(DW) Esconder un layer

Hola foro:
He hecho un banner de esos que van en un layer. Dentro de
este layer he
puesto un banner flash, que carga un peque�o video con
sonido. Para cerrar
el layer uso un javascript simple. El boton para cerrar el
layer esta dentro
del flash...Con Explorer no hay ningun problema, el layer se
PERO...con Firefox el layer se cierra pero el sonido del
video sigue
escuchandose... Yo ahora meti en el flash, dentro del boton
para cerrar el
layer, un StopAllSound despues del script, pero no creo que
sea la solucion
del todo correcta....Alguno sabe que otra cosa puedo hacer?
Espero que entiendan la duda

Porque la sintaxis de actionscript 3 no se parece nada, nada
y nada a la de
actionscript 2. En el 3 deberás poner esto:
boton1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, enlaza);
function enlaza (evento:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL (new URLRequest("
Juan Muro
"Salva" <[email protected]> escribió en el
mensaje de noticias
news:fre79r$a35$[email protected]..
> Gracias Juan no se porque pero me lo temia, pero ahora
me salta otra duda,
> no se como crear un enlace a un botno con action 3, con
action 2 es muy
> facil pero con action 3 ¿porque no puedo?
>> Pues...no, tendrás que tocar el Flash, los
objetos OLE que requieren de
>> controles activX son cabinets que no admiten
etiquetas htm como la <aref>
>> del enlace hipertextual.
>> Salu2
>> `8¬]
>> Juan Muro

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  • I am trying to use java  file as Model layer and jsf as presentation layer

    I am trying to use java file as Model layer and jsf as presentation layer and need some help
    I successfully get the value of h:outputText from java file by doing simple binding operation but I am facing problems when I am trying to fill h:dataTable
    I create java file
    package oracle.model;
    import java.sql.;*
    import java.util.;*
    *public class TableBean {*
    Connection con ;
    Statement ps;
    ResultSet rs;
    private List perInfoAll = new ArrayList();
    *public List getperInfoAll() {*
    perInfoAll.add(0,new perInfo("name","username","blablabla"));
    return perInfoAll;
    *public class perInfo {*
    String uname;
    String firstName;
    String lastName;
    *public perInfo(String firstName,String lastName,String uname) {*
    this.uname = uname;
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    *public String getUname() {*
    return uname;
    *public String getFirstName() {*
    return firstName;
    *public String getLastName() {*
    return lastName;
    right click on the file and choose 'create data control'
    then i wrote the jsf file:
    *<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>*
    *<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>*
    *<h:dataTable id="dt1" value="#{bindings.perInfoAll}"*
    var="item" bgcolor="#F1F1F1" border="10"
    cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" rows="4" width="50%"
    dir="LTR" frame="hsides" rules="all"
    *<f:facet name="header">*
    *<h:outputText value="This is 'dataTable' demo" id="ot6"/>*
    *<h:column id="c2">*
    *<f:facet name="header">*
    *<h:outputText value="First Name" id="ot1"/>*
    *<h:outputText style="" value="#{item.firstName}"*
    *<h:column id="c4">*
    *<f:facet name="header">*
    *<h:outputText value="Last Name" id="ot9"/>*
    *<h:outputText value="#{item.lastName}" id="ot8"/>*
    *<h:column id="c3">*
    *<f:facet name="header">*
    *<h:outputText value="Username" id="ot7"/>*
    *<h:outputText value="#{item.uname}" id="ot4"/>*
    *<f:facet name="footer">*
    *<h:outputText value="The End" id="ot3"/>*
    but nothing is appear in my table
    I know that there is something wrong in calling the binding object
    I need help pls and where can i find some help to deal with another tag types

    i dragged the "perInfoAll" from my "Data Controls" and choosed adf table (even I know that new table with adf tags well be generated and i want table with jsf tags)
    and this code is generated
    *<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"*
    *<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>*
    *<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>*
    *<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>*
    *<%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/faces/rich" prefix="af"%>*
    *<af:document id="d1">*
    *<af:messages id="m1"/>*
    *<af:form id="f1">*
    *<af:table value="#{bindings.perInfoAll1.collectionModel}" var="row"*
    *emptyText="#{bindings.perInfoAll1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"*
    *rowSelection="multiple" id="t1">*
    *<af:column sortProperty="uname" sortable="false"*
    *<af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.uname.inputValue}"*
    *<f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.uname.validator}"/>*
    *<af:column sortProperty="firstName" sortable="false"*
    *<af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.firstName.inputValue}"*
    *<f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.firstName.validator}"/>*
    *<af:column sortProperty="lastName" sortable="false"*
    *<af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.lastName.inputValue}"*
    *<f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.lastName.validator}"/>*
    but when run it i see the following errors
    *Class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDataControl can not access a member of class nl.amis.hrm.EmpManager with modifiers "private"*
    *Object EmpManager of type DataControl is not found.*
    *Class oracle.adf.model.adapter.bean.BeanDataControl can not access a member of class nl.amis.hrm.EmpManager with modifiers "private"*
    *Object EmpManager of type DataControl is not found.*

  • How do I use one layer for multiple pages?

    I've been using Photoshop to create a series of web pages. I have about 20 such pages right now.
    Unfortunately, I need to change the navigation menu that is found on all 20 pages.
    To make these changes, do I need to change 20 different files? Or is there a way to link one layer group to multiple PSD files so that editing it once results in it changing on all 20 pages?

    You'll have to make some sort of change to each document, but it should only take a few minutes when there's only 20 of them. You edit the group in one, then for each of the others, simply duplicate or drag the edited group into it and delete the old group.
    There is also the option of structuring your workflow with Smart Objects which can be refreshed in each document with a common document containing only the menu group. For linking of Smart Object content, there is a third party plug-in but I don't know whether it is reliable.

  • How can I create a new layer that is a gradient?

    Hi, i'm very new to photoshop scripting and am having some trouble.
    I'm looking for a way to take an image i have and set it to have a gradient opacity as it approaches the middle, my thought on how to do that was to just create a layer that is a gradient from top left to bottom right and then attach that as a vector mask.
    Any ideas on how I could create this gradient layer in script, or a better method of doing this opacity gradient?
    Thanks in advance,

    You could try this:
    // 2012, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    var theLayer = myDocument.activeLayer;
    if (theLayer.isBackgroundLayer == true) {theLayer.isBackgroundLayer = false};
    // create gradient layer;
    // =======================================================
    var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
        var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref3 = new ActionReference();
            var idcontentLayer = stringIDToTypeID( "contentLayer" );
            ref3.putClass( idcontentLayer );
        desc15.putReference( idnull, ref3 );
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var desc16 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idType = charIDToTypeID( "Type" );
                var desc17 = new ActionDescriptor();
                var idType = charIDToTypeID( "Type" );
                var idGrdT = charIDToTypeID( "GrdT" );
                var idLnr = charIDToTypeID( "Lnr " );
                desc17.putEnumerated( idType, idGrdT, idLnr );
                var idGrad = charIDToTypeID( "Grad" );
                    var desc18 = new ActionDescriptor();
                    var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
                    desc18.putString( idNm, "Custom" );
                    var idGrdF = charIDToTypeID( "GrdF" );
                    var idGrdF = charIDToTypeID( "GrdF" );
                    var idCstS = charIDToTypeID( "CstS" );
                    desc18.putEnumerated( idGrdF, idGrdF, idCstS );
                    var idIntr = charIDToTypeID( "Intr" );
                    desc18.putDouble( idIntr, 4096.000000 );
                    var idClrs = charIDToTypeID( "Clrs" );
                        var list3 = new ActionList();
                            var desc19 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idClr = charIDToTypeID( "Clr " );
                                var desc20 = new ActionDescriptor();
                                var idRd = charIDToTypeID( "Rd  " );
                                desc20.putDouble( idRd, 0.000000 );
                                var idGrn = charIDToTypeID( "Grn " );
                                desc20.putDouble( idGrn, 0.000000 );
                                var idBl = charIDToTypeID( "Bl  " );
                                desc20.putDouble( idBl, 0.000000 );
                            var idRGBC = charIDToTypeID( "RGBC" );
                            desc19.putObject( idClr, idRGBC, desc20 );
                            var idType = charIDToTypeID( "Type" );
                            var idClry = charIDToTypeID( "Clry" );
                            var idUsrS = charIDToTypeID( "UsrS" );
                            desc19.putEnumerated( idType, idClry, idUsrS );
                            var idLctn = charIDToTypeID( "Lctn" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idLctn, 0 );
                            var idMdpn = charIDToTypeID( "Mdpn" );
                            desc19.putInteger( idMdpn, 50 );
                        var idClrt = charIDToTypeID( "Clrt" );
                        list3.putObject( idClrt, desc19 );
                            var desc21 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idClr = charIDToTypeID( "Clr " );
                                var desc22 = new ActionDescriptor();
                                var idRd = charIDToTypeID( "Rd  " );
                                desc22.putDouble( idRd, 0.000000 );
                                var idGrn = charIDToTypeID( "Grn " );
                                desc22.putDouble( idGrn, 0.000000 );
                                var idBl = charIDToTypeID( "Bl  " );
                                desc22.putDouble( idBl, 0.000000 );
                            var idRGBC = charIDToTypeID( "RGBC" );
                            desc21.putObject( idClr, idRGBC, desc22 );
                            var idType = charIDToTypeID( "Type" );
                            var idClry = charIDToTypeID( "Clry" );
                            var idUsrS = charIDToTypeID( "UsrS" );
                            desc21.putEnumerated( idType, idClry, idUsrS );
                            var idLctn = charIDToTypeID( "Lctn" );
                            desc21.putInteger( idLctn, 4096 );
                            var idMdpn = charIDToTypeID( "Mdpn" );
                            desc21.putInteger( idMdpn, 50 );
                        var idClrt = charIDToTypeID( "Clrt" );
                        list3.putObject( idClrt, desc21 );
                    desc18.putList( idClrs, list3 );
                    var idTrns = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
                        var list4 = new ActionList();
                            var desc23 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idOpct = charIDToTypeID( "Opct" );
                            var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
                            desc23.putUnitDouble( idOpct, idPrc, 0.000000 );
                            var idLctn = charIDToTypeID( "Lctn" );
                            desc23.putInteger( idLctn, 0 );
                            var idMdpn = charIDToTypeID( "Mdpn" );
                            desc23.putInteger( idMdpn, 50 );
                        var idTrnS = charIDToTypeID( "TrnS" );
                        list4.putObject( idTrnS, desc23 );
                            var desc24 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idOpct = charIDToTypeID( "Opct" );
                            var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
                            desc24.putUnitDouble( idOpct, idPrc, 100.000000 );
                            var idLctn = charIDToTypeID( "Lctn" );
                            desc24.putInteger( idLctn, 2048 );
                            var idMdpn = charIDToTypeID( "Mdpn" );
                            desc24.putInteger( idMdpn, 50 );
                        var idTrnS = charIDToTypeID( "TrnS" );
                        list4.putObject( idTrnS, desc24 );
                            var desc25 = new ActionDescriptor();
                            var idOpct = charIDToTypeID( "Opct" );
                            var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
                            desc25.putUnitDouble( idOpct, idPrc, 0.000000 );
                            var idLctn = charIDToTypeID( "Lctn" );
                            desc25.putInteger( idLctn, 4096 );
                            var idMdpn = charIDToTypeID( "Mdpn" );
                            desc25.putInteger( idMdpn, 50 );
                        var idTrnS = charIDToTypeID( "TrnS" );
                        list4.putObject( idTrnS, desc25 );
                    desc18.putList( idTrns, list4 );
                var idGrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Grdn" );
                desc17.putObject( idGrad, idGrdn, desc18 );
            var idgradientLayer = stringIDToTypeID( "gradientLayer" );
            desc16.putObject( idType, idgradientLayer, desc17 );
        var idcontentLayer = stringIDToTypeID( "contentLayer" );
        desc15.putObject( idUsng, idcontentLayer, desc16 );
    executeAction( idMk, desc15, DialogModes.NO );
    // move layer below;
    var theGradient = myDocument.activeLayer;
    theGradient.move(theLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEAFTER);
    // clipping mask;
    theLayer.grouped = true

  • Is there a way to add multiple outlines on the same layer?

    Hi there! I'm trying to add an outline to text or objects through the style fx, then I want to add more outlines. It would be nice if you could just add a new stroke like in illustrator. I don't want copy the layer and just do a thicker outline behind it, the point is to have it all on the same layer .. just wondering if thats possible. Thanks!

    You have been given two approaches which may meet your needs. There is another way that offers independent control of the styles, but you do use multiple layers.
    Assume you have a path that defines your object and lets say you want to apply three different styles and have independent and ongoing control over each. Create a new blank layer for each style. On each of those layers apply a brush stroke to the path, say a 1 pixel stroke whose color is also the background color as an example. Now on each of those layers apply your chosen layer styles. That is what I have done in this example:


    Hello, I'm going through Chris Meyer's video course on being an AE apprentice and have spent over an hour on the following issue.
    Here is what I know.
    I know I am trying to create a shape layer, not a mask, to create a frame to surround the video of the green field on the attached screenshot.  Therefore, I pressed "F2" to make sure I am doing so.
    I want to define the borders of this picture frame by using the pen tool to draw a path on the layer entitled "Windy Peak".
    I have highlighted that layer in my timeline.
    This video was pasted on to a placeholder shape that I had created using Command Option "/" on my Mac.
    I do have limited use of the pen tool, because it displays properly when I hover it above the borders of the video to be framed.
    But I lack access to the toolbar controls I want to complete my assignment.
    For example, I would like to create a gradient to define the internal coloration of this frame, but I have no use of the eyedropper when I click on the Color Picker.
    Also, I am unable to access or manipulate any of the standard fill or stroke options for use of my pen.
    This is what I know.  
    Thanks for your help!   Matt
    Message was edited by: Matt Dubuque to add the fact that the video had been pasted on to a placeholder shape image by pressing Command Option "/" on my Mac.

    Thanks for pitching in Todd and Rick, I appreciate it very much.
    As previously stated, I do have use of the pen tool, but it only has limited functionality as demonstrated by the path I created on the green meadow.  My Tools Panel remains activated .
    My core problem remains that I am unable to adjust the fill or stroke settings for my pen.
    I have tried changing and resetting various work spaces and this has not helped.
    I'm scratching my head here.

  • Issue while sending a zipped file from ABAP to JAVA layer

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement wherein i have to zip a xml file in abap, convert it to base64 encoded string and send it to JAVA layer.
    I'm using the class CL_ABAP_ZIP for zipping the xml string and FM "SCMS_BASE64_ENCODE_STR" to convert the zipped data to base64 encoded string.
    But on the JAVA layer we get an exception while unzipping this data.
    Has anybody come across a similar situtation.
    Please help.
    Ankit Agrawal

    DATA: L_ZIPPER TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip.
    DATA: FILENAME type string.
    DATA: PATH type string.
    DATA: zip type xstring.
    DATA: FULL_PATH type string.
    DATA: FILE_LENGTH type i.
    DATA: FILE_TAB type w3mimetabtype.
    DATA: WA_INT type int4.
    DATA: PATH_TABLE TYPE TABLE of char1024.
    "    Load the file
    "Which file to upload
        FILE_TABLE              = FILE_N_TAB
        RC                      = WA_INT
    "load the (first) file from the frontend the user has selected.
    "get the file
           FILENAME                = FULL_PATH
           FILETYPE                = 'BIN'
          FILELENGTH              = FILE_LENGTH
          DATA_TAB                = file_tab.
    "create xstring from table
        BUFFER             = FILEX
        BINARY_TAB         = file_tab
    "get the name of the file. we take entry after the last '\' ...windows.

  • I don't have a dual-layer drive, can I install Tiger or Leopard?

    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in the topic below. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information below at your own discretion.
    Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard come on what appear to be larger than 4.7 GB discs. This does not mean you need a dual layer drive to install them. Some Macs capable of installing Tiger or Leopard came with a built-in CD-RW, or CD-ROM drive. For those a compatible Firewire DVD drive for booting Mac OS X can work instead of replacing the internal drive. Tiger also came in a limited edition Media Exchange Program CD installer package, which you may be able to find in the open market. The limitation for each is dependant on other hardware:
    1. If your Mac shipped new with no Firewire, you may be able to install Tiger a special third party addon software known as XPostFacto.
    2. If your Mac shipped new with less than 867 Mhz built-in processor (including dual processor 800 MHz or less), you may be able to install Leopard with a special third party addon software known as Leopard Assist.
    3. If your Mac shipped with a processor upgrade card installed, and #2 is true, a firmware update may be available from the processor upgrade card vendor that allows Leopard's installation.
    4. Tiger needs at least 256 MB of RAM.
    Leopard needs at least 512 MB of RAM.
    If you have a lot of dashboard widgets, you may need to increase RAM to improve performance on either operating system. The RAM needs to follow Apple's specs to ensure smooth operation. Only get RAM with a lifetime warranty.
    5. Officially you need for Tiger:
    "At least 3 GB of free disk space; 4 GB if you install the XCode 2 Developer Tools" from: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1514
    And officially for Leopard you need:
    "9 GB of available disk space or more" from http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3759
    However, I would add to that if your hard drive doesn't have at least 15% of the drive free in addition to that, you may experience significant slowing down in the operating system function. This number has been arbitrarily discovered by many users.
    6. When installing Tiger or Leopard, if your machine shipped with Panther (10.3) or earlier, be sure to get the retail Tiger or retail Leopard.
    The Tiger installer is a san serif gray and white X with a spotlight on the center of the X on a black background.
    The Leopard installer is a san serif black and gray X on a pink galaxy centered on a black background.
    This is the 1st version of this tip. It was submitted on Dec 23, 2009 by a brody.
    Do you want to provide feedback on this User Contributed Tip or contribute your own? If you have achieved Level 2 status, visit the User Tips Library Contributions forum for more information.

    Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in the topic below. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information below at your own discretion.
    Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard come on what appear to be larger than 4.7 GB discs. This does not mean you need a dual layer drive to install them. Some Macs capable of installing Tiger or Leopard came with a built-in CD-RW, or CD-ROM drive. For those a compatible Firewire DVD drive for booting Mac OS X can work instead of replacing the internal drive. Tiger also came in a limited edition Media Exchange Program CD installer package, which you may be able to find in the open market. The limitation for each is dependant on other hardware:
    1. If your Mac shipped new with no Firewire, you may be able to install Tiger a special third party addon software known as XPostFacto.
    2. If your Mac shipped new with less than 867 Mhz built-in processor (including dual processor 800 MHz or less), you may be able to install Leopard with a special third party addon software known as Leopard Assist.
    3. If your Mac shipped with a processor upgrade card installed, and #2 is true, a firmware update may be available from the processor upgrade card vendor that allows Leopard's installation.
    4. Tiger needs at least 256 MB of RAM.
    Leopard needs at least 512 MB of RAM.
    If you have a lot of dashboard widgets, you may need to increase RAM to improve performance on either operating system. The RAM needs to follow Apple's specs to ensure smooth operation. Only get RAM with a lifetime warranty.
    5. Officially you need for Tiger:
    "At least 3 GB of free disk space; 4 GB if you install the XCode 2 Developer Tools" from: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1514
    And officially for Leopard you need:
    "9 GB of available disk space or more" from http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3759
    However, I would add to that if your hard drive doesn't have at least 15% of the drive free in addition to that, you may experience significant slowing down in the operating system function. This number has been arbitrarily discovered by many users.
    6. When installing Tiger or Leopard, if your machine shipped with Panther (10.3) or earlier, be sure to get the retail Tiger or retail Leopard.
    The Tiger installer is a san serif gray and white X with a spotlight on the center of the X on a black background.
    The Leopard installer is a san serif black and gray X on a pink galaxy centered on a black background.
    This is the 1st version of this tip. It was submitted on Dec 23, 2009 by a brody.
    Do you want to provide feedback on this User Contributed Tip or contribute your own? If you have achieved Level 2 status, visit the User Tips Library Contributions forum for more information.

  • I'm trying to install a layer style (.asl) in photoshop cc 2014 and I get the error message 'Could not place the document 'filename.asl' because no parser or file format can open the file.' Any suggestions?

    I get the same error when trying the same thing with the default styles, so it's not the file.

    So, if you click on one on of the layer style sets already on the list, such as Text Effects 2, you get the same message?
    Which version of mac os x are you using?
    Did you upgrade your mac os with photoshop cc 2014 already installed?
    Do you have the lastest version of photoshop cc 2014, which should be 2014.2.1
    (listed at the top of Help>System Info from within photoshop)
    Do you see the same layer styles as shown above on your list?
    Have you moved/copied any plugins from an earlier version of photoshop to the photoshop cc 2014 plugins folder?
    The layer styles shown on the list above are the styles that ship with cc 2014 and should be in
    /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC 2014/Presets/Styles
    (the mac applications folder where all the other mac applications are installed)
    You might try resetting the preferences, but you might need to uninstall photoshop cc 2014 and then reinstall.
    (don't drag the cc 2014 to the trash, but use the Uninstall Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 in the photoshop cc 2014 application folder)
    To reset the preferences
    Press and hold down the Shift+Command+Option keys while starting photoshop cc 2014
    Keep holding the keys down until you get a dialog asking if you want to delete the adobe photoshop settings file
    Press Yes

  • Fixed layer in a pdf created by illustrator

    Hi guys,
    I'm an absolute beginner in illustrator and i have perhaps a trivial problem:
    I create a map of a region with different information each on an own layer and additional one layer with the legend, which should be visible all the time. After all I want to save this file as an PDF to make it available for my custumer.
    Now my problem, in this pdf-file it's possible to disable the legend layer and my customer has the possibility to print out my map without my copyright or logo.
    Is there any possibility to fix this layer in the pdf?
    I tried out, that it would be possible if I copy my logo into each layer, but that's just an agreement not the "perfect" solution.
    Thank you for every idea or hint!

    I was so curious and tried it:
    I think the best solution is the background solution with acrobat standard:
    - Save the legend layer in an own file (without all other layers) and then in an own pdf file without creating a layer (remove the check at the save option).
    - save the other layers in a second pdf file with the layer information and without the legend layer (delete it in the ai file before saving it as a pdf)
    and then combine the two pdf files as described there: http://www.adobe.com/designcenter/acrobat/articles/acr8at_background.html
    You need an additional programm and two files
    The illustrator file is "clean" and with no double information.
    a big thank you to Jacob Bugge for giving me the idea!

  • In Photoshop CC (2014), Hue/Saturation adjustment layer properties disappear

    I am running Photoshop CC (2014) under Windows 7 Professional.  The program is up to date.
    Today, while editing an 8-bit image, I added a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.  Then, in the properties panel for this layer, with the on-image adjustment tool selected, I clicked a color in the image to get a range of colors whose saturation I wanted to adjust.  Next, using the saturation slider in the properties panel, I increased the saturation of this range of colors. Finally, I closed the properties panel by clicking on the double arrow in the upper right corner.
    Later, I wanted to modify this adjustment layer.  I double-clicked on the layer thumbnail to reopen the properties panel, and found that, although the previous increase in saturation was still operating, the saturation slider was back at its default position, and the range of colors that I had previously established was gone.  Thus, I could not make further adjustments to this range of colors.
    I then did some further experimentation:  I deleted the first Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, and created a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. I then again established a range of colors as above, again increased the saturation of these colors, and then again closed the properties panel by clicking on the double arrow in the upper right corner.  This time, however, when I wanted to try to modify this adjustment layer, instead of double-clicking on the layer thumbnail to reopen the properties panel, I right-clicked on the layer and then clicked on "Edit adjustment..."  This opened the properties panel, which, this time, correctly showed my original adjustments -- the saturation slider showed the positive adjustment that I had previously made, and the range of colors established earlier was still shown. But then, on a hunch, I added a Curves adjustment layer above the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.  Now, when I again opened the properties panel of the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer (by right-clicking on the layer and then clicking on "Edit adjustment..."), my previous settings were gone -- the saturation slider was at its default position and the range of colors was gone!  (But the increase in saturation was still operating.)
    Thus, it appears that there is a bug in the functioning of the properties panel of the Hue/Saturation layer: In short, once you have added a further adjustment layer, you can't then go back and make changes to the properties of the Hue/Saturation layer.  I would be interested to hear if others have noticed this.  Also, is Adobe planning to address this?

    OK, I am not entirely sure I have understood your post completely, but when you edit a colour range with a Hue/Sat layer, and click off and back on again, it will default to showing the RGB values, which you may not have made any adjustment to.  If you pick the previous colour from the image, or a similar colour, it _will_ show you the adjustments.  So long as your picked colour is contained within the range of the previous adjustment.
    Ypu could also use the RGB drop down (actually they call it Master nowadays), and chose the colour that is closest to your previously picked colour.  I expect you are away that you can edit the colour range being operated on by dragging the four sliders on the two colour bars at the bottom of the Properties panel.
    Does that make sense, or am I going in the wrong direction?

  • Camera Raw Filter is not working correctly in Photoshop CC when applied to video layer

    With Photoshop CC, when editing a video and adding a "Camera Raw Filter" to some video layer, the effect will be applied only to one frame and not to the whole video layer.
    Should it not add that filter to the whole layer (e.g. all frames in that clip)?

    Either it's a bug or a limitation. Haven't yet tried this, so I can't tell you whether it works as it should or is acting up... I would however assume that within what one can expect it works as designed - ACR doesn't have a built-in timeline, so there would be nothing for the PS routines to request retrieval of frames from withing the SO.

  • Action written in CS4 won't run correctly in Elements 11 - specif. the "selective color" layer

    I created an action using Adobe Photoshop CS4, and it runs correctly in CS4.  When I save and load the action into Elements 11,  there is a problem with the selective color layer.  The selective color layer shows up in the layer stack along with the expected message that it can't be edited b/c it was created in the full version of Photoshop. However, the layer itself does not have any color/changes in it.
    In Photoshop, the selective color layer makes the photo look pink.  When I run the action in Elements11,the selective color layer does absolutely nothing to the photo.  I do have the eye turned "on" to view the layer, and it's set at the correct blending options & opacity (normal, 100%). 
    If I run the action in Photoshop, save the file with all the action-created layers, and reopen the file in Elements 11, THEN the selective color layer shows its correct pink color.  But when I run the action as a stand-alone action in Elements11, it does not.
    Can anyone offer help as to why this is happening? Is there something special I need to do to make the action work correctly in Elements 11? My understanding was that it should RUN and create the layers correctly, although some of them will not be editable in Elements11. However, as it stands, it is not creating them with the correct color.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    You probaly need to record the action in a little different way in photoshop cs4 to get the selective color adjustment layer to work.
    Try something like this:
    1. In photoshop cs4 add an selective color adjustment layer, but don't do any adjustments and stop recording the action.
    2. Undo the selective color adjustment layer and then double click on on the selective color adjustment layer step in the actions panel
       and when the dialog opens set your adjustments and click ok.
    Now it should work in pse 11:

  • Type layer error: Could not complete your request because of a program error.

    I am trying to rebuild text in a photo. I clicked the type tool, clicked on the background layer (knowing a new one should form) and got this error:
    Could not complete your request because of a program error.
    Then I made a new blank layer, clicked on it and got the same error.
    I quit, relaunched started typing the new layer without a hitch. But when I selected to change the font (to any font), I got the same error
    I switched to Firefox to search for the problem and went back to PSCS5. Now I can change the font! After switching applications and clicking on the type layer, I get the error again! Then it's fixed. Then it comes back.
    Anyone have this problem or a solution?
    I'm using Mac OS 10.5.8 with PSCS5 12.0.1

    Most likely you have a corrupt font which is causing problems for some of the type/font code.
    Try validating your fonts with FontBook as a first step.

  • Photoshop CC 2014.2.2 program error when I place a layer or open a new file

    I have just updated to the most recent PS CC2014 version. Twice, in fact, and the same problem persists. At some point while working on a file it will become impossible to place a new layer or open a new file. Other program functions work, but these will produce an error message: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." It's very frustrating and the only solution is to restart the program which will run fine for a while and then do it again.
    Is anyone else experiencing this? Or better still, has anyone found a solution to this issue?

    I am experiencing a similiar problem.
    Ever since I upgraded to CC I have received this error after using Photoshop for more than 5 mins, or trying to performing tasks such as: placing a linked file, copying and pasting, dragging and dropping an image or even using "File>Open"
    I did a complete system clean install of Yosemite, and reinstalled CC completely 3 times.
    Any assistance in resolving would be greatly appreciated!
    Error Log Text:
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : tracked key 0000000000001468 of type P5_ADsc not found : 1 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : /Volumes/workarea/PS_15_Mac_Daily_Retail/20141204.r.310/photoshop/main/photoshop/xcode/.. /interfaces/UTrackResourceImp.h : 137 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : tracked key 00000000000010C0 of type P5_ADsc not found : 1 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : /Volumes/workarea/PS_15_Mac_Daily_Retail/20141204.r.310/photoshop/main/photoshop/xcode/.. /interfaces/UTrackResourceImp.h : 137 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : tracked key 0000000000000E38 of type P5_ADsc not found : 1 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : /Volumes/workarea/PS_15_Mac_Daily_Retail/20141204.r.310/photoshop/main/photoshop/xcode/.. /interfaces/UTrackResourceImp.h : 137 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : tracked key 0000000000000460 of type P5_ADsc not found : 1 : REQUIRE failed
    2015:01:06 13:41:33 : /Volumes/workarea/PS_15_Mac_Daily_Retail/20141204.r.310/photoshop/main/photoshop/xcode/.. /interfaces/UTrackResourceImp.h : 137 : REQUIRE failed

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