Dynamic OS Command file path

In the OS Command process type of a process chain, is there a way to change the file path depending on the system? In Prod the path should be different from the path in Dev. Right now, I have to manually edit it in each system. Can this be automated? Thanks.

The paths depend on the file systems mounted.
the filesystems mounted will be on a single logical partition / tablespace in most cases and should not chang on system refresh.
A system refresh would be from PRD to DEV which would mean that the chains in DEV would have to be changed.
This will have to happen if you are using SM69/Process chain OS command.
You could however try something like this :
Option 1  :
Have both the paths in your script / batch file. then try reading the file .. whichever is readable wuld mean that the file is avail;able and can be loaded and then use the one for which the file exists.
Option 2:
Detect the system using a program in SE38 and then execute the script internally in the program using the SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE...

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    One option, use Dynamic Configuration and set the values in the Mapping.
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    Refer -- same way try for File adapter
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    Ps Note : I have personally never tried it to use the Dynamic Configuration for file path. But you can try.

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    check this program.
    <b>report ZWA_TEST2.
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    loop at filet into wa.
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    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    _root.xmlPath == undefined ? xml.load(filePath) : xml.load(_root.xmlPath);

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    All you need to do is simple concatenation to obtain the path for the image file.  You didn't mention whether you are using VB.Net, C# or some other language to do your coding.
    If the code in your database is SM-R-2035, the file name is SM-R-2035.jpg and the path to the images foilder is Images\Products\SM-R-2035.jpg, Conceptually here is what you need to do:
    dim code_var
    dim path_var
    code_var = the code you obtain from your relevant field in the database
    path_var = "Images\Products\" & code_var & ".jpg"
    Now path_var is what you would call to obtain the image from your images folder.

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    DECLARE @dbname varchar(128) = 'Bank04'
    -- one time setting of @SQLTemplate_TSQL
    set @SQLTemplate_TSQL =
    DECLARE @dbbackuppath varchar(128) = ''''d:\backups''''
    IF RIGHT(@dbbackuppath, 1) <> ''''\''''
    SET @dbbackuppath = @dbbackuppath + ''''\''''
    SET @dbbackuppath = @dbbackuppath + DB_Name() + ''''.bak''''
    PRINT @dbbackuppath
    BACKUP DATABASE ' + DB_NAME() + ' to DISK=''' + QUOTENAME(@dbbackuppath, CHAR(39)) + '''
    -- Execute this several times over different databases
    SET @SQLCommand = '
    USE ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + ';
    EXEC(''' + @SQLTemplate_TSQL + ''') '
    PRINT @SQLCommand
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLCommand

    Here is a stripped down version of my code. Someone writes a script. I then take the script and seperate it by GO statement block. Each GO block gets its own row into the
    #SQLTemplate_TSQL. I then replace single quote with 4 quotes and run it. Then I run against my list of databases. I am unable to get the BACKUP DATA base to work with this model.
    Run scripts against multiple databases.sql
    Do a FIND on "CHANGE THIS" to see the databases returned from the SELECT statement
    DECLARE @DatabaseName varchar(128)
    DECLARE @SQLTemplate_Seq INT
    DECLARE @SQLTemplate_OperationDesc NVARCHAR(128)
    DECLARE @SQLTemplate_Diagnostics INT
    DECLARE @Note VARCHAR(500)
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#SQLTemplate_TSQL') IS NOT NULL
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#SQLTemplate_TSQL](
    [SQLTemplate_RecID] [int] Identity,
    [SQLTemplate_ID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [SQLTemplate_Seq] [int] NOT NULL,
    [SQLTemplate_OperationDesc] [varchar](128) NOT NULL,
    [SQLTemplate_TSQL] [varchar](max) NOT NULL,
    [SQLTemplate_Diagnostics] [int] NOT NULL,
    [SQLTemplate_Enabled] [int] NOT NULL)
    DELETE FROM #SQLTemplate_TSQL WHERE SQLTemplate_Seq = 65
    SELECT @SeqID = MAX(SQLTemplate_ID) FROM #SQLTemplate_TSQL
    SET @SeqID = ISNULL(@SeqID,0)
    SET @SeqID = @SeqID + 1
    INSERT INTO #SQLTemplate_TSQL VALUES(@SeqID ,65,@SeqID,'
    SELECT * FROM ifs_config
    SET @SeqID = @SeqID + 1
    INSERT INTO #SQLTemplate_TSQL VALUES(@SeqID ,65,@SeqID,'
    SET @HistoryODS = 1
    SELECT * FROM ifs_tablelist WHERE HistoryODS = @HistoryODS and Tablename like ''''%HIST%''''
    -- Setup Cursor to Loop through each of the Prior Period databases
    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT [Database Name] --<<<<<<<< CHANGE THIS SELECT statement to select DBs >>>>>>
    FROM v_ifs_PPODSDBInfo_Curr
    WHERE [Database Frequency] <> 'CURRENT'
    ORDER BY [Database Frequency], [Database Number]
    OPEN db_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
    -- Loop through each of the databases
    -- Setup Cursor to Loop through each of the SQL Statements
    SELECT [SQLTemplate_TSQL], [SQLTemplate_OperationDesc], [SQLTemplate_Seq], [SQLTemplate_Diagnostics]
    FROM #SQLTemplate_TSQL
    WHERE [SQLTemplate_Enabled] = 1 AND SQLTemplate_Seq = 65
    ORDER BY SQLTemplate_ID
    OPEN #SQLTemplate_TSQL_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM #SQLTemplate_TSQL_cursor INTO @SQLTemplate_TSQL, @SQLTemplate_OperationDesc, @SQLTemplate_Seq, @SQLTemplate_Diagnostics
    -- Loop through each of the SQL statements
    SET @SQLCommand = '
    USE ' + QUOTENAME(@Databasename) + ';
    EXEC(''' + @SQLTemplate_TSQL + ''') '
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLCommand
    FETCH NEXT FROM #SQLTemplate_TSQL_cursor INTO @SQLTemplate_TSQL, @SQLTemplate_OperationDesc, @SQLTemplate_Seq, @SQLTemplate_Diagnostics
    CLOSE #SQLTemplate_TSQL_cursor
    DEALLOCATE #SQLTemplate_TSQL_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @DatabaseName
    CLOSE db_cursor
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor

  • Dynamic Save File Path

    Hey Everyone,
    So I deal with a lot of files each day that need to be saved according to their lead code, meaning that there is a folder that holds thousands of sub folders that have the same name as this lead code on a server.
    So since I have the lead code in the file name I'm trying to use that in conjunction with the file path to tell illustrator where to save it with Javascript. Also the idea of a dynamic save path is awesome to me.
    Here's what I've got so far, it's not working yet but I feel like I'm close.
    Dynamic Save Path////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    #target illustrator
    var sourceDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var sourceName =sourceDoc.name;
    var customerNum = sourceName.substring(0, sourceName.length - 8)
        sourceName = sourceName.substring(0, sourceName.length - 3)
    alert(customerNum + " Customer # saved")
    alert(sourceName + " File name saved") //end
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var doc_Path = File("I:\GRAPHICS"+ "/" + customerNum);
    var substituir_Path = doc_Path+ "/" + customerNum;
    //alert("sourceName: "+sourceName+"\nsourceDoc_Path: "+doc_Path+"\nsubstituir_Path: "+substituir_Path);
    function SaveFileAsFXG (dest) {
        if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
            var saveOptions = new FXGSaveOptions();
            var fxgDoc = new File(dest);
            app.activeDocument.saveAs( fxgDoc, saveOptions );
    var destFilePath = substituir_Path;
    SaveFileAsFXG (destFilePath);
    alert("done!") //end

    I figured it out, I had it removing too many characters. I can get away with hardcoding this in my script because of how we name files where I work. also I realized I had a left over part in there that I didn't need.
    I also got rid of the dividers to make it easeir to read here online
    #target illustrator
    var sourceDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var sourceName =sourceDoc.name;
    var customerNum = sourceName.substring(0, sourceName.length - 7)
        sourceName = sourceName.substring(0, sourceName.length - 3)
    alert(customerNum + " Customer # saved")
    alert(sourceName + " File name saved") //end
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var doc_Path = File("I:\GRAPHICS"+ "/" + customerNum);
    function SaveFileAsFXG (dest) {
        if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
            var saveOptions = new FXGSaveOptions();
            var fxgDoc = new File(dest);
            app.activeDocument.saveAs( fxgDoc, saveOptions );
    SaveFileAsFXG (doc_Path);
    alert("done!") //end

  • Dynamic Import File Path

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    Please help me how to do dynamic import file path since we have multiple environment where our reports will be migrated.

    the link is helpful but it still throws an error from my end . . .
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    <config version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/config/">
    <property name="xslt.FILE_LOCATION">D:\OraHome_1\xmlp\XMLP\Reports\Reports</property>
    and my import file is
    in my main template it calls 3 sub templates . . .
    even I put a single quote in the 'D:\OraHome_1\xmlp\XMLP\Reports\Reports' in the xdo.cfg, I still get the error
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(Unknown Source)
         at RTF2PDF.runRTFto(RTF2PDF.java:629)
         at RTF2PDF.runXDO(RTF2PDF.java:439)
         at RTF2PDF.main(RTF2PDF.java:289)
    Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: ${FILE_LOCATION}
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.reportException(XSLProcessor.java:806)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.newXSLStylesheet(XSLProcessor.java:571)
         ... 14 more

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    Hi Daniel,
    What is the make of the printer and is it using PCL or PS driver.?
    Do you have Acrobat installed on this machine as well?
    Please check if 'Print Spooler' service is running on the machine.

  • Create table space command with no specification of data file path.

    I am using following command for creating table space in oracle 11g
    But it is creating datafile dataFileName.dbf at disk at following path
    echo $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
    I dont want to create datafile at this path and also dont want to specify data file path in 'create table space' command.
    Is there is any parameter,which i can set and above command start to create dataFileName.dbf at that path
    Edited by: user8680179 on May 15, 2012 1:54 AM

    user8680179 wrote:
    i issued following commands from 'SYS' user;
    1. show parameter db_create_file_dest;
    db_create_file_dest string
    2.alter system set db_create_file_dest='dataFilePath';
    System altered.
    3.show parameter db_create_file_dest;
    db_create_file_dest string dataFilePath
    Tablespace created.
    But still my test1.dbf file is creating at old path($ORACLE_HOME/dbs)Is datafilepath a real location? I don't think so! Give a proper path like "d:\oracle\" and retry.

  • Copy full file path+file name in Midnight Commander

    How can I copy a file's full path with the file name in Midnight Commander?
    If I press Ctrl+Alt+Enter it's shows this to me in the command line but I can't copy this route.
    If I mark a file with 'Insert' and than if I would like to paste this for example in Mousepad or any other text editor with Shift+Insert or Ctrl+V it isn't works.
    (Relatively newbie sitting here so if the answer is complicated please write a step-by-step instruction )

    Well,I did a lot of research on the internet and I found the best solution.
    - choose the file,press 'Ctrl' + 'Shift' + 'Enter'
    - after that you can see the full file path + the file name in the command line (bottom of the screen)
    - Select the text with 'Shift' + 'Mouse Left Click' (drag it across the whole command)
    - For copy the text, press 'Ctrl' + 'Insert'
    - For paste, press 'Shift' + 'Insert'
    This is still pretty damn slow,I wanted to do it with a single key combination while the file is selected but it looks impossible.
    But at the same time I have started to use Ranger file manager which is also runs from terminal,extremely fast,easy to use and if I press 'Ctrl' + 'Insert' on a file it is copies the full path with the name of the file itself. Just perfect.
    I won't mark the thread [SOLVED] because if anybody knows a better method for this in Midnight Commander (with a script or whatnot) maybe will write it down for us. I hope...

  • How to set the file path dynamically based on sytem, username, and date

    Hi All,
    My requirement is upload the data into one  structure like xyz that is related to t.code MCSZ.
    file will be in  UNIx SERVER .
    PATH IS: /sapif
    file name is xy789 load .txt
    I have  to write code in one user-exit
    how can i set the file path for this.
    shall i put hard code file path?
    because i have to writecode in user-exit.
    plz tell me how to set the file path based ons syetem, username, date
    Thanks in advance

    Concatenate the field SY-SYSID, SY-UNAME and SY-DATUM for the file path

  • How do I set the default file path for the Place command?

    I keep my graphics files for each document in a particular folder. Every time I open an existing InDesign document and place a new image I have to browse back to that location - even though all of the previous images in that document came from the same folder. InDesign does not remember the file path that was used previously in the document. This is very annoying.
    I have looked through the preferences, searched the forums and internet, but I have not found any reference to setting default paths. Is there a setting like the one in MS Word called "File Locations" on the Options toolbox?
    Thank you.

    Since you're working in ID on Windows, you can take advantage of a neat trick in Windows. Copy the file path out of the File Explorer address bar and paste it directly into the Place filename field. That will jump you directly to the desired volume. For example, let's say I want to place a graphic located at X:\PS Jobs\May PS\709672bp\Working Source Files\Links. I copy that entire path from the File Explorer address bar, go to InDesign, select File|Place, and press Control + V to paste that path into the filename field. I press the Open button and Shazam! I'm there instantly, without a bunch of navigation.
    You can do the same thing in the File|Save As and File|Export fields. Let's say you want export a PDF file from InDesign to the volume X:\PS Jobs\May PS\709672bp\Working PDF Files. First copy the desired file path from the File Explorer window. In InDesign, select File|Export, click anywhere in the filename field, and press the Home key to move the insertion point to the front of the filename. Press Control + V to paste that path in front of the filename, then add the backslash character (\). The filename will now look like this: X:\PS Jobs\May PS\709672bp\Working PDF Files\Filename.pdf. Press the Save button to bring up the Export Adobe PDF window. Select your desired PDF preset, press the Export button, and the PDF file will magically appear in the desired volume.
    This sounds really complicated, but it's not. In practice, it only takes a few seconds. I probably save an hour's worth of needless navigation every day with this technique.

  • Create a dynamic physical file path in FILE tcode

    Hi ,
    I have a requirement where i need to create a file on application server. the physical path depend on the month in which it is executing.
    For example I have a file with the name 29082011_hh:mm:ss.dat.
    This file should be stored in the directory file015\FI\appl\Aug\.
    So i require to create the logical file path as file15\Fi\appl\<month>\<filename>
    My question is do we need to maintain the folders for all the months in AL11 or it can be generated at runtime
    Plz reply

    You must create the directories beforehand.

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    dittu wrote:
    My problem is how to assign the downloaded file path in dropdown menu. plz help me.I don't understand your problem.

Maybe you are looking for

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