Duplicating an animated shape

Hey guys... I really want some help, it's driving me insane.
I have an animated shape that I want to duplicate multiple times as well as MODIFY slightly the duplicated shape...
I know you may be confused since you see I've duplicated them...but the issue for me is to be able to duplicate these shapes fairly quickly and to be able to modify them without affecting the original... It seems that when I PRECOMP the duplicated shape and try to remove or add a circle, it affects the original set...
What am I doing wrong? I just want to be able to create a shape, animate it - and duplicate it and modify the amount of shapes in the quickest possible way.
Thank you

Ok I was quick to get excited...what did I do wrong here by following your example. I should've been a lot clearer in my pursuits...
the ellipse shapes animate in increments, they go from one to another.
So the very first shape moves moves off screen INTO the screen, followed by second, third, fourth, til the last...
when I follow your example Rick, from the very first keyframe I get all 9 shapes... instead of them animating..
What did I do wrong in keyframing the positions? I can't figure it out even by reorganizing...
Nevermind - I realize the effect I'm going for is best done with multiple shape layers such as before.

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    It's going to depend on the type of shape, but as an example, for a rectangle, setting a keyframe at 3 seconds for the color yellow might look like this:
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    Yes, this is an issue with CS6 and the first release of CC.  You have to make sure you deselect all nodes in a path, or you will get the result you describe.  I believe Adobe has made some corrections and improvement in the use of shape layers that will hopefully be released soon.  However, if you're sticking with CS6, you've got to make sure to deselect on Win the esp key works great.

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.Shape;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
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    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel, coJLabel, shJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;
    public JComboBox colourJComboBox, sizeJComboBox, shapeJComboBox, speedJComboBox;
    private static Connection dbcon;
    int temp=0;
    private String[] col = { "Red", "Blue", "Green","Yellow","Orange","Black"};
    private String[] shapeA = { "Normal Rectangle", "Normal Circle", "Normal Oval","BIG Rectangle", "BIG Circle","BIG Oval","small rectangle","small circle", "small oval"};
    private String[] speed = { "Fast", "Normal", "Slow"};
    public int checking;
    static int flag, flagshape, flagspeed;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        public long timeLimit = 0;
        DecimalFormat timeDec = new DecimalFormat (":00");
        public int age;
        public String name, shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle(Never selected anything)", colourChoice="Black(Never selected anything)";
        private Timer TimeNow;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 175, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 125, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 175, 135),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 55, 15),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 20,20),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 55, 15)};
    //50, 30, 75, 25 change starting point here****************************************
        public RT()            // constructor method
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
            //sets up the Timer
            TimeNow = new Timer((1), new TimerListener());//++++++++++++++++++++++++++timer -17
            createUserInterface();          // method that creates the user interface     
        private void createUserInterface()
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    try {
                             dbcon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:CMT3991", "", ""); // Access/ODBC
                          //connection ash used to connect to the user table in access
                           } catch(Exception eee)
                           eee.printStackTrace();  //exception if error occurs during the driver connection
                             System.out.println("* UserDA CONNECTED *");
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
                  startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME - PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
    //        loginJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
    //        showJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "CHOOSE A NUMBER OF OPTIONS AND GET READY:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            coJLabel= new JLabel();
            coJLabel.setBounds( 70, 40, 530, 35 );
            coJLabel.setText("Choose a colour:");
            helpJPanel.add( coJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            colourJComboBox = new JComboBox( col );
               colourJComboBox.setBounds( 70, 70, 135, 21 );
               colourJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( colourJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                         int x = colourJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( x  == 0)
                             flag = 1;
                        else if(x  == 1)
                             flag = 2;
                        else if(x  == 2)
                             flag = 3;
                         else if(x  == 3)
                             flag = 4;
                         else if(x  == 4)
                             flag = 5;
                           else if(x  == 5)
                             flag = 6;
            shJLabel= new JLabel();
            shJLabel.setBounds( 340, 40, 530, 35 );
            shJLabel.setText("Choose a shape and size:");
            helpJPanel.add( shJLabel);
            shapeJComboBox = new JComboBox( shapeA );
               shapeJComboBox.setBounds( 340, 70, 135, 21 );
               shapeJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( shapeJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xshape = shapeJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        //shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        if( xshape  == 0)
                        {     flagshape = 1;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 1)
                        {     flagshape = 2;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 2)//**********here
                        {     flagshape = 3;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 3)
                        {     flagshape = 4;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 4)
                       {      flagshape = 5;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 5)
                     {        flagshape = 6;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 6)
                             flagshape = 7;
                             shapeChoice="small rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 7)
                     {        flagshape = 8;
                             shapeChoice="small circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 8)
                     {        flagshape = 9;
                             shapeChoice="small oval";
          /*  speedJComboBox = new JComboBox( speed );
               speedJComboBox.setBounds( 10, 150, 135, 21 );
               speedJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( speedJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xspeed = speedJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( xspeed  == 0)
                             flagspeed = 1;
                             else if(xspeed  == 1)
                             flagspeed = 2;
                             flagspeed = 3;
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
    //        startTestJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
         * action listener for TimeNow Timer
        private class TimerListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                timeLimit ++;          
                if (timeLimit==100)
                timerJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(temp +""+timeDec.format(timeLimit)));
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are.");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
          //  System.out.println(""+ seed.nextInt(shapes.length));
            //shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];//****************************
            if (flagshape==1)
                 shape = shapes[0];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==2)
                 shape = shapes[1];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==3)
                 shape = shapes[2];// changed colour here***************************
           else if (flagshape==4)
                 shape = shapes[3];// changed colour here***************************
             else if (flagshape==5)
                 shape = shapes[4];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==6)
                 shape = shapes[5];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==7)
                 shape = shapes[6];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==8)
                 shape = shapes[7];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==9)
                 shape = shapes[8];// changed colour here***************************
           // shape = shapes[8];
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
    System.out.println("shape used: "+shapeChoice);
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timerJTextField.getText();
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter("Backup_of_"+name+"s_results.txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("THIS IS A BACKUP");
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The Shape and size was: "+shapeChoice);
                printstream.println("It's colour was: "+colourChoice);
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
            else if(timeLimit<=10)
            else if(timeLimit<=15)
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
            else if(timeLimit<=20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            else if(timeLimit>20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DOING!?");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
                   Statement st = dbcon.createStatement();
                   String cmd = "INSERT INTO users (Name, Age, Time_Taken, Rating, Mouse_Movement,Shape_and_Size, Shape_Colour) VALUES ('" + name + "' , " + age + " , '" + tick + "' , '" + rate+"','"+ mouse+"','"+ shapeChoice+"','"+ colourChoice+"');";
                //creates a SQL statement and executes it
                   st.close();//close the statement
              } catch (Exception eDA)
        private void showData()
            // pretend this takes awhile -> 3 seconds (count)
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);     
            host = rt;
        /*    if (rt.flagspeed==1)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==2)
                timer = new Timer(20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==3)
            timer = new Timer(100, this);
            //change speed here******************************
            x = 0;//0
            y = 0;//0
            dx =2;//2
            dy = 3;//3
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < insets.top || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            if (RT.flag==1)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.red);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==2)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.blue);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==3)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.green);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==4)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.yellow);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==5)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.orange);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==6)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.black);// changed colour here***************************

    I'm (being lazy and) using the older RT app posted on your last thread. I removed the
    TimeNow timer from the RT class and used System.currentTimeMillis (as you requested) to
    determine the elapsed time during the animation (see "startTest", "stop" and
    "movingObject" methods). Also changed the DecimalFormat to NumberFormat and set the
    "maximumFractionDigits" to "2" so it will truncate the fraction to two digits (more simple
    than before). Made arrangements for the ShapeMovingPanel class to update the
    "timerJTextField" during the animation (RT.updateTime method).
    The MouseMotionListener is causing the animation to appear jerky and uneven. The
    "mouseMoved" method is very busy while the mouse is moving. You might consider recording
    the "mousePressed" events instead of the "mouseMoved" events, ie, the events where the user
    is attempting to click inside the moving shape. It would allow the app to be more
    responsive and might eliminate the uneven motion of the animating shape.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        private long startTime;
        private long endTime;
        public int timeLimit = 0;
        public int age;
        public String name;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        NumberFormat timeDec;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {
            new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35)
        public RT()
            timeDec = NumberFormat.getInstance();
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
        private void createUserInterface()
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
              startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME -PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "HELP DETAILS:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
    // this is causing the animation to appear uneven
    // you can try the app with and without this to see
    //        testJPanel.addMouseMotionListener(this);
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
            shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by timer actionPerformed in ShapeMovingPanel
        public void updateTime()
            long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
            double elapsed = (timeNow - startTime)/1000.0;
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
            double elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000.0;
            timeLimit = (int)elapsedTime;
            timeResultsJTextField.setText(timeDec.format(elapsedTime)+" seconds");
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timeDec.format(elapsedTime);
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter(name+".txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
        private void showData()
    //        String results = "";
    //        infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            host = rt;
            timer = new Timer(25, this);
            x = 0;
            y = 0;
            dx = 2;
            dy = 3;
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
            // update RT.timerJTextField
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < insets.top || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            xformed = at.createTransformedShape(shape);
        public void start()
        public void setShape(Shape s)
            shape = s;
            Rectangle r = shape.getBounds();
            x = r.x;
            y = r.y;
        private class ShapeTender extends MouseAdapter
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

  • Simple shape morphing in Keynote...?

    I am seeking help with what should be a simple task (I reckon), but which is turning out not to be...
    I use Keynote 9 for my teaching presentations. I need to show semi-transparent coloured regions – superimposed onto maps – that change through time, and I would like to make that change into a fluid animation: simple semi-transparent blobs that change shape. That's all! Simple, huh.
    Here are the problems...
    - The shapes are irregular (so Magic Move won't do it)
    - Keynote 9, so no Flash
    - I can get Adobe Illustrator to generate Flash animations and then I should be able to convert them with VideoMonkey into .mp4s... except that VideoMonkey utterly refuses to convert the .swf files generated by Illustrator...  No idea what's going on there... Tried everything I can think of, no go.
    - Downloaded a trial version of Mac SWF Video Converter, but this seems to make mp4s with black backgrounds...  I couldn't see any way to maintain the transparency (and of course Instant Alpha doesn't work on video files)
    - I can generate single animation frames in Adobe Illustrator then use Preview to combine them into animated GIFs, but Keynote will not import the result with a transparent background (yes, I can *make* them with a transparent background, but Keynote renders it solid white on import...)
    - I can convert the animated GIF to a QT movie (using GIF2MOV), but then I lose the semi-transparency on the shapes themselves.
    - I could place each of my Illustrator-generated animation frames onto a separate Keynote slide and have them auto Transition with no Effect – so use Keynote itself as the animation software – but for a halfway decent smoothness in the animation, we're talking a lot of frames and this approach seems pretty inefficient to me...  Not to mention a pain to do (as the image on each slide has to be independently aligned...  take me for ever!)
    For a relatively simple visual effect, this appears to be implausibly difficult to do...    Unless someone out there can see another way of doing it...
    Many thanks for any suggestions.

    Interesting idea...  I managed to achieve the effect I was after (I'll explain how below) only to realize that what I was actually aiming for was even harder than I had realized...
    What I am trying to animate is changing ethnic "territories" over time in South East Asia. These are complicated little shapes that merge into one another and shift about all over the place. As I am dealing with historical territorial (or perhaps more accurately, "distributional") data, I project it onto a purely physical map of Asia that has no modern political boundaries (as they are irrelevant). But this also means (if you are not so good at geography) that your normal visual reference points have gone, and for my students (French university-level language students, not geography majors) I'm sure that the result can be a little difficult to assimilate.
    For the past few years, I have been happily fading different, often visually disjunct arrangements into one another, but I have always been only moderately satisfied with the result: the changes can be hard to track visually, which defeats the whole purpose of displaying them this way...  I wanted the shapes to flow without interruption (like blobs of wax in a Lava lamp! - Theres an image for you!) – to be visually coherent.
    I began therefore thinking about morphing, and Flash animations...
    ...and ran into all the problems that the tiff between Apple and Adobe has currently left us with. (Don't you like the play on words there... tiff... )
    I gave up on trying to animate just the transparent blobs, with a view to overlaying the animation on a static blank map in Keynote, and instead tried animating the whole lot, background map and all, using Adobe Illustrator. The process involves Illustrator's blend tool, and exporting to .swf, then recapturing the .swf files with Snapz Pro X in .mov format, which allowed Keynote to import them.
    BUT! The result was still not what I wanted (picky, eh). Illustrator's blend tool does a superb job of translating any form into any other, no matter how complex, but groups of humans moving over land don't move like that! For instance, a circluar region moving to a coastal region, when "morphed" will progressively adopt the shape of the coastline before reaching it, which is just silly. It looks as if the population being represented distribute themselves to neatly match the coast when still about 500kms away (and over the space of several generations). Call me stickler, but it doesn't look right. It isn't right, and it's not what I need...
    Sure, any such representation is a vast oversimplification in any case, but superimposing such a specifically impossible visual trait onto the presentation runs counter to the whole idea of doing it for me. It should be iconically plausible (even if not accurate).
    So... I'm in a pause...  Looking to understand animating shapes better...
    I like your screen shot idea tho'. I will have to try it out...

  • How can i use shape tweening and motion tweenin together on a movie clip?(where is looping whitch was in propertise panel in CS5?)

    how can show animation (shape and motion tween) witch i was created in Scens1-MovieClip in time line?
    there was an option (looping) in CS5 but how can i do it in CC and CS6?

    shape tweening can only be applied to raw drawn shapes, no movieclips.  IF you wanted to do a shape tween to a movieclip it would have to be done within the timeline in the movieclip.

  • Width animation in After Effects

    I already revealed my logo with a mask. The mask is with a line.
    So as the line (it's just a thin rectangle) goes to the right, it reveals the text.
    Next I want the line to grow thicker into a box.
    Except after I add the keyframe, I change the width of the line and the Rectangle goes all the way to the left off the screen. Or I try to change the width and it doesn't change it for that key frame but throught out the animation like with the mask.
    I don't get how this works, How can I animate it so that it won't move so wildly? All I want is to animate the thin rectangle to grow wider to the right side. Help? Adobe after effects Creative Cloud I'm using.

    Mylenium wrote:
    How can I animate it so that it won't move so wildly?
    Well, by using the right tools and methodology. It's as simple as that. You are too bound trying to do everything on a single layer with a single mask, which rarely ever works. Also masks have this odd thing with mask interpolation, which might well explain your difficulties. To reveal your layer, one would simply use a linear wipe or another layer as a matte, which by all means could be an animated shape layer. therein also lies the answer to yopur otehr problem: Simply animate the properties of a parametric shape layer rectangle. Much more controllable.
    Well, yeah, that's the problem. I"m okay with the linear wipe mask revealing the text, I feel I've done that fine, it's just the animation of the rectangle now.

  • Animated GIF - Sync, Control, or Reset?

    I have a CP7 project with animated GIFs in it. The GIFs are invisible by default and become visible through an advanced action (Show) attached to a Button object on the same slide. But when I preview the slide and click the Button, the GIFs start animating in the middle of the sequence instead of at the beginning. Is there a way to tell Captivate to start those GIFs over when the button is clicked, or to not start the animation until the objects become visible? I could swear I've done this before but I can't seem to recall how I made it work properly.

    I've been wrestling with this for a while, and I thought I would share this if it helps anyone besides me:
    If an animated GIF is set to be NOT "Visible in output," then the animation will wait until a "Show" command causes the GIF to be displayed.
    HOWEVER, at that "Show" command, ALL instances of the Library item representing that GIF will start (even if you have other instances still hidden).
    I worked around this by duplicating my animated GIF in the filesystem, then loading it into the library as different instances. Once I did this, each Library item had its own GIF timing, which allowed me to make sure each GIF started the animation when I showed it and not before. That achieved the desired functionality.

  • Animated Trim Paths cannot render out - bug or else???

      Hello everyone!
    I have encounted a huge problem with the exporting (rendering out) all contents of the Composition in After Effects CC.
    My workflow outline:
    1) Created a Composition of 1920x1080 size.
    2) Created a Solid Layer of 3840x2160 size.
    4) Animated Scale and Position of the Solid Layer over duration of the Composition.
    3) Created a Shape layer containing the Shape 1 using the Pen Tool. The Shape 1 is just an unclosed path from point A to point B
    with the Stroke of 20 px width  and no Fill applied.
    4) Made my Solid Layer as the Parent of the Shape Layer.
    5) Added  a Trim Paths to my Shape 1 in the Shape Layer (containing Stroke 1) and animated End over the Composition duration.
    I have also animated  the Stroke Width from 20 to 30 px.
              The Composition is playing back perfectly in Composition window inside After Effects CC:
    Animated Line is going from point A to B while the Solid Layer changing position and scale all right!
    6) Rendered the Composition out (using Render Que as well as Media Encorder CC) into a movie file.
    When I play the resulting file I cannot see my animated Shape 1 Stroke (Trim Paths) in the Exported (Rendered out) Movie file:
    no Animated Line is present while the Solid Layer changing position and scale...
    However I can see the Solid Layer animation (Scale and Position) in the Movie file.
    Why the animation can be seen in the Composition playback inside the AE CC but I cannot export it?
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thank you very much in advance for your advice!

    Just the recent update to my post:
    1) I have just opened this project in Mac OSX environment (Lion 10.7.5) and found the same issue:
    the animated path is missing in the rendered .MOV uncompressed while clearly visible and playable in
    the Composition window of After Effects....
    2) I have just also created an absolutely new project and a composition from scratch following my own workflow from
    my the very first post and it the newly created project is working all right with the animated path showing in the rendered file as it is showing in
    the Composition window... 
    But the problem still remains with the first weird project:
    what is so wrong with the project and composition  to screw up the After Effects proper functioning?
    I would also highly appreciate if someone from Adobe team can have a look at my mistical project...

  • High CPU usage: Animation with background

    I experience a high CPU usage when animating a shape over a background. If I disable the background or the animation, the CPU usage drops to almost zero. It seems like the combination of background shapes and an animated shape is very costly.
    Is there a way to improve this performance? Can I indicate that the animated shape is always on top? Adding the smooth and cache tags did not improve the performance.
    Thanks in advance.
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.animation.Interpolator;
    import javafx.animation.*;
    import javafx.animation.transition.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    var nBackgrounds = 20;
    var screenWidth = 1024;
    var screenHeight = 800;
    def animatingRectangle = Rectangle{
        width: screenWidth
        height: screenHeight
    def background = for(i in [1..nBackgrounds]) Rectangle{
        width: screenWidth
        height: screenHeight
    def liveView:Scene = Scene {
        width: screenWidth
        height: screenHeight
        content: [
        ] // content
    } // Scene
    Stage {
        title: "Example"
        scene: liveView   
    } // Stage
    var fakeImageTransition:TranslateTransition = TranslateTransition {
        fromY: bind animatingRectangle.translateY
        toY: bind -screenHeight
        duration: 10s
        node: animatingRectangle
        interpolator : Interpolator.EASEOUT
        framerate: 30

    I'm having the same issue. I have 4gb of ram and all of it will be in use even with just Safari running. High fan use. When this happens video will stutter.

  • Progressbar on Mac AE CS3 & CS4

    Hey guys. Weird problem here. Seems Progressbar update in CS3 and CS4 (not sure about CS5) doesn't work properly on MAC. But I guess this is a known issues.
    Any ways, I am building my progress bar window like this:
    var PBWin = new Window ('palette', 'Progress Window', undefined);
    var ProgressBar = PBWin.add('progressbar', undefined, 0, 100);
    and later in my code in some for/loop I am incrementing ProgressBar values.
    All works nice on CS6 and above, but cannot figure out how to make them work on CS3 and CS4. Any ideas?
    I searched forum and found Update() option. But this only works for Window objects. However, if I change my "Palette" to "Window" that problem still appeas.
    So is the a workaround with ProgressBars on MAC specific that work on CS3 and CS4?
    From Peter Kahrel document scriptui-2-2.pdf if says:
    Note: in scripts that use progress bars, you cannot set app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw to false. If you do, the progress bar doesn't display correctly. This is on Macs only.
    But that's irrelevant to AE, is it? Becouse it throws me an error when I try to add app.scriptPreferences.enableRedraw = true.

    He didn't use Mocha, these clips aren't too recent...
    Well, I know that the animated parts were done literally by hand, stop-motions, then saved as little transparent movies or animated gifs then loaded onto the filmed video..
    So you think there isn't tracking really?? How could I make something pop up a book like this, when you look at it in slow motion, the animated shapes actually change perpectives and sort of disappear into the book... Does simple motion tracking tweek the "tracking object" as its tracking area interpolates??

  • Can i reshape a vector art in AfterEffects CS4?

    I created a vector art in illustrator which i then imported into After Effects CS4 and applied the write on effect on it. As the write on effect is happening i want part of my vector art to reshape into a different image (vector art). Is that possible? I am using the word "reshape" for the transformation of the image, i'm not sure if that is correct.
    I am working on a mac book pro with Mac OS X 10.6.8

    Your challenge is you want to take that shape and have it animate into another shape? I would use mask, via double click that shape traced out using a mask. Thereby launching the second window (Layer window) to then see the drop drowm menu assigning your mask to that mask after enabling animate path icon in T.line. This way second mask is not started rather it will now animate to your second shape. Don't forget to move your cursor down the TL before you draw your second shape.
    If you are trying to animate your asset into a another asset, see transition effects to browse in bridge for a suitable transition.
    If all of this is greek to you. See this tutorial http://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/using/animating-shape-paths-masks.html
    Scroll down to here: Select masks, segments, and vertices

  • Still Image Interlacing (Search did not solve my issue)

    As I stated in the topic title, the search items for (still image interlacing) did not help with my problem. I'm trying to animate a bunch of stills for a slide show. The one thing I read over and over was that the pictures should be bigger than the viewer size in FCE.
    I'm set for NTSC DV so 720 x 480, and the pictures are in the thousand pixel range (something like 2000 x 3000, high quality photos). I still get the interlacing. I read Tom Wolsky's FCP book entry however it did not help with the interlacing issue. If I do a batch edit in photoshop and change all the pictures to 720 x 480, would this solve the issue? I'm sure many of you have had this problem before, as I have, please let me know what you did.
    what confuses me most is that it only happens with some pictures. I duplicated the animation and all the pictures are from the same camera, same SD chip and same size so I'm truly baffled by this. Please help me out, thanks.

    It's true that stills should be bigger than the video format,
    if you are moving them around and resizing them.
    That won't affect the interlacing, but at least you won't
    see the pixels from the still.
    While doing motion and resizing, however, it's usually best to work
    in a progressive format. In fact, it would be best if you
    could stay progressive to the end. What format will
    your final master be?
    If your final deliverable is supposed to be interlaced,
    you will usually see interlacing artifacts on a computer. But that's
    not necessarily bad. When played on a regular analog TV,
    the interlacing will function correctly and you won't notice it.
    Are you really producing something for NTSC analog TV?

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