E print is asking for host name

model hp officejet pro 8600    Product #cm749a

Where are you seeing that ePrint is asking for a host name?
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  • HELP! my mac has logged me out and now asking for a name and password?

    I was logged on shopping on top-shop online and suddenly the mac shut down.
    It seems it has reset its self! My icon has disappeared and its now asking  for a name and password.
    i have tried my log in but it is not working.
    Is there another way to reset the password?
    can i reset it to log back in what can i do?
    I have rebooted the computer several times but i dont know what to do!

    First, make sure caps lock is not on.
    Another reason why your password might not be recognized is that the keyboard layout (input source) has been switched without your realizing it. At the login screen, you can cycle through the available layouts by pressing the key combination   command-space or command-option-space. See this support article.
    If the user account is associated with an Apple ID, and you know the Apple ID password, then maybe the Apple ID can be used to reset your user account password.
    Otherwise*, start up in Recovery mode. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select
    Utilities ▹ Terminal
    from the menu bar. In the window that opens, type this:
    Press the tab key. The partial command you typed will automatically be completed to this:
    Press return. A Reset Password window opens. Close the Terminal window to get it out of the way.
    Select your startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Follow the prompts to reset the password. It's safest to choose a password that includes only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9.
     ▹ Restart
    from the menu bar.
    You should now be able to log in with the new password, but your Keychain will be reset (empty.) If you've forgotten the Keychain password (which is ordinarily the same as your login password), there's no way to recover it.
    *Note: If you've activated FileVault, this procedure doesn't apply. Follow instead these instructions.

  • Entry for host name is missing or empty (Secure Store key: admin/host/).

    Hi All,
    I am in the process of installing EP7 on SLES9 and MaxDB 7.6 on a clustered HA environment where the SCS, DB and JC components are installed under and referenced by their virtual hostname (eg. sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME <virt name>).
    The SCS instance is installed, the Database Instance is installed and I'm currently in the process of Installing the JC and Deploying the EP packages. 
    During the installation, SDM is put into standalone mode and sapinst tries to deploy the package EPBC06_0.SCA where it fails and the sdm_server.err shows :
    "com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.TargetEngineConfigurationException: Cannot retrieve Engine logon data from Secure Store: Entry for host name is missing or empty (Secure Store key: admin/host/).        at com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.InQMyTargetSystemConfigurator.getLoginDataFromSecStoreInQMyTargetSystemConfigurator.java:286)        at com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.InQMyTargetSystemConfigurator.getEngineLoginDataInQMyTargetSystemConfigurator.java:197)        at com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.EngineStateServiceImpl.determineCurrentEngineStateEngineStateServiceImpl.java:53)        at com.sap.sdm.app.proc.deployment.states.State.determineJ2EEEngineState(State.java:97)        at com.sap.sdm.app.proc.deployment.states.StateBeforeFirstDeployment.getJ2EEEngineStateChangeDescriptionStateBeforeFirstDeployment.java:75)        at com.sap.sdm.app.view.proc.deployment.mapper.StateMapper.map(StateMapper.java:56)        at com.sap.sdm.app.view.proc.deployment.mapper.FlowMapper.map(FlowMapper.java:28)        at com.sap.sdm.app.view.session.AppViewUpdater.updateAppView(AppViewUpdater.java:22)        at com.sap.sdm.app.view.session.AppViewUpdater.sessionStateChanged(AppViewUpdater.java:18)        at com.sap.sdm.app.proc.deployment.impl.SessionStateObserversImpl.notifySessionStateChangedSessionStateObserversImpl.java:46)        at com.sap.sdm.app.proc.deployment.states.InstContext.processEventServerSide(InstContext.java:85)        at com.sap.sdm.app.proc.deployment.states.InstContext.processEvent(InstContext.java:59)        at com.sap.sdm.app.view.controllers.DeployEventProcessor.processEvent(DeployEventProcessor.java:11)        at com.sap.sdm.client_server.deployserver.DeployCmdProcessor.processEvent(DeployCmdProcessor.java:264)        at com.sap.sdm.client_server.deployserver.DeployCmdProcessor.process(DeployCmdProcessor.java:108)        at com.sap.sdm.gui.server.GuiAdminRoleCmdProcessor.processGuiAdminRoleCmdProcessor.java:72)        at com.sap.sdm.is.cs.session.server.SessionCmdProcessor.process(SessionCmdProcessor.java:67)        at com.sap.sdm.is.cs.cmd.server.CmdServer.execCommandCmdServer.java:76)        at com.sap.sdm.client_server.launch.ServerLauncher$ConnectionHandlerImpl.handle(ServerLauncher.java:286)        at com.sap.sdm.is.cs.ncserver.NetCommServer.serveNetCommServer.java:43)        at com.sap.sdm.is.cs.ncwrapper.impl.ServiceWrapper.serveServiceWrapper.java:39)        at com.sap.bc.cts.tp.net.Worker.run(Worker.java:50)       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:816)"
    The same problem occurs if I try to deploy this package or any other package using SDM in standalone or integrated mode. 
    configtool -> Secure Store -> admin/host/<SID> is the virtual hostname of the JC instance.
    I've tried the following to no avail:
    - Changed configtool -> Secure Store -> admin/host/<SID> to be the physical hostname of the box.
    - Changed configtool -> Server -> Dispatcher -> Service -> P4 -> bindhost (from to JC virt IP).
    - Changed the <Host> entry in sdmrepository.sdc from <phys hostname> to <jc virt hostname>.
    The SAPLOCALHOST, SAPGLOBALHOST all seem to be set correctly in the SAP profiles.
    Has anyone had this issue?  If so, what do I need to check/change?  Any ideas?
    Notice the message does not reference the <SID> in "admin/host", could this be related to the issue?  If so, what can cause this?

    Hi All,
    Just an update, I was able to get around my problems by patching the 2004s media from sp6 to sp8, uninstalling my scs, and database and re-installing from the patched media.

  • Have new Airport Extreme via ethernet cable from HughesNet Gen4 modem. Using NetGear WN3500RP extender. NetGear asks for different names for the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Most of what I have read indicats extender shoul have same name as main network?

    Have new Airport Extreme conneted via ethernet cable from HughesNet Gen4 modem. Using NetGear WN3500RP extender. NetGear asks for different names for the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Most of what I have read indicates extender should have same name as main network? How is it best to configure with the Airport Extreme router 802.11ac?

    Different names for the 2.4 and 5 GHz networks are optional, but can be convenient for you to distinguish one from another. It's up to you.

  • POP3 -Keep asking for user name & Password

    We have exchange 2003 server with Service pack 2. We have user who check their mails through   Outlook 2003, Outlook web access & some users are using POP3 to download the messages.
    Since last few weeks, we are getting the complained that when engineers are trying to configured users account in Outlook with POP3 configuration, its keep asking for user name & password. But with same user name & passwords user is able to check their mail through Outlook web access.
    In some of our site, users are able to download messages through pop3 account but this account was configured long back.
    Kindly advise.

    This is happening mainly when
    1. user changed his password through Outlook web access next time its keep poping up for password & it will not accept the new passord.
    2. if user is using  OWA & when we try to configured his mail in Outlool with POP3 .
    See if i remove exchange attributes from user's account & then delete the users from AD & Recreated with same  user name, Password & reconnected  to that user to his old mailbox, it;s work fine.
    POP3 is enabled by default for all the users.

  • Are Wildcards possible for host name in "no proxy for" setting?

    Our LAN requires a proxy for internet access. I need to bypass proxy for certain host names, as the proxy blocks many ports.
    Things work if I enter the entire host name. But there are many, so I wish to use wildcards in the host name.
    That does not seem to work.

    There is no solution for host names and wild cards as far as I know. That is why I showed how to do this with the IP.
    Does it work if you only specify the top level domain if you want to include other domains with the same postfix?

  • Dont understand what i should put down for host name for creating an email account?

    Dont understand incoming and outcoming server. dont know what to put for host name.
    can someone help?

    Do you have your email account set up on your computer e.g. on Outlook on a PC or Mail on a Mac ? If you have then you should be able to sync the settings from that to your iPad via the Info tab when connected to your computer's iTunes. Or you could just look at the settings for the account on your computer's email program and copy them over to the iPad manually.
    The incoming and outgoing server names are the servers that your email provider uses for your account to recieve (incoming) and send (outgoing) emails. A lot of accounts should be covered by the options that are listed on the 'Add Account' screen - for my Yahoo based accounts I just chose Yahoo! and the settings were set for me. If you have an account that isn't covered by those types then you could try logging into your account via a browser and see if they have any help for what settings you need to use. Different account providers have different settings, so if your can't find anything on your provider's site if you say on here who your provider is there might be somebody else here who has the same provider and can tell you what settings to use.

  • Aperture keeps asking for my name and serial number

    Aperture keeps asking for my name and serial number, but only on one of my Macs. This is a new Mac that I restored from my old Mac. It made sense to have to put in the documentation the first time, but the program keeps asking for it. Any thoughts?

    Be sure to enter the serial number, when you are logged in from an account with Administrator priveleges - otherwise the serial number cannot be stored.
    Aperture is installed for all users on your mac, so the serial number is written to the system library, not the user library; this requires read/write access for administrators. Do you enter your serial number using an administrator account?
    SInce you migrated your system from another mac, you still may have an older ProAppSystemID file or Aperture cannot write to the System Library.
    To stop Aperture asking for the serial number, first check, if you still have an old file "ProAppsSystemID" in your System Library.
    Quit Aperture.
    Go to your MacintoshHD and open the folder "Library", then "Application Support", then "ProApps".
    Remove the File "ProAppsSystemID" to the Desktop, if it exist and restart Aperture.
    Reenter your serial number, hopefully for the last time.
    Sometimes Aperture writes this file to a temporary directory, when it cannot write to the Library. If the above does not work, look at the temporary directory /tmp
    Use the Finder's "Go" menu
         Go > Got to folder    and  enter /tmp into the textfield. If you see ProAppsSystemID there, move it to its proper location in /Library/Application Support/ProApps.
    Aperture must be running, and you will have to wait a few minutes to be seeing the file appearing the /tmp directory.

  • When I try to install flash player on my mac, I get to the panel that asks for my name and password, and it will not take my password.  tried changing to a new password and same result

    When I try to install flash player on my Mac, I get to the panel that asks for my name and password, but it will not take my password.  Tried changing the password, but same result.  Suggestions??

    This password prompt is presented by your operating system, and is intended to keep you from accidentally installing software.
    If this is your personal machine and you don't need a password to log into the computer when it first starts up, you can probably leave the password blank and click OK to get past this prompt.  If this is your personal machine and your normal password isn't working, check to make sure that CAPS LOCK is off, and type the password carefully.
    If this is your work machine and it's asking for an Administrator password, well, you'll need to have a conversation with your friendly IT person.

  • Firefox asks for user name and password even though the proxy auto detection

    After upgrading Firefox to ver. 6.01 and next to 6.02 Firefox asks for user name and password of proxy server even though proxy settings are set to Automatic detect proxy settings.

    Sorry can't do anything more than offer support. We have been having this problem for months and support is clueless. Do you also have the migrating homepage issue? We can have 3 or 4 different homepage set-ups throughout the day. Between Verizon and FIOS, there isn't an employee in the corporation who cares about customer service. Since the failed email migrations dating back to Spring of 2011, we have had this login situation constantly. Our normal login count for a day is 12. We figure they are regulating traffic by having customers constantly login.

  • I am trying to print from my Apple IPad to my Inkjet 2542 printer, it asks for a password put

    I am trying to print from my Apple IPad to my Inkjet 2542 printer, it asks for a password when my printer is found, not sure what to put

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    Assuming you have installed your printer onto your home wireless network, your iPad Application is asking for your Wireless passphrass / password to your network.
    Reference:  HP Deskjet 2540 series User Guide 
    See Page 49
    Take a look at the following:
    Add Device to Printer
    You need the first part for Printer Software for your printer and you need "An App for That" in the Mobile printing section where you complete Steps 1-2-3.
    Skip all the parts in the middle having to do with ePrint and HP Connected -- your printer does not have ePrint so you don't need to worry about any of that.
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

  • HT204053 I am having trouble setting up icloud on MAC. In system preference it is listed as mobile me, it asks for member name and password. It also has a learn more button under "try mobileme for free". I am not getting anywhere

    I am having trouble setting up icloud on MAC. In system preference it is listed as mobile me, it asks for member name and password. It also has a learn more button under "try mobileme for free". I am not getting anywhere

    It's evident that you are using Snow Leopard or earlier (or very early Lion) since you have the now obsolete MobileMe preference pane.
    The minimum requirement for iCloud is Lion 10.7.5 (Mountain Lion preferred): the iCloud Preference Pane does not appear on earlier systems - the MobileMe pane appears on Lion and earlier but is non non-functional - you cannot now open or access a MobileMe account.
    To make use of iCloud you will have to upgrade your Mac to Lion or Mavericks, provided it meets the requirements.
    The requirements for Lion are:
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    Lion is available in the Online Apple Store ($19.99). Mountain Lion (10.8.x) is also available there at the same price but there seems little point as the system requirements are the same for Mavericks (10.9.x) - which is free - unless you need to run specific software which will run on Mountain Lion only.
    The requirements for Mountain Lion and Mavericks are:
    OS X v10.6.8 or later
    2GB of memory
    8GB of available space
      and the supported models are:
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    It is available from the Mac App Store (in Applications).
      You should be aware that PPC programs (such as AppleWorks) will not run on Lion or above; and some other applications may not be compatible - there is a useful compatibility checklist at http://roaringapps.com/apps:table
      If you are running Leopard on an Intel Mac you will have to upgrade to Snow Leopard to access the Mac App Store - it's available in the online Apple Store. However if you have a PPC Mac you cannot run Snow Leopard and cannot proceed further.

  • Printer is asking for a proxy port,how do i find that number

    my printer is asking for a proxy port number ,how do I find that number?

    Hey tomdenise,
    If your network is not on a proxy, you do not need to enter a proxy. Here are the steps you need to go through to resolve this issue.
    1. Find your printer's IP address by printing a network configuration page.
    2. Type you IP address into the address bar of your web browser.
    3. Click on the network tab at the top of the page.
    4. Look at the left hand side and click IPv4 under wireless.
    5. Change the IP settings to Manual.
    6. Enter the printer's IP address, your subnet mask, and your routers IP address or default gateway in the spaces.
    7. Set the Prefered DNS to
    8. Set the Alternate DNS to
    9. Click apply.(You may need to refresh the page if it says processing for longer than a min and click apply again.)
    10. Now try to enable Web Services.
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    If I have resolved your issue, feel free to provide Kudos and make sure you mark this thread as solution provided.

  • Printer is asking for an user acces code instead of windows login and password?

    I have been seeing the HP printers asking(LaserJet M4555 MFP, LaserJet 500 color MFP M575 etc) for user access code instead of windows login and password.
    One thing i have noticed  is that when this happens there is a slight change in the EWS page configuration at security -> access control.The device administrator tabe is unchecked as you can see below ehen this happens
    Have tried cold resetting the printer and restore facory settings but this does not works and some thimes it does works for a while but the issue is returing back.
    We do not need this access code promt instead we need the usual windows login and password that used be there originally.
    alsothis is how the settings look like after a cold reset somtimes when it does not  asks for user access code , the problem is cold rese does lways works and it reverts back ois original settings

    ‎Thank you for using HP Support Forum. I have brought your issue to the appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publicly post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with the Forum's private messaging please click here to learn more.
    Thank you,
    I Work for HP

  • On those site asking for your name, address, city, email address, this program would put that info where required. All one had to do was type the first letter or number of the info needed. Is this a Firefox program?

    The program would enter info for me. I only had to type the first letter or number of the info needed. For example, my first name is OSCAR. So, to enter this info in the box marked "First name", I only had to type in the box the letter "O". The program would then type OSCAR. I would then click on the name "OSCAR" and the name OSCAR would be entered in the box asking for my first name. Same with "city", "zip code", "last name", "email address", etc. Is this a Firefox feature??

    That feature would be provided by an add-on for Firefox. The most popular add-on of that type was the Google Toolbar for Firefox, which has been discontinued by Google for Firefox 5 and future versions. <br />
    There are a number of different '''"auto fill"''' add-ons that are available from other developers. Look at this search for one that meets your needs. <br />

Maybe you are looking for

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