E52 save web pages??

as mention above does e52 have this "save web pages"....function inthe nokia browser.

No, not "Save as bookmark" but "Save" (as in Nokia N82 OR N95). To be able to save web page for offline browsing.
Could this option be added somehow?
Or is it typical Nokia attitude "we don't care once you have bought our product"?

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              URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
              InputStream raw = uc.getInputStream();
              byte[] data = new byte[100*1024];
              return (new String(data));
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    < ! D O C T Y P E H T M L P U B L I C " - / /
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    your buffer may be big enough, but the wrong assumption you are making is that read() actually fills the buffer. It may read less data than that, as you are experiencing right now. The read() method returns the amount of bytes it actually reads, so use that information to keep reading data in a loop until you get it all. This link contains an example how to do that:

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    Hi bikicviki,
    Thank you for your question. I do not believe that the proper links have been updated to reference the newly saved file path of the local webpage that you saved.
    Can you please check the webpage content that was saved to see if there is an image stored in a folder? They should be. If not, can you please provide an example webpage and I will try it? I tried this webpage and did not have any missing images.
    Looking forward to your reply!

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    I'm not aware of such an add-on, but it might exist. There also might be a Greasemonkey userscript that will load the pages and fire the save.
    This thread discusses way to save pages once you have them loaded: [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/923234 How to save a website using firefox. | Firefox Support Forum | Firefox Help].

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    ride1992 wrote:
    You might try reading the user guide. You would be surprised at the information it offers.
    I don't believe that there is anything in the iPad User Guide about saving Web pages as Web archives which is what the original poster asked.
    With the current iPad Safari there is no way of saving web pages. Images on web pages can be saved and, of course, web pages can be bookmarked.
    To save web pages you can use another app like Goodreader. A URL in Safari can be transferred to Goodreader for downloading (add "g" before http).

  • How do I save a web page so that someone else can open it?

    Sometimes I want to save web pages as archives for future reference. I thought printing as a PDF would be the most widely readable format, but items on the page are often lost and I end up with question marks.
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    How do I archive a web page so that it is universally readable without losing any content?

    A web-link won't work because the particular page I want to send requires a subscription. The story about this particular page I want to send: four of us are planning a 7-day hiking trip through some Tasmanian wilderness, and we don't go unless the weather forecast is fine. I am subscribed to a weather website, but when I send this link:
    they don't get the meteograms (graphs of various weather aspects out to 10 days).
    So, I want to save the particular page and send it off. In general, though, I simply want to archive certain pages.
    In my limited testing it looks like:
    • Safari can't save a web page accurately;
    • Firefox can, but it generates a separate folder of files ( I would have to combine the two, then zip them, then email);
    • iCab may be able to, but I haven't tested it yet.
    I didn't think saving a web page, incorporated into a single file, would be so complicated.

  • Firefox v. 30 won't save a page as "Web page, complete" -- NEVER

    I tried to save a page as "Web page, complete" in v. 30. It used to work in v. 29. Now it never saves the original. It used to say in the Downloads list, when I did save a file, that it failed. I learned to ignore that, because the first time I would save a file, as "web page, complete," it did get listed in Windows explorer and I could open it up in Firefox and see it, looking close to the same way I saw it originally (some words are on a new line, and images are smaller).
    It is most critical when I want to save a list of the journal articles I download, along with images of the check off boxes having a check mark. In v. 29, they were there. If I saved the saved page again, after checking off more boxes, it wouldn't save it but it wouldn't tell me so, either. I would have to always keep an eye on the directory listing in Windows Explorer. I learned to just save it again, and it would be saved. However, now in v. 30 it NEVER saves the main htm page of this ORIGINAL web page when I save it with the option "web page, complete," but it does save the "_files" folder for ancillary images. I now have to save the original web page as file type: "files, all," putting in the .htm as file extension. I then open it up in firefox, and none of the boxes are checked as they were in the original. So I have to recheck all the boxes again and then save it as "web page, complete". This time, the "web page, complete" works, but clearly not on the original web page. The resulting file looks like the page that got saved with the "files,all" option I saved before, but now the boxes I checked off are still checked off. I get the web page back, but not looking much like it was originally, and only after a great deal of work.
    I am using Firefox 30 on XP

    I appreciate your thought on this problem. Yes, all journal database searches use the same algorithm but there is something in common to all which is not present in many other kinds of web pages, e.g. PubMed abstracts or pages with just an abstract, or blog posts or news stories -- the boxes to check off (e.g. to list all abstracts and citations for the ones you choose) and the listings of links to abstracts, pdfs, supplements, etc. posted with each article description (see searches by Oxford University Press http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/search and by Sage http://online.sagepub.com/search ). The links and empty check boxes get printed on the "save page" result, but any check boxes you checked off lose the check after saving the page as a "Web page, complete."
    That was not the case in v. 29. In most of the past Firefox versions, the resulting page saved does not look like the original one, because of the realignment of text and links. However, now, the functionality of those saved pages is seriously compromise. Worse, there are no images. I could tolerate what v. 29 did, but not what 30 is doing.
    I just found out that although the downloads tool window list of titles that appears after you tried to save a page always lists the attempt as having "Failed", you can succeed in completing some files when you click on its name in the list. Usually, as I said in the past, you just try again and it saved in version pre-28 (I think). But as I mentioned before you can't trust what the downloads tool tells you. In the past it actually finally, after another attempt, saved the page despite telling you it failed in that window. I click on the "failed" download now and it does download, but is missing any of the list of articles found on the original web page, so certainly, the result is not what you were aiming for with the "Save", "Web page, complete" choice. The main point here is that there are no check boxes, empty or filled at all in an attempt to use "Web page, complete" option in the "Save" choice for any journal database search. I can only conclude that "Web page, complete" doesn't work for journal article searches.
    The main reason for keeping a web page functionality in a "save web page" option is to be able to work on it offline. I can copy the information about specific articles I downloaded to enter into my own Reference Manager program, along with the relevant links. I can carry this web page with me to a university where I can download the article without having to run a search all over again, with the strong possibility that it won't give me all the same results as I just got at home, losing some articles I really wanted to get. Saving a web page tells me what I was interested in to begin with, which gets lost if the boxes I checked off are not in what I can save.

  • How do I save a web page as a .txt file?

    There is no 'save as'; there is no menu bar. The limited menu bar in the lower left of the phone does not cover this.

    AFAIK then the Firefox mobile version only allows to save web pages as a PDF file, so you won't be able to do this.

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