and appear UNDER movie clip A, within the SYMBOL DEFINITION(S) pane, NOT the SCENE pane. Ha.
    If you wrote script on a FRAME within movie clip B it would appear in the SYMBOL DEFINITION(S) again, yes a second time, twice, but WITHOUT a red box. Confused yet? ha.
    I don't know why Flash decided to do it this way. But it starts to make sense when you're actually viewing it, when it's in front of you. I think this is just for actionscript 2.0 (and for actionscript 1.0 presumably), but I don't think this is the case for ActionScript 3.0, because in as3 it's all instance name based, and targeting based, so there's no such thing as writing script directly onto a symbol of any kind, button, movie clip or otherwise.
    But yeah, that's it in a nutshell.
    Thanks for trying to help anyway.

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    Strange. I do not think we have seen this. When you choose an action for example, you need to drill down to the element that needs the action and then double-click to apply it. Is it what you are doing?

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    Are you using photoshop or photoshop elements and which version?
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    Adobe illustrator CS5 on Mac OS X 10.7.4.
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    Try the Appearance panel. Select the object with the 3D effect and it should show up there.

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    Thank you in advance.
    Kind regards

    That would depend on the links on the page. Some pages have links that refer to different areas on the same page. If you want to force a link to open in a new tab, you can middle-click it.

  • Call actionscript file function from actions panel of a movie clip

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    can i call a function from an actionscript file from the actions panel?

    does that actionscript file specify a class or not?
    if not, then use:
    include "yourpath/yourfilename.as"
    on any timeline.
    any function in that as file will be added to the timeline that has the include statement and you reference that function with normal dot syntax from your calling timeline.

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    show a screenshot of movie explorer after searching for getURL("index-3.html")

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    Language Elements
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    This is what I see:

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  • MovieClips actions not showing in the navigator of Actions panel

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    MovieClips actions not showing in the navigator of Actions panel
    Steps i tried..
    1) new Symbol
    2) open actions panel
    3) input stop() in the actions
    4) symbol definitions not showing in the the actions navigator..
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    see screenshot..
    anyone has idea what matter with this issue? many thanks.!!!

    I can only speak for myself, but your explanation of what you did and whatever problem you are having is not clear to me.  The image doesn't appear to show anything as an issue.  What are you trying to do and what do you expect to see?

Maybe you are looking for