Dynamically Change Theme @Runtime

I was wondering if using out of the box Apex, it was possible to let the end user change the theme of the application.
The users don't have access to the Apex console, only to the application.
Here is the idea : http://www.apex-themes.com/stock-themes/dynamic-theme-switching/
But based on stanard themes.

End users CAN'T change the themes dynamically. But we can mimic the same. If you search forum, you will find quite number of threads on this and approach is more or less same - Point to different CSS files dynamically

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    I want the report to be displayed as a "Standard Report Column" instead of me going in and changing it manually to "Standard Report Column".
    Any help in the right direction is appreciated.

    I have been trying to find the same solution... the ability to either default all my columns to "Standard Report Column" instead of "Display as Text" or to dynamically change them from code. Or it would even be great if the "Display As" value on report columns (both Classic Reports and Interactive, mine is Classic) was a column in the "Column Attributes" table on the "Report Attributes" page so that I could just change them all and hit "Apply" from that one page instead of having to go into each column's properties individually. (It's time consuming and tedious and easy to miss columns because I can't tell what I've changed.)
    If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them...

  • Java iView Runtime error occurs whilw changing Theme Editor

    i have to face the following error while changing Theme.
    <b>Java iView Runtime
    Version : 6.4.200512140312
    + Copyright 2002 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
    An exception occured while processing your request.
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: Exception in connection
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         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
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         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(ServletConnection.java:284)
         ... 20 more
    Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
    If this situation persists, please contact your system administrator.</b>
    Please give me right solution.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nisarg Patel

         Try out the answers given in the following threads:
    Theme Editor : Runtime error
    Problem with Theme Editor

  • Dynamically change stage size on runtime

    Hi everyone,
    I need to change the stage size dynamically.
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    size_mc.onRelease = function(){
        Stage.height += 100;
    it comes always the current stage size.
    Thanks in advance

    You cannot change the width and height properties of the Stage using code--it must be done in the editor.  The width and height values can represent different things depending on the value you set for the scale mode, but you cannot reassign them to different values dynamically.
    The solution just offered to you is under the same rules, the stageWidth and stageHeight values cannot be assigned using code, but that code is AS3 code so it will not fit in your AS2 design in any case.
    The same goes for the followup offered in AS2.  You will notice the stage size is not being changed... it cannot be.  This is just a full screen design solution, but is not a soltuion to changing the stage size.  The stage size can only be changed manually in the authoring environment.  I don't know that the offering is answering what you are really trying to do, but it is not answering the titled task of dynamically changing the stage size

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    Text1 => "Contact Name: {Contact.Name}"
    and I'd like to change it to anything else like:
    Text1 => "Nom du Contact: {Contact.Name}"
    Half of my TextObject is static text while second part comes from the dataset.
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    If I simply modify the Text property of my TextObject, the {Contact.Name} embedded field is not evaluated anymore by the Crystal Engine, but considered as a single text.
    Using formulas or parameters looks quite difficult, because it means having many ones just for translation needs - I cannot control the way my users will create their reports and "force them" to use complex methods just in order to put a text and a value together...
    Anyone knows how to deal with that ?

    Only way I can think of doing this:
    1) Create a formula (call it lang) and enter the string "Contact Name" in it
    2) Place the  {Contact.Name} field next to the string
    3) So now you have:
    ContactName:  {Contact.Name}
    4) Check what localization you are after. If you need "Nom du Contact", change the lang formula so it shows "Nom du Contact" using the code below:
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Public Class Form1
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Dim Report As New CrystalReport1()
    Dim FormulaFields As FormulaFieldDefinitions
    Dim FormulaField As FormulaFieldDefinition
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    FormulaFields = Report.DataDefinition.FormulaFields
    FormulaField = FormulaFields.Item(0)
    FormulaField.Text = "[formula text]"
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = Report
    End Sub
    I realize this may not give you consistent spacing as the translations may have strings of differnt length. Perhaps someone has other idea(s)...

  • Can substitution strings be changed at runtime?

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    or even
    I can of course create a separate installation for each one of these, but this is neither elegant nor efficient.
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    This means that I need to retrieve the two variables at login and then use them to help point to the right tables.
    I know about substitution strings, but as far as I am aware they can only be changed statically during the development. Is it possible to change them at runtime? If yes, how?
    I would greatly appreciate any response.

    Hello Mike,
    If your location is equivalent to the parsing schema you can use the APEX built-in substitution string *#OWNER#*.
    You still need to resort to Peter’s advices where dynamic table names are concerned. Bear in mind that in this case, you won’t be able to use the APEX built-in DML processes, and you’ll need to write your own fetch/insert/update/delete processes, which might be a lot of work. Working in a multi-user environment adds the complexity factor of concurrency control (lost updates).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Dynamically changing the layout of thre report-urgent please

    Can we change the layout of the report dynamically during runtime for example:the user should have flexibility to change the width, size , position of columns before the report is displayed & also he choose some fields not to display as per his discretion.

    There are several ways of doing this, it really depends on your requirements as to which is suitable. (There are probably other ways of doing this as well).
    - Try Reports XML Customizations
    This is available in 6i and allows you to create a report dynamically on the fly. The template used will also allow you to change the paper size as well. The main limitation is that you are relying only on Reports defaulting to create the layout for you. The advantage is that you can store all your information to create the report in meta-data which can be driven by another tool.
    - Use lexical parameters for queries and format triggers
    Here, you have a fixed layout but dynamically change the query columns to the correct order. You would normally standardise on a "character" column type in order to do this. Even though the layout is fixed, you can use variable sized fields to push objects around. This can be difficult to setup.
    - Use several layouts
    You're reducing the options for the user, but you can have several layouts in the same report and turn them on/off. Effectively creating differing views of the same data.

  • Is it possible to have Dynamically changing list of  Radio buttons ?

    There is a list box which a list of values like 'State', 'City', etc.
    When the user chooses a value in the list box, based on the value chosen say 'City', I should display a list of Cities. The user should then be allowed to choose 1 and only city from the list.
    Is it possible to have list of radio buttons such that there is 1 radio button for each city and the user can then choose any one of the radio buttons ?
    In this case the number of cities and what those cities are is unknown. So I need to have a dynamically changing list of radio buttons. Is this possible ?
    Version of forms : Forms 6.0.5.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Aruna
    You can create a lot of radio buttons and hide|display them in runtime. It is more suitable i think to use the t-list instead of radio.

  • How to generate a PDF 417 Barcode by assigning a dynamic value at runtime?

    PDF 417 Barcode Description given in the Livecycle Designer 8.2
    : PDF 417 Non-Scriptable Barcode. Value must be assigned to this barcode at design time, and this barcode will not update after form object value changes.
    And my question is how to generate a PDF 417 Barcode by assigning a dynamic value at runtime?

    All the information you described points to the problem that reports seems can't generate to a file which already exist. You can verify that by simply doing
    r30run32 C:\AC_REPORT.REP DESTYPE = FILE DESFORMAT = PDF BATCH = YES' desname=c:\temp\ac_report.pdf
    several times. If first time the report is successfully generated in c:\temp\ac_report.pdf, but not the second, third time, then it looks like there is a bug on reports r30run32 executable.
    You may try to find any latest patch for Reports 3.0 to see if patch can solve you problem. But keep in mind Reports 3.0 is de-supported, you are better to move to 6i or 9i reports.

  • Dynamically Changing Labels for Multi Row Block Buttons

    Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    On my local: Windows 7 OS
    I am having a difficult time in doing the following in forms, and not sure if it can be done?
    I have a multi row block,based on DB table, which displays filename and another column from the table.
    It also has a push button on each row, which opens and displays the physical file from its source, when clicked. The filename thus can have 3 diff statuses depending on its sources and accordingly corresponding button should display appropriate label:
    a) View Image (its is in content server and successfully imaged. In this case I display the file in the browser, from the content server, when the button is clicked)
    b) View File (Display the file from file system)
    c) View Error (Display imaging error message from the table, as file failed to make it to the imaging server)
    I have this logic currently coded in the post query trigger, at the block level, and tried using set_item_property(button_id, label, <button_lable>), where I programmatically set the button lable, based on the file status (imaged, not imaged or has error) in that row. This wroks well, only if all the files in the multi row block have the same status. If each of them have diff statuses, then only last processed files's status gets reflected into the button label. For eg: The file in the first row of the block is imaged, and one in the second row has an imaging error. The button label for the first row should say 'View Image' and button for the second row should say 'View Error'. But now buttons for both the rows display 'View Error', as thats what got processed last!
    I __can not use set_item_instance property for 'label'__ (which lets us dynamically change the label on the push buttons).
    Is there any way to do this for ORacle forms? I am now playing with having 3 diff button items in that block, laying them on top of each other and showing only those that are appropriate and hiding the others... But I am not sure it is going to give me what I need? I think I am going to end up facing the same issues as in above case!!
    Any expert advice is highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for your time:
    Edited by: libran on Aug 30, 2011 8:04 AM
    Edited by: libran on Aug 30, 2011 8:05 AM

    <p>I have just updated this existing PJC, that was originally constructed to handle Text Fields. You can, now, also handle buttons with it.
    Set the Button's Implementation Class property to : oracle.forms.fd.MultiButton.
    This is the code you have to put one triggers of your based block:
    When-New-Record-Instance trigger: (based on the EMP table)
         LN$Pos  pls_integer ;
         LN$Rec  pls_integer := Get_Block_Property('EMP', CURRENT_RECORD) ;
         LN$Max  pls_integer := Get_Block_Property('EMP', RECORDS_DISPLAYED) ;
         LC$C    Varchar2(15) ;
         LN$Pos :=  LN$Rec - (trunc(LN$Rec/LN$Max) * LN$Max) ;
         If LN$Pos = 0 Then LN$Pos := LN$Max ; End if ;
         If LN$Pos > 0 Then
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_LOG', 'true' );
              -- Add the new item --
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_NEW_REC', to_char(LN$Rec) );
              -- Set some properties --
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_LABEL', to_char(LN$Rec) || ',' || :EMP.ENAME );
              If :EMP.JOB = 'MANAGER' Then
                Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_FONT', to_char(LN$Rec) || ',Arial,bold,14' );
                Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_FGCOLOR', to_char(LN$Rec) || ',0,0,255' );
              End if ;
              If :GLOBAL.I > 250 Then :GLOBAL.I := 5 ;
              Else  :GLOBAL.I := :GLOBAL.I + 5 ;
              End if ;     
              LC$C := To_Char(LN$Rec) || ','
                   || To_Char(255) || ','
                   || To_Char(255-:GLOBAL.I) || ','
                   || To_Char(255-:GLOBAL.I) ;    
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_BGCOLOR', LC$C );
         End if ;
    end;When-Create-Record trigger:
         LN$N    pls_integer ;
         LN$Rec  pls_integer := :system.cursor_record ;
         LC$C    Varchar2(15) ;
         if get_block_property('EMP',TOP_RECORD) > 1 Then
              LN$n := :system.cursor_record - get_block_property('EMP',TOP_RECORD) + 1 ;
              LN$N := :system.cursor_record ;
         end if;
         If LN$N > 0 Then
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$n, 'SET_LOG', 'true' );
              -- Add the new item --
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$n, 'SET_NEW_REC', to_char(LN$Rec) );
         End if ;
    end;Post-Query trigger:
         LN$Pos  pls_integer ;
         LN$Rec  pls_integer := Get_Block_Property('EMP', CURRENT_RECORD) ;
         LN$Max  pls_integer := Get_Block_Property('EMP', RECORDS_DISPLAYED) ;
         LC$C    Varchar2(15) ;
         LN$Pos :=  LN$Rec - (trunc(LN$Rec/LN$Max) * LN$Max) ;
         If LN$Pos = 0 Then LN$Pos := LN$Max ; End if ;
         If LN$Pos > 0 Then
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_LOG', 'true' );
              -- Add the new item --
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_NEW_REC', to_char(LN$Rec) );
              -- Set some properties --
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_LABEL', to_char(LN$Rec) || ',' || :EMP.ENAME );
              If :EMP.JOB = 'MANAGER' Then
                Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_FONT', to_char(LN$Rec) || ',Arial,bold,14' );
                Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_FGCOLOR', to_char(LN$Rec) || ',0,0,255' );
              End if ;
              If :GLOBAL.I > 250 Then :GLOBAL.I := 5 ;
              Else  :GLOBAL.I := :GLOBAL.I + 5 ;
              End if ;     
              LC$C := To_Char(LN$Rec) || ','
                   || To_Char(255) || ','
                   || To_Char(255-:GLOBAL.I) || ','
                   || To_Char(255-:GLOBAL.I) ;    
              Set_Custom_Property('EMP.BT', LN$Pos, 'SET_BGCOLOR', LC$C );
         End if ;
    end;Don't forget to copy the multirecord.jar file in your /forms/java folder, then add it to the archive and archive_jini tags of your /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file.
    Enjoy it,

  • Dynamically change the db and server in execute sql task

    Pkg 2: Moves data from B_STG (Staging DB) to B_Det_STG (Staging DB)  ---- option1
    Pkg 3: Moves data from B_STG (Staging DB) to B_Det (PC DB)   ---- option2
    This part is duplicating in both the packages
    So they want me to merge both of them into in execute sql task and dynamically change between option1 and option2 depending on a pkg level variable.
    So, I create a pkg level variable called ExecutionVariable: 'ANALYSIS' or 'LOADING'
    If 'ANALYSIS' it needs to do option1 else option2.
    So, I ma trying to create a dynamic connection string in execute sql task.
    I change the connection property in execute sql task editor dynamically my giving the expression: @[User::ExecutionVariable] == "ANALYSIS"?  @[User::STAGINGDBConnectionString] :  @[User::PCDBConnectionString]
    which evaluates to : Data Source=AW-ETL-D1;Initial Catalog=Staging;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=sqloledb
    But when I run the sql task, its giving me an error: 
    TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
    Nonfatal errors occurred while saving the package:
    Error at PC_DataLoad: The connection "Data Source=AW-ETL-D1;Initial Catalog=Staging;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=sqloledb" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
    Error at PC_DataLoad: The connection "Data Source=AW-ETL-D1;Initial Catalog=Staging;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=sqloledb" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
    Can u please help me.

    Hi ,
    Don't try to make the "Execute Sql" task as dynamic.
    Try to make OLEDB connection Manager as "Dynamic".
    1. Create OLE DB Connection pointing to any database then set expression to connection string variables like below.
    Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=YourDBname;Data Source=YourServerName.
    2. Make Delayed Validation property to "True".
    3. Set the created dynamic OLE DB connection to your Execute SQL task.
    4. Change the connection string variable accordingly before running the "Execute SQL" task.
    Hope it will help you.

  • Changing themes of application in Flex 3

    Hi All ,below is my  mxml file , in which i am trying to change theme of my flex application by selecting the themes in combo box, but it is not working fine.Is there any bug in code ??? How to change the theme of flex application in Flex 3.. Plzz help...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
               import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.styles.StyleManager;
                private var cssLoader:URLLoader;
              private var cssRequest:URLRequest;
                public var cards:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
                    [ {label:"Theme 0", data:0},
                      {label:"Theme 1", data:1},
                      {label:"Theme 2", data:2},
                      {label:"Theme 3", data:3} ]);
                   private function closeHandler(event:Event):void {
                   if(event.target.selectedItem.data == 1){
                    cssLoader = new URLLoader();
                    cssRequest = new URLRequest("Alert.css");
                    cssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, cssLoaderComplete);
                if(event.target.selectedItem.data == 2){
                  cssLoader = new URLLoader();
                    cssRequest = new URLRequest("Alert1.css");
                    cssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, cssLoaderComplete);
                if(event.target.selectedItem.data == 3){
                  cssLoader = new URLLoader(); 
                    cssRequest = new URLRequest("Alert2.css");
                    cssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, cssLoaderComplete);
                 private function cssLoaderComplete(event:Event):void
                     var sheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
                     Application.application.styleSheet = sheet;
    <mx:Button label="Click Me"  x="337" y="148"/>
    <mx:ComboBox dataProvider="{cards}" id="themeCombo" width="100"  change="closeHandler(event);" x="308" y="205"/>

    Hi Bhasker,
    I work for big bank sector corp - Citigroup.,i am using themes to load themes dynamically using style manager class.i wrote a application which have 3 themes as a combo box items. when theme selected the look and feel of the same application's UI screen has to change. for the loading i used below mxml application. please advise me as need to submit this task today to implement all our project.it will be very gr8 if u can help me.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="
    library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="
    library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.styles.StyleManager;
    import mx.events.StyleEvent;
    [Bindable] private var themes:Array = [ "AeonGraphical","Spark","Halo" ];
    private function initApp():void {
    //Initialize the ComboBox to the first theme in the themes Array.
    themesCmbBox.selectedIndex = themes.indexOf(0);
    private function thmsCmbChangeHandler(themeName:String):void {
    themeName= themesCmbBox.selectedLabel;
    if (themeName!=null && themeName == "AeonGraphical") {
    if (themeName!=null && themeName == "Spark") {
    if (themeName!=null && themeName == "Halo") {
    private function registrationComplete():void {
    Alert.show('Thank you for registering!');
    private function clickClear(event:KeyboardEvent=null):void {
    if(event==null || event.keyCode == 13 ) {
    person.text = "" ;
    addr.text = "" ;
    city.text = "";
    state.text = "" ;
    zip.text = "" ;
     <mx:Form id="Themes">
    <mx:Label text="{'Themes Demo in Flash 4'}" fontSize="35"/>  
    <mx:FormItem label="Themes" >  
    <mx:ComboBox id="themesCmbBox" dataProvider="{themes}" change="thmsCmbChangeHandler(themesCmbBox.selectedLabel)" />  
    <mx:FormItem label="Person Name">
     <mx:TextInput id="person" />
     <mx:FormItem label="Street Address">
     <mx:TextInput id="addr"/>
     <mx:FormItem label="City">
     <mx:TextInput id="city"/>
     <mx:FormItem label="State">
     <mx:TextInput id="state" />
     <mx:FormItem label="ZIP Code">
     <mx:TextInput id="zip" />
     <mx:Button id="sub" label="{'Submit'}" y="100" click="registrationComplete()" />
     <mx:Button id="reset" label="{'Reset'}" buttonDown="clickClear()" keyDown="clickClear(event)" />
    and i given the compiler option: -theme=${flexlib}/themes/Halo/halo.swc,${flexlib}/themes/Spark/spark.css,${flexlib}/theme s/AeonGraphical/AeonGraphical.css
    i tried with locally project assets path, and framework path nothing work out. and added these themes in the flex-config.xml file also. please advise me ASAP
    Advance Thanks,
    Optional Information:
    Computer OS: Windows XP
    Programming Language: mxml/as3
    Compiler: flash 4.1.0

  • Dynamically change CAN message payload length in XNET

    It took me a while to figure out that when I send 4 bytes into the nxWriteFrame routine when it's defined as an 8 byte message in the DBC, that the message never makes it onto the bus.  Is there a way to dynamically change the payload length of a CAN message at runtime without stopping and starting the session again?

    Hi KavehV,
    It is possible to dynamically change the payload lengthduring RunTime but not without starting and stopping the session. In fact, all changes to the payload length, when done dynamically, is done to the copy of the database in memory as opposed to the one on disk, so whenever your application stops running, the changes are discarded. If you need to change the payload length, you would need to essentially do so before you create a session by opening the database, and modifying the copy that's in memory.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Dynamic change the ALV layout

    Alle experts:
    In ALV layout report, how to dynamic change the layout int ABAP porgram?
    e.g. I have save 5 layout, I need to change them base the my selection in ABAP program? How to do this?
    Thanks in advance!

    Try to call fieldcatlog dymnamically. Refer tofollowing code. Reward if helpful.
    REPORT  zfir0001 MESSAGE-ID ztax.
    TABLES : glt0, t001, skat.
                          Internal Tables
            racct               LIKE   glt0-racct,    "Account number
            txt20               LIKE   skat-txt20,    "G/L account short text
            co_1000          LIKE     glt0-hslvt,     "Balance carried forward for company code 1000
            co_1100          LIKE     glt0-hslvt,     "Balance carried forward for company code 1100
            co_1200          LIKE     glt0-hslvt,     "Balance carried forward for company code 1200
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab1 OCCURS 0,
             bukrs LIKE glt0-bukrs,
             waers LIKE t001-waers,
           END OF itab1.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_itab1 OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE glt0.
    DATA : END OF it_itab1.
                          Data Declarations
    DATA : w_total   LIKE glt0-hslvt,
           w_count   LIKE glt0-bukrs,
           w_flg     TYPE c,
           lv_count  TYPE i.
          w_slash   TYPE c VALUE ' '.
                          Selection screen
    SELECT-OPTIONS : s_bukrs FOR glt0-bukrs OBLIGATORY,
                     s_racct FOR glt0-racct OBLIGATORY,
                     s_ryear FOR glt0-ryear OBLIGATORY,
                     s_rldnr FOR glt0-rldnr OBLIGATORY.
      tit1 = 'Please select:'(004).
      TYPE-POOLS: slis.                                 "ALV Declarations
      DATA: i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
            gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv,
            gd_layout    TYPE slis_layout_alv,
            gd_repid     LIKE sy-repid.
    ********Geting the selected company code in table itab1****
      IF NOT s_bukrs-high IS INITIAL.
        itab1-bukrs = s_bukrs-low.
        APPEND itab1.
        w_count = s_bukrs-low.
          IF s_bukrs-high = w_count.
            w_count =  w_count + 1.
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM t001
              WHERE bukrs = w_count.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            itab1-bukrs = w_count.
            APPEND itab1.
            CLEAR itab1.
        itab1-bukrs = s_bukrs-low.
        APPEND itab1.
              WHERE rldnr   IN s_rldnr
              AND   bukrs   IN s_bukrs
              AND   ryear   IN s_ryear
              AND   racct   IN s_racct.
      SORT it_itab1 BY bukrs.
      LOOP AT it_itab1.
        AT END OF racct.
          w_flg = 'X'.
        SELECT SINGLE txt20 INTO (itab-txt20) FROM skat
                  WHERE spras = sy-langu
                  AND   saknr = it_itab1-racct.
        PACK it_itab1-racct TO it_itab1-racct.
        itab-racct = it_itab1-racct.
        w_total = it_itab1-hsl01 + it_itab1-hsl02 + it_itab1-hsl03 + it_itab1-hsl04 +
                  it_itab1-hsl05 + it_itab1-hsl06 + it_itab1-hsl07 + it_itab1-hsl08 +
                  it_itab1-hsl09 + it_itab1-hsl10 + it_itab1-hsl11 + it_itab1-hsl12 +
                  w_total        + it_itab1-hslvt.
        IF w_flg = 'X'.
          READ TABLE itab1 WITH KEY bukrs = it_itab1-bukrs.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            SELECT SINGLE * FROM t001
                WHERE bukrs = itab1-bukrs.
            IF t001-waers = 'JPY' OR
               t001-waers = 'HUF'.
              w_total =  w_total * 100.
            CASE it_itab1-bukrs.
              WHEN '1000'.
                itab-co_1000 = w_total.
              WHEN '1100'.
                itab-co_1100 = w_total.
              WHEN '1200'.
                itab-co_1200 = w_total.
            COLLECT itab.
            CLEAR: itab, w_flg, w_total.
      SORT itab BY racct.
      IF NOT itab[] IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM field_cat1.
        lv_count = 1.
        LOOP AT itab1.
          PERFORM field_cat USING itab1-bukrs.
        PERFORM display_alv_report .
        MESSAGE s000 WITH 'No records Found'(003).
    *&      Form  display_alv_report
    FORM display_alv_report .
      gd_repid = sy-repid.
          i_callback_program = gd_repid
          is_layout          = gd_layout
          it_fieldcat        = i_fieldcat[]
          i_save             = 'X'
          t_outtab           = itab
          program_error      = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
    ENDFORM.                    "display_alv_report
    *&      Form  field_cat1
    FORM field_cat1 .
      i_fieldcat-col_pos     =  0.
      i_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'RACCT'.
      i_fieldcat-seltext_m    = 'Account'(001).
      i_fieldcat-fix_column = 'X'.
    i_fieldcat-emphasize   = 'X'.
      APPEND  i_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  i_fieldcat.
      i_fieldcat-col_pos     =  1.
      i_fieldcat-fieldname   = 'TXT20'.
      i_fieldcat-seltext_m    = 'Description'(002).
      APPEND  i_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  i_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                                                    "field_cat1
    *&      Form  field_cat
         -->XV_BURKS   text
    FORM field_cat USING xv_burks TYPE char4.
      lv_count = lv_count + 1.
      i_fieldcat-col_pos     = lv_count.
      CONCATENATE 'CO_' xv_burks INTO i_fieldcat-fieldname.
      i_fieldcat-seltext_m    = xv_burks.
    i_fieldcat-just = 'C'.
    i_fieldcat-no_zero = 'X'.
    i_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
      APPEND  i_fieldcat TO i_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  i_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.   "field_cat
    Edited by: dhanashree wadkar on Apr 30, 2008 6:00 AM

  • Dynamically Change Ni HSDIO Channels

    I am currently using a PXI-6552 to generate and acquire I2C waveforms simultaneous.  I would like to know if it is possible (and how I would go about it) to dynamically change channels.  My goal is to just pass the two NI-HSDIO references (the purple variables) to a new subVI that I will create to change from 5 channels to a different set of 5 channels.  For instance:
    initalize PXI sessions;
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    Set channels 0-5;
    Run generate and acquire;
    Stop acquisition;
    Set channels to 6-10;
    Run generate and acquire;
    Stop acquisition;
    Set channels to 11-15;
    Run generate and acquire;
    Stop acquisition;
    close PXI sessions;
    Basically I need the quickest way to switch acquisition channels without having to initalize and close the sessions every time. 
    I am currently using the HWC functions downloaded in the .zip example from here: http://www.ni.com/example/31200/en/. (I also attached the two that are necessary for my problem).
    Init HWC Device.vi:  (also attached)
    Run HWC Device.vi:  (also attached)
    I believe the VIs I may need are Assign Dynamic Channels, Configure Idle State, and Configure Initial State.  However I am not sure if those are the only ones.  If it is possible, do I have to close the original channels and then assign more?  Or does re-calling "Assign Dynamic Channels" automatically disable all non-assigned channels?  Etc.
    The important things to note:  I am setting 5 channels at a time -- for both acquisition AND generation.   I need to close the channels and switch to 5 different channels -- for both acquisition AND generation.  All channels should be set to "z" state for high-impedance at all times.
    If you need any other information, please let me know!  Thank you in advance for any suggestions/assistance.
    If someone helped you out, please select their post as the solution and/or give them Kudos!
    Go to Solution.
    Init HWC Device.vi ‏24 KB
    Run HWC Device.vi ‏30 KB

    Through trial and error I was able to come up with a way to do this:
    If someone helped you out, please select their post as the solution and/or give them Kudos!

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