Duotone-curve incorrectly applied in action

Hi all,
When I record a action and I apply a duotone-preset to a grayscale image then the curve of the Black-channel is incorrectly applied. Only the 0 is set to 0 and 100 is set to 75. It becomes a straight line instead of a curve as you can see in de screenshot below.
When I apply the duotone-preset manually then Photoshop applies the curve correctly. I've noticed this also in the past, since Photoshop CS6.
With a little testing-around I see that Photoshop doesn't record values which stay the same number. For example, when the input-value of a curve is 50 and the output-value is also 50 then it isn't recorded in the action. When you set the output value to 50,1 then it will be recorded.
Does anyone else have issues with duotone-presets in Photoshop-actions?
You can download the duotoon-preset here.
I'm using Photoshop CC 14.1.2 on OS-X 10.9.1.
Thanks for your help.
Regards Roel

I am still having the same problem in Photoshop CC 2014. When the action is recorded in Photoshop CC the mode change to duotone is always defined as a description of duotone ink and transfer points. Even when loading a duotone preset while recording. We have to go back to Photoshop CS5 to record an action defined as a link to a duotone preset. This is not a tenable solution because our OS will eventually not support CS5.
From what I have seen, when an action with the description of duotone transfer points is played back only the first 5 transfer points are used for each curve. All the transfer points past the fifth are set to null, including 100. Also transfer points that are equal, like Value: 50 - Response: 50, are not recorded at all. That is a big problem because equal value transfer points like that are used along with other transfer points to set the slope of curves. They can't just be ignored.
Here is an example of the actual duotone curve and the results when playing it back from an action. You can see that only the first five transfer points are correct and the rest are set to null, including 100 which is reset to 100.
Hopefully this is a known bug that is being worked on. Can we return to the previous way of recording a duotone mode change as a link to the duotone preset like in Photoshop CS5? That still works when played back in Photoshop CC 2014. Hopefully we can solve this issue soon.

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    Some things to check:
    1) Is the filter in the active list? Filters can be enabled or disabled, but they can also be active ro inactive. You've only show a part of your configuration so I can't tell if the filter is part of the active list.
    2) Are there actions other than produce-alert for the signature? Or is an event action override adding other actions?
    Produce-alert is not the only action that can cause an alert to be generated. The produce-verbose-alert, request-snmp-trap, log-attacker-packets, log-victim-packet, and log-pair-packets will also cause alerts to be generated. Modify the filter to also remove these actions.
    3) The alert you've shown is a Summary Alert. There may be an issue with Summarization and the Filters. Try modifying the signature to set it to FireAll with no summarization.
    4) If you have multiple filters then check the order of the filters. If the event is matching an earlier filter where the stop-on-match is set to True, then it will not check the event against this filter. Either move this filter up higher in the filter list, or change earlier filters to be "stop-on-match false".
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    I would like the action to apply to the background of the image, not necessary on the individuals face.
    As the differentiation of fore- and background of an image can be a convoluted issue (have you ever tried to clip the image of a curly-haired person from a background of shrubbery?), it does not lend itself to automation easily.
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    If you work with Adjustment Layers or Layer Masks in general the Masks can subsequently be edited easily.

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    Actionscript 3 will not allow code to be attached to objects,
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    E.g., for image001.tif, the curve would be image001.acv
    (I already have a loop set up to iterate through the files and get the file names.)

    Thank you.
    I got both scripts working without JS or AS errors, but, when trying to load .acv files generated by the second script, CS4 Photoshop gave an error:
    "Could not load the curves because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop"
    (The loading script works fine when loading .acv files created directly from Photoshop.)
    The only change I made to your Save Curves code was:
    FROM: var myACV = new File('~/desktop/myCurve.acv')
    TO: var myACV = new File(file);
    and made the code a function:
    so that I could incorporate it into the Applescript.
    Maybe that was naive (I'm not very knowledgeable about JS).
    Here are the scripts I'm using:
    set gammaFolder to "/Users/me/Desktop/myproject/gamma/"
    tell application "Finder"
              set TheFolder to choose folder
              set FileList to every file of entire contents of TheFolder as alias list
    end tell
    repeat with theFile in FileList
              set thefilename to theFile as string
              set text item delimiters to ":"
              set thefilename to last text item of thefilename --remove path
              set text item delimiters to "."
              set thefilename to first text item of thefilename --remove extension
              tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
      open theFile
                        tell current document
                                  if exists layer "Curves 1" then
                                            set current layer to layer "Curves 1"
                                            do javascript "saveCurves('" & gammaFolder & thefilename & ".acv');
    function saveCurves(file) {
    };" --show debugger on runtime error
                                  end if
                        end tell
              end tell
    end repeat
    set gammaFolder to "/Users/me/Desktop/myproject/gamma/"
    tell application "Finder"
              set TheFolder to choose folder
              set FileList to every file of entire contents of TheFolder as alias list
    end tell
    repeat with theFile in FileList
              set thefilename to theFile as string
              set text item delimiters to ":"
              set thefilename to last text item of thefilename --remove path
              set text item delimiters to "."
              set thefilename to first text item of thefilename --remove extension
              set acvFile to gammaFolder & thefilename & ".acv"
              tell application "Finder" to set acvExists to exists my POSIX file acvFile
              if acvExists then
                        tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS4"
      open theFile
                                  tell current document
                                            if not (exists layer "Curves 1") then
                                                      do action "Create Curve Layer" from "MyActions"
                                            end if
                                            set current layer to layer "Curves 1"
                                            do javascript "loadCurves('" & gammaFolder & thefilename & ".acv');
    function loadCurves(file) {
    };" --show debugger on runtime error
                                  end tell
                        end tell
              end if
    end repeat

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    Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks.

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