Duplicate Contacts at 8000 and growing

After I installed Snow Leopard last week, my MobileMe isynch has gone nuts. I have 100's of the same contacts and my contact count has gone from several hundred to over 8000. This has propagated from MobileMe to my Contacts, iPhone, Entourage, Gmail. The Mac Mini is overwhelmed with continued synching and Time Machine runs.

I wasn't able to solve the problem but I did download a program that extracted information from the iphone backups I have so I was able to get all my contacts transferred into a fromat usable by icloud and windows contacts

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    Check icloud.com to be sure you contact list is correct there.  If it is, just go to Settings>iCloud on your device and turn Contacts to On to sync the contacts to your device.  If contacts are already set to On and you still see duplicates, you may be viewing a duplicate contact group in addition to the iCloud contacts.  Open Contacts, tap Groups, then tap any groups other than iCloud to uncheck them, then tap Done.  See if the duplicates are still there.

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    Some general content and computer management information if at all helpful!!
    Section 1:
              -About authorizing and de-authorizing:
              Prevent unprompted syncing of your iPod, iPhone, or iPad:
    Mac- http://support.apple.com/kb/PH1764
    Windows- http://support.apple.com/kb/PH1677
    Section 2:
              -iOS how to transfer or sync content to your computer:
              Transfer purchases from your iPod, iphone, or iPad to an authorized computer:
    Mac- http://support.apple.com/kb/PH2554
    Windows- http://support.apple.com/kb/PH2566?viewlocale=en_US
              iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer:
               Backing up, updating and restoring:
              Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes store

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    Apparently not: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3643364

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    I had exactly the same problem .... apple care too wasnt much of a help.  However i solved it and also informed them about it.
    Please follow exactly and let me know if it helps.
    First open icloud.com and sign it with your Apple id and password - you should see the contacts folder. 
    In the bottom left  you should the gear wheel, click on it.
    Click on one of the contact till its highlighted  blue, then click  cmd and A together  - this will highlight all the contacts.  Next use delete to delete all your contacts in the icloud (use the delete from the wheel gear)
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    This solved my problem, hope it solves your too.

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    Had the same problem with 4 devices (two computers, an iPhone and an iPod). The solution is simple: open the Address Book application in your mac, ask it to locate duplicate entries (under one of the top menu items, "edit" I think), and then ask it to consolidate them: it took me all of three seconds after I figured it out: worked like a charm! PS: if you have more than one mac with unconected Address Books, repeating the operation in the second one may be a good idea.
    Message was edited by: mfduran

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    Just go ahead and go to settings>Facebook> Contacts OFF and do the same with Gmail. THe contacts related to those acct will dissapear. Then when you sync again with Gmail be carefull BCS IT SAYS IF YOU WANT TO JUST ADD THE CONTACTS OR MERGE THEM!!!!

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    * will not let you go through and review/edit/approve how it resolves duplicates
    * manually finding/fixing duplicates is tedious - there's no drag and drop from one contact to the other
    Yahoo Mail
    * will let you review/edit duplicates
    * has a tedious interface and requires importing/exporting files
    * when adding a new contact doesn't always let one add a group
    * no longer has a "find new contacts" feature that would auto populate new cards - so anyone's address that I rely on auto-fill from recent will not have a card yet
    * I don't have any contacts there yet.
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    Excel 2004
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    iPhone 4
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    Other than hiring a data entry temp to fix this as a project, can anyone think of something that I could use/do to make this easier?
    I would appreciate any and all suggestions.

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    How did you find that out?

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  • ICal and contact duplicates in my iPhone and MacBook

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    Can anyone with this stuff under control give me a hand?
    Much appreciated

    Your iPhone can take a screen-capture by holding down the bottom 'HOME' button
    for 2-3 seconds, and then depressing the top 'RESET' button momentarily while
    continuing to hold down 'HOME'. You will see a simulated white 'flash' on the iPhone
    screen, and the screen capture will appear as a photo in your latest Camera Roll.
    Unintended shots can be deleted from the Camera Roll just like any photo you might
    take using the iPhone's camera.

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