Dynamic Indicator/Control on GUI

Is there a way to dynamically change a control or indicator on a GUI's front panel without using a Subpanel? I'm specifically thinking about an application which contains multiple hardware configurations. Each configuration is an Object-Oriented child of type "UUT" with different control/indicator configurations.
I have an example which uses sub panels, but I'm looking for something that can use the Class control directly instead of creating an additional control 
Dynamic GUI Example.zip ‏64 KB

Peter W wrote:
Hi Nelson,
I'm trying to understand what you are asking, do you want the control itself to change for the different hardware configurations or are you wanting to change what controls are shown, just without using subpanels?
Peter W.
In a word, yes. More specifically, I want to be able to use the control in the Class. However I could live with creating
a type def and then have that be my class control. 
Ben wrote:
What is wrong with using a sub-panel?
i just insert a VI using methods of the class that loads a screen consitiant with itself.
I'm not saying that there's anything necessarily wrong with that except for the added complexity. 
Have you had a chance to look at the example I created? Is that like something you do?
I think I'm coming to the realization that there may not be a perfect way to change a control on a gui without a subpanel.

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    Yes and no (very helpful, I know).
    Yes, it can be done - the graphics are drawn using both vector and bitmapped images. The vector format allows you to create shaped controls. You can see this if you customize the control and replace the image with something from the decorations palette.
    The problem, however, is that the vector format (called PICC) is proprietary. There are no tools available for editing it and, if memory serves, any vector graphic you will import from outside LV (such as EMF and WMF, which are supported) will not give you that specific behavior (although I suggest you do try it with a proper program, as opposed to PowerPoint, which is what I usually use, as it might work).
    What some people do to work around this is use a picture control to draw up the graphics, then analyze where the clicks were using a Mouse Down event and some logic. If you want to simplify your logic, let each block have a distinct color. You can then just look at the color of the pixel which was clicked and use a lookup table to determine which block has that color.
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    Hi darekg11,
    >> I have a question related to setting Location of dynamically created controls when my PanelLayout is scrolled down or up
    I am wondering what the PanelLayout was, was it a “flowLayoutPanel” or “tableLayoutPanel”?
    >> basically I have wrote a code that lets me drag on control over other other and replace their's locations
    Did you mean you drag the control at runtime or at design time?
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    I could not reproduce your issue, and could you share us some key code or a simple demo to reproduce your issue?
    I made a research about “scrolling panel”, and I think the link below might be useful to you:
    # Scrolling Panel
    Best Regards,
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    Well, MHP doesn't explicitly support it, but if you can implement it, then it's allowed. Implementing it is the hard part :)
    The rest of this answer assumes that you're not using DVB-HTML (fairly safe, since no available platform that I know of currently supports it). If this isn';t the case, please ignore the rest of this.
    Narakrishna, why do you want to build the GUI on the server and not the client? Given the way that MHP is designed to operate (e.g. like writing any other Java code, where the client running the app handles everything), then doing this will get extremely complex. You're assuming that a return channel exists and is always on, which will not be the case for most users. Since most of the existing MHP implementations use PSTN modems for the return channel if they have one, using an application like this could get very expensive for the user. This situation isn't likely to change in the short term.
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    Hi Jonathan,
    Actually the columns to be displayed are not constant . It will be increased based on the database values, Anyhow it will not exceed 100.
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    You may want to post more explicit requirements if you want sample code. For example, what the file looks like, what variations are allowed, what variations are disallowed, an example control file that would be output, etc. Specifying the precise language you're using (there are many different shell scripting languages) would also help.
    In my experience, though, this sort of thing is almost always a one-off-- examples don't tend to be particularly helpful because every set of requirements tends to be very particular. If you have a full understanding of the requirements, and a decent understanding of your scripting language, I doubt it would take more than half a day to knock something together.

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    You mean VoiceOver?
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       In our organization we have defined the release strategy in such a way that, we are having 8 release codes in a release strategy,, by means of release indicator blocked and released,,,once the PO was released bythe initial hierarchy release indicator is set as blocked i.e we cant do any changes to the PO.
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    Why this indicator is not having control?system should not allow us to do further GR if this indicator is set,, even its allowing us do, how to overcome this?
    If ur suggestion is try to short close the PO by changing the ordered qty to 4,,, this is not possible in our business scenario as v r having typical release procedure as explained above. help me out

    This is a problem that is typically caused by blocking changes to an authorised PO.
    It would be better to allow certain changes and reset the release instead of completely blocking the PO for change. That way if anything that affects the release changes, it will have to be authorised again, but if something changes that is NOT part of the release check, it can be done without problem.
    That way you could set the "blocked" indicator as suggested, but if you changed the qty or price etc. the PO would have to be released again.
    One final option would be to use a user exit in MIGO that checks for the DCI  flag and prevents the GR.
    Steve B

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    I need to change the column header texts of a table control dynamically.
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    Please suggest me any idea to place the 32 I/O boxes in the header area as the corresponding column headers in the table control..
    Thanks in advance,

    Resolved the issue..

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    I wanted to displaye list of bikes available in different states.
    State     Bike1    Bike2      Bike3
    AP           2             3           1
    MP            4            6            7
    Currently i have only 3 three types of bike, this may increase to 7 by next year or decrease and this functionality I require dynamically, Can you help on the same?

    You can do it,
    Just try the code,...
    if you have requirement like to make changes in the same screen itself,
    then follow the same thing in PAI Module
    In PBO...
    DATA wa_tabctrl TYPE cxtab_column .
          IF WA_TABCTRL-NAME =  'BIKE3'.                   

Maybe you are looking for

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