Dynamic location - an Ajax related question

Having a dynamic list of article on a JSP, I want all comments of an article only displayed when a user click a URL of the article. I have made all comments of one article shown after a list of articles on the bottom of the page. I want to them appeared right under the article instead. The difficulty I have is that I don't know how to make the Ajax response display DIV block dynamic inserted right under the article.
A code segment of my JSP file:
<c:forEach var="entry" items="${model.articlest}">
<blockquote><div id="comments"></div></blockquote>
  A code segment of my Ajax code:
     function handleCommentRetrieve() {
          if (searchReq.readyState == 4) {
               var ss = document.getElementById('comments')
               ss.innerHTML = searchReq.responseText.split("\n");
     }      Any suggestions?
Thanks very much in advance.
[Recommend and review web sites|http://homepage.kgbinternet.com] - a fresh approach of building an open source, useful, and dynamic web site directory
Edited by: vwuvancouver on Apr 17, 2009 9:10 AM

vwuvancouver wrote:
Having a dynamic list of article on a JSP, I want all comments of an article only displayed when a user click a URL of the article. I have made all comments of one article shown after a list of articles on the bottom of the page. I want to them appeared right under the article instead. The difficulty I have is that I don't know how to make the Ajax response display DIV block dynamic inserted right under the article.
A code segment of my JSP file:
<c:forEach var="entry" items="${model.articlest}">
<blockquote><div id="comments"></div></blockquote>A code segment of my Ajax code:
     function handleCommentRetrieve() {
          if (searchReq.readyState == 4) {
               var ss = document.getElementById('comments')
               ss.innerHTML = searchReq.responseText.split("\n");
     }      Any suggestions?
I'm blocking your post since it contains an unrelated link signature.

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    Hi Vishal,
    I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.
    1) It is definitely possible to preload data to the 32MB memory (per group) and start the acquisition after you have preloaded the memory. There are example programs on ni.com/support under Example Code for pattern generation and the 6534 that demonstrate which functions to use for this. Also, if your PC memory buffer is less than 32MB, it will automatically be loaded to the card. If you are in continuous mode however, you can choose to loop using the on-board memory or you can constantly be reading the PC memory buffer as you update it with your application environment.
    2) Yes, your data will automatically be loaded into the card's onboard memory. It will however be transferred as quickly as possible to the DMA FIFO on the card and then transferred to the PC memory buffer through DMA. It is not going to wait until the whole onboard memory is filled before it transfers. It will transfer throughout the acquisition process.
    3) Vishal, searching the example programs will give you many of the details of programming this type of application. I don't know you application software so I can't give you the exact functions but it is easiest to look at the examples on the net (or the shipping examples with your software). Now if you are acquiring 512 bytes of data, you will start to fill your onboard memory and at the same time, data will be sent to the DMA FIFO. When the FIFO is ready to send data to the PC memory buffer, it will (the exact algorithm is dependent on many things regarding how large the DMA packet is etc.).
    4) If I understand you correctly, you want to know if you waste the other 6 bits if you only need to acquire on 10 lines. The answer to this is Yes. Although you are only acquiring 10 bits, it is acquired as a complete word (16bits) and packed and sent using DMA. You application software (NI-DAQ driver) will filter out the last 6 bits of non-data.
    Hope that answers your questions. Once again, the example code on the NI site is a great place to start this type of project. Have a good day.

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    Where do I post my CRM related questions.
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Siva,
    You can select the module of CRM from the category and post your question there. You can even search for CRM and Post your question.
    [email protected]

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    Note that these sites are a good place to get help on help (Microsoft and MVP presence):
    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hatt/ -- for WinHelp & HTML Help & general help discussion
    http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/MSHelpViewer/ -- For HelpViewer help (VS 2010/2012 help; Windows 8 help)
    http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/MSHelp2/  -- For MS Help 2.x help (VS 2002/2003/2005/2008 help)
    Feel free to ask questions on this thread if you need to. At least then we can find your post. 
    You can also email the VS/MSDN help team directly -- [email protected]
    Please let them know how you feel about the lack of support for Online Help in the forums.
    www.helpmvp.com -- Various Help resources
    Rob Chandler Help MVP www.helpwareGroup.com | mshcmigrate.helpmvp.com | hv2.helpmvp.com

    Actually, we cannot (at least anymore) directly email the team. I tried and got a reject from the mail server.  So, I'm going to post here so I can feel better knowing I said something and then I can get back to programming :-)
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    control their PCs.  We are not planning to sell everything we write on the Windows Store.  What happened to programming something cool for your home network or just for friends?  We need, and used to have, Microsoft’s support in doing
    this sort of thing.  Documentation and tools are more important now than ever.  I’m saddened to see the direction things are heading…
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    We have 3 requirements while configuring service desk in solution manager:
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    Hi Rama,
    I Need to configure the feature to generate a ticket to SAP directly in VERY HIGH priority.
    Could you please help me out into this. If you have any doc related to that Please send me.
    Thanks in Advance!
    Prabhat Singh

  • Two related questions: using htmldb_Get to call stored procedure and passing in an array of items

    I have the need to save dynamically generated ApEx items via AJAX.  I am using APEX_ITEM API to generate the items.  At run-time, I have no idea how many of items will be generated on the page, but I know that they will all have discreet and distinct "name" attributes, i.e. f01, f02, f03, etc.  As a basic example, if I have to generate a select list, I know that the "p_idx" parameter of the APEX_ITEM call is say "3", so all select lists that get generated will have a "name" attribute in the DOM of "f03", all text items will be "f01", etc.
    I want to save this data to the database via AJAX.  It is typical to call the standard htmldb_Get javascript function for use of an on-demand process, but I am interested in using the rarely-called-upon "procedure" and queryString" options of that javascript function so that I can build the queryString on the fly based on what is on the DOM when the tries to save the data they entered into these APEX_ITEM-generated items.  Does anyone have any good examples of how to use the "procedure" and "queryString" parameters of the htmldb_Get javascript function?
    I have found a smattering of some blogs, posts, etc. online related to this, but mostly just people regurgitating the documentation.  I found this post (https://forums.oracle.com/thread/2549237) which had a glimpse of hope to be able to pass an array (which is something I will need) as a parameter, but would like someone to sanity check this before I go down that road.
    ApEx 4.2.1

    Since you mention you are on APEX 4.2  I would recommend using apex.server.process which is the documented replacement of the officially undocumented htmldb_Get.
    In the documentation it is set that the first parameter is the ajaxidentifier but it actually is the process name.
    The data object would be something like
    var lData ={f01 : get_value_array('f01')}
    Where get_value_array is
    function get_value_array(pColumnName) {
      var l_values =[];
        var l_value;
        l_value = apex.item(this.id).getValue();
      return l_values
    For a working example see this demo.

  • 11g Gauge Related Questions

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    First, I tried defining a new column which performs the calculation (case when...), but when trying to set the limit using 'column name', nothing was shown in the list to select from. Sorry, it's a bit blurry to me what the note *'Only columns that are in the metadata repository or that are based on repository columns (such as Dollars*0.10) are displayed as selections.'* in the docs really means. Whatever I did, I couldn't choose any column name to use as the new gauge limit.
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    Thanks for your response, but sadly I must admit I've already tried it (and retried it again) and it doesn't work.

  • AJAX Tab question

    Hi All,
    I have CF 8 Standard and have used the Ajax tabs (I suppose these are from Yahoo). I have been able to properly display tabs on my CFM page and the users are able to navigate using these tabs. Is there a way for me to know what tab the user clicks? I have a common area (like a <div>) above the tabs. I would like to show relevant information in the DIV depending on the tab the user clicks on.
    - Milind Joshi

    I'm answering my own question. Giving it here so if anyone else was in similar situation, he/she would know what to do. My requirement was to capture the tabchange event. I wanted to know what tab the user navigated to.
    Here's what I did:
    1) Put following line almost at the end of the page.
    <cfset AjaxOnLoad("loadTabListener")>
    This fires the function loadTabListener when the page is gets loaded in the browser.
    2) Put this in the header block. This returns an Ext JavaScript object. The second line adds an event listener to the Ext JavaScript object named "datatabs" and fires the event handler.
    loadTabListener = function() {
       tabObj = ColdFusion.Layout.getTabLayout("datatabs");
       tabObj.addListener('tabchange', getClickedTab);
    3) Put these lines of code below the above declaration.
    getClickedTab = function(objParent, objPanel) {
       //objPanel.getText() gives you the title of the tab.
    Now, you can do whatever you want to do depending on what tab the user navigated to. In my case, I wanted to dynamically change the hyperlinks in a certain area depending on what tab the user was. For more info on the JS libraries used for tabs CF go to http://www.extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/
    Bye for now.
    - Milind

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