Dynamic Partner links in BPEL (or ESB

Can we dynamically define Partner links at runtime and at runtime decide to call these services? If yes, can we also dynamically map the schemas?
BPEL cook book provides an example to for creating Dynamic Partner but this requires redeploying the WSDL?
This is not acceptable because redeploying the WSDLwill effect other processes running.

Just for your information it is recommended when dealing with Batch type processing that the you do not use BPEL variables larger than 5MB.
Therefore is this is the case it might be worth considering a mechanism (as described above) to de batch the process to provide a flow of data rather than a big hit of data.
Hope that Helps

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    What is the purpose of using Dynamic Partner link in BPEL process ?

    Hi Shankari,
    apart of using the the config plan you can change the endpoint uri in runtime if you define the property "endpointURI" in your composite
    <binding.ws port="http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/taskService#wsdl.endpoint(TaskService/TaskServicePortSAML)"
    <property name="weblogic.wsee.wsat.transaction.flowOption"
    type="xs:string" many="false">WSDLDriven</property>
    <property name="endpointURI"
    type="xs:string" >http://localhost:7001/integration/services/TaskService/TaskServicePort</property>
    then right click your composite in the enterprise manager and go to "Service/Reference Properties". There you can change the endpointURI property.
    You can also change the endpointURI inside your BPEL process. Go to the invoke inside the bpel process and go to the "properties" tab. There search for the property "endpointURI" and set a value.
    hope this helps
    cheers Nicolas

  • A dynamic partner link for very distinct services.

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    Thank you.

    You could use an Oracle Services Registry ( UDDI ) to store the WSDL and dynamically select the needed WSDL.
    Here is the general idea :

  • No Fault When Dynamic Partner Link Is Down?

    I have an async process that establishes a dynamic partner link based on runtime data. I understand how to fire off to a dynamic partner link, however, I ran into a problem while testing a scenario where the partner link's endpoint is down.
    In situations where the dynamic endpoint is up, my process calls it without any problems. However, when testing what happens if the dynamic endpoint is not available, I expected the process to throw a fault that I can catch. What I find is that an exception is raised in the logs (see below), but the calling process does not throw a fault. The process also continues on as if the call were successful?
    Is there something that I can do to ensure that faults are raised in cases where dynamic partner links are down?
    <2008-06-07 21:42:13,413> <DEBUG> <default.collaxa.cube.ws> <WSIFInvocationHandler::invoke> invoke failed
    org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: when invoking locally the endpoint 'http://alcalba2-lap:8889/orabpel/default/CDS_DNS_process/1.0', ; nested exception is:
    Exception not handled by the Collaxa Cube system.
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the Collaxa Cube system. The exception reported is: "ORABPEL-02178
    Process not found.
    The BPEL process "CDS_DNS_process", revision "1.0" has not been loaded. Either the process was not initialized properly or the process has been disabled.
    Please consult your administrator regarding this error. The application server logs may provide more information regarding this error.

    There is a catch all block. I have no fault policies or fault binding set outside of what is defaulted.
    Shouldn't my catch all block be enough to pick this up? It's as if nothing is bubbling up to the process and I clearly see an exception in the logs.

  • Partner Link URL/WSDL or Dynamic Partner link

    We are using a service similar to CreditRatingService in orderBooking Tutorial as a partner link.
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    I was wondering during deplyment on production is it possible to specify the URL in config file or do I have to change the designtime location in jdev and then deploy it in prod.
    Can experienced folks here point me to deployment best practices ?
    Part2 : Where does dynamic partner link fit in ?

    JDeveloper is using ANT and is using a properties file during the compilation. You can change the properties when you want to deploy.
    Dyn PL are usefully when you want to call multiple/various web services that all take the same payload, but are using different end-points and operation. This reduces the code to make for every interface an PL.

  • Dynamic partner link for http binding

    Hi all,
    I'm writing BPEL code to call a web service with dynamic partner link.
    I'm succesful in soap binding but fail in http binding, it does not run with new given address.
    Could you please help me to solve this problem? Is the trouble coming from http binding?
    This is the successful part:
    - BPEL code:
    <assign name="assign-Address">
    <EndpointReference xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing">
    <to variable="partnerReference"/>
    <from variable="partnerReference"></from>
    <to partnerLink="WPS_Provider"></to>
    <invoke name="invoke-1" partnerLink="WPS_Provider" portType="nsxml0:FusionServiceSoap" operation="getCapabilities" inputVariable="getCapRequest" outputVariable="getCapResponse"/>
    - Binding and service:
    <wsdl:binding name="FusionServiceSoap" type="tns:FusionServiceSoap">
    <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
    <wsdl:operation name="getCapabilities">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.opengis.net/wps/getCapabilities" style="document" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <soap:body use="literal" />
    <wsdl:service name="FusionService">
    <wsdl:port name="FusionServiceSoap" binding="tns:FusionServiceSoap">
    <soap:address location="http://1acb152.78.239.173/FusionWPS/Fusionservice1.asmx" />
    This is the unsuccessful part:
    - BPEL code:
    <assign name="assign-Address">
    <EndpointReference xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing">
    <to variable="partnerReference"/>
    <from variable="partnerReference"></from>
    <to partnerLink="SOSProvider"></to>
    <invoke name="invoke-1" partnerLink="SOSProvider" portType="nsxml0:SOS" operation="GetObservation" inputVariable="getObservationREQ" outputVariable="getObservationRES"/>
    - Binding and service:
    <binding name="SOSBinding" type="tns:SOS">
    <operation name="GetObservation">
    <http:operation location=""/>
    <mime:mimeXml part="parameters"/>
    <mime:content type="text/xml"/>
    <mime:mimeXml part="parameters"/>
    <mime:content type="text/xml"/>
    <service name="SOS">
    <port name="SOS" binding="tns:SOSBinding">
    <http:address location=""/>
    Thanks for your help.
    An Le

    Dear all,
    Thanks for your pay attention on my question.
    I'm sorry, I have just taken my vacation, so I couldn't check your reply.
    c|3k: If the server is not available, it must be throw an error message. But in my case, it took the old address to run and give me a unexpected result.
    sashwat: I copied service name before, but it didn't work.
    But let me try again.
    Thank you all very much.
    An Le

  • Need Help Regarding Dynamic Partner Link

    Hi all
    I am new to this Oracle BPEL.
    I need to configure dynamic partner link.
    need help with this.........
    any useful links.. pls.

    Check this
    there are plenty like this.

  • Dynamic partner link in BPEL2.0 in SOA Suite

    Hi experts,
    I would like to use the dynamic partner links in BPEL2.0 in SOA Suite but I get this error:
    <env:Fault xmlns:ns0="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/process/executable">
       <faultstring>fromValue is nota  sref:service-ref element</faultstring>As I know the dynamic partner link (in BPEL2.0) was not supported in but it is in So it should work but unfortunately it doesn't.
    Could anyone please help me?
          <assign name="Assign_set_EndpointReference_InventoryConfirmation">
              <from><literal><sref:service-ref xmlns:sref="http://docs.oasisopen.org/wsbpel/2.0/serviceref"
    <EndpointReference xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/08/addressing">
              <to partnerLink="PL_InventoryConfirmation"/>

    That link leads to instructions for an async partner link. Is it appropriate for synchronous partner links?
    Frankly -- this documentation is really irritating. It makes a lot of assumptions and is far to vague in places. The very first thing it says is "Create a WSDL file that contains multiple services that use the same portType." but it doesn't specify which wsdl (I have several in my project) and seems to be drawn from some example code with no explanation.
    I have a wsdl for a partner link that looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <plnk:partnerLinkType name="f17borrowerCheck">
            <plnk:role name="f17borrowerCheckProvider" portType="client:f17borrowerCheck"/>
            <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:plnk="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/plnktype"
                <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/f17cPriorCaseCheck/f17borrowerCheck/f17borrowerCheck"
            <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
                <xsd:import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/A43ICSEF" schemaLocation="xsd/a43cisef.xsd"/>
        <wsdl:message name="f17borrowerCheckRequestMessage">
            <wsdl:part name="payload" element="client:process"/>
        <wsdl:message name="f17borrowerCheckResponseMessage">
            <wsdl:part name="payload" element="client:processResponse"/>
        <wsdl:portType name="f17borrowerCheck">
            <wsdl:operation name="process">
                <wsdl:input message="client:f17borrowerCheckRequestMessage"/>
                <wsdl:output message="client:f17borrowerCheckResponseMessage"/>
    </wsdl:definitions>Edited by: Keith Fosberg on Oct 29, 2012 7:31 AM

  • Dynamic Partner Link.

    does anybody have an idea how to create a dynamic partner link.My requirement is that I recieve the service URL from database and then need to create a partner link to send message to that external service on that URL obtained.
    Anybody have any info on that .Please let me know.

    I haven't build this yet, so just some wild guesses.
    <variable name="partnerReference" element="wsa:EndpointReference"/>
       <EndpointReference xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing">
      <to variable="partnerReference"/>
    </assign>If i see this peace of code, you should be able to assign the address of the service.
    This value you will receive from the database service.
    This partnerReference variable you will use for the invoke of the partnerlink

  • Strange problems with Dynamic Partner Linking, how to reset conversation Id

    We have dyanamic partner linking with synchronous BPEL process. For testing this I have created an xml which is having 3 Dyanmic links for the same partener link. When I execute the first one gets executed but second one onwards it throws bpel fault exception When I am looping through the XML the first linking is working but when it tries to do the second call to the same end point it faults out saying
    <bindingFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension">
    <part name="code">
    <part name="summary">
    I tried several ways, bottom line this what I am getting in Do parter link assing in both loops. In my observation it generates some conversation Id which is null in the first iteration but from second one onwards.. it is generating some value which I am unable to reset. I belive if I can reset that converstationId to null probably I won't get this bepelFault.
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    First Scenario:
    <partnerLink name="PartnerLink_Campus_PIDS" partnerLinkType="{http://xmlns.oracle.com/PIDSUpdate_CHCS}PIDSUpdate_CHCS">
    <myRole name="null">
    <partnerRole name="PIDSUpdate_CHCSProvider">
    Second Scenario:
    [2006/04/18 22:37:10] Updated variable "PartnerLink_Campus_PIDS" less
    <partnerLink name="PartnerLink_Campus_PIDS" partnerLinkType="{http://xmlns.oracle.com/PIDSUpdate_CHCS}PIDSUpdate_CHCS">
    <myRole name="null">
    <partnerRole name="PIDSUpdate_CHCSProvider">
    I clearing the end point the following way.
    <assign name="ClearEndpoint">
    <EndpointReference xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing" xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/PIDSUpdate_CHCS">
    <to variable="partnerReference"/>
    </assign><!-- set the address in the endpoint variable
    Dynamic Links XML :
    <Dynamiclinks xmlns="http://ixp.mhs.dod.gov/DynamicLinksSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    Does any one how to reset the convesation Id, it will be a big help for me.
    Sridhar Dabbeeru

    We have dyanamic partner linking with synchronous BPEL process. For testing this I have created an xml which is having 3 Dyanmic links for the same partener link. When I execute the first one gets executed but second one onwards it throws bpel fault exception When I am looping through the XML the first linking is working but when it tries to do the second call to the same end point it faults out saying
    <bindingFault xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension">
    <part name="code">
    <part name="summary">
    I tried several ways, bottom line this what I am getting in Do parter link assing in both loops. In my observation it generates some conversation Id which is null in the first iteration but from second one onwards.. it is generating some value which I am unable to reset. I belive if I can reset that converstationId to null probably I won't get this bepelFault.
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    First Scenario:
    <partnerLink name="PartnerLink_Campus_PIDS" partnerLinkType="{http://xmlns.oracle.com/PIDSUpdate_CHCS}PIDSUpdate_CHCS">
    <myRole name="null">
    <partnerRole name="PIDSUpdate_CHCSProvider">
    Second Scenario:
    [2006/04/18 22:37:10] Updated variable "PartnerLink_Campus_PIDS" less
    <partnerLink name="PartnerLink_Campus_PIDS" partnerLinkType="{http://xmlns.oracle.com/PIDSUpdate_CHCS}PIDSUpdate_CHCS">
    <myRole name="null">
    <partnerRole name="PIDSUpdate_CHCSProvider">
    I clearing the end point the following way.
    <assign name="ClearEndpoint">
    <EndpointReference xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing" xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/PIDSUpdate_CHCS">
    <to variable="partnerReference"/>
    </assign><!-- set the address in the endpoint variable
    Dynamic Links XML :
    <Dynamiclinks xmlns="http://ixp.mhs.dod.gov/DynamicLinksSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    Does any one how to reset the convesation Id, it will be a big help for me.
    Sridhar Dabbeeru

  • Dynamic Partner link in 11g-urgent pls

    I've a requirement to use partner link dynamically. I configured a DBAdapter which connects to a DB called 'DB1'. During run time, my payload has systemID based on the systemID I have to insert the doc to a table in appropriate DB. Note that the no.of DB is unknown. There may be 2 or 3 or more than 3 DB's would exist. How do I achieve it in fusion 11g? Any pointers would be grateful.

    If you have differenet DB's ...you can pass the JNDI name to the ad adapter dynamically.Luk at the below post

  • Maintaining Single Session between 2 partner links in BPEL Process

    Hi All,
    We have a procedure that inserts data into a Global Temporary table. We have exposed this as a partner link in our BPEL process. We have a procedure that retrieves data from this Global Temporary table and does some processing. We have exposed this procedure also as a partner link in our BPEL process.
    But problem is according to our understanding each partner link takes different session. And Global Temporary tables data is session/transaction specific.
    Is there any way to make complete BPEL process or a set of BPEL activities run in same session or share same transaction.
    Any pointer on this is of great help.

    1.     BPEL process should be sync (to ensure the process runs in one thread).
    2.     On each partner link specify participate=true (as property)
    3.     DB adapter's database connection MUST point to a XA-location to participate in the global transaction. I.e. modify oc4j-ra.xml, data-sources.xml as follows:
    i. oc4j-ra.xml:
    Location: BPEL_HOME\integration\orabpel\system\appserver\oc4j\j2ee\home\application-deployments\default\DbAdapter\oc4j-ra.xml
    <connector-factory location="eis/DB/IGSD1R12" connector-name="Database Adapter">
    <config-property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <config-property name="connectionString" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@ap672sdb.us.oracle.com:25502:IGSD1R12"/>
         <config-property name="userName" value="apps"/>
    <config-property name="password" value="apps"/>
    <config-property name="minConnections" value="1"/>
    <config-property name="maxConnections" value="5"/>
    <config-property name="minReadConnections" value="1"/>          <config-property name="maxReadConnections" value="5"/>
    <config-property name="usesExternalConnectionPooling" value="false"/>
    <config-property name="dataSourceName" value=""/>
    <config-property name="usesExternalTransactionController" value="false"/>
    <config-property name="platformClassName" value="oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.OraclePlatform"/>
    <config-property name="usesNativeSequencing" value="true"/>
    <config-property name="sequencePreallocationSize" value="50"/>
    <config-property name="tableQualifier" value=""/>
    <config-property name="defaultNChar" value="false"/>
    <config-property name="usesBatchWriting" value="false"/>
    ii. data-sources.xml
    Location: BPEL_HOME\integration\orabpel\system\appserver\oc4j\j2ee\home\config\data-sources.xml
         <data-source class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
    url="jdbc:oracle:thin:apps/[email protected]:25502:IGSD1R12"/>

  • Passing SOAP header while invoking a web service partner link from BPEL

    I followed the steps of adding bpelx.inputheadervariable. Which is supposed to add the soad header. But after running the BPEL process if I see the message in the console, I don't see the SOAP header. Is there any way to see how the SOAP header is passed or did I set it incorrectly?
    This is what the message looks like:
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <ns0:Context xmlns:ns0="http://www.informatica.com/wsh">
    <ns0:StartWorkflow xmlns:ns0="http://www.informatica.com/wsh">
    I am trying to invoke the 'startworkflow' operation of Informatica web service Dataintegration.wsdl
    Edited by: user611166 on Apr 1, 2010 10:10 AM

    Try using obtunnel with your bepl console.
    Alternatively, if your server is on unix/ linux, try tcpdump to capture packets to a particular server and then open the file in wireshark to analyse the contents.
    Wish SOA suite would allow us to view this by default!

  • Error invoking bpel partner link from bpel process

    i try to invoke a bpel web service (deployed correctly) from another bpel process.
    I've this error:
    Cannot find resource. Context:
    I've tried to add my wsdl to:
    In this way I can invoke bpel web service (http://orcldemo:9700/orabpel/xmllib/WebServiceName.wsdl)and deploy my bpel process without compilation error, but when I start my bpel process the instance isn't created.
    I've pm server on linux machine with oc4j

    Resolved!! Edwin, was a name resolution problem, as you say!
    My problem also was that bpel server is on a remote linux machine, so soap server url with localhost (and similar) is not accepted by designer
    The better solution for Bpel server soap is:
    So I can invoke bpel process, and also JDev WS (deployed on oc4j) with endpoint as http://machineName:9700 and http://localhost:9700
    Thank you

  • NUll Pointer Exception while assigning Dynamic Partner Link

    I am currently working with the AIA2.4 Order 2 Bill PIP.
    I am facing an issue in 'AssignPartnerlinkEndPointReference' activity in 'SyncCustomerPartyListCommsBRMProvABCSImpl'
    It gives a null pointer exception when trying to invoke a BRM webservice.(BRMCUSTService)
    The following code is the final step of the assign activity which is used to invoke the BRM webservice.
    <EndpointReference><EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/addressing">
    Kindly help me resolve this issue.

    Hi Nidhi,
    Could you please ensure if the BRM JCA Adapter is configured properly If yes and issue persists, please post the relevant error details from opmn log file located at $SOA_HOME/opmn/logs/default~oc4j_soa~xx.log.

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