Duplicate a sheet in a spreadsheet?

How do you duplicate a sheet within the same spreadsheet and then renaming it? Is very easy with MS but can't figure it out in numbers....

Right click on the sheet tab, choose Duplicate from the menu that pops up.  Click on the name in the tab to edit it.

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    Hi Millie,
    You wrote:
    "My recipe sheets include two tables. The first calculates the cost per item, the second table takes the original recipe and calculates along with the sales estimates. The latter of these tables are all the same format, so in each one column A lists the ingredient name, column D is the amount needed per week (column E is the unit - oz, pound, etc).    Could I then generate a search for "flour" etc. within column A of each of these tables?  Currently they are all named the "estimated sales" but I could change that."
    Shouldn't need to change the table name, unless the aim is to shorten the formula as written. That's assuming each sheet is named with the item being baked.
    With the same name for all these tables, the cell or range references to cells on these tables will be Recipe (sheet) name::estimated sales::cell or range ref
    With the recipe name used as the Table name (and that name being unique to the document) the sheet name may be omitted from the cell/range address: Recipe name::cell or range ref

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    Hi pearsonra,
    Numbers '09
    Select the Sheet, not the table(s), in the Sheets Panel on the left
    Menu > Edit > Duplicate (command d)

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    No go I am afraid, I have the same issue. See my post under RussW 3 days before yours. There are ways to minimize the issue by splitting the spreadsheet into several "worksheets", staging your "hero" page as page one. Or, you can copy and paste into a new doc, but all formulas break if they linked to other worksheet pages, defeats the notion of a spreadsheet.
    No way around it, iPad/numbers exports the entire document, not just the one page! Exasperating.
    Message was edited by: RussW

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    You cannot duplicate the chart by itself either, though you can duplicate the table. That's probably the root of the cause for why the sheet cannot be duplicated. Now to figure out why the chart is a problem..
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    Message was edited by: Badunit

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    Thank you.

    Numbers does not give you the option to omit specific sheets in printing, but you can specify a single page or a range of pages. Pages are in the order that the sheets appear on the sidebar.
    Each sheet has a minimum size of one page when printed, but does not have a maximum size, so your first step is to determine the sheet-pages correspondence.
    Go View > Show Print View.
    If each sheet is on a separate page there are two methods of omitting sheet three from printing.
    1. Do two separate print runs. Print pages 1 - 2 on the first and pages 4 - 4 on the second.
    2.Select Sheet 3 in the sidebar and drag it to a position below Sheet 4. Print pages 1 - 3. After printing, drag Sheet 3 back to its original position.

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    Yes. Simply create a table that collects the data from the individual sheets and base your chart on that table. You can put the collection table on a seperate sheet, out of the way. The chart and table do not have to be on the same sheet.

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    try removing preferences for Numbers:
    Numbers keeps crashing everytime when i start working on a worksheet

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    In Numbers:
    Then save the duplicate wherever you want to.

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    Open both documents.
    Click on the sheet icon of the sheet you want to Copy fom the Source document. Copy
    Switch to the second document.
    Click on the icon of one of the Sheets on that document. Paste.
    The copied sheet (and its contents) will be pasted into the list immediately below the selected sheet.

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    It's easy enough to find and count duplicate entries, especially if they are all in a single column, but if you want to count individual words within multi word entries, the problem is more complicated.
    Here's an example for the 'simple' case, using a familiar 155 word passage from English literature.
    The words in the passage are separated into a single line for each word, and stripped of all punctuation. This may be done in Pages, or in Text edit, or in pretty much any word processing software or text editor. Paste the passage into a WP or text document, then use the application's Find/Replace feature to replace all of the spaces with returns. I would also do a second pass replacing all double returns with single returns, then repeat that until Find/Replace reported replacing zero occurrences.
    Punctuation was stripped using Find/Replace
    The prepared list was pasted into column A of a Numbers table.
    B2: =COUNTIF($A$1:A2,A2)
    C2: =IF(AND(B>1,B=COUNTIF($A,A2)),ROW()-1,999999)
    Fill both down their respective columns to the end of the table.
    The small table is inserted as a Basic table using the Tables button. It contains a Header row, but no Header columns.
    A2: =IFERROR(OFFSET(Table 1 :: $A$1,SMALL(Table 1 :: $C,ROW()-1),COLUMN()-1),"")
    Fill right into B2, then fill both down to the end of the table.
    Descriptions of the functions used, along with their syntax and at least one example of their use in a table are available in the Numbers '09 User Guide, which may be downloaded via the Help menu in Numbers.
    PS: Regards to the late Mr. Shakespeare, and thank you for providing the text used.

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    Hi Pestonji, the only way to do this is by installing the HP ePrint Mobile Driver software on your laptop. Take a look at this post where someone was trying to do something similar for an explanation of how the solution would work and a download link for the software http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/ePrint-Print-Apps-Mobile/Can-you-print-multiple-powerpoint-slides-per-p...
    Hope this helps you achieve what you're trying to do but post back if you're having problems.
    If my reply helped you, feel free to click on the Kudos button (hover over the "thumbs up").
    If my reply solved your problem please click on the Accepted Solution button so other Forum users may benefit from viewing the post.
    I am an HP employee.

  • Is there a way to increment a single cell every time I duplicate a sheet?

    I am trying to create a weekly planner, I would like each page to have a point of reference, like a sheet number, to automatically change the dates for me. Changing each sheet manually sounds all kinds of tedious.

    Sheets do not have properties accible through functions in a cell.
    You can make suggestions to Apple by using the menu item "Numbers > Provide Numbers Feedback"
    One way to do this is to add a cell where you can enter the number but is has white text so it is not visible.

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