DVD Studio Pro 4.2.1 won't recognize my Aperture library!

Not sure why but DVD SP can't see my Aperture library. I can see iPhoto OK but I use Aperture exclusively. Any reasons for this, as I thought Aperture was one of Apples Pro applications and it seems ridiculous that DVDSP, being a Pro application itself, can't communicate with another Pro app.
Many thanks

Thanks Shawn, I suppose I'll have to wait for an update from Apple then.....I won't hold my breath!
It amazes me that they didn't test the software with Aperture before releasing.

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    Are you trying to build an HD DVD rather than a standard defintion DVD? I've never tried to build an HD DVD... does that format also use the VIDEO_TS structure?
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    http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u320/jgilbertproductions/ExampleofAssetDropBo x.jpg?t=1193959764
    The "Scene Selection" Menu is selected, and the Inspector is displaying the information.
    Message was edited by: Panther Mail & .Mac

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    From Mike

    You can see if they have another software player available.  Usually VLC is a good option.  Windows player can be a bit all over the place depending on patches of the OS and other items.   I have encountered some strange things, including people claiming that DVDs I have authored were doing things that had nothing to do with the DVD (beyond the scope of what a DVD can do, etc.)
    When you say DVD Player, does this mean they are also trying to play it in a DVD Player (real player and not in computer?)  How did you burn the DVD?  Straight from DVD SP?  Check first play settings and other items?
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    When I export this as MPG2 best quality and import it into DVD studio pro, formatting for SD (I have to make an SD dvd from my HD source material), the quality looks AWFUL. like a cheap camcorder.
    Running out of options....

    A HD DVD will only play back in your Mac and the now obsolete Toshiba DVD-HD set top devices.
    A standard DVD will play back on any DVD Video device.
    the quality looks AWFUL.
    You are compressing to MPEG 2 and throwing a lot of pixel information away -going from 1920x1080 to 720x480. There's no way that it can look the same.

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    Note: The file ‘THE_NEW_OMNIPOD_SYSTEM_DVD.layout’ found in the ‘HVDVD_TS’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Note: The file ‘VOB_DATA.LAY’ found in the ‘HVDVD_TS’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Start formatting"
    Any idea why that is happening?  I've tried just using build and putting the HVDVD_TS folder onto my desktop and then putting it from my desktop onto a DVD and buring that, but that didnt work either.
    Compiler Initializing...
    Precompiling Project THE_NEW_OMNIPOD_SYSTEM_DVD
    Compiling VMG Information...
    Created 16 PGCs in VTSM1
    Created 5 PGCs in VTSM2
    Created 8 PGCs in VMG.
    2 Menu(s) will be created...
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Compiling Menu#1 (Home)...
    Rendering Menu:Home,Language:1...
    Compiling Menu#2 (Menu 2)...
    Rendering Menu:Menu 2,Language:1...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #2...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #4...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #5...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #6...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #7...
    Generating Transition: VTSM #01, VOB #8...
    Writing HV000M02.EVO
    Compiling Menu PGCs...
    Writing HV002M01.EVO
    2 VTSs and 2 Titles will be created...
    Writing HV001T01.EVO
    Compiling VTS#2 (Sequence 1-MPEG-2 6.2Mbps 2-pass)...
    Writing HV002M01.EVO
    Muxing HV002T01.EVO
    Linking VMG...
    Linking VTS#1...
    Linking VTS#2...
    Writing VTS#1...
    Writing VTS#2...
    Writing VMG...
    Writing Layout Info...
    Compile Completed Successfully
    Note: The file ‘.DS_Store’ found in the ‘build’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Note: The file ‘THE_NEW_OMNIPOD_SYSTEM_DVD.layout’ found in the ‘HVDVD_TS’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Note: The file ‘VOB_DATA.LAY’ found in the ‘HVDVD_TS’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Start formatting
    Formatting as Standard DVD
    Simulation mode is off
    Lossless linking is on
    Number of layers is 1
    Doing side 1 of 1
    Playable in region 1,2,3,4,5,6,8
    Disc size is 12 cm
    Disc has no copyright material
    Writing UDF 2.50 structures
    Writing files
    Writing final UDF information
    Formatting finished.

    Nevermind I figured it out, I was trying to do it as a HD dvd, thinking that meant 1920x1080 not blueray, it worked as a SD

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