Dynamic Values in Business Graphics Tool Tip

I am using business graphics ui element in my webdynpro application.I am able to get the graghical output correctly.I want to have tool tip in my graph so when I place the cursor on a point, the tool tip should give the corresponding value.I have used the following code
     String[] catLabels = {
                    "Team 1", "\1Tomoko Akino", "\1Hans Bosch", "\1Marvin Smith",
                    "Team 2", "\1Jose Vega", "\1Bao Yin", "Out of office" };
        String[][] pointCustomizing = {
                    { "approved", "cancelled", "approvedPartTime" },
                    { "approved" },
                    { "approved" },
                    { "sent", "approvedPartTime", "notsentPartTime", "notsent"},
                    { "approved", "zSeveralEntries", "zSeveralEntries",
                      "zSeveralEntries", "zSeveralEntries", "zSeveralEntries",
                      "zSeveralEntries" },
                    { "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice",
                      "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice",
                      "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice",
                      "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice" }
        String[][] pointLabels = {
                    { "1", "2", "2", "2", "4", "3", "3", "3", "1", "1", "2", "1",
                      "2", "1", "1" }
        String[][][] timeValues = {
                    { { "20020528", "20020606" }, { "20020606", "20020608" },
                      { "20020610", "20020611" } },
                    { { "20020531", "20020606" } },
                    { { "20020607", "20020613" } },
                    { { "20020527", "20020601" }, { "20020606", "20020607" },
                      { "20020612", "20020613" }, { "20020617", "20020619"} },
                    { { "20020531", "20020606" }, { "20020531", "20020601" },
                      { "20020601", "20020602" }, { "20020602", "20020603" },
                      { "20020603", "20020604" }, { "20020604", "20020605" },
                      { "20020605", "20020606" } },
                    { { "20020527", "20020528" }, { "20020528", "20020529" },
                      { "20020529", "20020530" }, { "20020530", "20020531" },
                      { "20020531", "20020601" }, { "20020603", "20020604" },
                      { "20020604", "20020605" }, { "20020605", "20020606" },
                      { "20020606", "20020607" }, { "20020607", "20020608" },
                      { "20020610", "20020611" }, { "20020611", "20020612" },
                      { "20020612", "20020613" }, { "20020617", "20020618" },
                      { "20020618", "20020619" }}
        String s[]={"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","a1","a2","a3","a4","a5","a6","a7","a8","a9","a10","a11","a12","a13","a14",};
        IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ICategoryNode catNode = wdContext.nodeCategory();
        for (int catIndex = 0; catIndex < catLabels.length; ++catIndex)
           IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ICategoryElement  catElement = catNode.createCategoryElement();
        // loop over series
        IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ISeriesNode seriesNode = wdContext.nodeSeries();
        for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < timeValues.length; ++seriesIndex)
           IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ISeriesElement seriesElement = seriesNode.createSeriesElement();
           // set series attributes (...)
           IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.IPointNode pointNode = seriesElement.nodePoint();
           // loop over points
           for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < timeValues[seriesIndex].length; ++pointIndex)
                       pointElement = pointNode.createPointElement();
             String ename = s[pointIndex];
             pointElement.setToolTip(ename );
     catch(Exception e)
By the above code ,I am getting the tool tip with the value "a" in all locations.
But I need to have different values in the tooltip corresponding to the location.
Please Help....
Thanks in advance,

Still  I did not get the dynamic tool tip..........
In wdDoInit() I have written the following code
     String[] catLabels = { "Team 1", "\1Tomoko Akino", "\1Hans Bosch", "\1Marvin Smith",
               "Team 2", "\1Jose Vega", "\1Bao Yin", "Out of office" };
        String[][] pointCustomizing = {
                    { "approved", "cancelled", "approvedPartTime" },
                    { "approved" },
                    { "approved" },
                    { "sent", "approvedPartTime", "notsentPartTime", "notsent"},
                    { "approved", "zSeveralEntries", "zSeveralEntries",
                      "zSeveralEntries", "zSeveralEntries", "zSeveralEntries",
                      "zSeveralEntries" },
                    { "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice",
                      "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice",
                      "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice",
                      "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice", "outOfOffice" }  };
                String[][] pointLabels = {{ " ", " ", " " },{ " " },{ " " },{ " ", " ", " ", " "},{ " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " " },
                              { "1", "2", "2", "2", "4", "3", "3", "3", "1", "1", "2", "1", "2", "1", "1" } };
              String[][][] timeValues = {{        { "20020528", "20020606" },
                      { "20020606", "20020608" },
                      { "20020610", "20020611" } },
                    {  { "20020531", "20020606" } },
                    {   { "20020607", "20020613" }  },
                    {   { "20020527", "20020601" },
                      { "20020606", "20020607" },
                      { "20020612", "20020613" },
                      { "20020617", "20020619"} },
                    { { "20020531", "20020606" }, { "20020531", "20020601" },
                      { "20020601", "20020602" }, { "20020602", "20020603" },
                      { "20020603", "20020604" }, { "20020604", "20020605" },
                      { "20020605", "20020606" } },
                    { { "20020527", "20020528" }, { "20020528", "20020529" },
                      { "20020529", "20020530" }, { "20020530", "20020531" },
                      { "20020531", "20020601" }, { "20020603", "20020604" },
                      { "20020604", "20020605" }, { "20020605", "20020606" },
                      { "20020606", "20020607" }, { "20020607", "20020608" },
                      { "20020610", "20020611" }, { "20020611", "20020612" },
                      { "20020612", "20020613" }, { "20020617", "20020618" },
                      { "20020618", "20020619" }}  };
        String s[]={"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","a1","a2","a3","a4","a5","a6","a7","a8","a9","a10","a11","a12","a13","a14",};
        IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ICategoryNode catNode = wdContext.nodeCategory();
        IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ICategoryElement  catElement;
        for (int catIndex = 0; catIndex < catLabels.length; ++catIndex)
            catElement = catNode.createCategoryElement();
         // loop over series
        IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ISeriesNode seriesNode = wdContext.nodeSeries();
        for (int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < timeValues.length; ++seriesIndex)
           IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.ISeriesElement seriesElement = seriesNode.createSeriesElement();
           // set series attributes (...)
           IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.IPointNode pointNode = seriesElement.nodePoint();
           IPrivateSBusinessGraphicsSampleView.IPointElement  pointElement;
           // loop over points
           for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < timeValues[seriesIndex].length; pointIndex++)
             pointElement = pointNode.createPointElement();
             String ename = s[pointIndex];
              pointElement.setToolTip(ename );
catch(Exception e){        wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("exc2:"+e);    }
In wdDoModifyView() I have written the following code
     IWDBusinessGraphics graph = (IWDBusinessGraphics)view.getElement("BusinessGraphics");
     IWDAbstractSeries allSeries[] = graph.getSeriesList();
     IWDSimpleSeries series;
     wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager().reportSuccess("length : "+allSeries.length+" value:"+allSeries[0]);
     for(int j=0;j<allSeries.length;j++)
       series = (IWDSimpleSeries)allSeries[j];
      for(int i=0;j<wdContext.nodeSeries().size();i++)
  catch(Exception e)
     wdThis.wdGetAPI().getComponent().getMessageManager().reportSuccess("exc modify :"+e);
The node structure is
Root Node
>Series>Point -->Startvalue
>Series>Point -->label
>Series>Point --->Tooltip
In BusinessGraphis seriesSource-Series node ,tooltip-Series.Point.ToolTip is mapped
In Category description-Category.Description is mapped
In Series pointsource-Series.Point, tooltip-series.point.tooltip is mapped
In Point CustomisingId-eries.point.cuId.label-Series.label, tooltip-series.point.Tooltip,valuesource -series.point is mapped
In Numericvalue value-series.point.startvalue is mapped
In Numericvalue value-series.point.endvalue is mapped
When I deploy my application I am getting <b>java.lang.ClassCastException</b> Exception at the line  <b>series = (IWDSimpleSeries)allSeries[j];</b>
What is reaseon?.....
Please help..............
I want to get dynamic value in the tool tip of the graph.
Thanks in advance,

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    We have achieved this thru....
    1. If you navigate to src folder of your project... src\<package structure>...
    in that there will be a file <viewname>.wdview file. Where <viewname> referes to the name of the view in which business graphics UI element is used.
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    the connection between your customizing settings and the data is done using a customizing ID, i.e. tell WD the ID of each series and use exactly the same ID in the chart designer when creating the customizing settings (please note that you can easily rename the default names as desired).
    Regards, Kai

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    Hi Raghava,
    You can use this code :
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    Hope this may help.
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    In fieldcatalog specify the TOOLTIP.
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    I just did it.
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    Get it fram Sam
    "  Hey Sreedhar, Let us know how can we do it , it will be helpful.
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    Thanks a lot

    Hello Marc,
    WebDynpro Point, Series and SimpleSeries elements have a tooltip property that you can define whether in design time or runtime.
    Please see the details here http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/dd/65d79bb3b2e34e8b68f59129e7d811/frameset.htm
    Best regards,

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    Thanks and Regards

    Hi ,
    Thanks for the answer.. By trial and error I had figured out the values.. but am stuck in another problem..
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    Thanks and Regards

  • Business Graphics negative values

    Hi All,
    I'm using business graphics graph. I bind a node with data to the category and to the series (the same node).
    The problem starts if the series has negative values - instead of showing them as is on the graph it shows their absolute values and the graph is displayed incorrectly.
    Is there any way to rectify this behavior?

    Hi Maksim Rashchynski,
    Model Node --> History_Periods
        Model Attribute --> MonthYear (String)
        Model Attribute --> Quantity  (decimal)
    The business graphics I am using is the graph with the attribute 'MonthYear' bound to a category and the attribute 'Quantity' bound to a SimpleSeries.

  • Business Graphics- tooltip with series values

    Hi all,
    I'm using the Business Graphics UI element.
    I have a simple series and I want to show the series' values in the tooltip of the series.
    However, the tooltip property is not bindable for simple series.
    I tried using Series (not simple series), the tooltip works but I get multiple values for each category.
    See attached snapshot (I want the graph to look like the left graph but with tooltips...)
    Basically, I need to see the values in a tooltip on a category based chart.
    Is it possible to create category based chart by using Series and not SimpleSeries?
    How do I solve it?

    I've change the context a little and now it's looks like this:
    Category (Node, singleton)
    --> Series (Node, non singleton)
    > value (Value attribute)
    -->Text (Value attribute)
    UI: (UI Element, property, propertyValue)
    Business Grpahics -- seriesSource -- Category
    --Category -- description -- Category.txt
    --Series -- label -- Category.txt
    --Series -- pointSource -- Category.Series
    SeriesPoint -- tooltip -- Category.Series.Value
    SeriesPoint -- valueSource -- Category
    NumericValue -- value -- Category.Series.Value

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