Dynamically scrollable html:textarea

Can someone please tell me how to make a html:text area scrollable and dynamic(rows are populated from DB). I am using struts and am populating in the jsp page using logic:iterate tags.

An HTML textarea becomes scrollable as soon as it's content spans rows greater than the display. This is automatically done by the browser. You need to specify how may rows the textarea should display ( this decides how large it will be, vertically ) and that's it.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.net.URL;
    import javax.swing.*;
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        public Tester()
            try {
                pane.setPage( new URL("http://www.amray.com/cgi/amray/addurl.cgi") );
            } catch (Exception e) {
            this.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(pane));
            JButton b1 = new JButton("Auto Fill");
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                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
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                        Component swingComponentOfHTMLInputType = c.getComponent(0);
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                            tf.setBackground( Color.yellow );
                            tf.setText("Auto Filled");
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            Tester app = new Tester();
            app.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
            app.setSize( 400, 400 );
            app.setVisible( true );

    Hi Jim,
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I've already tried that and although it does work from a visual POV, when you then submit the form the data in the JTextArea isn't added - it just says the field is blank.
    Although, I'm not sure whether it's not working due to the method I've had to use to add the JTextArea: -
    JScrollPane ta = (JScrollPane)swingComponentOfHTMLInputType;
    JTextArea oTextArea = new JTextArea();
    oTextArea.setText("Hello World!");
    ta.setViewportView(oTextArea);I'm not sure if it's not working because I've had to use .setViewportView(); rather than .add(). If I use .add() then no changes are reflected on screen and the JTextArea isn't actually added.
    Any other suggestions?

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    Why are you duplicating the answer after 2 days? The answer is already given. Just leave the thread as it is as long there are no unanswered questions from the topicstarter.

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    As I understand it, JEditorPane's version of HTML is 3.2. Looking in the HTML 3.2 recommendation I don't see "wrap" and "readonly" as acceptable attributes for Textarea.

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    Well if you are still interested in using a text component
    instead of a Button the way you would go about this is using
    textWidth. Here's how I've done it before using a text / label
    whatever you want that shows text.
    // => Set our text we got from database
    myText.text = "This is the text I got from the DB";
    // => Validate it so that way we make sure we get right
    // => Find out how wide our text really is.
    var textWidth:Number = myText.textWidth
    // => Reset the width of our text component and add 20 for
    a little buffer
    myText.width = textWidth + 20;
    Now my suggestion is if your going to be dynamically creating
    these on the fly from a database call you throw it into a method /
    class and have that do all the work for you so all you have to do
    is pass the text to it and it resizes itself based on the example

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    Any ideas?
    From the Macromedia documentation:
    Image tag (<img>
    The <img> tag lets you embed external JPEG files, SWF
    files, and movie clips inside text fields. The <img> tag has
    one required attribute, src, which specifies the path to a JPEG
    file, a SWF file, or the linkage identifier of a movie clip symbol.

    Thanks - your answer is exactly what I was looking for.
    I'm noticing that every swf I load via dynamic HTML is
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    My problem
    My front end is a JSP page that essentially contains a form (let’s call it form1). The reason it is a JSP not a HTML is because I will need to load form data from the backend and display them in the form. Once the user submits the form, it will go to a backend Java Servlet (let’s call it servlet 1), which loads data from files according to user input. Then, I will need to dynamically create a new form (let’s call it form2) based on the data loaded from files. Once the user inputs and submits form2, another Java Servlet (servlet 2) will do more processing. That is the end of line. Both form1 and form2 require Javascript.
    My question is that since servlet 1 will need to dynamically create form2. I naturally will want a presentation control. Instead of doing out.println(“html code”), I want to use JSP and write direct HTML code. On the other hand, can JSP be used as a form action? So basically, in form 1, can I do <form action=”…/xxx.jsp”> I think I saw something like this, but I lack the comprehensive JSP knowledge to know for sure. More importantly, if hypothetically JSP can be used, how do I handle functions such as doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response), which is used in servlet1.
    Thank you,

    no, servlets should not be used to generate a view, that is what a JSP is for. So let your backend servlet fetch the data, put it for example as attributes of the request scope (request.setAttribute()) and then forward control to a JSP that will generate the view, based on the information you stored in the request scope. That is the proper way of using servlets & JSPs; use servlets to invoke business logic classes, use JSPs combined with JSTL to generate the view. If you do it properly, you don't need ANY java code in your JSP.

  • Help regarding HTML Textarea in JSP

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    <TEXTAREA cols="30" name="<%=fieldName + template.getFieldId()%>" ><%=fieldValue%></TEXTAREA>
    When the form is saved with the text ' </Textarea> abcd ' in the textarea then the page if retrived after saved is scrambled.

    You will want to escape those nasty < and > characters that are in your text.
    Turn them into &lt; and &gt; in your HTML and you should be ok.
    (plug time for JSTL and EL again)
    Using <c:out > tag in JSTL automatically escapes these nasty characters for you, unless you ask it not to.
    Struts provides a similar tag I believe.
    Good luck,

  • ERROR USING HTML textarea with Java String

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    Later, I have a JSP thata retrieves that information from the database and put it as the value propertie of another textarea in the page so user can modify it if wanted, but I am having a hard time finding how to do so , because when I do the line:
    <textarea .....bla bla.... value=
    .....bla >
    and the some_string has more than one line ( e.g "\n" or "\r" caracteres ), I got an error when displaying the page. Can anyone help me with that please ???

    here's my codes again for reference. hope it helps to rectify the matter
    // edit.jsp
    String search = (String)request.getParameter("txtSearch");
    String parameter = (String)"%"+search+"%";
    String sSQL = "select * from tblArticle where Title LIKE '"+parameter+"'";
    try {
    while(Rs.next()) {
    <td width="16%" height="157" align="center">Article:</td>
    <td width="88%" height="157"><textarea rows="15" name="txtArt" cols="86" value="<%= txtArt %>"></textarea></td>
    // .....

  • Dynamic Text - HTML

    I have created a Dynamic text box and selected the "Render
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    bold tag to work, so in my test text box I have the following:
    Not Bold
    When I do a ctrl-enter I don't get an HTML representation I
    just get the text as it is pasted here. This is a new empty
    document and is using Flash CS3 Professional.

    I saw this tutorial, thouht it may help:

Maybe you are looking for