Dump is coming after Moving the request to Quality server.

Dear All,
Dump is coming in a ABAP code after moving the same to quality server.
Kindly refer the attached screenshot.
Kindly suggest.
Thanks and Regards

see the below code,
I have changed the value of l_age1 TYPE bsid-dmbtr to l_age1 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2.
* 1. Program Name:ZFIRDEBAGEING             2.  Creation Dt:18/03/2013 *
* 3. Module Name :FI                        4.  Modified Dt:2/04/2013  *
* 5. Developer Name: Kallol Chakrabarty     6.  Modified By:           *
* 7.Background / Online :Online             8. Trans Code : ZCAGE      *
* 9. Frequency  : Regular    *
* Request Number :            - Created                                *
* Remarks : Customer Ageing Report                                     *
REPORT zfirdebageing.
TYPE-POOLS : slis.
TABLES: bsid,bseg.
TYPES : BEGIN OF tt_bsid,
          belnr TYPE belnr_d,
          gjahr TYPE gjahr,
          bukrs TYPE bukrs,
          dmbtr TYPE dmbtr,
          kunnr TYPE kunnr,
          budat TYPE budat,
          zfbdt TYPE dzfbdt,
          zterm TYPE dzterm,
          zbd1t TYPE dzbd1t,
          shkzg TYPE shkzg,
        END OF tt_bsid,
        BEGIN OF tt_bseg,
          belnr TYPE belnr_d,
          gjahr TYPE gjahr,
          bukrs TYPE bukrs,
          werks TYPE werks_d,
          prctr TYPE prctr,
          segment TYPE fb_segment,
        END OF tt_bseg,
        BEGIN OF tt_faglseg,
          langu TYPE spras,
          segment TYPE fb_segment,
          name TYPE text50,
        END OF tt_faglseg,
        BEGIN OF tt_cepct,
          spras  TYPE  spras,
          prctr  TYPE  prctr,
          ltext  TYPE  ltext,
        END OF tt_cepct,
        BEGIN OF tt_final,
          kunnr TYPE kunnr,
          segment TYPE fb_segment,
          name TYPE text50,
          prctr  TYPE  prctr,
          ltext  TYPE  ltext,
          name1 TYPE name1_gp,
          ort01 TYPE ort01_gp,
          age1 TYPE dmbtr,
          age2 TYPE dmbtr,
          age3 TYPE dmbtr,
          age4 TYPE dmbtr,
          age5 TYPE dmbtr,
          age6 TYPE dmbtr,
          age7 TYPE dmbtr,
          total TYPE dmbtr,
          total1 TYPE dmbtr,
          total2 TYPE dmbtr,
          zfbdt TYPE dzfbdt,
          zterm TYPE dzterm,
          zbd1t TYPE dzbd1t,
          budat TYPE budat,
        END OF tt_final,
        BEGIN OF tt_kna1,
          kunnr TYPE kunnr,
          name1 TYPE name1_gp,
          ort01 TYPE ort01_gp,
        END OF tt_kna1.
DATA : wa_bsid TYPE tt_bsid,
        it_bsid TYPE TABLE OF tt_bsid,
        wa_bseg TYPE tt_bseg,
        it_bseg TYPE TABLE OF tt_bseg,
"       wa_tmp1 TYPE tt_bseg, "Commented by ++KC 18.03.2013 after extended check
        it_tmp1 TYPE TABLE OF tt_bseg,
        wa_faglseg TYPE tt_faglseg,
        it_faglseg TYPE TABLE OF tt_faglseg,
        wa_cepct TYPE  tt_cepct,
        it_cepct TYPE TABLE OF tt_cepct,
        it_tmp TYPE TABLE OF  tt_bsid,
        wa_final TYPE tt_final,
        it_final TYPE TABLE OF tt_final,
        wa_final1 TYPE tt_final,
        it_final1 TYPE TABLE OF tt_final,
        wa_kna1 TYPE tt_kna1,
        it_kna1 TYPE TABLE OF tt_kna1.
*& ALV Data Declaration                                                *
DATA: it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
       wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
       is_layout   TYPE slis_layout_alv,
       wa_event    TYPE slis_alv_event,
       it_event    TYPE slis_t_event.
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_kunnr FOR bsid-kunnr.
PARAMETERS : p_bukrs TYPE bseg-bukrs OBLIGATORY,
                    p_dateon  TYPE bsid-budat DEFAULT sy-datum OBLIGATORY.
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_werks FOR bseg-werks,
                    s_sgmnt   FOR  bseg-segment,
                    s_prctr   FOR  bseg-prctr.
SELECT-OPTIONS : s_umskz FOR bsid-umskz.
DATA: v_days TYPE string,
       v_date1 TYPE bsid-budat,
       v_date2 TYPE bsid-budat,
       v_date3 TYPE bsid-budat,
       v_date4 TYPE bsik-budat,
       v_date5 TYPE bsik-budat,
       v_date6 TYPE bsik-budat,
       v_date7 TYPE bsik-budat,
*     l_age1 TYPE bsid-budat,
*     l_age2 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
*     l_age3 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
*     l_age4 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
*     l_age5 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
*     l_age6 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
*     l_age7 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
       l_age1 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
       l_age2 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
       l_age3 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
       l_age4 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
       l_age5 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
       l_age6 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
       l_age7 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2.
CONSTANTS : v_age1(4) TYPE c VALUE 15 ,
             v_age2(4)    TYPE c VALUE  30,
             v_age3(4)    TYPE c VALUE  45,
             v_age4(4)    TYPE c VALUE  90,
             v_age5(4)    TYPE c VALUE  180,
             v_age6(4)    TYPE c VALUE  360,
             v_age7(4)    TYPE c VALUE  360.
   sy-title = 'CUSTOMER AGEING'.
*--------------- S-T-A-R-T O-F S-E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N ----------------------*
   PERFORM get_data.
   PERFORM process_data.
   PERFORM alv_display.
*&      Form  GET_DATA
*       text
*  -->  p1        text
*  <--  p2        text
FORM get_data .
   SELECT  belnr
           FROM bsid INTO TABLE it_bsid
           WHERE kunnr IN  s_kunnr
           AND bukrs = p_bukrs
*          AND zfbdt <= p_dateon
               AND budat <= p_dateon
           AND umskz IN s_umskz.
   SELECT      belnr
               WHERE kunnr IN  s_kunnr
               AND bukrs = p_bukrs
               AND augdt > p_dateon
               AND umskz IN s_umskz.
   IF it_bsid[] IS NOT INITIAL.
     it_tmp[] = it_bsid[].
     SELECT kunnr
            ort01 FROM kna1 INTO TABLE it_kna1
                                  FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_tmp
                                  WHERE kunnr = it_tmp-kunnr.
     SELECT belnr
            FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg
                      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bsid
                      WHERE belnr = it_bsid-belnr
                      AND   gjahr = it_bsid-gjahr
                      AND   werks IN s_werks
                      AND   prctr IN s_prctr
                      AND   segment IN s_sgmnt
                      AND umskz IN s_umskz.
     IF it_bseg[] IS NOT INITIAL.
       it_tmp1[] = it_bseg[].
       SORT it_tmp1 BY segment.
       SELECT langu
              FROM fagl_segmt INTO TABLE it_faglseg
                              FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_tmp1
                              WHERE langu = 'EN'
                              AND segment = it_tmp1-segment.
       REFRESH it_tmp1.
       it_tmp1[] = it_bseg[].
       SORT it_tmp1 BY prctr.
       SELECT  spras
               FROM cepct INTO TABLE it_cepct
                          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_tmp1
                          WHERE spras = 'EN'
                          AND   prctr = it_tmp1-prctr.
*&      Form  PROCESS_DATA
*       text
*  -->  p1        text
*  <--  p2        text
FORM process_data .
   v_date1 = p_dateon - v_age1.                              " 15 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
   v_date2 = p_dateon - v_age2.                              " 30 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
   v_date3 = p_dateon - v_age3.                              " 45 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
   v_date4 = p_dateon - v_age4.                              " 90 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
   v_date5 = p_dateon - v_age5.                              " 180 days " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
   v_date6 = p_dateon - v_age6.                              " 360 days " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
   v_date7 = p_dateon - v_age7.                              " 360 days " Changes made by Jaiprakash
   IF NOT it_bseg IS INITIAL.
*    DELETE it_bseg FROM wa_bseg WHERE segment = ''.
     DATA: lv_add TYPE i.
     DATA: lv_date TYPE sy-datum.
     LOOP AT it_bsid INTO wa_bsid.
       wa_final-zterm = wa_bsid-zterm.
       wa_final-zbd1t = wa_bsid-zbd1t.
       CLEAR wa_bseg.
       READ TABLE it_bseg INTO wa_bseg WITH KEY belnr = wa_bsid-belnr.
       IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
         wa_final-segment = wa_bseg-segment.
         wa_final-prctr   = wa_bseg-prctr.
         IF wa_bsid-shkzg = 'H'.
           wa_bsid-dmbtr = -1 * wa_bsid-dmbtr.
         CLEAR wa_faglseg.
         READ TABLE it_faglseg INTO wa_faglseg WITH KEY segment = wa_final-segment.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           wa_final-name = wa_faglseg-name.
         CLEAR wa_cepct.
         READ TABLE it_cepct INTO wa_cepct WITH KEY prctr = wa_final-prctr.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           wa_final-ltext = wa_cepct-ltext.
* Calculation for the age buckets of <15, <30, <45, <90, <180 , <360 and >360 days
*        IF     wa_bsid-zfbdt <= p_dateon AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date1.
*          l_age1 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age1.
*        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date1 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date2.
*          l_age2 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age2.
*        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date2 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date3.
*          l_age3 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age3.
*        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date3 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date4.
*          l_age4 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age4.
*        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date4 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date5.
*          l_age5 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age5.
*        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date5 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date6.
*          l_age6 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age6.
*        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date7.
*          l_age7 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age7.
*        ENDIF.
         IF     wa_bsid-zfbdt <= p_dateon AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date1.
           l_age1 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age1.
         ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date1 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date2.
           l_age2 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age2.
         ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date2 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date3.
           l_age3 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age3.
         ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date3 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date4.
           l_age4 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age4.
         ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date4 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date5.
           l_age5 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age5.
         ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date5 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date6.
           l_age6 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age6.
         ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date7.
           l_age7 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age7.
         wa_final-kunnr = wa_bsid-kunnr.
         CLEAR wa_kna1.
         READ TABLE it_kna1 INTO wa_kna1 WITH KEY kunnr = wa_bsid-kunnr.
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           wa_final-name1 = wa_kna1-name1.
           wa_final-ort01 = wa_kna1-ort01.
         lv_add = wa_final-zbd1t.
*     lv_add = wa_final-zbd1t.
             i_date      = wa_final-budat
             i_days      = lv_add
*           I_CALENDAR1 =
*           I_CALENDAR2 =
             e_date      = lv_date
*           E_RETURN    =
         wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
         wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
         wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
         wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
         wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
         wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
         wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
         wa_final-total = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
*          wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
*          wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
*          wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
*          wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
*          wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
*          wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
*          wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
*         wa_final-total1 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
*        wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
*         wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
*         wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
*         wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
*         wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
*         wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
*         wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
*         wa_final-total1 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
         IF p_dateon GT lv_date.
           wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
           wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
           wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
           wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
           wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
           wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
           wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
           wa_final-total1 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
           wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
           wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
           wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
           wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
           wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
           wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
           wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
           wa_final-total2 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
         APPEND wa_final TO it_final.
         CLEAR: wa_final,l_age1,l_age2,l_age3,l_age4,l_age5,l_age6,l_age7.
   IF it_final IS NOT INITIAL.
     SORT it_final BY kunnr segment.
     LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final.
       MOVE wa_final TO wa_final1.
       wa_final1-prctr = ''.
       wa_final1-ltext = ''.
       wa_final1-segment = ''.
       wa_final1-name = ''.
       wa_final1-zterm = ''.
       AT END OF name1.
         wa_final1-total = wa_final-total.
         wa_final1-total1 = wa_final-total1.
         wa_final1-total2 = wa_final-total2.
         wa_final1-age1 = wa_final-age1.
         wa_final1-age2 = wa_final-age2.
         wa_final1-age3 = wa_final-age3.
         wa_final1-age4 = wa_final-age4.
         wa_final1-age5 = wa_final-age5.
         wa_final1-age6 = wa_final-age6.
         wa_final1-age7 = wa_final-age7.
         COLLECT wa_final1 INTO it_final1.
         CLEAR wa_final1.
**&      Form  ALV_DISPLAY
**       text
**  -->  p1        text
**  <--  p2        text
FORM alv_display .
   DATA : v_col TYPE i VALUE 1.
   CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
   v_col = v_col + 1.
   wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
   wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Customer Code'.
   wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'KUNNR'.
   wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
   wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
   wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
   APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
   CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
   wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
   wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Customer Name'.
   wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'NAME1'.
   wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
   wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
   wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
   APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
   CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
   v_col = v_col + 1.
   wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
   wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'City'.
   wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ORT01'.
   wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
   wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
   wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 35.
   APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
***   CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
***   v_col = v_col + 1.
***   wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
***   wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Payment Term'.
***   wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZTERM'.
***   wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
***   wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
***   wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
***   APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
*  CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
*  v_col = v_col + 1.
*  wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
*  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'No. Of Days'.
*  wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZBD1T'.
*  wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
*  wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
*  wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
*  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
* CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
* v_col = v_col + 1.
* wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
* wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Baseline Date'.
* wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZFBDT'.
* wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
* wa_fieldcat-key       = '

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    This is happening after posting the image to news feed without entering any text or description with that. If i post an image with some text or description, then i can able to get the feeds. Or else if i delete the image post then also i can able to get
    the feeds.
    I can able to see below logs in log files.
    Exception occured in scope Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialRestFeed._SerializeToOData. Exception=System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.     at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType
    type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)     at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache,
    StackCrawlMark& stackMark)     at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)     at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
        at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.C...
    ...lient.ValueTypeConverter.<GetODataProperties>d__2.MoveNext()     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(IEdmStructuredType owningType, IEnumerable`1 cachedProperties, Boolean isWritingCollection,
    Action beforePropertiesAction, Action afterPropertiesAction, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)    
    at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(ODataComplexValue complexValue, IEdmTypeReference metadataTypeReference, Boolean isOpenPropertyType, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforeValueAction, Action afterValueAction,
    DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNa...
    ...mesChecker, CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator collectionValidator, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperty(ODataProperty
    property, IEdmStructuredType owningType, Boolean isTopLevel, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertyAction, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmParentSourcePathSegment, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker,
    ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(IEdmStructuredType owningType, IEnumerable`1 cachedProperties, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertie...
    ...sAction, Action afterPropertiesAction, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(ODataComplexValue
    complexValue, IEdmTypeReference metadataTypeReference, Boolean isOpenPropertyType, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforeValueAction, Action afterValueAction, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator
    collectionValidator, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSeriali...
    ...zer.WriteCollectionValue(ODataCollectionValue collectionValue, IEdmTypeReference propertyTypeReference, Boolean isOpenPropertyType, Boolean isWritingCollection)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperty(ODataProperty
    property, IEdmStructuredType owningType, Boolean isTopLevel, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertyAction, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmParentSourcePathSegment, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker,
    ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(IEdmStructuredType owningType, IEnumerable`1 cachedProperties, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertiesAction,
    Action afterPropertiesAct...
    Can anyone please help me out.

    Is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Power Bi for o365 - Odata connection test worked but "The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details". Port 8051? Authority\System

    We set up the Data Management Gateway and created a new data source (odata to SQL via sqL user)
    Did a connection test and it was successful!
    Tried the URL (maybe it needs more):
    That resolves to some :8051 port address and then spits out this message:
    The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details.
    I checked and the data management gateway is running.
    Does that 8051 port need to be opened on our firewall for this server? How can I confirm that is the issue.. I see no event on the server indicating this is the issue?
    I am seeing this event:
    Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'PowerBiTest'. [CLIENT: IP of the Server]

    Is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Can not import requests in Quality Server

    Dear Gurus,
    Please find below logs and let me know where error is coming.
    We configure some changes and released it to quality server but I am not able to transfer requests in Quality Server and tp system log is as per below.
    When I transfer requests it goes in continuously loop mode endlessly. I delete those requests from import monitor queue then restarted it but same results.
    Please guide me what to do......
    System Log Entries
    START imp single DIQ 20140303102340 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    INFO TBATG CONVERSION OF DIQ N not needed INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    START MOVE NAMETABS DIQ 6 20140303102342 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    START tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303102345 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    START imp single DIQ 20140303102713 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    INFO TBATG CONVERSION OF DIQ N not needed INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    START tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303102713 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    STOP tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303102849 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    START MOVE NAMETABS DIQ 6 20140303102849 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    START tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303102849 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    STOP tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303103000 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    STOP MOVE NAMETABS DIQ 6 20140303103000 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    START MAIN IMPORT DIQ I 20140303103000 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102339554
    STOP tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303103004 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    STOP MOVE NAMETABS DIQ 6 20140303103004 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    START MAIN IMPORT DIQ I 20140303103004 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303102712936
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (10), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103028). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (10), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103032). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (20), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103052). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (20), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103056). My name: pid 13240
    START imp single DIQ 20140303103059 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303103059141
    INFO TBATG CONVERSION OF DIQ N not needed INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303103059141
    START MOVE NAMETABS DIQ 6 20140303103059 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303103059141
    START tp_getprots DIQ P 20140303103059 INSERV01 sapdnl10 20140303103059141
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (30), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103116). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (30), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103120). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (40), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103147). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (40), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103151). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (50), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103222). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (50), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103226). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (60), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103258). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (60), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103302). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (70), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103320). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (70), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103324). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (80), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103357). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (80), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103401). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (90), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303103422). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (90), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303103426). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (100), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303103454). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (100), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303103458). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (110), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103524). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (110), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103529). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (120), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303103553). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (120), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303103558). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (130), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103624). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (130), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103629). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (140), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103656). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (140), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103701). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (150), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303103726). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (150), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303103731). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (160), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103758). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (160), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103803). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (170), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103824). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (170), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103829). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (180), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103857). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (180), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303103902). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (190), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103922). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (190), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303103927). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (200), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103948). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (200), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303103953). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (210), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104018). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (210), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104023). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (220), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104046). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (220), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104051). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (230), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303104118). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (230), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303104122). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (240), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104156). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (240), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104200). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (250), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104225). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (250), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104229). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (260), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104256). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (260), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104300). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (270), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303104331). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (270), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303104335). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (280), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104356). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (280), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104400). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (290), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104425). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (290), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104429). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (300), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104459). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (300), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104503). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (310), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104529). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (310), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104533). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (320), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104559). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (320), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104603). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (330), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104629). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (330), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104633). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (340), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104700). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (340), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104704). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (350), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104725). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (350), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303104729). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (360), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303104759). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (360), I'm waiting 1 sec (20140303104803). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (370), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303104828). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (370), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303104832). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (380), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104858). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (380), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303104902). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (390), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303104922). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (390), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303104926). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (400), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303104959). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (400), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303105003). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (410), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303105025). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (410), I'm waiting 2 sec (20140303105029). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (420), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303105046). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (420), I'm waiting 3 sec (20140303105050). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (430), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303105119). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (430), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303105124). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (440), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303105151). My name: pid 12312
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (440), I'm waiting 5 sec (20140303105156). My name: pid 13240
    WARNING: \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ is already in use (450), I'm waiting 4 sec (20140303105217).

    Hi Irin,
    Just rename this file \\sapdnl10\sapmnt\trans\tmp\DIDKK902769.DIQ
    and start the import again.
    Hope this helps.
    Deepak Kori

  • Recorded Videos after Sync: The requested URL was not found on this server.

    A few days ago, i recorded a couple of videos. They were saved properly and i could watch them after it in the Camera Roll of my iPhone. Because my memory was almost full, i connected my iPhone to my MacBook and synchronized about 900 old pictures with iPhoto and selected to delete the pictures after the sync. I did not select the recently recorded videos.
    After the sync, i opened the Camera Roll on my iPhone and tried to watch the videos again. But now, they all have a grey icon and it says the duration is 0:00 minutes. When i click on a video, it shows me the following error message:
    The requested URL was not found on this server.
    When i connect my iPhone to iTunes, it says that there is about 350 MB of "Documents and Data" on my phone that I have no idea where it is coming from. Do you think it is possible that the videos are still saved on my phone but my phone doesn't recognize it as videos and can't assign it to the icons in the Camera Roll? Do you have any tips how I can access the videos in case they are still saved somewhere on my iPhone?
    Thank you very much in advance for your help and tips!

    I have the same problem too!! I was deleting some photos and videos in my phone when the next picture I swiped to was a blank picture with JPG in the middle~ after I closed camera roll and reopened it my photos and videos after that picture are all gone~ and I'm left with 3 videos I took about 30 mins before with 0:00 and when I tried to play them the message popped up saying "requested URL cannot be found on this server" T^T does anyone have a solution to this problem?

  • Can't delete primary zone in DNS after moving the server

    Woe is me!
    Our MacMini was hosted at a Colo site and working fine. No firewall in front of the machine, so we turned on the server firewall and only allowed mail, web, ftp, and a couple of other services. This worked great using our external public DNS wired to our domain names and public fixed IP address. Later, we got VPN up a running (the trick was to create a second, local IP address for the ethernet port), but this also required us to turn on the server's DNS to create a split-brained DNS server.
    Everything was working swimmingly... and then we had a hard drive crash. Since we were thinking about moving the server onsite anyway (our POS system was accessed through the VPN, but it could be slow and made our tasting room dependent on Internet access in order to run the POS), we ordered Comcast business class internet with a fixed IP address.
    We updated the external public DNS to the new public fixed ip. Rather than plug the mini directly to the Comcast router (which is in pass-through mode), we elected to put a AirPort Extreme in front of it, mainly so we could get all of the POS computers on the same local network without using the mini as a DHCP/NAT router. We created a DHCP reservation on the Extreme so that the mini had a fixed local IP address. We port forwarded everything we wanted to expose to the Internet. Email started to work again. However, web services and VPN are nada.
    This being Snow Leopard Server and having spent literally hours debugging DNS issues when we first got the server, I knew it wouldn't be straightforward. And it hasn't been. Even changing the IP address of the server has been a chore.
    We ran "sudo changeip <old IP address> <new IP address>".
    Then we ran "sudo changeip -checkhostname" and received:
    "$ sudo changeip -checkhostname
    Primary address     = <new static internal IP address>
    Current HostName    = <servername>.<domainname>.com
    The DNS hostname is not available, please repair DNS and re-run this tool.
    dirserv:success = "success""
    Oh no, the black pit of death.
    Even though I tried to modify the machine record in the local DNS to reflect the new internal static IP address, Nada.
    So, looking back on my previous research from Mr Hoffman and others, I stopped the DNS service, and I deleted the primary zone and reverse lookups in order to rebuild them from scratch. Except that no matter what I do, I can't delete the primary zone - it comes back like Dracula (even though the reverse zone and all of the zone records are gone). I tried rebuilding everything using the undeletable zone, but after a few services (saved each one separately), they would suddenly disappear.
    I am leery of messing with the DNS files on the server as I don't want to hose up Server Admin (my command line skills are rudimentary and slow). I have so much installed on the machine now that I am concerned about someone saying "reinstall".
    Related to this is that it is not clear to me in web services which IP address you should use for the sites. The internal IP? The public IP? I thought Apache cared about the external IP address. And I think Apache is hosed at the moment due to my DNS troubles anyway.
    Thanks in advance!

    Morris Zwick wrote:
    And does anyone know which IP you enter for your sites in the web service? The public static IP or the internal private static IP?
    For the external DNS server I am sure you have already deduced that it should be the static IP issued you by Comcast and this will be forwarded by your router to your server.
    For your internal DNS server you could use either the internal LAN IP, or the external IP although the later might be affected by your firewall so this you will need to test.
    For the Web Server service in Server admin, if your only running a single website you could avoid the issue by just using the wildcard entry which will respond to any IP address, so this would be an empty host name and an IP address of *
    In fact you don't have to specify an IP address you could just use the hostname, so it will listen to traffic arriving at your server addressed to any IP address and as long as the URL that was requested includes the hostname you define for the site it will get responded to. So if as an example you have two websites you want to serve
    then as long as both have the IP address for the site as an * (asterisk) then both should work as separate sites for traffic addressed to either the LAN or WAN IP address of the server.
    You will still need to use two IP addresses on the server to enable VPN, you could use a USB Ethernet adapter for the second one. Port forwarding for VPN is not as simple as other traffic as VPN requires traffic different to the standard IP and UDP packets. Routers that support 'VPN Passthrough' are specifically designed to accomodate this but I don't know if the AirPort Extreme does this. I have also found PPTP copes better with this sort of setup than L2TP although PPTP is generally regarded as less secure.

  • Incorrect data after activating the request through Process chain.

    Dear SDN chaps.
    Today morning. I encountered a strange issue in DSO..
    I have DSO which is updating from the AL11(application server) flat file.
    While i am loading it to PSA there were no issues and after loading it to the DSO there is no issue and its passing through the routine and the data is populating properly in NEW data Table .But after successful activation of  the request through process i am getting the wrong records in active data table.
    Then i deleted the request and reran it manually i mean triggered the DTP and ran the manual activation surprisingly accurate records are coming through manual process..
    I am just wondering why it is not working through process chain and why it is showing incorrect records through process chain execution and how it is showing accurate records through manual uploading process..'
    Could some one please help to come out from this..By the way mine is SAP BI 7 SP20 &SP05 for BW 7.01
    K M R

    Hi Pra
    Thanks for your response..
    We are doing PSA deletion and then we are uploading the data to PSA as well as DSO.
    Now the issue is not in the part of loading we are facing the issue in Actiation of request if i am executing the activation through process chain it is sucess but the values are incorrect. If i am doing the manual activation it sucess with correct data.
    Even i tried with a new chain but still i am facing the issue.
    Surprise thing is in new data table the data is perfect in both the ways like manual upate and Process chain update only during activation i am getting incorrect record in the active data table..
    Appreciate your help on this....
    K M R
    Edited by: K M R on Jul 9, 2010 11:09 AM

  • After moving the library, itunes shows less songs than music folder in finder does

         hi all.
    after moving my library manually, i have this situation:
    1220 songs in music folder;
    1091 songs in itunes.
    all the songs in itunes are regularly matched with the original file in the finder.
    now. how to find the 29 files which are not in itunes? i don't care why this happened !!
    thanks to all in advance

    in my itunes media folder there are not audio files! they are stored in music folder of the macintosh hd, as you can see from these screenshots. do you have any suggestion?

  • ARQ: Manager/Role Owner can modify request details even after submitting the request???

    Hi All,
    I have noticed that after Submitting (Approving) a request, manager or role owner can still modify the user details (field are editable) like role validity date etc in a request. This is quite weird!
    Although, after submitting a request by a requester, all field are disabled.
    Has any one encountered with this problem? How can I control this?
    Please advise.

    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, I got it and that is why I got confused.
    This EUP I have defined and the desired fields are visible and editable and seems to be working fine.
    However, the problem is, even after submitting a request, manager and role owner is able to edit the values in the fields which is incorrect!
    Actually, once a request is submitted, I believe request should be only display mode!
    You know what, this is working absolutely fine with requester. Meaning, once a requester submits a request, then all fields are disabled and values in them can not be modified any more.
    But I am not sure why this is not happening with managers/role owners.
    Please advise.

  • How to recleaim disk space in HP UX after moving the dbf file to some other

    Hi All,
    I have moved the datafiles from one mount point to another by -
    1) take tablespace offline
    2) move the file from the OS command
    3) take tablespace online
    But still the space is not getting released from the mount point where the files were present earlier.
    OS i am using is HP-UX.
    Can anyone Please help in this regard???

    Laura Gaigala wrote:
    This is not actually HPUX forum, but if You would use cp instead of mv and for first copy file to the new directory then take tablespace online and only after that deleted the old file - then probably space would be reclaimed.
    But in this case You should restart db and only then all space will be freed up as right now database is keeping the inode.
    I can be wrong in explanation, not any kind of HPUX expert.Agree to this.
    It is smarter to keep the original and see if everything works OK after the copy.
    Then delete the old file.
    It is a kind of "normal" behaviour - I have seen it on HP-UX before - that the file(space) stays used, or is not released until the database is bounced.
    It even once saved me, when a collegae accidently deleted a datafile. I was still able to export the data out of it.

  • Getting back play counts and ratings after moving the librar

    I have just moved my music library on to my other internal hard drive. I pointed itunes to the new folder and then imported the iTunesMusicLibrary.xml and got all my playlist back. Unfortunately I cannot get my playcounts or my ratings to import. Does anyone know where these are located and how I can get them imported. With thanks.

    Sean hello,
    the reason that none of the info was in was in your library is, you started a new library file... by default when iTunes starts it looks in the home iTunes folder for the file 'iTunes Library' if it is not there a new file will be created and all songs will need to be added again but all playcounts, ratings and date added data will be lost ...
    To recover your situation open the home iTunes folder and put the iTunes Library file on the desktop... now move the original iTunes Library file from the other HD back to it's proper place the home iTunes folder and leave it there... start iTunes for the 1st time after putting the file back by double/clicking on the file.

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