Dynamic width of s:select

taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"
<s:select list="" cssStyle="width:20px;" id="">
Can I make an s:select list that has static width behave based on the data as follows :
1. When the dropdown is selected, it dynamically increases based on the largest text in the list
2. When selected the list goes back to the static width (hiding text if needed).
Thanks !!

This issue is now resolved. I had posted my issue in http://www.webdeveloper.com/ to get the solution.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
/* This function is to enable dynamic width of the select box.
* This method can be called on two ways based on the users need of
* 1. If they want to have the expanded text box till they move to the next field
* 2. If they want the default size to be set once the selection is made
* The settings are -
* 1. onclick="dynamicWidth(true,20);" onblur="dynamicWidth(false,20);" onchange="dynamicWidth(false,20);"
* 2. onfocus="dynamicWidth(true,20);" onblur="dynamicWidth(false,20);" onchange="dynamicWidth(false,20);"
function dynamicWidth(evt,conversionFactor){
var selection = document.getElementById('test');
if (!selection.minmax){
for (var i=0; i<selection.options.length;i++){
if (selection.text.length>selection.minmax[1]){
selection.minmax[1] = selection[i].text.length*conversionFactor;
selection.style.width = (evt?selection.minmax[1]:selection.minmax[0])+'px';
<select id="test" onclick="dynamicWidth(true,20);" onblur="dynamicWidth(false,20);" onchange="dynamicWidth(false,20);" style="width:50px;" >
<option >Option one</option>
<option >Option two which is long</option>
<option >Option three which is longer</option>
<option >Option four which is even more long</option>

Similar Messages

  • Create images with dynamic width from 3 images each (left/center/right-part)

    i want to employ a script to create images of dynamic width for me. The whole process shall base on different sized sets of images, which contain a left-image, a right-image and a center-image. The desired width for the different cases shall be reached by duplicating the center-image between the two outer images and placing those images next to each other until the image extends to desired width.
    The layers importet into Photoshop shall be importet as smart-layers (which i already solved).
    Has anyone done something similar already and could give me some useful hints on that issue ?
    I have come up to this until now:
    #target Photoshop
    // =========================== Opens a new document and asks for dimensions ============================
    var myLayerset = File.openDialog ("Select the set of images you want to use!", "*.png",true)
    var myName = prompt("How do you want to call the document?"); // askes for document name
    var width =  prompt("Please insert width for the output here!", ""); // askes for desired width
    var height = prompt("Please insert height for the output here!", ""); //askes for desired height
    var docName = myName +".psd"
    var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
        var desc3 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idNw = charIDToTypeID( "Nw  " );
            var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
            desc4.putString( idNm, """Wunschname""" );
            var idMd = charIDToTypeID( "Md  " );
            var idRGBM = charIDToTypeID( "RGBM" );
            desc4.putClass( idMd, idRGBM );
            var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
            var idRlt = charIDToTypeID( "#Rlt" );
            desc4.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idRlt, width );
            var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
            var idRlt = charIDToTypeID( "#Rlt" );
            desc4.putUnitDouble( idHght, idRlt, height );
            var idRslt = charIDToTypeID( "Rslt" );
            var idRsl = charIDToTypeID( "#Rsl" );
            desc4.putUnitDouble( idRslt, idRsl, 72.000000 );
            var idpixelScaleFactor = stringIDToTypeID( "pixelScaleFactor" );
            desc4.putDouble( idpixelScaleFactor, 1.000000 );
            var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl  " );
            var idFl = charIDToTypeID( "Fl  " );
            var idTrns = charIDToTypeID( "Trns" );
            desc4.putEnumerated( idFl, idFl, idTrns );
            var idDpth = charIDToTypeID( "Dpth" );
            desc4.putInteger( idDpth, 8 );
            var idprofile = stringIDToTypeID( "profile" );
            desc4.putString( idprofile, """sRGB IEC61966-2.1""" );
        var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
        desc3.putObject( idNw, idDcmn, desc4 );
    executeAction( idMk, desc3, DialogModes.NO );
    //==============================================save document================================================
    var idsave = charIDToTypeID( "save" );
        var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idAs = charIDToTypeID( "As  " );
            var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idmaximizeCompatibility = stringIDToTypeID( "maximizeCompatibility" );
            desc5.putBoolean( idmaximizeCompatibility, true );
        var idPhtthree = charIDToTypeID( "Pht3" );
        desc4.putObject( idAs, idPhtthree, desc5 );
        var idIn = charIDToTypeID( "In  " );
        desc4.putPath( idIn, new File( "C:\\Users\\ target folder goes here" + docName ) );
        var idDocI = charIDToTypeID( "DocI" );
        desc4.putInteger( idDocI, 308 );
        var idsaveStage = stringIDToTypeID( "saveStage" );
        var idsaveStageType = stringIDToTypeID( "saveStageType" );
        var idsaveSucceeded = stringIDToTypeID( "saveSucceeded" );
        desc4.putEnumerated( idsaveStage, idsaveStageType, idsaveSucceeded );
    executeAction( idsave, desc4, DialogModes.NO );
    for (var i = 0; i < myLayerset.length; i++) {
    if (myLayerset[i] instanceof File && myLayerset[i].hidden == false) {
    // ======================================================= opens selected images as smart objects====================
    var idOpn = charIDToTypeID( "Opn " );
        var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
       desc1.putPath( idnull, myLayerset[i]);
        var idsmartObject = stringIDToTypeID( "smartObject" );
        desc1.putBoolean( idsmartObject, true );
    executeAction( idOpn, desc1, DialogModes.NO );
    //===================================duplicates opened layer into created document========================================
    var idDplc = charIDToTypeID( "Dplc" );
        var desc144 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref135 = new ActionReference();
            var idLyr = charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref135.putEnumerated( idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc144.putReference( idnull, ref135 );
        var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
            var ref136 = new ActionReference();
            var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
            ref136.putName( idDcmn, docName); 
        desc144.putReference( idT, ref136 );
        var idVrsn = charIDToTypeID( "Vrsn" );
        desc144.putInteger( idVrsn, 5 );
    executeAction( idDplc, desc144, DialogModes.NO );
    // ======================================================= close tab without saving ==========
    var idCls = charIDToTypeID( "Cls " );
        var desc156 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idSvng = charIDToTypeID( "Svng" );
        var idYsN = charIDToTypeID( "YsN " );
        var idN = charIDToTypeID( "N   " );
        desc156.putEnumerated( idSvng, idYsN, idN );
    executeAction( idCls, desc156, DialogModes.NO );

    I adapted a Script somewhat, so you may give this a test.
    But it uses the open file so you would have to adapt it further.
    // arranges the selected jpg, tif, psd in line;
    // gutters may be irregular due to rounding effects;
    // thanks to michael l hale and muppet mark;
    // for mac and CS6;
    // 2014, use it at your own risk;
    #target photoshop
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
              var myDocument = app.documents.add(UnitValue (300, "mm"), UnitValue (50, "mm"), 300, "new", NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT)
    else {myDocument = app.activeDocument};
    // set to pixels;
    var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    var theArray = [0, 0, myDocument.width, myDocument.height];
    // select files;
    if ($.os.search(/windows/i) != -1) {var theFiles = File.openDialog ("please select files", '*.jpg;*.tif;*.pdf;*.psd', true)}
    else {var theFiles = File.openDialog ("please select exactly three files", getFiles, true)};
    // do the arrangement
    if (theFiles) {placeInLines (myDocument, theFiles, theArray)}
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    ////// function to place images in lines //////
    function placeInLines (myDocument, theFiles, theArray) {
    // fit on screen;
    var idslct = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );
    var desc64 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
    var ref44 = new ActionReference();
    var idMn = charIDToTypeID( "Mn  " );
    var idMnIt = charIDToTypeID( "MnIt" );
    var idFtOn = charIDToTypeID( "FtOn" );
    ref44.putEnumerated( idMn, idMnIt, idFtOn );
    desc64.putReference( idnull, ref44 );
    executeAction( idslct, desc64, DialogModes.NO );
    // change pref;
    var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    var check = turnOffRescale ();
    // create the arrangement;
    if (theFiles.length > 0 && theFiles.length == 3) {
    myDocument.activeLayer = myDocument.layers[0];
    // create masked group;
    var theGroup = myDocument.layerSets.add();
    theGroup.name = "arrangement";
    // determine the array’s values;
    var areaWidth = theArray[2] - theArray[0];
    var areaHeight = theArray[3] - theArray[1];
    var theDocResolution = myDocument.resolution;
    var areaRelation = areaHeight / areaWidth;
    // center of placed non-pdf images;
    var centerX = Number(myDocument.width / 2);
    var centerY = Number(myDocument.height / 2);
    // suppress dialogs;
    var theDialogSettings = app.displayDialogs;
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    var pdfSinglePages = new Array;
    var nonPDFs = new Array;
    var theDimPDFs = new Array;
    var theLength = 0;
    // collect the files’ measurements;
    var theDimensions = new Array;
    var theLengths = new Array;
    // array to collect both files and placed pdf-pages;
    var theseFiles = new Array;
    var theLength = 0;
    // collect the files’ measurements;
    for (var o = 0; o < theFiles.length; o++) {
        var thisFile = theFiles[o];
              var theDim = getDimensions(thisFile);
              theRelativeWidth = 100 / theDim[1] * theDim[0];
              theLength = theLength + theRelativeWidth;
    // reset dialogmodes;
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.ERROR;
    // if three files;
    if (theseFiles.length == 3) {
    // create the layers;
    var theNumber = 0;
    var theAdded = 0;
    var y = areaHeight / 2;
    // add placed image’s width;
    var thisLineWidth = 0 + theAdded;
    var theLastFactor = Number (Number(myDocument.height) / theDimensions[2][1] * theDimensions[2][2] / theDocResolution * 100);
    var theLastWidth = Math.round(theDimensions[2][0] * theLastFactor / 100 * theDocResolution / theDimensions[2][2]);
    // place the files;
    for (var x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
    var theNumber = x;
    var thisFile = theseFiles[theNumber];
    var theFactor = Number (Number(myDocument.height) / theDimensions[theNumber][1] * theDimensions[theNumber][2] / theDocResolution * 100);
    var theNewWidth = Math.round(theDimensions[theNumber][0] * theFactor / 100 * theDocResolution / theDimensions[theNumber][2]);
    var offsetX = theNewWidth / 2 + thisLineWidth - centerX + theArray[0];
    var offsetY = y - centerY + theArray[1];
    var theLayer = placeScaleFile (thisFile, offsetX, offsetY, theFactor, theFactor);
    myDocument.activeLayer.move(theGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
    thisLineWidth = thisLineWidth + theNewWidth;
    // duplicate the middle one;
    if (theNumber == 1) {
              while (thisLineWidth < myDocument.width - theLastWidth) {
                        theLayer = duplicateAndOffset (theLayer, theNewWidth, 0);
                        thisLineWidth = thisLineWidth + theNewWidth;
    // reset;
    turnOnRescale (check);
    app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
    ////// playback to accelerated //////
    function setToAccelerated () {
              var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" );
              var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
              var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
                        var ref1 = new ActionReference();
                        var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
                        var idPbkO = charIDToTypeID( "PbkO" );
                        ref1.putProperty( idPrpr, idPbkO );
                        var idcapp = charIDToTypeID( "capp" );
                        var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
                        var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
                        ref1.putEnumerated( idcapp, idOrdn, idTrgt );
              desc1.putReference( idnull, ref1 );
              var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
                        var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
                        var idperformance = stringIDToTypeID( "performance" );
                        var idperformance = stringIDToTypeID( "performance" );
                        var idaccelerated = stringIDToTypeID( "accelerated" );
                        desc2.putEnumerated( idperformance, idperformance, idaccelerated );
              var idPbkO = charIDToTypeID( "PbkO" );
              desc1.putObject( idT, idPbkO, desc2 );
              executeAction( idsetd, desc1, DialogModes.NO );
    ////// get psds, tifs and jpgs from files //////
    function getFiles (theFile) {
        if (theFile.name.match(/\.(jpg|tif|psd|pdf|)$/i)) {
            return true
    ////// place //////
    function placeScaleFile (file, xOffset, yOffset, theScale) {
    // =======================================================
    var idPlc = charIDToTypeID( "Plc " );
        var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
        desc5.putPath( idnull, new File( file ) );
        var idFTcs = charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" );
        var idQCSt = charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" );
        var idQcsa = charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" );
        desc5.putEnumerated( idFTcs, idQCSt, idQcsa );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
            var desc6 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc6.putUnitDouble( idHrzn, idPxl, xOffset );
            var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc6.putUnitDouble( idVrtc, idPxl, yOffset );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
        desc5.putObject( idOfst, idOfst, desc6 );
        var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc5.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPrc, theScale );
        var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc5.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPrc, theScale );
        var idLnkd = charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" );
        desc5.putBoolean( idLnkd, true );
    executeAction( idPlc, desc5, DialogModes.NO );
    return myDocument.activeLayer;
    ////// open pdf //////
    function openPDF (theImage, x) {
    // define pdfopenoptions;
    var pdfOpenOpts = new PDFOpenOptions;
    pdfOpenOpts.antiAlias = true;
    pdfOpenOpts.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT;
    pdfOpenOpts.cropPage = CropToType.TRIMBOX;
    pdfOpenOpts.mode = OpenDocumentMode.CMYK;
    pdfOpenOpts.resolution = 10;
    pdfOpenOpts.suppressWarnings = true;
    pdfOpenOpts.usePageNumber  = true;
    // suppress dialogs;
    var theDialogSettings = app.displayDialogs;
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
    pdfOpenOpts.page = x;
    var thePdf = app.open(theImage, pdfOpenOpts);
    // reset dialogmodes;
    app.displayDialogs = theDialogSettings;
    ////// turn off preference to scale placed image //////
    function turnOffRescale () {
    // determine if the resize prefernce is on;
    var ref = new ActionReference();
    ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("capp"), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
    var appDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
    var prefDesc = appDesc.getObjectValue(charIDToTypeID( "GnrP" ));
    var theResizePref = prefDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID( "resizePastePlace" ));
    // turn off resize image during place;
    if (theResizePref == true);{
    // =======================================================
    var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" );
        var desc12 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref4 = new ActionReference();
            var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
            var idGnrP = charIDToTypeID( "GnrP" );
            ref4.putProperty( idPrpr, idGnrP );
            var idcapp = charIDToTypeID( "capp" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref4.putEnumerated( idcapp, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc12.putReference( idnull, ref4 );
        var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
            var desc13 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idresizePastePlace = stringIDToTypeID( "resizePastePlace" );
            desc13.putBoolean( idresizePastePlace, false );
        var idGnrP = charIDToTypeID( "GnrP" );
        desc12.putObject( idT, idGnrP, desc13 );
    executeAction( idsetd, desc12, DialogModes.NO );
    return theResizePref
    ////// turn on preference to scale plced image //////
    function turnOnRescale (check) {
    if (check == true) {
    // =======================================================
    var idsetd = charIDToTypeID( "setd" );
        var desc14 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref5 = new ActionReference();
            var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
            var idGnrP = charIDToTypeID( "GnrP" );
            ref5.putProperty( idPrpr, idGnrP );
            var idcapp = charIDToTypeID( "capp" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref5.putEnumerated( idcapp, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc14.putReference( idnull, ref5 );
        var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
            var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idresizePastePlace = stringIDToTypeID( "resizePastePlace" );
            desc15.putBoolean( idresizePastePlace, true );
        var idGnrP = charIDToTypeID( "GnrP" );
        desc14.putObject( idT, idGnrP, desc15 );
    executeAction( idsetd, desc14, DialogModes.NO );
    ////// convert to so if not one aready //////
    function duplicateAndOffset (theLayer, theXOffset, theYOffset) {
    app.activeDocument.activeLayer = theLayer;
    // =======================================================
    var idcopy = charIDToTypeID( "copy" );
        var desc9 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref5 = new ActionReference();
            var idLyr = charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref5.putEnumerated( idLyr, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc9.putReference( idnull, ref5 );
        var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T   " );
            var desc10 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
            var idRlt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc10.putUnitDouble( idHrzn, idRlt, theXOffset );
            var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
            var idRlt = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc10.putUnitDouble( idVrtc, idRlt, theYOffset );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
        desc9.putObject( idT, idOfst, desc10 );
    executeAction( idcopy, desc9, DialogModes.NO );
    return app.activeDocument.activeLayer
    ////// load pdf as smart object //////
    function transformLayer (layer, percentage, xOffset, yOffset) {
    app.activeDocument.activeLayer = layer;
    // =======================================================
    var idTrnf = charIDToTypeID( "Trnf" );
        var desc4 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idFTcs = charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" );
        var idQCSt = charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" );
        var idQcsa = charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" );
        desc4.putEnumerated( idFTcs, idQCSt, idQcsa );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
            var desc5 = new ActionDescriptor();
            var idHrzn = charIDToTypeID( "Hrzn" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc5.putUnitDouble( idHrzn, idPxl, xOffset );
            var idVrtc = charIDToTypeID( "Vrtc" );
            var idPxl = charIDToTypeID( "#Pxl" );
            desc5.putUnitDouble( idVrtc, idPxl, yOffset );
        var idOfst = charIDToTypeID( "Ofst" );
        desc4.putObject( idOfst, idOfst, desc5 );
        var idWdth = charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc4.putUnitDouble( idWdth, idPrc, percentage );
        var idHght = charIDToTypeID( "Hght" );
        var idPrc = charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" );
        desc4.putUnitDouble( idHght, idPrc, percentage );
        var idLnkd = charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" );
        desc4.putBoolean( idLnkd, true );
        var idAntA = charIDToTypeID( "AntA" );
        desc4.putBoolean( idAntA, true );
    executeAction( idTrnf, desc4, DialogModes.NO );
    return app.activeDocument.activeLayer
    ////// function to get file’s dimensions, thanks to michael l hale //////
    function getDimensions( file ){
    function divideString (theString) {
              theString = String(theString);
        var a = Number(theString.slice(0, theString.indexOf("\/")));
        var b = Number(theString.slice(theString.indexOf("\/") + 1));
        return (a / b)
    // from a script by michael l hale;
    function loadXMPLibrary(){
         if ( !ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript ){
                   ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject
              }catch (e){
                   alert( ErrStrs.XMPLIB );
                   return false;
         return true;
    function unloadXMPLibrary(){
       if( ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript ) {
             ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = undefined;
          }catch (e){
             alert( ErrStrs.XMPLIB );
    ////// based on a script by muppet mark //////
    function dimensionsShellScript (file) {
              try {
    // getMetaDataMDLS;
    if (File(file) instanceof File && File(file).exists) {
              var shellString = "/usr/bin/mdls ";
              shellString += File(file).fsName;
    //          shellString += File(file).fullName;
              shellString += ' > ~/Documents/StdOut2.txt';
    // read the file;
    if (File('~/Documents/StdOut2.txt').exists == true) {
        var file = File('~/Documents/StdOut2.txt');
        file.encoding= 'BINARY';
        var theText = new String;
        for (var m = 0; m < file.length; m ++) {
                        theText = theText.concat(file.readch());
              theText = theText.split("\n");
    // get the dimensions;
              var dim = new Array;
              for (var m = 0; m < theText.length; m++) {
                        var theLine = theText[m];
                        if (theLine.indexOf("kMDItemPixelWidth") != -1) {dim.push(theLine.match(/[\d\.]+/g).join("") )}
                        if (theLine.indexOf("kMDItemPixelHeight") != -1) {dim.push(theLine.match(/[\d\.]+/g).join("") )}
                        if (theLine.indexOf("kMDItemResolutionWidthDPI") != -1) {dim.push(theLine.match(/[\d\.]+/g).join("") )}
                        if (theLine.indexOf("kMDItemResolutionHeightDPI") != -1) {dim.push(theLine.match(/[\d\.]+/g).join("") )}
    // remove file and hand back;
    catch (e) {
              if (File('~/Documents/StdOut2.txt').exists == true) {File('~/Documents/StdOut2.txt').remove()};
              return dim
                        var xmpf = new XMPFile( file.fsName, XMPConst.UNKNOWN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_READ );
                        var xmp = xmpf.getXMP();
                        var resolutionUnit = xmp.getProperty( XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'ResolutionUnit', XMPConst.STRING);
                        var resFactor = 1;
                        if (resolutionUnit == 2) {
                                  var resFactor = 1;
                        if (resolutionUnit == 3) {
                                  var resFactor = 2.54;
                        var dim = [xmp.getProperty( XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'PixelXDimension', XMPConst.STRING),
                        xmp.getProperty( XMPConst.NS_EXIF, 'PixelYDimension', XMPConst.STRING),
                        divideString (xmp.getProperty( XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'XResolution', XMPConst.STRING)) * resFactor,
                        divideString (xmp.getProperty( XMPConst.NS_TIFF, 'YResolution', XMPConst.STRING)) * resFactor];
                        if(dim[0]=="undefined" || dim[1]=="undefined"){
                var dim = undefined;
                var res = undefined;
                var bt = new BridgeTalk;
                bt.target = "bridge";
                var myScript = ("var ftn = " + psRemote.toSource() + "; ftn("+file.toSource()+");");
                bt.body = myScript;
                bt.onResult = function( inBT ) {myReturnValue(inBT.body); }
                        function myReturnValue(str){
                                  res = str;
                                  dim = str.split(',');
                        function psRemote(file){
                                  var t= new Thumbnail(file);
                                  return t.core.quickMetadata.width+','+t.core.quickMetadata.height;
              if (String(dim[2]).indexOf("\/") != -1) {
                        var a = divideString(dim[2]);
                        var b = divideString(dim[3]);
                        dim = [dim[0], dim[1], a, b]
    // if dimensions are missing as might be the case with some bitmap tiffs for example try a shell-script;
              if (dim[0] == undefined || dim[1] == undefined) {
                        var array = dimensionsShellScript(file);
                        dim = array;
    // if shell-string failed open doc to get measurements;
              if (dim[0] == undefined || dim[1] == undefined) {
                        var thisDoc = app.open (File(file));
    // close ai without saving;
                        if (file.name.slice(-3).match(/\.(ai)$/i)) {
                                  var dim = [thisDoc.width, thisDoc.height, thisDoc.resolution, thisDoc.resolution];
                        else {
                                  var dim = [thisDoc.width, thisDoc.height, thisDoc.resolution, thisDoc.resolution];
    return dim;

  • How to display the dynamic text in the selection screen

    Hi All,
    I want to display the dynamic text in the selection screen .... ( I searched in forums , didnt get the any answer fot this sort of qustion ).....
    EX: If i have the date of today 31st  it has to show message like " today date is 31 like some thing "  when i execute the report .
    Could any one face this sort of requirment, Please let me know.
    Thanks in advance.

    Where would you like this dynamic text being displayed? As an "message" or in some parameter field?
    If first
    parameters date type d.
    data: text type string.
    at selection-screen.
       concatenate 'Today is' date into text.
       message text type 'I'.
    If second
    parameters pa_text type c length 50.
    at selection-screen on date.
      if date is not initial.
        concatenate 'Today is' date into  pa_text.
    at selection-screen output.
       "show it as read only
       loop at screen.
        if screen-name = 'PA_TEXT'.
               screen-input = abap_false.
              modify screen.

  • How to set width of a select list?

    another newbie question from me :-)
    When I create a select list the default width is 30, no matter what I set this value to the width of the select list stays the same, it gets as wide as the widest element in the list. This messes the design of the page. I f I have three select lists in a column I want them to have the same width. How do I accomplish that?

    Edit the item and in the HTML Form Elements Attributes field type the following:
    style="width:120px";adjust the 120 to whatever width you like

  • What is the procedure/code in VBA for passing the calc scripts dynamically based on the selection.

    Hello Gurus,
    I want to know what is the procedure/code in VBA for passing the calc scripts dynamically based on the selection.
    For example:
    X=EssVCalculate("Sheetname","Calc_Script name",True)
    In the above code instead of the *"Calc_Script name"* I want a script which is called dynamically and the values are calculated accordingly.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Todd,
    This is the situation:
    I have a calc script in Essbase which I can call to perform the calculations on the current sheet that is retrieved. I want calculation for the following formulas:
    x = EssVCalculate("Sheet2", "CalcBC", False)
    CalcBC is my calc script which is present in Essbase
    So instead of passing the above script I want to pass the conditions dynamically in the VBA code . I don't want to mention the script name directly in EssVCalculate option
    For example:
    I have three drop down menus from which I would select three different( zero level )members. It would then retrieve the data for that particular values in the excel sheet and now when I click on Calculate button it should calculate the script dynamically.
    I don't know how calc scripts can be executed dynamically in the VBA code itself.
    Thanks in Advance

  • Dynamic date in the selection according to fiscal year variant

    Is it possible to set dynamic date input parameter from the fiscal year variant sap table (OB29 transaction).
    For example when I run valuation (F.05) I want the value date input field to be the last day of the previous period.

    The dynamic dates on the selection parameters may come from the variant.
    You need to create the variants accordingly to your requirements and specify how the date on the selection screen has to be calculated.
    You have different options for this purpose.
    T     T: Table Variable from TVARVC
    D     D: Dynamic date calculation

  • How can I get width that multiple selected items?

    How can I get width that multiple selected items? (Not grouped.)
    //---------- source code ----------
    var mm = 2.83464566929134 //unit conversion. (point->milimeter)
    var W = docRef.selection[0].width/mm;
    //---------- source code ----------

    That's right Carlos
    my script in Carlos link creates a green rectangle around the selected items. If you don't need this rectangle than you can remove this lines:
    var newRGBColor = new RGBColor();
    newRGBColor.red = 0;
    newRGBColor.green = 255;
    newRGBColor.blue = 0;
    and replace this:
    var aRectangle = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(vBounds_Ob, vBounds_Li, vBounds_Re - vBounds_Li, vBounds_Ob - vBounds_Un);
    aRectangle.strokeColor = newRGBColor;
    aRectangle.strokeWidth= 2;
    aRectangle.filled = false;
    aRectangle.stroked = true;
    aDoc.selection = null;
    with this:
    var mmFactor = 2.83464567;
    alert("width = "+ (vBounds_Re - vBounds_Li)/mmFactor);
    alert("height = "+ (vBounds_Ob - vBounds_Un)/mmFactor);
    Further you only have to do: create a function for rounding of the result.

  • [Spry Effects] Dynamic Width

    I have a question about the blind Effect, the effect works
    superb but there is one little problem, the div block i use it on
    is of an dynamic width, this means if the site is resized to an
    smaller resolution the div moves with it. If i use the blind effect
    on the div i can't resize it any more, the width has a fixed length
    an will go out of the screen if the browser is resized.
    Does anybody has an idea if this is changeable, or is it not

    Hi UserXyX,
    I'm guessing you can get around the problem by using an
    onPostEffect observer and resetting the width of the element you
    were blinding to "auto" or "". (example: ele.style.width = "auto";)
    You can see an example that uses an effects observer here:
    --== Kin ==--

  • Change Stroke Width percentally for selected object

    The user needs to be able to change the stroke width of their selection. Make all strokes twice as thick, for example, regardless of whether the selected strokes have different widths. This needs to be an effect as well, so it can be applied to symbols.

    I see the next..
    1. first point, x=306 px
    2. second point, x= 305.5 px ! (
    Set to - No Fill and No stroke only two point and X is changed (
    Align stroke to Center ? From image we have see align to Outside ?

  • Dynamic %HINT ORACLE in select query

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to implement given below code with dynamic % hint oracle
          SELECT vbeln posnr uepos
             FROM vbap INTO TABLE i_vbap
             FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_vbak
              WHERE vbeln EQ i_vbak-vbeln
                %_hints oracle '&max_in_blocking_factor 500&&max_blocking_factor 500&'.
    I want value 500 dynamic,
    So far I have tried
    %hint oracle lv_oracle_string.
    %hint oracle (lv_oracle_string).
    WHERE (lv_oracle_string).     "where conditon with %_hints oracle '&max_in_blocking_factor 500&&max_blocking_factor 500&'.
    Any other ideas?
    Thanks in Advance

    Thank you so much, whatever you mentioned, I have tried ealier, but it was giving me dump because of incorrect spacing in my string.
    Given below sloved my problem.
    CONCATENATE '''&max_in_blocking_factor ' lv_oracle '&&max_blocking_factor ' lv_oracle '&'''
              INTO lv_oracle_string RESPECTING BLANKS.
              SELECT vbeln posnr uepos
                 FROM vbap INTO TABLE i_vbap
                 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_vbak
                 WHERE vbeln EQ i_vbak-vbeln
                 %_hints oracle lv_oracle_string.
    Thanks you so much again. You Rock

  • Dynamic WHERE clause in SELECT statement

    I need to extract (SELECT) all the products in different salesorganizations. Since a product can be available in more than 1 salesorg I have created several properties in the PRODUCT dimension - 1 for each salesorganization (naming: Sxxxx where xxxx is the salesorganization number).
    Since I need to prefix the salesorganization property with an "S" I have created a property on the SALESORG dimension called SALESORG.
    Therefore I need to create a dynamic WHERE clause in the SELECT statement. Currently my script is:
    *SELECT(%PROD%, "[ID]",PRODUCT, [%SORG%]="X")
    My first SELECT find the Sxxx (equal to the property I need in the PRODUCT dimension). My second SELECT uses the variable in the first SELCT statement to use the correct property for the WHERE clause.
    Unfortunately the code is not validated - any suggestions?

    Hi Lars,
    If you run it from a DM package without validating it, does it still work? I would bet it does.
    If this is the case I would open a message with SAP (it would be an enhancement request). Until they fix the validation code, you would just have to live with the script not validating.

  • Dynamic variable Time for Select

    I try to develop some scripts but always I have the same problem , when I try to put in a Select instruction the variable Time, it doesn´t work correctly (for example):
    *SELECT(%example%,"ID","TIME","[ID]='%TIME_SET%' ")
    It doesn´t read correctly the variable Time_Set.
    Have you got any idea to try to do selects using dynamic variable?
    Thanks for all.

    Dynamic variables like %TIME_SET% do not interact very well with the compiled default logic (LGX files) when it is run after a data send. If you look at the Default.LGX file, you will notice that your *SELECT statement does not appear there because that *SELECT statement has already been compiled. That is why the logic works when it is run via the debugger (because the LGF file is getting executed at run time) and it does not work when it is run via a data send (because the LGX is being executed).
    What you will need to do is:
    1. Create a another logic file (for example: Calculation1.LGF) and copy the text from the Default.LGF to this new logic file.
    2.  Place the following text in the Default.LGF file:
    3. Validate and save the Default.LGF file
    Now try running the logic after a data send and see if that works.
    Good luck,

  • Dynamic table name in select statment

    Please help me....
    oracle 9i i am using.
    i have four tables abc_121,
    i want to pick records from a table.table name should be prepared dynamically.
    i.e., i want to pick records from a quarter table of this year.(ex: abc_124). using sql statement only.
    i have tried..but i couldn't...... pls help me...

    ramadurga.v wrote:
    oracle 9i i am using.
    i have four tables abc_121,
    i want to pick records from a table.table name should be prepared dynamically.
    i.e., i want to pick records from a quarter table of this year.(ex: abc_124). using sql statement only.Create a partition view. E.g.
    create or replace view abc as
    select * from abc_121
    union all
    select * from abc_122
    union all
    ...For the partition view approach to correctly work (doing "partition pruning"), you need to have a constraint on the column that identifies that partition.
    In other words, you cannot use the table name as an attribute to identifies its data content. Foe example, you can have tables YEAR2001_Q1 and YEAR2001_Q2. However, the year and quarter also need to be in the table itself - e.g. columns YEAR and QUARTER.
    For table YEAR2001_Q1, the YEAR column needs to have a check constraint that ensures it is always 2001. And a check constraint for column QUARTER to ensure that it is always 1.
    If these conditions are met, then a select from the partition view using +"where YEAR=2001 and QUARTER=2"+ will result in only table YEAR2001_Q2 to be used and not other tables like YEAR2001_Q1.
    See {message:id=10539404} for an example.

  • Sender JDBC Dynamic parameter value in select query

    Hi All,
    I have a scnario where i have read only acess to a table and We cannot use stored procedures..
    Interface is JDBC to file.
    Now there is one filed in the table which holdes the system date and time.Ex filed name as Sysdate.
    now can i use  query as select * from table1 where Sysdate = x+1.
    where X is the last process Sysdate field value.. is there any work arround to store the value in a file and check dynamically every time from that file to get the value of x and after that X+1 value has to be updated back to that file..
    main aim is to eliminate duplicate entries.

    Hi suraj,
    thanks for the reply i have proposed the same for the requirement but there is no acess to update the table all we have is to read only the table.. so i get out one other way round to ensure the proper data has to be flow..
    Similarly there is one more where i have datetime field value  i need to break all entires on base of time and pick the values ...
    Even i proposed if you thre is no authorization to update the flag give me in flat file so that i can split the file by uisng java mapping..
    But its was badluck i have a table with few lak entries read only aces to the table and ensure data has to be properly flow with out any duplications and miss entries.. any approach that we can achive this..
    Edited by: vijay Kumar on Apr 12, 2010 1:36 PM

  • Dynamic From statement in select query and/or outer join not working

    Dear Experts, I have a select query where the select columns are dynamic, the where condition is also dynamic. It is of the below format:
    Select (dynamic columns) INTO <wa>
    FROM a inner join b on af1 = bf1
    inner join c on af2 = cf2......
    WHERE (dynamic conditios)
    ORDER BY ( dynamic sort condition).
    Now I have to include some tables (dynamically depending on the user input) in the inner join statement which will give description for the selected fields. And these database tables may or may no be empty. So in this case, my select query will not return any data if these tables are empty. And I dont want that.
    I tried using outer join for the extra tables but it gave me a runtime error. I also tried forming the inner join statement dynamically but it was not supporting.
    Kindly give me pointers.

    Hey thanks for the reply, but the problem is not solved.
    I am already using  ( fileds, value) like table in my where condition and the select statement was working properly.
    the problem is that now I have to include some tables in the join statement which can be empty and so i want to use Outer join.
    But I am getting a runtime error as below:
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX', was not
         caught in
        procedure "ZATSCSNG_RFC_READ_TABLE" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a
         RAISING clause.
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        The running ABAP program wanted to execute a SELECT statement whose
        WHERE condition was (partly) specified dynamically. The part that is
        specified in an internal table at runtime is compared to a field of the
        right table of an LEFT OUTER JOIN. Such comparisons are not supported by
         all database systems and are therefore not allowed.

Maybe you are looking for