DW CS5 -- Issues with uploading files to server

Hi everyone -- I recently took over control of a website that hasn't been updated in years. I am in charge of redesigning the site, but need to keep what we have up-to-date until the new site is ready to roll out. I received the FTP info for the server and got site files into local folders so I can make changes. I've made changes to one file (index.html) and am trying to put that file back onto the server; but in the file transfer process, the dependent files do not get uploaded (I get a message saying "'fileName' - same - not transferred"). The one file that I have changed, and Dreamweaver says has been uploaded, is not updating on the web. I checked the file on both my local and remote view and both reflect the changes I have made -- just not the actual site on the web.
I'm sure that's a little confusing, so I'll try to summarize (with bulletts!):
I have correct FTP info to server
I downloaded site files from server to local folders
I edited index page, and put the file to the server
Dreamweaver indicates that the file has been successfully uploaded
Local view shows edits I have made
Remote view shows edits I have made
Other dependent files have not been uploaded ("'fileName' - same - not transferred" error message)
Actual website does not reflect changes made to index page
What am I doing wrong????
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

Filezilla is a free, open source FTP client. It's a standard desktop application. An FTP client connects to a server using the File Transfer Protocol and allows you to transfer files up to the server (upload) or download files from the server (download).
Why use a separate FTP client rather then the FTP functionality built-in to Dreamweaver? Because, in my experience, it works better the Dreamweaver's sometimes flakey FTP functionality and it's easier to troubleshoot FTP issues.
In Firefox, to clear the cache, go to Tools -> Advanced -> Click Network Tab -> Click "Clear Now" button. Hit F5 to refresh the page and see what changes (if caching was the issue). If nothing changes then for some reason your files are not being uploaded properly to the server. In that case I'd check to make sure you're loading your files to the correct directory on the server (usually a folder called "httdocs" or "www" - check with your hosting company to amke sure).
Hope this helps.

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    Is there a way to make the original example that uses the MS window to allow the user to select multiple files ?
    I have attached the example that uses the MS window.

    Use this code. May be it helps u.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:com="test.*" layout="absolute"
        creationComplete="initApp()" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private const _strDomain:String = new String("http://localhost:8400/");
                private const _strUploadScript:String = new String(_strDomain + "ProcessFileUp/UploadFile");
                // Initalize
                private function initApp():void {
        <mx:Canvas width="400" height="300" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                width="100%" height="100%"
                uploadComplete="Alert.show('File(s) have been uploaded.', 'Upload successful')"
                uploadIOError="Alert.show('IO Error in uploading file.', 'Error')"
                uploadSecurityError="Alert.show('Security Error in uploading file.', 'Error')"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:com="*"
        layout="vertical" width="100%" minWidth="400" height="100%" minHeight="200"
        title="Upload Files" creationComplete="initCom()">
            [Event(name="uploadComplete", type="flash.events.Event")]
            [Event(name="uploadProgress", type="flash.events.ProgressEvent")]
            [Event(name="uploadCancel", type="flash.events.Event")]
            [Event(name="uploadIOError", type="flash.events.IOErrorEvent")]
            [Event(name="uploadSecurityError", type="flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent")]
                import mx.controls.*;
                import mx.managers.*;
                import mx.events.*;
                import flash.events.*;
                import flash.net.*;
                private var _strUploadUrl:String;
                private var _refAddFiles:FileReferenceList;   
                private var _refUploadFile:FileReference;
                private var _arrUploadFiles:Array;
                private var _numCurrentUpload:Number = 0;           
                // Set uploadUrl
                public function set uploadUrl(strUploadUrl:String):void {
                    _strUploadUrl = strUploadUrl;
                // Initalize
                private function initCom():void {
                    _arrUploadFiles = new Array();               
                // Called to add file(s) for upload
                private function addFiles():void {
                    _refAddFiles = new FileReferenceList();
                    _refAddFiles.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelectFile);
                // Called when a file is selected
                private function onSelectFile(event:Event):void {
                    var arrFoundList:Array = new Array();
                    // Get list of files from fileList, make list of files already on upload list
                    for (var i:Number = 0; i < _arrUploadFiles.length; i++) {
                        for (var j:Number = 0; j < _refAddFiles.fileList.length; j++) {
                            if (_arrUploadFiles[i].name == _refAddFiles.fileList[j].name) {
                                _refAddFiles.fileList.splice(j, 1);
                    if (_refAddFiles.fileList.length >= 1) {               
                        for (var k:Number = 0; k < _refAddFiles.fileList.length; k++) {
                        listFiles.dataProvider = _arrUploadFiles;
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = _arrUploadFiles.length - 1;
                    if (arrFoundList.length >= 1) {
                        Alert.show("The file(s): \n\n• " + arrFoundList.join("\n• ") + "\n\n...are already on the upload list. Please change the filename(s) or pick a different file.", "File(s) already on list");
                // Called to format number to file size
                private function formatFileSize(numSize:Number):String {
                    var strReturn:String;
                    numSize = Number(numSize / 1000);
                    strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " KB");
                    if (numSize > 1000) {
                        numSize = numSize / 1000;
                        strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " MB");
                        if (numSize > 1000) {
                            numSize = numSize / 1000;
                            strReturn = String(numSize.toFixed(1) + " GB");
                    return strReturn;
                // Called to remove selected file(s) for upload
                private function removeFiles():void {
                    var arrSelected:Array = listFiles.selectedIndices;
                    if (arrSelected.length >= 1) {
                        for (var i:Number = 0; i < arrSelected.length; i++) {
                            _arrUploadFiles[Number(arrSelected[i])] = null;
                        for (var j:Number = 0; j < _arrUploadFiles.length; j++) {
                            if (_arrUploadFiles[j] == null) {
                                _arrUploadFiles.splice(j, 1);
                        listFiles.dataProvider = _arrUploadFiles;
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = 0;                   
                // Called to check if there is at least one file to upload
                private function uploadCheck():void {
                    if (_arrUploadFiles.length == 0) {
                        btnUpload.enabled = false;
                        listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                    } else {
                        btnUpload.enabled = true;
                        listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                // Disable UI control
                private function disableUI():void {
                    btnAdd.enabled = false;
                    btnRemove.enabled = false;
                    btnUpload.enabled = false;
                    btnCancel.enabled = true;
                    listFiles.enabled = false;
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "off";
                // Enable UI control
                private function enableUI():void {
                    btnAdd.enabled = true;
                    btnRemove.enabled = true;
                    btnUpload.enabled = true;
                    btnCancel.enabled = false;
                    listFiles.enabled = true;
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPolicy = "on";
                // Scroll listFiles to selected row
                private function scrollFiles():void {
                    listFiles.verticalScrollPosition = listFiles.selectedIndex;
                // Called to upload file based on current upload number
                private function startUpload():void {
                    if (_arrUploadFiles.length > 0) {
                        listFiles.selectedIndex = _numCurrentUpload;
                        // Variables to send along with upload
                        var sendVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                        sendVars.action = "upload";
                        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
                        request.data = sendVars;
                        request.url = _strUploadUrl;
                        request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                        _refUploadFile = new FileReference();
                        _refUploadFile = listFiles.selectedItem.file;
                        _refUploadFile.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);
                           _refUploadFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
                        _refUploadFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onUploadIoError);
                          _refUploadFile.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onUploadSecurityError);
                        _refUploadFile.upload(request, "file", false);
                // Cancel and clear eventlisteners on last upload
                private function clearUpload():void {
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUploadProgress);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onUploadComplete);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onUploadIoError);
                    _refUploadFile.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onUploadSecurityError);
                    _numCurrentUpload = 0;
                // Called on upload cancel
                private function onUploadCanceled():void {
                    dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadCancel"));
                // Get upload progress
                private function onUploadProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                    var numPerc:Number = Math.round((event.bytesLoaded / event.bytesTotal) * 100);
                    var evt:ProgressEvent = new ProgressEvent("uploadProgress", false, false, event.bytesLoaded, event.bytesTotal);
                // Update progBar
                private function updateProgBar(numPerc:Number = 0):void {
                    var strLabel:String = (_numCurrentUpload + 1) + "/" + _arrUploadFiles.length;
                    strLabel = (_numCurrentUpload + 1 <= _arrUploadFiles.length && numPerc > 0 && numPerc < 100) ? numPerc + "% - " + strLabel : strLabel;
                    strLabel = (_numCurrentUpload + 1 == _arrUploadFiles.length && numPerc == 100) ? "Upload Complete - " + strLabel : strLabel;
                    strLabel = (_arrUploadFiles.length == 0) ? "" : strLabel;
                    progBar.label = strLabel;
                    progBar.setProgress(numPerc, 100);
                // Called on upload complete
                private function onUploadComplete(event:Event):void {
                    if (_numCurrentUpload < _arrUploadFiles.length) {
                    } else {
                        dispatchEvent(new Event("uploadComplete"));
                // Called on upload io error
                private function onUploadIoError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                    var evt:IOErrorEvent = new IOErrorEvent("uploadIoError", false, false, event.text);
                // Called on upload security error
                private function onUploadSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                    var evt:SecurityErrorEvent = new SecurityErrorEvent("uploadSecurityError", false, false, event.text);
                // Change view state
                private function changeView():void {
                    currentState = (currentState == "mini") ? "" : "mini";
            <mx:State name="mini">
                <mx:SetProperty name="height" value="60"/>
                <mx:SetProperty name="minHeight" value="60"/>
                <mx:SetStyle target="{btnView}" name="icon" value="@Embed('assets/application_put.png')"/>
            <mx:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
                <mx:Resize target="{this}" duration="1000"/>
        <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
            <mx:DataGrid id="listFiles" left="0" top="0" bottom="0" right="0"
                allowMultipleSelection="true" verticalScrollPolicy="on"
                draggableColumns="false" resizableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false">
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="File" dataField="name" wordWrap="true"/>
                    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Size" dataField="size" width="75" textAlign="right"/>
        <mx:ControlBar horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
            <mx:Button id="btnAdd" toolTip="Add file(s)" click="addFiles()" icon="@Embed('assets/add.png')" width="26"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnRemove" toolTip="Remove file(s)" click="removeFiles()" icon="@Embed('assets/delete.png')" width="26"/>
            <mx:ProgressBar id="progBar" mode="manual" label="" labelPlacement="center" width="100%"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnCancel" toolTip="Cancel upload" icon="@Embed('assets/cancel2.png')" width="26" click="onUploadCanceled()"/>
            <mx:Button label="Upload" toolTip="Upload file(s)" id="btnUpload" click="startUpload()" icon="@Embed('assets/bullet_go.png')"/>
            <mx:Button id="btnView" toolTip="Show/Hide file(s)" icon="@Embed('assets/application_get.png')" width="26" click="changeView()"/>

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    With the Websheets in APEX 4, users could load them directly into the database.
    But the anti-virus issue has always been unclear. For the apps that we are allowing to upload to BLOBs, they are small user, internal apps so we hope that our enterprise desktop software will stop a bad file before it gets uploaded.
    We have gotten some questions about allowing outside-our-network people to upload spreadsheets or maybe even the public. So far, our security people have just said no - but I wondered what everyone else is doing?
    Are there any White Papers or articles on this? My general impression is that anti-virus software has to be installed at the server level to deal with this.
    If anyone can provide some guidance, I would appreciate it as I have to figure out what to tell the development team requesting to do this.

    Do you have to take excel format? CSV would be a lot safer.
    You might take inspiration from this:

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    I think your question should go in the Bridge forum,
    This one is only for discussions on the forums themselves,

  • Issues with uploaded files and timestamps

    Hi All,
    I am building an app that will have 2 csv's uploaded daily, and compare results. The problem I have is that I can't seem to get the data into tables using the timestamp datatype.
    I fixed this by making the columns varchar2 rather than timestamp in a stage table, and am now trying to write a sql query that would move the data to the original tables.
    I have tried the "insert into <table_name> select ..." without any success.
    I get a "ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column" error.
    I have tried to use timestamp(0) - (6) as the datatype, and have tried to use the to_timestamp(field,'YYY-MM-DD-HH24.MI.SS')
    Here is my table(s) - note that the temp table is exactly the same, except the timestamps are converted to varchar2
       "OUTPUT_FILE"            VARCHAR2(65)       NOT NULL,
        "FOLDER_ID"               NUMBER                NOT NULL,
        "TIME_RECEIVED"       TIMESTAMP(0)       NOT NULL,
        "FILE_SIZE"                  NUMBER(10,0)       NOT NULL,
        "PROGRAM_USED"      VARCHAR2(50)      NOT NULL,
        "PRINT_FILENAME"      VARCHAR2(55)      NOT NULL,
        "DOCUMENT_CNT"       NUMBER(7,0)         NOT NULL,
        "SHEET_CNT"               NUMBER(7,0)        NOT NULL,
        "IMPRESSION_CNT"     NUMBER(7,0)         NOT NULL,
        constraint  "HVP_PRINT_RESULTS_PK" primary key ("ID")
    )And here is the select statement I have been using: insert into PRINT_RESULTS <br>Select "OUTPUT_FILE", "FOLDER_ID",
    etc...Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance...

    1) What does the data look like in your VARCHAR2 columsn TIME_PROCESSED and TIME_RECEIVED?
    2) What happens if you change your INSERT INTO SELECT, and for the timestamp columns in your select clause, change those for the time being to TO_TIMESTAMP(null)? Does the error still occur?

  • I am having issues with Sidebar files not appearing from within InDesign CS5.5. They show up fine from other Adobe applications. Using OS10.6.8.

    I am having issues with Sidebar files not appearing from within InDesign CS5.5. They show up fine from other Adobe applications. Using OS10.6.8.

    I would first of all trash the preference file for InDesign, make sure the application is closed then find the prefs in
    /Users/USER NAME/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign and just throw the entire folder away, it will generate a new one after you launch InDesign again.
    Now launch InDesign and see if the problems are resolved.
    If not I would repair your permissions on your hard drive wih disk utility, and if that fails then di-install InDesign and re-install that single application.
    Let me know if any of these suggestions work for you
    I will be checking my email although you might have to wait for a response as I will be taking a microlight flight over the Victoria Falls tomorrow. Yay can hardly wait.

  • Can i development program with EDK for uploading file to server?

    Can I development program with EDK for uploading file to server?How to avoid same name of files?

    Hi ,
    thanks for the quick response.
    but the problem is supppose i have a excel sheet with 16 rows and 13 columns(so data).
    i am placing this file contents to appserver USING ABOVE fm.
    after that i am reading the file from appserver to create SO(idoc),i need  1row-3column data and 2row-2c data.like that.
    in unix we will get row data(after uploading to app server) as #mprn#2345# like this so easy to separate when reading.but in  MS NT OS 1row data getting stored in different rows in Appserver.so difficult to read.
    so the above mentioned FM is OS dependent or is there any way (any other FM) to get same kind of data in different OS.

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    everything went well until the final step "uploading files to server" -- it's been spinning for an hour, "status" still reads 0%, "pause task" and "cancel task" buttons are grayed out in Activity window. Any ideas?

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    Any words of advice, other than just buy Aperture 3??

    I have Aperture 2.X and had zero issues with RAW files from a 7D, so I think the problem is you are on 1.X. Converting to DNG first was a good suggestion if you don't want to purchase 3.X. Yet another reason to hate proprietary raw image file formats.......

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    hi gurus,
    Issue with excel file read is that we can read only one file by setting the path from ODBC Data Source Administrator-->System DNS -->Select Work book
    what i want to read the dynamic path(Every time I cant go back and set the Work book to select the excel file..
    So i came up with a solution to write a Vbscript that convert the excel to csv my problem got solved for dynamic paths the script is as follow:
    Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
    For I = 0 to objArgs.Count - 1
    FullName = objArgs(I)
    FileName = Left(objArgs(I), InstrRev(objArgs(I), ".") )
    Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application")
    set objExcelBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(FullName)
    objExcelBook.SaveAs FileName & "csv",23
    Set objExcel = Nothing
    set objExcelBook = Nothing
    Now this script convert the xls file to csv with comma seprated values
    e.g in excel sheet if data is ABC XYZ PQR
    csv will come with ABC,XYZ,PQR
    here the delimiter is , i want the delimiter as pipe | who's ascii code is 124
    but if i change 23 with 124 its not working i getting the error cannot save as...
    can anyone tell me that what should be the correct code for pipe
    so that the output is ABC|XYZ|PQR
    Edited by: 789141 on Sep 14, 2010 11:33 PM

    I dont have the answer for your question but i have different approach in handling multiple Excel File.
    Step 1. Copy a sample source Excel File and Call it Final.xls .
    Step 2. Map this Final.xls to DSN and in Topology call this Final.xls
    Step 3. Do the Reversing and Map and test the Interface . Once its done.
    Step 4. Create a Package and using a http://odiexperts.com/?p=1426 get the list of all the Excel File
    Step 5 . Using this http://odiexperts.com/?p=273 create a Loop to Read the Excel File name
    Step 6 . Copy using OdiFileCopy to Final.xls and run your interface .
    Step 7. Increment the Loop and copy your next File for Final and run the interface
    Step 8 . Finally you will be able to read all the Excel File .
    Step 9 . Delete the source file [ Optional ]
    Hope this helps.

  • Hi.  I am having issues with copying files to my shared WB 2TB HDD connected to my airport extreme.  Comes up with error 50.  I am using a Macbook Pro to copy from so not sure what I am doing wrong.  Can someone help? thanks Rory

    Hi.  I am having issues with copying files to my shared WB 2TB HDD connected to my airport extreme.  Comes up with error 50.  I am using a Macbook Pro to copy from so not sure what I am doing wrong.  Can someone help? thanks Rory

    These links might provide some information that may be of help.
    I've encountered this error myself upon occasion.  If I remember correctly, it was a permissions/ownership issue with the some of the files I was copying.

  • Issue with Sender File FCC

    Hi Experts,
    I have an issue with Sender File FCC Adapter. The file being picked is of type TXT and it is tab seperated. The first line contains the field names and from next line onwards we have values for those fields.
    The field names and field values are tab seperated. Even inserting a single letter in some field value manually disrupts the whole setup & alignment of the TXT file and the Sender File CC is unable to pick up the file from the shared folder. If the first file is errorenous and after that a correct TXT file is posted, it fails to pick up the correct file as it is trying to pick the errorenous file first.
    The Error thrown is :
    "Conversion of file content to XML failed at position 0: java.lang.Exception: ERROR converting document line no. 2 according to structure 'ABCD':java.lang.Exception: ERROR in configuration / structure 'ABCD.': More elements in file csv structure than field names specified!"
    I have two questions:
    1. Is there a way to handle such a scenario? For e.g., the errornous TXT file gets picked but throws error in PI.
    2. Is there an alternative that the sender FCC channel picks up the correct files and filter out the errorneous ones ? ?

    Hi Arkesh,
    I think you are passing more number of fields than expected. Please check paramters defined and send the data accordingly.
    In the processing parameters tab of sender file adapter, you have an option called Archive faulty source files, below to that you would have option to enter the " Directory for Archiving files with Errors".
    I hope this helps you....

  • Issue with attachment file name

    Hi All,
    This is about an issue with attachment file name:
    we have a scenario wherein we have payload with attachments ...(attachments can be any doc ,pdf) , problem is main document is comming with messageid.sap.com and thats normal but attachments are comming with file names for example something.pdf or something.doc or something.txt ...this is failing in adapter as it expects same name as u have in main document...anybody have any idea to get through this issue...

    we have a scenario wherein we have payload with attachments ...(attachments can be any doc ,pdf) , problem is main document is comming with messageid.sap.com and thats normal but attachments are comming with file names for example something.pdf or something.doc or something.txt ...this is failing in adapter as it expects same name as u have in main document...anybody have any idea to get through this issue...
    - <SAP:Payload xlink:href="cid:payload-4CED452F17C601BDE10080000A492050---sap.com">
      <SAP:Name>1 .Header1.txt</SAP:Name>
    Error we are getting is
    Cannot cast 'Header' to boolean] in class com.sap.aii.mappingtool.flib7.NodeFunctions method createIf[Header, com.sap.aii.mappingtool.tf7.rt.Context---27a73bfa]
    So we have to change the File name Header1.txt to something which we can cast to creatif....(we cannot tell the sendr to change the file name as its is set already)
    Thanks for interste and assisting

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    I had not problem with camtasia Mp4s previously and today I have had so many issues with premier pro

    Even i faced this issue before...the problem with file adapter is the attribute nxsd:quotedBy takes &quot; as default even if u dont mention it takes the same and now after the quotes it immediately expects | wch is not there in the data and it throws the error...now the fix for the problem is put some symbol for nxsd:quotedBy wch u never expect in the data some thing like less than or greater than symbol ....some thing like below
    <element name="FieldTwo" type="string" nxsd:style="terminated"
    nxsd:terminatedBy="|" nxsd:quotedBy="<"/>

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    I then go to Adobe Send Now and it works fine.

    The problem is the same as described in other similar threads.
    I have a 57 MB PowerPoint file I am trying to send using Adobe Send. I go through the normal steps to identify the file and select recipients and then send the file. After the file completes the upload - an error saying there was a problem comes up and the file is not uploaded.
    I have tried to upload the file to the site with similar results - error and the file doesn't go.
    I can go to the old SendNow site and it works flawlessly.
    If I need to get screenshots - let me know. There are several other threads describing this same problem. It isn't something new or not heard of before.
    Sent from my iPod

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  • Physical path and Logical name in File adapter

    Hi All- I am using a file adapter, in which i need to specify the physical path or logical path. In dev environment my file adapter's input path is /c01/interface/dev/input, but in my test environment it is /u01/interface/test/input. So everytime I h

  • Best practice to define length for varchar field of table in sql server

    What is best practice to define length for a varchar field in table where field suppose Remarks By Person  varchar(max) or varchar(4000) Could it affect on optimization in future???? experts Reply Must ...  Dilip Patil..

  • Problem about Communication with Bluetooth

    Hi all! I want to use a PC host to communicate with a mobile phone with Bluetooth technology. In details, the mobile phone wanting to know some informaiton about "news of today" firstly send a message to my PC, then my PC have to response with a repl

  • Oracle Integration to SQL Server

    We have a .Net based product based on SQL server, and we would like to integrate with another product that uses Oracle. The application needs a funtionality of communicating with other servers such that DB1 on Server1 can share data to DB2 on Server2

  • Should I De-Interlace?

    Hi All, So I am working in a 10Bit Uncompressed PAL project and need to (1) create a PAL DVD and (2) convert to NTSC and create an NTSC DVD. My question is should I use the De-Interlace filter on either or both? I'm using Nattress to convert to NTSC