Dynamic page structure

I am using ADF 11g.
I am trying to implement a page structure which differs in order to a logic behind. As a result, page might have different count of facets and these facets should be filled programmatically. I wonder what is the best method for doing this. I am trying to use different page templates for each possible page structure. But i have some questions about it, any idea would be appreciated.
1- Is this supported: Main jsp file with a page template (which has a facet named contentArea), a jsff file (which has a dynamic page template reference) included in contentArea.
2- When using dynamic page template binding, is it a requirement that used page templates must have the same amount of facetrefs?
3- Can i dynamically change jsp:include tag's "page" attribute, e.g. with expression language?
4- How can i find a page template (RichPageTemplate component) from backing bean.

1- Is this supported: Main jsp file with a page template (which has a facet named contentArea), a jsff file (which has a dynamic page template reference) included in contentArea.
I tried it and it works with full support by the IDE.
2- When using dynamic page template binding, is it a requirement that used page templates must have the same amount of facetrefs?
3- Can i dynamically change jsp:include tag's "page" attribute, e.g. with expression language?
The page include is added during compile tme, not runtime. So I don't think this is possible. However you can change the <af:pageTemplate> content dynamically. If you need to dynamically change parts of a pae, have a look at the Dynamic Page Template tag in the ADF Faces tag documentation
4- How can i find a page template (RichPageTemplate component) from backing bean.
You can start searching from the UIViewRoot or relatve to the parent container, which is af:form. In the latter case, you create a JSF component binding reference for the RichForm in the managed bean and then call getChildren
    public String cb1_action() {
        // Add event code here...
        List<UIComponent> l = form1.getChildren();
        for (UIComponent u : l){
            System.out.println("Child "+ u.getId() + "--"+u.getClass());
        return null;

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    --form elements ..
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    You can see the html source of a form with javascript when put on a page. You should do something similar for the dynamic page you write.

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    M_subject varchar2(2000):= :message_subject;
    htp.print('This is a Test - Passing a parameter to a Dynamic Page');
    htp.p('Value: ' || M_subject);
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    thebody varchar(2000);
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    So is there anything obvisous that i'm not doing correctly? Is my query not structured properly? Why can't i use this variable for something useful instead of just simply printing it on the screen?
    Any comments, suggestions, fixes or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Put debug on on the application server for the dad you're using.
    The error you are encountering will appear instead of the 404 not found error.
    in the home of your application server update the file
    put ' PlsqlErrorStyle DebugStyle' in the dad you're using.
    restart the application server, retry your dynamic page and the sql error will appear.

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    Hi Jonathan,
    Many thanks for your response.
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    info varchar(100);
    rowid urowid;
    procedure doDelete(
    row_id in urowid
    ) IS
    Delete From xxx
    WHERE rowid = row_id;
    end doDelete;
    Select name, rowid INTO info, rowid
    From xxx Where xxx;
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    HTP.PRN(' <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="delete" onClick="doDelete(_row_id);">');
    The variable 'info' and '_row_id' are correct, however the two HTP. sentence do not work. What's the problem?
    What I want to do is to show all the records in TABLE A in a page. And at the end of each line (record), there' re a 'delete' and a 'update' button to let user operate on this record. Is this possible? I know form can do delete an update, but it can not show all the records in a page like what report does. Besides dynamic page, is there any other better choice? Report can do it?
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    I was almost driven crazy by these :( I so appreciate if anyone can help.

    The code written by you is insufficient for the funtionality you are trying to achieve. Below is a method to achieve the same.
    Note: Used standard scott.emp table for the example which is located in my db provider schema.
    Do the below modifications as per your local configuration
    xxxxx -> Replace it with your Portal schema
    yyyyy -> Replace it with your db provider schema
    <<module_id_of_form>> -> Replace with the module id of form created in step 1 & 2.
    First and foremost... oracle does not allows variables starting with '_'. So if you want to use it you have to place it in double quotes ("")
    rowid -> illegal
    "_row_id" -> legal.
    However, I will advice you not to use variable names starting with "_".
    Now lets get started...
    1. Create a form on the table you are using in the dynamic page. Just have the update button. Remove the other buttons.
    2. Get the module id of this form. Instruction for getting the module id:
    a) Right-click on the form's run link and copy the shortcut
    b) Get the value of p_moduleid parameter. This is your module id.
    3. Create a procedure "save_action_details" in your db provider schema. This procedure will accomplish the delete operation on the record.
         CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure save_action_details(
         p_rowid IN VARCHAR2,
         p_action IN VARCHAR2,
         p_dyn_ref_path IN VARCHAR2,
         p_dyn_page_url IN VARCHAR2)
         l_sto_session xxxxx.wwsto_api_session;
         l_sto_session := xxxxx.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
         p_domain => 'DynStore',
         p_sub_domain => 'DynStore_' || p_dyn_ref_path
         p_name => 'rowid',
         p_value => p_rowid
         p_name => 'action',
         p_value => p_action
         end save_action_details;
    Explaination: The above procedure creates a session and keeps the rowid and action in the session. This information is used by the below dynamic form to perform the necessary action. In our exampl, the action is always going to be delete so you may go ahead and hard code it, else leave it as it is.
    4. Grant execute privilege on the procedure "save_action_details" to public.
    sql> grant execute on save_action_details to public;
    5. Create your Dynamic page.
    a) In HTML code section have the below code. This code shows some columns from the table and "update" and "delete" buttons to perform the respective action.
         <ORACLE>select empno,ename,rowid,
         '<input type="button" value="Update" onClick="doAction(this.form,''UPD'',''xxx'','''
         || xxxxx.wwv_standard_util.url_encode(rowid) || '''); tWin();">
         <input type="button" value="delete" onclick="doAction(this.form,''DEL'',''' || rowid || ''',''xxx'');">' Action
         from yyyyy.emp</ORACLE>
    b) In additional pl/sql code section of dynamic page, have the below pl/sql block "in after displaying the header" section.
         l_sto_session xxxxx.wwsto_api_session;
         l_del_rowid varchar2(20);
         l_action varchar2(10);
         htp.comment('User code starts here ...');
         htp.p('var winHandle;');
         function doAction(formObj, action, rowid, erowid)
              if (action == "UPD")
              var formURL = "' || xxxxx.wwctx_api.get_proc_path('wwa_app_module.link?p_arg_names=_moduleid&p_arg_values=<<module_id_of_form>>&p_arg_names=_rowid&p_arg_values=') || '" + erowid;
              winHandle = window.open(formURL, "winDynUpd", "width=750,height=500,resizable=yes");
              formObj.p_rowid.value = rowid;
              formObj.p_action.value = action;
         function tWin() {
              if (winHandle.closed) {
              document.location = document.location;
              else {
              setTimeout("tWin()", 500);
         htp.p('<form name="dynRowProcess" method="POST" action="'
         || xxxxx.wwctx_api.get_proc_path('save_action_details','yyyyy')
         || '">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_rowid">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_action">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_dyn_ref_path" value="' || p_reference_path || '">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_dyn_page_url" value="' || p_page_url || '">');
         l_sto_session := xxxxx.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
         p_domain => 'DynStore',
         p_sub_domain => 'DynStore_' || p_reference_path
         l_del_rowid := l_sto_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('rowid');
         l_action := l_sto_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('action');
         if l_action = 'DEL' then
         delete from yyyyy.emp
         where rowid = l_del_rowid;
         end if;
    Explaination: The session information (rowid and action) stored by "save_action_details" procedure is retrieved by the dynamic page and is used to delete the record.
    6. Once you are through with the above steps, test it by placing the above "dynamic page" portlet on a page.
    a) When you click on delete button the record gets deleted and the automatically refreshed page will not show the deleted record.
    b) On clicking update button, a form will appear. do the necessary modifications in data and click update. the data in the form gets updated. Once you close the form the dynamic page gets refreshed automatically and it will show you the updated information.

  • Need to display column names in a dynamic page

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    You must to use the htp package. Example:
    for cursor_cotiza in (select
    r.Nparte as Nparte, r.Descripcion as Descripcion,
    r.preciounit as preciounit,
    NVL(f.servicio,0) as servicio,
    round((0.145)*r.preciounit,3) as IVA,
    round((0.145)*r.preciounit,3) + r.preciounit +
    NVL(f.servicio,0) as PrecioTotal
    carryin.repuestos r,
    carryin.casos c, carryin.facturacion f
    where r.NCaso =:NCaso
    and r.Ncaso=c.NCaso
    and c.Ncaso=f.Ncaso(+)
    and f.servicio(+)<>0
    r.Nparte as Nparte, r.Descripcion as Descripcion,
    r.preciounit as preciounit,
    NVL(f.servicio,0) as servicio,
    round((0.145)*r.preciounit,3) as IVA,
    round((0.145)*r.preciounit,3) + r.preciounit +
    NVL(f.servicio,0) as PrecioTotal
    carryin.casosneq r,
    carryin.facturacion f
    where r.NCaso =:NCaso
    and r.Ncaso=f.Ncaso(+)
    and f.servicio(+)<>0
    ) loop
    end loop;
    This example show a table with header and borders. You must to see this package for more information.

  • How to create a form based on table using dynamic page?

    I need to create a form using dynamic page. How do you pass values from the html form to a oracle procedure that will get executed on submission of the form ? I could not find any documents which shows how to do that. Can anyone please help me out with an example ?

    Something seems to get added to the form action because of "http". Hence I am removing it.
    You need to write a procedure with the values in the as parameters. Say for example you want to insert a record into dept
    table then
    Dynamic page code
    <form action="portalschema.insert_dept">
    <input type="text" name="p_deptno">
    <input type="text" name="p_dname">
    <input type="submit" name="p_action" value="save">
    Procedure code.
    create or replace procedure insert_dept
    (p_deptno in number,
    p_dname in varchar2,
    p_action in varchar2)
    is begin
    if p_action = 'save' then
    insert into scott.dept(deptno,dname) values(p_deptno,p_dname);
    end if;
    grant execute on insert_dept to public;
    Hope this helps.

  • How to get page URL in a dynamic page in 10.1.4?

    Does anyone know how to get the page URL in a Dynamic Page in 10.1.4 without using javascript.
    I know that you can use a PL/SQL portlet and the portlet_record, but this is specifically for a Dynamic Page.

    I am trying the suggested approach in 10.1.4 but unfortunatley I get the following error:
    PLS-00302: component 'SHOW_INTERNAL' must be declared
    In my Dynamic Page I have the following code
    In the '... before displaying the page' I have the following
    schema_name.cms_context.urlpage := schema_name.dynamic_page_name.show_internal.p_page_url;
    Can anyone help?

  • How to get form fields in a dynamic page as a portlet

    I have a dynamic page(publish as portlet and added to a portal page) with a html form that has many radio button created dynamically (query a table and create as many radio button as records I found) and the name of each radio button is the id of the record from the table it represents.
    When I click the submit button of my form it will recall the same portal page and then I have to check which radio buttons where selected to update the database depending on it.
    The problem is that I can't get the radio buttons inside the dynamic page because they are created dynamically so I can't make them portlet parameters to be associated with page parameters.
    So How can I tell which radio buttons have been selected?
    Please help me.

    Write a procedure which will be called as the form action. This procedure should take an array of parameters like p_arg_names and p_arg_values. For example
    <input type="checkbox" name="p_radio">
    <input type="checkbox" name="p_radio">
    procedure submit_form(p_radio in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr)
    for i in 1..p_radio.count
    end loop;
    Hope that helps.

  • Retrieve data from a dynamic page via loadURL

    I would like to ask you how it is possible to retrieve data
    from a dynamic page (asp classic in my case) using the loadURL
    I would like to create an html authentication form (with
    username and password fields). The loadURL method should call an
    asp page and then pass to the usual function 'DoIfSucceded' the
    results of the elaboration.
    Of course I'm going to have a switch in the function in order
    to make different actions depending from the results of the asp
    page (authentication succeded or failed).
    I had a look to the examples at this page:
    Is there anyone who can explain clearly how the results data
    must be written by the asp page and how the success function can
    retrieve them ?
    I thank you in advance for your help.

    loadURL() uses the the XMLHttpRequest Object so if the
    content you return is XML, you have 2 choices for accessing your
    data. You can either access it as a text string via the
    XMLHttpRequest object's responseText property, or as a DOM document
    via the XMLHttpRequest object's responseXML property:
    function MySuccessCallback(req)
    // If my data is XML, I can access the data that was sent
    from the server
    // as DOM elements via the XMLHttpRequest's responseXML
    var xmlDOM = req.xhRequest.responseXML;
    // OR, you can access the data sent back from the server as
    text via
    // the XMLHttpRequest object's responseText property.
    var xmlAsAString = req.xhRequest.responseText;
    var req = Spry.Utils.loadURL("GET",
    "/app/book.php?id=1&code=54321", true, MySuccessCallback);
    If your serverside script wants to use some other format as a
    response like JSON or plain text, then you can only access the data
    as text via the responseText property.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Error creating dynamic page in an application with a schema other than portal30

    Running 9iAS on Solaris.
    I cannot seem to create a default dynamic page (select 'x' from dual) in an application that has a schema (e.g. test) other
    than portal30. The error seems to be when portal tries to compile the dynamic-page package, it references itself from
    within the package but prefixing the call with the other (test) schema. It never seems to compile? What seems to be the
    problem? Any ideas?

    If you are using any database object other than the applcation owned,then it has to be prefixed with the schema owner.
    For example,
    if the application schema is based on the schema "schema1" (say)
    and your query is based on one of the object on "schema2"
    and if you have necessary privilegves to access that object from schema2, then the compiler wont throw any error.
    Can u explain, what u problem you are experiencing in detail?
    (Also, if u give me the portal version, I can cross-verify that).

  • Calling a procedure from Dynamic Page

    I am trying to call a procedure from a dynamic page. The procedure displays multi records from a table. I have created a procedure:
    PROCEDURE process_student_request( p_primary_request in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr,
    p_alternate_request in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr,
    p_action in varchar2,
    l_status in out varchar2);
    When I hit the submit button on the dynamic page it does not execute the procedure and tries to open a new page. How do I get this to work?
    Here is the text of the page:
    <FORM action="portal30.star_portal.process_student_requests" method="post">
    <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" class="RegionBorder">
    <TD valign="top" align="left" width="40%"><FONT class="PortletText1">
    row_num number := 1;
    hold_row_num number;
    hold_class_cd stars3.req.class_cd%TYPE;
    for c1 in (select A.start_yy, A.school, A.student_id, A.class_cd, B.name from stars3.course B, stars3.req A
    where A.student_id = portal30.star_portal.get_session_variable('STUDENT_ID') and A.start_yy = '01' and
    A.alternate_no = '0' and
    B.start_yy = A.start_yy and
    B.school = A.school and
    B.class_cd = A.class_cd)
    hold_class_cd := c1.class_cd;
    htp.p('<select name="p_primary_request">');
    htp.p('<option value="' || c1.class_cd|| '">' || c1.name || '</option>');
    row_num := row_num + 1;
    end loop;
    htp.p('<input type="submit" name="p_action">');

    You have variables in your procedure like l_status, p_alternate_status which you do not have in the form. Are these IN or OUT variables ?
    If these are IN variables, this proc will not work because you do not have any variable in the form. So from where does it get the values? There is not any default declared too. You have to explicitly define IN or OUT variables.
    Have you also given execute permission to public ?

  • Issue in Customizing ESS dynamic page(Bizcard view)

    Hi experts,
    I am working on Customization of ESS portal.
    I am able to build and deploy application successfully .We are able to customize Detail View.
    Problem Here is , I am Supposed to modify in BIzcard Iview which is a dynamic page.
    Can any body help in understanding  how data is fetched in bizcard iview and  where the logic is to  be added to modify the page (in which method).
    Any pointer related to dynamic Customization of ESS portal is appreciated.

    I have tried alot for the same, but i didn't get any thing, so we built our own application.
    I copied one of the sap delivered DC and done my customizations.
    if that is small chnage in the IView side you can do the portal personalization.

  • Issue in customizing ESS Dynamic Page

    Hi All,
    I am working on Customization of ESS portal.
    I am able to build and deploy application successfully .We are able to customize Detail View.
    Problem Here is , I am Supposed to modify in BIzcard Iview which is a dynamic page.
    Can any body help in understanding  how data is fetched in bizcard iview and  where the logic is to  be added to modify the page (in which method).
    Any pointer related to dynamic Customization of ESS portal is appreciated.

    Thank You staurt.
    I also got the SdnTechEd Documnet now. Was going through that.
    It Tells about the creation of Std Package.
    I need quick help  on my first Change . I.e
         for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeSelectedInfotype().size(); i++)
    if(wdContext.nodeSelectedInfotype().getSelectedInfotypeElementAt(i).getBanka()== "1")
    I have requirement.
    If the Bank type is other bank (banka=1) then payment method should be of type T and non editable.
    I have wrote the above logic in Detail view init method of Controller and tried in View init too.It is making Payment method non editable in both the pages.
    Any pointer for above details.

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