Dynamic Region - Item value turns to NULL

I have a dynamic region which has some APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX items in it. I count the checkbox groups and write it into a hidden object as like this.
In the last row of the code i want to insert the count into P65_CNT_QUESTIONS hidden item.
But when i submit the page i always get NULL from the P65_CNT_QUESTIONS item.
Before i submit the page i see the correct value in the session but when i submit, it turns to null.
I am getting crazy Whats the problem with it. Any suggestion?
System: MS7 - XE - Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Product - Apex 4.0
cursor c_h is select distinct qh.nquestion_header_id, vquestion_header from tquestions q, tquestion_headers qh
where q.nquestion_header_id = qh.nquestion_header_id order by 1;
cursor c_ans is  select nparam_id,vparam  from TQUESTION_PARAMS order by 1;
l_cnt number := 0;
l_hid number := 0;
l_br varchar2(10) := '<br/>';
l_tab varchar(50) := '      ';
l_de varchar2(1000);
l_hea_cnt NUMBER := 1;
l_que_cnt NUMBER := 1;
FOR rec_c in c_h LOOP
htp.p(l_br||'<b>'|| l_hea_cnt || '-' ||rec_c.VQUESTION_HEADER||'</b>');
  FOR rec_q in
      (SELECT q.nquestion_id, q.vquestion FROM tquestions q where q.nquestion_header_id = rec_c.nquestion_header_id order by q.nrow_order)
    htp.p(l_br|| l_br ||'<div align="left">'|| l_tab ||l_que_cnt || '-' ||rec_q.VQUESTION||'</div>'||l_br );
    FOR rec_ans in c_ans LOOP
       l_que_cnt ,rec_ans.nparam_id,null,rec_ans.vparam));
    l_que_cnt := l_que_cnt +1;
  htp.p(l_br||l_br ||'<div><b>ARA ORTALAMA</b></div>'); 
  FOR rec_ans in c_ans LOOP
       l_que_cnt ,rec_ans.nparam_id,null,rec_ans.vparam
   l_que_cnt := l_que_cnt +1;
   l_hea_cnt := l_hea_cnt +1;
htp.p(l_br||l_br ||'<div><b>GENEL ORTALAMA</b></div>'); 
FOR rec_ans in c_ans LOOP
       l_que_cnt ,rec_ans.nparam_id,null,rec_ans.vparam
    :P65_CNT_QUESTIONS := l_que_cnt ;

You need to set "Page items to submit" to be "P2_SCHEME_CAT_CODE"
This pulls the value from the browser and sets it within session state, thereby making it available to your PL/SQL
blog: [url grassroots-oracle.com]grassroots-oracle.com
twitter: [url twitter.com/swesley_perth]@swesley_perth

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    P10_RESULT IS ITEM IT HAS VALUE "38.956472,-77.447777","38.999123,-77.026184","12.951497,70.668646","17.459075,78.456888"
    var myPoints=new Array(&P10_RESULT.);

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                   map.addControl(new GScaleControl());
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         if (myPoints.length) {
              var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();
              for (n=0 ; n < myPoints.length ; n++ ) {
                   var mData = myPoints[n].split(',');
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    Public Shared Function GETSQL(ByVal month as Date, ByVal year as Date, ByVal partyCode as Integer)
    Dim sql1 As String
    Dim sql2 As String
    Dim sql3 As String
    Dim sql4 As String
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    sql4 = sql4 & " YEAR(SaleHDR.Date), " & vbCrLf
    sql4 = sql4 & " DAY(SaleHDR.Date), " & vbCrLf
    sql4 = sql4 & " ProductGroup.ProductGroupCode " & vbCrLf
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    sql3 = " where " & vbCrLf
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    sql3 = sql3 & " and year(SaleHDR.Date)=year " & vbCrLf
    sql3 = sql3 & " and Party.PartyCode=partyCode " & vbCrLf
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    sql4 = sql4 & " YEAR(SaleHDR.Date), " & vbCrLf
    sql4 = sql4 & " DAY(SaleHDR.Date), " & vbCrLf
    sql4 = sql4 & " ProductGroup.ProductGroupCode " & vbCrLf
    End If
    sql2 = " Month(SaleHDR.Date) as Month, " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & " YEAR(SaleHDR.Date)as Year, " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & " DAY(SaleHDR.Date) as Day, " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & " ProductGroup.ProductGroupCode, " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & " SUM(ISNULL(SaleDTL.ProductRate,0)*isnull(SaleDTL.ProductQuantity,0)) as SalesAmount " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & " from " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  SaleDTL " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  inner Join " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & " SaleHDR " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  ON SaleDTL.Id = SaleHDR.id " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  inner Join " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  ProductMaster " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  ON SaleDTL.ProductId = ProductMaster.ProductID " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  inner Join" & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  ProductGroup " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  ON ProductMaster.ProductGroupId = ProductGroup.ProductGroupID " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  inner Join " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  Party " & vbCrLf
    sql2 = sql2 & "  ON SaleHDR.PartyId = Party.PartyID " & vbCrLf
    GETSQL = sql1 & sql2 & sql3 & sql4
    End Function
    to use in my project report. I'm just trying to combine two reports(first one without partycode condition, second with a party code condition) into one report by using above custom code.
    then i use this as a query expression in a dataset: Code.GETSQL(Parameters!Month.Value,Parameters!Year.Value,Parameters!PartyCode.Value)
    but when i try to preview the report i'm getting a error saying:
    Cannot set the command text for dataset 'DataSet1'
    Error during processing of the command text expression of dataset 'DataSet1'.
    Can anyone help me here Please!!!
    Very much appreciated if anyone can guide me if there is a other way around.
    Thank you!!

    I think you just need to do this as a SQL query in your data source, and use the condition:
    WHERE (Party.PartyCode = @pPartyCode or @pPartyCode is null)
    I rewrote your vb as t-sql here:
    (if you're using this as a data source, remove the first line where the parameters are declared, as SSRS will create the parameters for you)
    declare @pMonth int, @pYear int, @pPartyCode nvarchar(20)
    month(SaleHDR.[Date]) as [Month],
    year(SaleHDR.[Date]) as [Year],
    day(SaleHDR.[Date]) as [Day],
    SUM(ISNULL(SaleDTL.ProductRate,0)*isnull(SaleDTL.ProductQuantity,0)) as SalesAmount
    from SaleDTL
    inner join SaleHDR ON SaleDTL.Id = SaleHDR.id
    inner join ProductMaster ON SaleDTL.ProductId = ProductMaster.ProductID
    inner join ProductGroup ON ProductMaster.ProductGroupId = ProductGroup.ProductGroupID
    inner join Party ON SaleHDR.PartyId = Party.PartyID
    Month(SaleHDR.[Date])= @pMonth
    and year(SaleHDR.[Date])= @pYear
    and (Party.PartyCode= @pPartyCode or @pPartyCode is null)
    group by month(SaleHDR.[Date]),
    year (SaleHDR.[Date]),
    day (SaleHDR.[Date]),

  • Dynamic Item value

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    I am trying to find how to get dynamically an item value based on page number. More details ..
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    :P10_VAL := :P||F1_CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER||'_COL1';
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    Please help me.

      ( p_name => 'P'||:F1_CURRENT_PAGE_NUMBER||'_COL1'
      , p_value => <some value>
    My APEX Blog: http://inside-apex.blogspot.com
    The ApexLib Framework: http://apexlib.sourceforge.net
    The APEX Builder Plugin: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apexplugin/

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    Thank you Varad...
    Unfortunately, I am still getting no data found. (and there IS data).
    a) Do you mean in the link column section of the report attributes? that is done: item 1 name= IR_P2_FID, value = #FID#
    b) Do you mean my changing my hidden page item to ir_p2_fid with its source value as #FID# ? also done.
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    3) Where Fishery_id = :IR_P2_FID
    Where Fishery_id = &IR_P2_FID
    Thanks again!

  • Problem reentering task flow in dynamic region

    Hi All,
    I have problem with reentering task flow in dynamic region.
    Use Case:
    Application contains bussines modules(implemented as bounded task flows) displayed in dynamic region.
    In some modules, default activity is Method Call activity which performs some validations(input parameters, state of records in db, etc.)
    and if some conditions are not satisfied, shows message to the user and exits module (navigates to Task Flow Return activity).
    If user tries to start the same module again, nothing happens(message is not shown).
    If user choose some other module and after that start first module, message is shown(so I suppose this means that task flow was correctly exited first time but dynamic region state was not refreshed).
    Current implementation info:
    Dynamic region has attached regionNavigationListener which resets taskFlowId variable in dynamic region bean if regionNavigationEvent.getNewViewId() == null but this listener is not called if Method Call activity directly navigates to Task Flow Return activity.
    (if user navigates to Task Flow Return activity from button on some page, this works as expected)
    Also, I tried to reset taskFlowId variable from task flow finalizer and to programatically refresh region binding, but this still doesn't work.
    So, am I missing some point about refreshing dynamic region or this is bug in ADF?

    I don't have any popup.
    There is only page which contains dynamic region.
    This dynamic region can be empty or can contain one of business modules(bounded task flows) which are invoked from menu.
    In some cases business module must exit(by invoking task flow return activity) immediately after invocation(because some business validations fail).
    In this case, module will show message to the user.
    Problem is that if user call the same module again, nothing happens(message is not shown) because regionNavigationListener(which only purpose is to reset taskFlowId variable when business module exits) is not triggered when Method Call activity(which is default activity in BTF) navigates to Task Flow Return activity.
    Also, I tried to use Router activity instead Method Call, but problem still exists(regionNavigationListener is not triggered).
    Obviously, regionNavigationListener is called only if navigating from page(or fragment) and this is probably a bug in ADF so I opened SR.
    Edited by: kdario on Oct 27, 2012 5:04 AM

  • Possible to display null item value as 'All'  in blank HTML region?

    Apex 4.1
    Theme 21
    Hi There,
    I have select list which has null and other values. I have created a blank HTML region with the following text
    Report for the year &P2_YEAR. and for geography &P2_GEOG.
    Now P2_YEAR works fine because, it is always populated with a year. However, &P2_GEOG has 'All' as null value since we can see the report for all geographies. However, if the all option is selected, the above &P2_GEOG. shows as null. Since its not a PL/SQL proc, I cannot put in a NVL. I am guessing one possible way is to write a PL/SQL code before region and then check if its null and then try to populate a new hidden field and show, something like that. Wondering if there is a way to do it directly in the HTML region?
    Edited by: ryansun on Jul 2, 2012 12:49 AM
    Edited by: ryansun on Jul 2, 2012 12:50 AM
    Edited by: ryansun on Jul 2, 2012 12:55 AM

    Hi Morten,
    in the validation callback you could use apex_util.set_session_state to modify the page items value. We do that ourself in the "Number Field" native item type plug-in.
    Member of the APEX development team
    My Blog: http://www.inside-oracle-apex.com
    APEX Plug-Ins: http://apex.oracle.com/plugins
    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/patrickwolf

  • Item Values Not Set - Dynamic SQL Fails to Parse.

    ** Think I've fixed this **
    (By simply defining some page computations I was able to set the item values to some default. Please don't feel the need to reply :-))
    I have a page consisting of 5 report parameters and a report, all in one region, 4 parameters are LOVs and one is a text field which in the query are all compared to table column values. The report region type is SQL Query(PL/SQL function body returning SQL Query).
    If I load the page in a new session with default values for the LOVs as '%' and a null text field, I get the following error message:-
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    If I examine the session state, I see that none of the parameter values are set, which is probably why the dynamic sql is failing.
    If I set one of the parameters to something, eg. choose another value in an LOV or type some text in the text field, and re-run the report, it executes without error.
    What's the easiest way to fix this, is it to set the page items to some specific values when the page is first loaded? If so how do I do that? I'm not having much luck creating some process to do it.
    All help appreciated.
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Ian,
    Did you already try to put a default value for that lov?
    Or try to do a computation before header?
    -- http://dgielis.blogspot.com
    -- http://apex-evangelists.com

  • Change template type of region based on item value

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to change a template type of a region based on value of page item?
    For example, if I have a template type for Region A as Hide/Show region and template type for Region B as Hide/Show as well.
    I want the template type of Region B to be changed to a custom template type based on the value of an item in Region A.
    Is this possible?
    Appreciate your inputs.

    spriya wrote:
    Hi All,
    Is it possible to change a template type of a region based on value of page item?
    For example, if I have a template type for Region A as Hide/Show region and template type for Region B as Hide/Show as well.
    I want the template type of Region B to be changed to a custom template type based on the value of an item in Region A.
    Is this possible?No. You'd either need to have 2 instances of Region B based on different templates, and render one of them conditionally according to the Region A value; or develop a single template with a structure flexible enough to be used in both cases, and change its appearance/behaviour by for example, swapping classes in a Dynamic Action.

  • Problem with dynamic change a page item value

    I'm trying to dynamically calculated the value of an item based on a simple formula that involves the multiplication of two elements from the same page.
    To do this, create dynamic action as follows:
    Event: Change
    Selection Type: Item(s)
    Item(s): P19_DURATION
    Action: Set value
    Fire on page load: TRUE
    Set Type: SQL Statement
    Page items to submit: P19_DURATION
    Selection Type: Item(s)
    Item(s): P19_AMOUNT
    When altering the P19_DURATION get no change in P19_AMOUNT
    Since my knowledge of javascript is almost zero, I'm trying to do this with pl / sql or sql. Try the dynamic action with a function or a PL / SQL statement and nothing works.
    Have to use javascript for this?
    Searching the forum I think it's something simple, but I did not find an example similar to what I need.

    Event: Change
    Selection Type: Item(s)
    Item(s): P19_DURATION
    Action: Set value
    Fire on page load: TRUE
    Set Type: javascript
    javascript Code:
    amount = $v('P19_DURATION') *  $v('P19_RATE');

  • Can we catch the dynamic item value in Apex?

    Hi All,
    In my application i am using SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY_XL Function. The select list will be populated based on some product group id.
    Some times the list will be 2 or 5 based on prgr id. Now how to catch the dynamic list item name. Is it possible?

    Not directly. You can have two items and then dynamically switch between those two items. This can lead to other issues of cause. For example if the item value should be stored in the database, you have to decide which item to store and how to do that.
    The field type itself should not be changed. There are a lot of other things that depend on that. Possible ? Yes. Advisable? No. Check the page source text to see the difference between a select item and a normal text field. Then think if you want to set all this dynamically.
    Maybe a popup list would be better suited?
    One more point: In my experience adding too many dynamic stuff onto a page will not improve the user experience, but will decrease it. So you should carefully consider if this is something. Dynamic actions are great, but they are not always the best tool for the job.

  • Dynamic Action on Item Value Change with AjaxRequest not working

    I have a select list of users called P222_USERS. When a new user is selected, I want to run a Query to find the email for the new user selected and stick it in text field P222_EMAIL.
    I have an On Demand process on the change of P222_USERS that calls a javascript function:
    In my header, the function calls an Application Process in an Ajax request:
    function fetchEmail(email){
    var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_EMAIL', 0);
                             ajaxRequest.add('P222_USERS', $('#P222_USERS').val());
                             ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get();
    Here is my On Demand PLSQL Process GET_EMAIL:
    select email into :P222_EMAIL from login where userid = :P222_USERS;
    The email is not getting populated into :P222_EMAIL. I know i'm close, but have already spent a bunch of time with various alternates to the above function/on demand process. Any help is greatly appreciated. I wish the PL/SQL process on the item change worked in this manner instead of going through AJAX.
    Thank you,

    Johnny98 wrote:
    I have a select list of users called P222_USERS. When a new user is selected, I want to run a Query to find the email for the new user selected and stick it in text field P222_EMAIL.
    I have an On Demand process on the change of P222_USERS that calls a javascript function:
    In my header, the function calls an Application Process in an Ajax request:
    function fetchEmail(email){
    var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_EMAIL', 0);
                             ajaxRequest.add('P222_USERS', $('#P222_USERS').val());
                             ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get();
    Here is my On Demand PLSQL Process GET_EMAIL:
    select email into :P222_EMAIL from login where userid = :P222_USERS;
    The email is not getting populated into :P222_EMAIL. I know i'm close, but have already spent a bunch of time with various alternates to the above function/on demand process. Any help is greatly appreciated. I wish the PL/SQL process on the item change worked in this manner instead of going through AJAX.
    Thank you,
    JohnnyThe fact is that your application process sets the items value in the session state and not populate the value on client/browser side
    So you need to return the value from on demand process and assign the value in javascript like this
    function fetchEmail(email){
    var ajaxRequest = new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=GET_EMAIL', 0);
    ajaxRequest.add('P222_USERS', $('#P222_USERS').val());
    ajaxResult = ajaxRequest.get();
    //newly added
    //amend your On Demand PLSQL Process GET_EMAIL like this
    select email into :P222_EMAIL from login where userid = :P222_USERS;
    //newly added
    end;This way the value will be set into session state and client side as well

  • To get the value of Dynamically generated Items

    Hi , i am Writting an applications using HTMLDB, i have a page which is an input page for inputting number of hours you worked on different projects i am createing the Input text filed items dynamically through web PL/SQL , what i want to do is when the user click on the sumbit button i want to read the values of the ITem and insert into a table , since they are dynamically created Items how does HTML DB handle them is there a way to get the Value for the items i tried displaying &P9_1. which is one of the items created dynamicaly but empty value is displayed.
    Any assiatnce is of great help.
    Thanks in advance

    This is done once the page is submitted, and the values are available in the arrays e.g. htmldb_application.g_f01 etc.
    This is covered in the manual

  • Very intermittent missing page regions / report rows / page item values

    My goals in making this posting are twofold:
    1. I'm looking to see if anyone else has experienced this type of issue before.
    2. I'm looking for ideas about what can be done to debug such an infrequent bug with serious implications.
    I'm having a weird problem where very infrequently I will load a page and I'll notice that one or more page regions, report rows, or page item values are missing. If I reload the page the missing parts appear as they normally should.
    By "very infrequently" I would say it happens to me somewhere between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 page loads, of course at my last project demonstration in happened twice in 10 minutes to my demo participants. I've attempted to debug this, but most of the techniques I know of involve reloading the page or reposting the form data and (of course) everything looks fine then.
    * This has happened on multiple different pages, under ApEx 3.1 (Linux) and 3.2 (Solaris).
    * I believe that so far I've only ever seen this under Firefox 3/3.5 under OSX, but since I do the vast majority of my development with this browser it's not reasonable to conclude that it only happens under Firefox.
    * No application errors during this timeframe.
    * Nothing of significance in the database alerts log (just thread notes and log sequences).
    * Nothing of significance in the webserver log (just the usual mod_ossl connection errors).
    Thanks for your attention,
    Edited by: Jason G on Jul 24, 2009 12:43 PM

    Well, thanks for reading the post anyway.
    While working through some debugging steps I realized that I was populating some of the regions as the page rendered using AJAX -- this would pause the page rendering until the AJAX request returned. I believe that a hanging AJAX call was the likely culprit of the very intermittent symptoms I was seeing.
    I moved the AJAX calls to the last region of the page and added a javascript function that "watches the page load" by checking for regions by ID and looking at javascript boolean flags to let me know when the page is fully rendered. If this process takes longer than 5 seconds it notifies the user that something happened and offers to reload the page for them in an effort to fix the issue.
    So far, so good -- but it will take a lot of testing to convince me that this case is solved. I hope my documenting this is helpful for others in similar situations.
    Good luck,

  • Setting custom table attribute set value in region item table

    Dear all
    I am working on oracle application customization and extension in
    oracle JDeveloper R12. I am finding a difficulty in an query region of
    a OA framework page
    My Entity object is on the table FWK_TBX_ADDRESS table
    and VO objects has the fields or columns
    AddressName, AddreessId, TownC-OrCity
    what I am doing shown in the following steps
    1-I select region using wizard option
    2-select my AM and VO
    3-select table as style
    4-shuttle all attributes associated with VO
    5-in region items table , select the Attribute set field for AddressName attribute and click the serach flashligh icon
    6-After that select the browse button , using the package browser , expand down to oracle > apps > fnd> framwork > toolbox > attributesets, then oK
    7-select the serach control , and then it list all the attributes set related to fwkTbxEmployees table like the following
    Now the problem which I am facing now is that if I have custom table suppose "xxEmployees" and have attributes or column
    for example employeeId, employee_name, email etc. what would I do to search these attributes when I come to step number 6 which
    I mentioned above. from where in which package I can find these attributes to set attributesset value. in above i find these attributes
    in /oracle/apps/fnd/framewok/toolbox/attributesset/FwkTbxAddress/AddressName
    but in my case for attribute lie employeeId or employee_name from where I can get this how can I set the value of attribute set field in regin item
    table in step 5

    I dont know what u trying to ask
    My problem is just that I want to set the attribute set value of my attribute employee_name, same is AddressId in fwk_tbx_address
    ame is AddressId in fwk_tbx_address found on
    where can I find my attribute employee_name
    in jdeveloper

Maybe you are looking for

  • Bridge and Photoshop CS3 do not recognize Raw capture

    Hi, I've had problems importing RAW images from my Canon 20D into Photoshop/Bridge. I have downloaded the 4.2 plug-in but it doesn't seem to have helped. I do not get any error messages, only that when I select the source in Bridge, it reads that the

  • Changing Fonts in MacMail?

    My aging eyes cannot deal with Mail in Font size 9! I have tried everything Mail Help suggests including changing Toolbar, & nothing works to change font to Times New Roman Size 12.Thanks for any helpful suggestions. ©olden-age girl

  • Export fonts used in PSD

    I'm trying to concieve of a way to copy the fonts used in a psd file from the 'C:\WINDOWS\Fonts' folder to a 'Fonts' folder in the same location as the PSD. Essentially, I want to be able to "package" a psd file like you would in InDesign (minus the

  • File size differences

    Two questions ... 1. I'm getting the following warning ... I think that a TIFF file bigger than 2 gb does not create any quality issue in LR - PS workflow ... correct? It is just related with some third party programs, as the warning box says. 2. Thi

  • After Security update 2012-001 cannot save any Office 2004 file

    I installed the Office 2012-001 Security Update on a MacBook Pro running Macos 10.6.8 After that, I opened an attached Excel file from an email (received with Entourage), I performed some formula changes and wanted to save the document with a differe