Dynamic list to generate url variable

Hello, I am using a dynamic list to pull product codes from a
database. I then want to pass the code into a url variable when it
goes to the results page. This is so customers can chose which code
they want to go to a detail page about. I already have the dynamic
list working, I just can not figure out how to embed the selected
code into a url variable. For example I want it to do the
sitename.com/search.php <--- here is where you start and
make the selection then it brings you to:
sitename.com/details.php?code=202 <---- code202 was
selected on previous page in dynamic list.
I know how to do it by pulling results from a database and
generating links for each one, but I need to do it from a dynamic
drop down list.
Here is the coding that I was trying to use:
Thank you for your assistance.

Sorry, dumb error on my part. Used method=post rather then

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  • Unable to use #A01# substitution variable in dynamic list

    I am attempting to generate a dynamic list on the page.  The list will contain a flag indicating whether the list entry is actually hidden to the user or not.  If it is hidden to the user, then I want to apply a particular class to that list entry when rendered.
    The dynamic list has the following SQL:
    SELECT null lvl,
           menu.menu_nm label_value,
           q'!javascript:$s('P32_MASTER_MENU_ID', '!' ||
              menu.menu_id || q'!');!' target_value,
           null image,
           null image_attribute,
           null image_alt_attribute,
           case when menu.hidden = 'Y'
                  then 'class="hiddenNode"'
                  else null end attribute1
    from ( select 'N' hidden, vis.* from std_vw_apex_menu vis
            union all
           select 'Y' hidden, hid.* from std_vw_apex_menu_hidden hid ) menu
    where menu.menu_ty = 'MAINMENU'
    order by menu.sort_order
    I am then using a list template with the following as the "Current" list entry:
    <li class="active"><a href="#LINK#"><span #A01#>#TEXT#</span></a></li>
    ... and the following as the "Non-Current" list entry:
    <li><a href="#LINK#"><span #A01#>#TEXT#</span></a></li>
    The result I see in the rendered page however is that the substitution is not happening, as indicated in the following snippet :
    <li><a href="javascript:$s('P32_MASTER_MENU_ID', '18893191201');"><span #a01#="">Education</span></a></li>
    We are on ApEx 4.2.1.  What am I doing wrong as I've seen other threads indicate that it is possible for dynamic lists to use substitution variables in their list templates.

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  • ADDT Dynamic List with Session Variable?

    I've created a dynamic list using ADDT. When a member logs into the site I want the member to see only his or her specific information in this list. How do I create a session variable that allows only the logged in member to see there specific information in the list?
    <br />
    <br /><%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%>
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../Connections/rentalpaypro.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/common/KT_common.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/tfi/TFI.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/tso/TSO.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/nav/NAV.asp" -->
    <br /><%<br />' Filter<br />  Dim tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3: Set tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3 = new TFI_TableFilter<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.Init MM_rentalpaypro_STRING, "tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3"<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.memUserName", "STRING_TYPE", "memUserName", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.StreeNumber", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "StreeNumber", "="<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.StreetName", "STRING_TYPE", "StreetName", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.AptNumber", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "AptNumber", "="<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.City", "STRING_TYPE", "City", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.State", "STRING_TYPE", "State", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.ZipCode", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "ZipCode", "="<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.RentAmount", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "RentAmount", "="<br />  tfi_listLandLordRentalProperties3.Execute()<br /><br />' Sorter<br />  Dim tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3: Set tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3 = new TSO_TableSorter<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.Init "rslistLandLordRentalProperties3", "tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.memUserName"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.StreeNumber"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.StreetName"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.AptNumber"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.City"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.State"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.ZipCode"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.addColumn "LandLordRentalProperties.RentAmount"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.setDefault "LandLordRentalProperties.memUserName"<br />  tso_listLandLordRentalProperties3.Execute()<br /><br />' Navigation<br />  Dim nav_listLandLordRentalProperties3: Set nav_listLandLordRentalProperties3 = new NAV_Regular<br />  nav_listLandLordRentalProperties3.Init "nav_listLandLordRentalProperties3", "rsLandLordRentalProperties1", "../", Request.ServerVariables("URL"), 10<br />%>
    <br />

    when you use the dynamic list ..
    it creates a SQL query..
    change it ..,
    add the param ( your session variable to it)
    hope this helps

  • Parsing List  in URL Variable for Query

    Hi, I am sending a url variable as in the following example:
    I then need to query a database given the string
    "1001,1002,1003" in #URL.VAR# to find all records that contain
    those RecID numbers in my table. Has anyone done this before, and
    if so what is the best way to accomplish this?

    i tried using the following code, but keep getting an error:
    <cfif listLen(url.var) neq 0>
    <cfquery name="lookup" datasource="#application.dsn#">
    select *
    <cfloop list="#url.var#" index="i">
    <cfif isNumeric(i)>
    CATEGORY_ID= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"
    <cfset LOOKUP.recordcount=0>
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>
    <cfoutput query="lookup">
    <td> </td>
    The error I am getting is:
    Error Diagnostic Information
    ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid use of '.',
    '!', or '()'. in query expression 'CATEGORY_ID= Pa_RaM000 and 1=1
    CATEGORY_ID= Pa_RaM001 and 1=1'.
    The error occurred while processing an element with a general
    identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (2:1) to
    Date/Time: 07/24/06 09:50:54
    Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
    SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    Remote Address:
    Query String: var=2042,2045
    Any ideas? Also, please keep in mind that the variables I
    will send across th eurl may also have letters. For example,
    var=m1001,1002,p30014. Thanks!

  • Using variable in dynamic list queries

    How can we use a variable value like metadata value of the parent content in the dynamic list query?
    I tried something following ways but the query was not picking up the value of xCountries.
    dDocType <matches> `State` <AND> xCountries <matches> xCountries
    dDocType <matches> `State` <AND> xCountries <matches> `xCountries`
    dDocType <matches> `State` <AND> xCountries <matches> `$xCountries`
    dDocType <matches> `State` <AND> xCountries <matches> `<!--$xCountries-->`
    None of them worked. But when I printed the <!--$xCountries--> on the secondary page for the selected country the value is getting printed.

    Hi Bex,
    You were right. Eval function call was helpful here.
    The problem was resolved only to an extent by using the eval function. This is
    evaluating the query string given in parameters window for ssQueryText to
    correct value. We used the eval() function in the dynamic list fragment. The
    format of query we were trying earlier was incorrect. The correct format is like
    dDocType <matches> `City` <AND> xCountries <matches> `<$xCountries$>` <AND>
    xStates <matches> `<$xStates$>`
    There is another problem though. We are able to add new states or cities by
    going to the specific state page or to the cit page and then edit it. But if we
    click edit on a secondary page e.g. on a State page(which contains list of
    cities) the correct values for cities are not getting populated in the Cities
    dynamic list in state edit window. Possible cause is that the eval function is
    not called in the edit window (which shows all applets), instead the eval
    function is called only in dynamic list fragment which is evaluated in the
    secondary page template for State. How can we make the eval function execute in
    the edit window as well?
    In fact the query is failing from paramters window itself. If I use Test Query
    it is returning 0 results.
    Is there a work around to address this problem? Hope I didn't confuse much.

  • Dynamic URL-variables

    I have this URL-variables: test.php?id=1&kw=lente. id and
    cat_lev02 are dynamic placed.
    Now I want to filter the content so only item id="1" with
    cat_lev02 = "lente" are shown:
    id and cat_lev02 are dynamic placed in the link above. How
    can I do this? Look at the code I use to get id: How can I put
    something like WHERE name_lev02 = %s AND cat_lev02 = %s... (because
    this is not working)?
    Thanks a lot for further help.

    Ullitasch wrote:
    > Now I want to filter the content so only item id="1"
    with cat_lev02 = "lente"
    > are shown:
    > id and cat_lev02 are dynamic placed in the link above.
    How can I do this?
    Build the SQL query in the Advanced mode of the Recordset
    dialog box.
    For each dynamic value, define a variable by clicking the
    plus button
    alongside Variables, and entering the details in the dialog
    For example, build the query like this:
    SELECT * FROM ul_posts WHERE id = col1 AND cat_lev02 = col2
    Define col1 like this:
    Name: col1
    Type: Integer (in older versions of Dreamweaver, this is
    Default value: -1
    Runtime value: $_GET['id']
    Define col2 like this:
    Name: col2
    Type: Text
    Default value: -1
    Runtime value: $_GET['kw']
    David Powers
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • HELP troubles with dynamically generated URLs

    I'm trying to integrate a new shopping cart, but DW CS4 can't follow the dynamic links in the template pages. They render fine in Live View. I can follow the CSS in the CSS Styles panel, but of course, it's not editable. Related files are far from complete and if I try to click on one, I get an error that the file can't be found.
    The templates all contain dynamically generated URLs such as:
    <?php include("${__TPL_DIR__}pages/templates/part.header.tpl.html"); ?>
    The .ini files used have site root relative references.
    Any ideas? Or am I stuck limping along?

    Thanks David,
    I found a few articles in the Developer Center that were helpful in understanding what I was looking at. The articles on creating Drupal and Wordpress themes explained how the pages are created dynamically, as well as how to use DW to modify and create themes. Though the specifics are different than what I am looking at, the concepts are similar. They also confirmed that attaching the relevant CSS files as design time style sheets was a practical workaround in the absence of an add-on to help DW understand the site structure. I was hoping that I had just not done something correctly, but I can live with a workaround, knowing that an "easier" way isn't just waiting for me to learn something about DW.

  • Dynamic XML content displayed in HTML using url variable

    Hi guys,
    The following is code i am having issues with:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var xml_connect_00 = "new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet(";
    var xml_connect_01 = "assets/xml/toolkit.xml\",
    var xml_connect_02 =
    var xml_connect_03 = ")";
    // Create variable to see if there is a ? in the url
    var url_input = document.URL.indexOf('?');
    // Create variable from ? in the url to the end of the string
    var xml_category = document.URL.substring(url_input+1,
    var dsSoftware =
    dsSoftware is my XML Data set connection string, and by using
    document.write, the correct string i want is displayed (in my
    html), but - as you can probably guess by now(!) - i want it to
    display in the actual Javascript code so i can connect to the xml
    file and display the contents depending on the url variable sent.
    Is this possible, and if so, am i going about it the right
    way? I am not the most proficient at JavaScript, so may have some
    ugly code (and not even 100% that this can even be done)!!
    Just to give you an outline as to why i am doing this - my
    XML file has different categories within it for different products.
    I send the category name via a url variable to another page
    (containing the above code) that will display the appropriate
    category information depending on what url variable is sent.
    Cheers in advance for any help.

    Me again!
    Sorry to keep updating, but i have now surpassed my last
    question and got the alert to work correctly. The question i have
    now regards the following code:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var params = Spry.Utils.getLocationParamsAsObject();
    var dsSoftware = new
    Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("assets/xml/toolkit.xml", "toolkit/section");
    //If the URL parameter 'software' has a value, set the XPath
    that includes a filter and then load the data.
    if (params.software){
    dsSoftware.setXPath("toolkit/section[name =
    Everything seems to work without error, but i cannot load my
    xml file. The problem, i think, is that my xml heirachy is as
    section_name is unique for each section, and that is what i
    am trying to pass through the url variable, so i can display all
    the products from that section.
    Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong?
    Cheers in advance - again!!

  • How do I generate URL with multiple variables from input fields?

    I'm creating an ad with four input text fields labels fname, lname, city and prov, and I wanted to know how to generate URLs based on information entered into the fields. The text fields default to display "First Name," "Last Name," "City" and "State," respectively, but if a user does not enter information in those fields, I want the URL to behave as if those were empty, if that makes sense. The text fields are in a movie clip called "input_text" and the button is labeled "send". If any of you can provide insight, I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you.

    1. use if-statements to see if the text properties of your textfields meets your requirements for creating that url.
    2. you can use the flash string methods and properties to create your url.
    p.s.  the plus sign + can be used to concatenate strings.

  • PHP URL Variable from Insert Record Issue

    I have a very simplistic forum style website I have put together. Everything is functionally properly except for one aspect. The basic structure is a page that lists the existing threads (ie: ThreadA, ThreadB, and ThreadC). I have the name of these threads stored in a MySQL database table that is used to generate a repeating dynamic table to grow as the number of threads increases. If the user clicks on one of these links they are taken to a page that displays all of the comments pertaining to that thread. All of the comments are stored in another MySQL database table. I perform a query on this comments page to filter the information in the comments database by the thread name which is passed over from the first page via a URL variable. The link attached to the name of the thread in the repeating table that generates the URL variable is "comments.php?thread=<?php echo $row_threads['threadName']; ?>" This works perfectly, If the user clicks on ThreadB they are taken to the comments page where only the comments pertaining to ThreadB have been filtered and displayed. After the user inserts a comment form ThreadB the comments page reloads displaying the newly created comment.
    Also, on the first page, the user has the option to create a new thread; call it ThreadD. The name of this new thread has to be inserted into two tables; one in the master threads table and one in the comments page any time someone adds a comment. (I'm sure there is a better way to structure this, but this was all I could figure out and for my purposes at hand it is sufficient). When the user is taken to this new comment page I have a query set up to pull the last entry in the threads table from the logged in user, ie the newly created thread topic. I have dragged this query to the page to make sure it is pulling the correct thread heading, and it works just fine. What I'm wanting to have happen is after the user enters the first comment I'm wanting them to be redirected to the main comments page with their new comment listed; giving the illusion that the new comment and existing comments page are the same. I'm trying to pass the newly created thread name, ThreadD, in the URL to the main comments page just like I do if they select it from the existing threads page. Under the insert record wizard I click the 'browse' button to select the comments.php page. I then select 'parameters' to add the thread name query as the URL parameter. The generated code is "comments.php?thread=" . $row_threadName['threadName'] . "". The user does go to the main comments page but the URL variable is not coming with it. What I'm left with in the address bar is ..."/comments.php?thread=&" , but it should be ..."comments.php?thread=ThreadD". I tried copying and pasting the URL link from the existing threads page since that works perfectly, and when I do that the main comments page shows up blank after being redirected from the new comments page. If I hard code this, for testing purposes, into the redirect after insertion section (ie: "comments.php?thread=ThreadD") everything works perfectly and the URL in the address bar of the main comments page is "...comments.php?thread=ThreadD&" I noticed the extra "&", but didn't give it much thought since the site is giving me the behavior I'm looking for. My question is, how do I get this new comment page to pass the variable of the newly created thread name to the main comments page to behave like it does when the thread is selected from the list of existing threads? I know it has to do with how the URL variable is either being generated or built from my query, or how I have it listed in the redirect section of the insert wizard, but I can't figure out where I am going wrong. Please let me know if there are any questions or if I need to clarify any aspect. Any and all help is always appreciated. Thank you.

    Ok, so just to summarize so I am understanding this correctly.  You have an ordering page for tires/wheels.  A customer places an order for tires/wheels and the data is submitted successfully and this includes a symbol for measurement (in.).  But on another summary page the symbol is returning a blank value.
    If this is correct we need to see:
    - First, the code that is inserting the symbol to the database table in question
    - Second, the query and code where you are printing the data to the screen.

  • Simple Q about using a List in a bind variable

    Using jDev, still new to this ADF stuff
    In my UI i have a shuttle component that allows the user to move x number of items to the right pane. Each one of these items becomes part of a filter in a where clause of a query on my VO. Can I do this with a bind variable instead of constructing the where clause progromatically?
    I need to accomplish this: vo.setWhereClause(attribute = 'w' OR 'x' OR 'y' OR 'Z'), where the list of params is dynamically generated in the UI.
    Is there a way i can feed a List to a bind variable? Maybe I can use View Criteria to do this?
    Thanks a lot.

    You should use "IN" clause for this scenario:
    Take a look at this blog post that describes the usage -

  • How to add a column to a list created with the Dynamic List Wizard to display the values of the fiel

    ADDT, Vista, WAMP5.0
    We have 2 tables: clients_cli (id_cli, name_cli, tel_cli, and several more fields) and cases_cas (id_cas, idcli_cas, court_cas, and a lot of other fields).
    Clients may have many cases, so table cases_cas have a foreign key named idcli_cas, just to determine which case belongs to which client.
    We designed the lists of the two tables with the Dynamic List Wizard and the corresponding forms with Dynamic Form Wizard.
    These two forms are linked with the Convert Dynamic List and Form Wizards, which added a button to clients list named "add case".
    We add a client and then the system returns to the clients list displaying all clients, we look for the new client just added and then press "add case", which opens the Dynamic Form for cases, enter all case details and everything processes ok.
    However, when we view the cases list it display all the details of the case, including the column and values for the foreign key idcli_cas. As you can image, it is quite difficult for a human to remember the clients ids.
    So, in the cases list we added a another column, named it Name, to display the names of the clients along with cases details. We also created another recordset rsCli, selected the clients_cli table, displaying all columns, set filter id_cli = Form Variable = idcli_cas then press the Test button and everything displays perfect. Press ok.
    Then, we position the cursor inside the corresponding cell of the new Name column, go to Bindings, click on name_cli and then click on insert. The dynamic field is inserted into the table cell as expected, Save the page, and test in browser.
    The browser call the cases list but fails to display the values of the Name column. The Name column is simply empty.
    This issue creates a huge problem that makes our application too difficult to use.
    What are we doing wrong?
    Please help.

    1.     Start transaction PM01, Create Infotype, by entering the transaction code.
    You access the Create Infotype screen.
    2.     Choose List Screen.
    3.     In the Infotype no. field, enter the four-digit number of the infotype you want to create.
    When you specify the infotype number, please remember to enter any leading zeros.
    4.     In the Screen Number field, enter the screen number of the list screen you want to enhance.
    5.     Choose Create.
    The Dictionary: Initial screen appears:
    6.     Create the list screen structure.
    7.     Choose Activate.
    8.     Return to the Enhance List Screen in the Enhance Infotypes transaction (PM01).
    9.     Choose Create All.
    The additional fields are displayed on the list screen, however, they contain no data.
    The fields can be filled in the FORM routine FILL-LISTSTRUCT in the generated program ZPnnnn00. The FORM routine is called for each data record in the list.
    Structure ZPLIS is identified when it is generated with a TABLES statement in the program ZPnnnn00.
    The fields can be filled from the Pnnnn structure or by reading text tables.

  • ASP VBScript and ADDT Dynamic List Wizard HELP

    Using ADDT I've created a dynamic list in a membership area. How do I get that dynamic list to populate only the data for that particular member that is logged in. Any help would be so much appreciated as I have been trying to figure this out for days now.
    <br />
    <br /><%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%>
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../Connections/rentalpaypro.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/common/KT_common.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/tNG/tNG.inc.asp" -->
    <br /><%<br />'Start log out user<br />  Set logout = new tNG_Logout<br />  logout.setLogoutType "link"<br />  logout.setPageRedirect "../index.html"<br />  logout.Execute<br />'End log out user<br />%>
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/tfi/TFI.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/tso/TSO.asp" -->
    <br />
    <!--#include file="../includes/nav/NAV.asp" -->
    <br /><%<br />'Start Restrict Access to Page<br />  Dim restrict: Set restrict  = new tNG_RestrictAccess<br />  restrict.Init MM_rentalpaypro_STRING, "../"<br />'Grand Levels: Any<br />  restrict.Execute<br />'End Restrict Access to Page<br />%>
    <br /><%<br />' Filter<br />  Dim tfi_listLandlord_Property1: Set tfi_listLandlord_Property1 = new TFI_TableFilter<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.Init MM_rentalpaypro_STRING, "tfi_listLandlord_Property1"<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.ContactInfoID", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "ContactInfoID", "="<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.RegistrationID", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "RegistrationID", "="<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.StreetNumber", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "StreetNumber", "="<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.StreetName", "STRING_TYPE", "StreetName", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.AptNumber", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "AptNumber", "="<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.City", "STRING_TYPE", "City", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.State", "STRING_TYPE", "State", "%"<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.ZipCode", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "ZipCode", "="<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.MonthlyRent", "NUMERIC_TYPE", "MonthlyRent", "="<br />  tfi_listLandlord_Property1.Execute()<br /><br />' Sorter<br />  Dim tso_listLandlord_Property1: Set tso_listLandlord_Property1 = new TSO_TableSorter<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.Init "rslistLandlord_Property1", "tso_listLandlord_Property1"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.ContactInfoID"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.RegistrationID"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.StreetNumber"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.StreetName"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.AptNumber"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.City"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.State"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.ZipCode"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.addColumn "Landlord_Property.MonthlyRent"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.setDefault "Landlord_Property.ContactInfoID"<br />  tso_listLandlord_Property1.Execute()<br /><br />' Navigation<br />  Dim nav_listLandlord_Property1: Set nav_listLandlord_Property1 = new NAV_Regular<br />  nav_listLandlord_Property1.Init "nav_listLandlord_Property1", "rsLandlord_Property1", "../", Request.ServerVariables("URL"), 10<br />%>
    <br /><%<br />Dim qry_contactinfo__MMColParam<br />qry_contactinfo__MMColParam = "1"<br />If (Session("kt_login_id") <> "") Then <br />  qry_contactinfo__MMColParam = Session("kt_login_id")<br />End If<br />%>
    <br />

    Use the session variable from the log in method (MM_Username as I recall) to create a recordset that you then use in the dynamic list versus using the whole table.

  • Dynamic list and thumb loops

    hello I try to create a dynamique list with thums loops associates (to describe a stuff to sell) and it work fine when I select from a list (URL parametre)
    But I would like to navigate in my detail page (with the loop thumb) whit the next or last link and I cant do it because the thumbs doesnt works
    Some help ? thanks you all and sorry for my french

    Hi Lorie,
    Taking it a step further
    interesting that you´re mentioning this -- because I was just in the middle of finding a workaround for the very same issue ;-)
    I actually did find a pretty easy solution, which basically goes like this:
    1) wrap the whole table *plus* any possibly added hidden fields located below this table in a "Show IF conditional region" behaviour -- but make sure to *not* include the buttons within the "KT_bottombuttons" div in here.
    2) as I assume that your "supplier_name" column holds a numeric value which equals the user´s "kt_login_id" Session Variable (which it should !), define the following conditions for the "Show IF conditional region" behaviour:
    Expression 1: choose "supplier_name" from the tNG recordset
    Condition: ==
    Expression 2: choose Session -> kt_login_id
    3) tick the Has ELSE option
    4) confirm with OK
    5) replace the default "has Else" message with something meaningful like "you can´t edit this record !"
    Switching to Code view and navigating to the very start of your "Show IF conditional region" should display something like this:
    if (@$row_rsqueryname['supplier_name'] == @$_SESSION['kt_login_id']) {
    When viewing the modified Dynamic Form in a browser, you´ll note that this solution will indeed display the form instances for all "authorized" records, whereas those form instances which don´t match the required credentials will be replaced with that "has else" message.
    BUT !! This solution has one major drawback which I haven´t been able to resolve yet :: when the Dynamic Form goes into Insert Record mode
    (means when you click the "add new" link in the Dynamic List), all inner form instances will display that "has else" message.
    The only workaround I currently can come up with is to have the List´s "add new" link point to a separate "add_new.php" page that´s going to insert a single record.
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • Referencing a "checked record" from my ADDT Dynamic List using a SPRY Menu

    I have just posted a Beta of my site to:
    - Username is: Beta
    - Password is: 123
    - Once you are logged in you should see the ADDT list w/one
    order listed.
    - Click on the Printer icon & the Order Agreement will
    open in PDF. (this works fine)
    - Click on the InfoSheet link & the Report will open in
    PDF as well. (this works fine)
    - Everything works fine if you use the links on the same line
    as the record.
    - But if you check the CheckBox on the left, then choose the
    Spry Menu above, Reports/T1 Agreement the report will not work?
    Question: What should the Link be to reference the checked
    item below, pass the CustID value to the report & print the
    (Note: the CF report has the following line in the SQL:
    (tblT1OrderProcessing2.T1CustID = #param.T1CustID#) and the report
    prints fine in Report Builder if I pass it the T1CustID, as well as
    if I click the links on the same line as mentioned above, so this
    is just an issue of grabbing the CustID value from the checked line
    & passing it to the report link in the Spry menu)
    Here is a visual picture of my Dynamic List page:
    Thanks in advance for the help,

    Here is the Report URL that works perfectly when clicking the
    Printer icon on the right of my List:
    and the link to the InfoSheet:
    Both of these work perfectly by grabbing the T1CustID value
    of 1508 from the line.

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