DVD to PC to iTouch?

What's the best way to get a DVD movie onto my iTouch? I have the DVD, but have only used iTunes to get movies onto the iTouch so far.

Is that called ripping?
Well if that's not allowed, I sure hope that they add alot more titles to their iTunes library.
Thanks for the reply

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    Just connect it to your computer, it will update automatically from your existing iTunes. Afterwards you can set it to whatever your preferred update method might be, selected playlists, manual etc. You may want to download the latest iPod Updater that was released recently iPod Updater 2006-03-23

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    Unless there are multiple computers in the household containing media, home sharing provides no benefits.
    Having multiple iDevices has nothing to do with home sharing.

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    Burning is creating a CD/DVD as when you burn the disc with the laser.
    RIP is getting the stuff off a CD/DVD.
    It is illegal to RIP DVDs to your computer (even if you purchased the DVD), therefore cannot be discussed in these forums.

  • Is it possible to copy a DVD to my itouch?

    If so, how?

    Sorry, but if you're referring to commercial and hence copy-protected DVDs, breaking the copy protection, which would be necessary to copy the videos from the DVD and convert them, is illegal in the US (and other countries), so we're not allowed to discuss it here.
    If these are home movies that you or someone has burned to DVD and hence are not copy-protected, Handbrake (freeware) is one of the more popular converters. Once converted, you just drag the movie into the iTunes window on your computer and you can then sync it to your iPad.

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    thanks H.

    I'm afraid that ripping of commercially released DVDs can't be discussed as that involves breaking the encryption on them which is illegal in most countries. Such discussions are against the terms of use. "Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.":
    Discussions Help & Terms of Use
    US Code, Title 17 Sec. 1201. Circumvention of copyright protection system

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    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    So, in a perfect world, you would restore your library of valuable music from *your backed up files* to the library on your new PC, you know, the ones burnt to DVD/CD or on an external HD.
    This is the way iTunes works, it makes it perfectly clear and actively encourages users to *back up your music*.
    The iPod touch is not a back up device (nor is it advertised as one) it is a music player with a volatile memory that could actually disappear at anytime so it should not be trusted as a store for valuable files.
    To salvage your music you will have to use some 3rd party application on your PC/Mac (you fail to say) such as [Touch Copy|http://www.wideanglesoftware.com/touchcopy/index.html], Google for other options. This is not guaranteed to work but hopefully you will get your music back.
    Then back up.
    Good luck,
    *iPod touch* by the way, this an [ITOUCH|http://en.pasen.it/product_detail.php?id=36]

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    whenever i open itunes, this error message pops up "registry settings used bythe itunes driver for importing and burning CDs and DVDs are missing . This can happen as a result of installing ther CD burning softwares. Please reinstall Itunes".
    I'd start with the following document, with one modification. At step 12 after typing GEARAspiWDM press the Enter/Return key once prior to clicking OK. (Pressing Return adds a carriage return in the field and is important.)
    iTunes for Windows: "Registry settings" warning when opening iTunes

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    But the Calendar is worse. Apparently, I can only sync it via Outlook, 2003 or greater. So I've got to find a portable DVD drive, plug it in the netbook the iPad is synced with, load up Office, install Outlook on the netbook, which it's never had and doesn't need apart for this, and hope I can get the Calendar part working (or at least installed) enough for this sync, without having to pretend to Outlook that I'm going to connect it to anything.
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    All of this is not the straightforward user experience I might have hoped for.
    Is there an easier way? Someone please tell me there's an easier way.
    But I think all this points to a growing disconnect here that Apple needs to get its head around. Early iPods needed the mothership of iTunes on a PC, or they could do nothing at all. The iPod Touch, with wifi, got closer to severing the umbilical cord, but still couldn't quite manage it.
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    But enough polemic. My question is Contect/Calendar transfer, as set out above;
    is there an easier way?
    Someone please tell me there's an easier way......

    MobileMe is $99 a year, but yes, it would meet the needs of the OP very well as well as add some additional features such as iDisk, find my iDevice, mail, gallery, and bookmark syncing for safari and with iOS 4.2 on the iPad in November, it will sync notes as well...

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    You will need a program called Handbrake.  Search Google for it.
    Once Handbrake has created the file then you should be able to add that file to iTunes and sync to your iTouch.

  • How to ADD NEW music to itouch?

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    Every time I try to sync it say's everything on the itouch will be deleted.
    The current library has been deleted or removed from my PC but still on my ipod. I just want to add some new MP3s without deleting those already syncd on the touch.
    Message was edited by: Dr No

    Dr. (If you are a doctor...)
    Aside from that whole conversation above, what you are doing will, sooner or later, lead to extra stress in your life. The iPod was never intended as the primary storage device for your music. At some point you will lose it all. How can I say that with a straight face? Because in the troubleshooting tree for every single iPod error is the step "restore the iPod". Once you get to that point, all the music on the iPod will be deleted. And at that point it is unlikely you will be able to do a backup as the iPod is not responding.
    Once it is restored, it will look to your iTunes library to repopulate itself...only to find no music there. Then you are back here in a foul mood moaning about how evil iTunes is and that Steve Jobs should be in jail, and that nothing is going to bring back Jericho on CBS. (well, you get the picture)
    I'm asking you to prevent all that (except maybe the Jericho bit. It's done. CBS won't bring it back again). Please, please, please make a backup of your music. I'd love to say keep it on your computer, but I know that's a losing argument. Maybe pick up a cheap external drive? I got a 500GB USB for well under a hundred. Chump change next to what we all paid for our Touches. At least, burn all that music to DVDs. There are some great apps out there that can help you get the music off the iPod so you can do this.
    Anything so what when you are faced with the dread restore you will be able to easily reload the iPod. Without spending hours waiting for your optical drive to re-process all the albums. Please?

  • Existing music from iTouch to iMac

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    Hi Bear and Tiger! Welcome to Apple Discussions Forum.
    If you have purchased songs from the iTunes Music Store, then those are pretty easy to transfer to your computer. You'll just need to follow [this instructions|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305465].
    All your other content (for example, those ripped from your CD's), you'll need to use any 3rd party program to transfer them to your iTunes library!
    Some can also transfer your playlists, videos, ratings, podcast...
    *To use with iPod Touch/iPhone and other iPods:*
    [iGadget|http://www.ipodsoft.com/site/pmwiki.php?n=igadget.Homepage] (Mac and Windows)
    [iRepo|http://www.purpleghost.com/index.php?q=irepo] (Mac and Windows)
    [iPod Access|http://www.findleydesigns.com/ipodaccess/index.html] (Mac and Windows)
    *To use only with other iPods:*
    [Media Widget|http://www.bootstrapdevelopment.com/showproduct.aspx?t=b#features] (Windows only)
    [iDump|http://www.download.com/iDump/3000-2169_4-10407429.html] (Windows only)
    [Senuti|http://www.fadingred.org/senuti> (Windows Only)
    I would recommend you to keep your media safe, backing up library. Click [here|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302392] to learn how to do it, using CD's or DVD's.
    *This information is also available on my webpage [here|http://www.franciscoandre.com/Site/iTunesSupport/Entries/2008/3/30_Reflections_on_thelake.html]!*
    Hope this helps! If you still have doubts, please reply.
    Best Regards
    !http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54486/122/A57996D55BE7ABB4A67DE686D381A27 4.png!

  • Why are the drivers missing for importing and burning cd's and DVD's after a new installation of the software?

    I have just downloaded iTunes for 64-bit Windows 7, 7 times and I and got this error message:
    "The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CD's and DVD's are missing.  This can happen as a result of installing other CD burning software. Please reinstall." 
    This is a new hard drive, and there are no other CD burning software installed other than Windows Media Player which was pre-installed...There has never been any conflicts with any of the other previous versions of iTunes with WMP.  I have reinstalled iTunes about 7 times and have come to the conclusion that the software is faulty, because all 7 times, I continuously get the exact same error message. This version of iTunes doesn't recognize my iPhone, iTouch, iPad, or Apple TV.  My music however is stored in the cloud, but having to constantly download 6,000 plus songs over and over again is time consuming and really a waste of data. 
    Are there available drivers that can be downloaded to remedy this problem, and if so, how can I obtain them?

    "The registry settings used by the iTunes drivers for importing and burning CD's and DVD's are missing.  This can happen as a result of installing other CD burning software. Please reinstall."
    I'd start with the following document, with one modification. At step 12 after typing GEARAspiWDM press the Enter/Return key once prior to clicking OK. (Pressing Return adds a carriage return in the field and is important.)
    iTunes for Windows: "Registry settings" warning when opening iTunes

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    I was having glitches with apps like facebook and a few games. So I finally decided to restore and update after a few years without doing so. Now complete I can't download most apps because they require iOS 4.3 or greater. Is there any way around this? And if not, it seems pretty stupid that an update would inhibit my itouch.

    Like any and all software driven devices, computers, tvs, dvd players, cars, etc, the older hardware cannot run the newest software forever.
    Software constantly requires more from the hardware.

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